F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
Ok, so I bought the game tonight £37.99 from Sainsburys

Have just finished my first career race at Bahrain on expert, Legend AI, all aids off though I must confess to using auto gears and racing line. I also had the pit lane limiter and pit box entry set to auto.

I had it set to short race weekend and 20% race.

Qualified 12th in the Virgin with a 2.00.773 lap

First race attempt I pitted when the team instructed me to ( lap 2 or 3 I think ) and had a 17sec pit stop due to getting held up by waiting for every one else to leave the pits, as you can imagine wasn't happy restarted race.

Second attempt I ignored my race engineer and stayed out a few more laps, this resulted in a 4.xx sec pit stop. The good stop combined with some overtaking and probably a bit of luck got me a 7th place finish with a best lap of 2.02.7xx

The funniest part was Vettel finishing 13th after starting from pole, not sure what happened there.

As for my fears about the graphics I must admit I didn't have a problem with them, although I haven't seen the other versions first hand to compare, maybe graphics aren't really as important to me as I thought.

Gameplay is really what matters, Its early days so I don't want to commit yet but I found it perfectly enjoyable no complaints there. One major difference I found compared to F1CE is that I could actually catch the occasional slide. With F1CE I would drive close to what I thought was the limit but I was never really sure, all of a sudden I had went to far and the car would just snap. With 2010 I can feel the limit, feel the car moving more, I like that better.

As I said its early days, only one race , but so far so good :)

EDIT: Just read the Codemasters statement posted by livemusic, all sounds pretty sensible to me.
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Just did the Melbourne race, started on pole and finished 17th. :P I spun alone mid-race and crashed into a wall losing my front wing, which resulted in an extra pit stop.

To avoid the pit stop bug I called it manually a lap before of what my team had planned to do. It worked great but in the next lap they were calling me in anyway, and this continued lap after lap until I pitted again to replace my wing...
I hope the patch arrives in good time before GT5. I refuse to start the career mode without the patch. :indiff:

At least I have good fun doing single races.
Pendulum - Watercolour

Other songs include:

Zico Chain - Anaemia
The Qemists - On The Run
Delphic - Clarion Call
Goldhawks - Running Away
The Datsuns - Emperor's New Clothes
Sub focus feat. Coco - Splash
Chase & Status feat. Plan B - End Credits
Kids In Glass Houses - The Best is yet to come
Kasabian - Fire

Thankyou so much! I cant believe I didnt recogise that song, I was just listening to Immersion (the alblum) recently!
The bugs are real, the video being from Codemasters is not.

Either way, I found it quite funny. Unfortunately I think some people may think these are big bugs that occur often (why do I ever read Youtube comments ... *sigh*).
I only had to do one race to realise this isnt a sim! I was disappointed for sure because thats how they sold it! But in my opinion the best way to play is with a pad and auto tranny. You can have 'sim' setup elsewhere, aids off for example, but there is such a lack of feedback through my logitech that playing with a wheel is a no no. It just spoils it.

I think this is a very bad attitude Captain. EVERY racing game I've ever played has taken a while to get comfortable with - the graphics, the physics, the FFB etc. - they all vary considerably from game to game & it's not always obvious what the various strengths & weakness are at first playing. There's a tendency to focus on how the game seems to fall short of another game, rather than the ways in which it might actually be better, which often takes a while to become apparent. In my experience, the FFB of F1 2010, while quite different from F1CE's, & lighter than I would like, is not bad & actually seems to be superior in some ways.

No doubt there are some issues with F1 2010. Hopefully some of them will be addressed by CM. I suggest you give F1 2010 a bit more time before dismissing it out of hand.
Someone can't smell sarcasm over the internet.

You really are very clever.


I jumped back on GT5P last night to compete in WRS 100, oh my, the feedback felt dead, even with it ramped up to 10 (Simulation). Took ages to stop me slowly swerving cars down the straights.
It feels lame when your engineer tells you that Ferrari is readying for a pit stop while being a part of the Ferrari team yourself. And I was racing just behind my Ferrari team mate but he never stopped for tyres. There I experienced a bug first hand. :ouch:
On the case of bugs, in valencia i went into the pits after 20laps to change tyres, as i entered the pit lane, computer takes control..

Then the car somehow teleports outside the pitlane, and the computer is now driving my car into the pit wall from the track side, the car is just jittering around with throttle on up against the wall, lots of noise and damage being made. Engineer is telling me to brake for the pit box, which made me lol..

whole field passes me and the car just stays there jittering around under computer control, cant say i was pleased after havin done 20 laps in first place.
I love wet races! I started a pouring Monaco Grand Prix in 13th, had a good start and got up to 8th by Mirabeau and at the Grand Hotel Hairpin I cruised through to 2nd as the rest of the drivers, bar Webber (who started from pole), got caught in a pile up! I was consistently faster than Webber and finally got a passing opportunity at the swimming pool with 3 laps remaining (20% distance). I out braked him and had most of my car past him through the exit, but he stupidly decided he wanted to fight on a little bit... big mistake. Webber ended up taking himself out of the race and I went on to win by 24 seconds over Kubica. I'm very happy that my first career mode win came at Monaco in the rain no less!
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Finished my first race at Bahrain earlier, 50% distance. Started 10th, finished 15th due to a couple of spins. It seems far more even, pace wise, at 50% distance. Despite it's bumpyness, the new section of Bahrain is very driveable. On to Kangaroo land!


Also, is anyone else slightly disappointed there isn't some kind of stats profile for on-line? It's quite annoying that it is so minimalistic, especially given most of it will be stored on the server anyway. Not showing how much XP you get at the end of a race is a bit "meh".
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One thing that annoys me a bit is that you can't analyse your previous laps during practice etc. I'm sure that'd be a good feature, and also be able to see previous times for other drivers too.
Hey Guys, how many of you plan to still play this consistently after GT5 comes out? Im low on money, and need to stretch cash as much as I can. Thanks.
Hey Guys, how many of you plan to still play this consistently after GT5 comes out? Im low on money, and need to stretch cash as much as I can. Thanks.
I really like this game. It's a lot of fun and I'm pretty sure I'll keep playing it after GT5 comes out but definitely not as much.

As much fun as it is however, if you're strapped for cash and unsure whether you'll enjoy it the advice I always give my friends is just to skip it. You can always buy it later on if you get more money or really want to get it, thankfully games like this one won't go up in price.

BTW I was strapped for cash and I still bought it because I knew that no matter what I would enjoy this game, if I had any doubt I wouldn't have bought it ... I'm psychic :lol:
It is an awesome buy, but might want to wait for. Price drop, unless you have some games to trade in for it. To be honest its not worth $60, it's worth $40 for PC though.
It is an awesome buy, but might want to wait for. Price drop, unless you have some games to trade in for it. To be honest its not worth $60, it's worth $40 for PC though.

Not currently, but this game will be so awesome once all of the patches have been released.

I'm planning on purchasing NFS Shift tomorrow if they still have it in stock. If I see F1 2010 there, I'll buy it. It's bugged as hell, but seeing we've complained so much that Codemasters started planning a patch on the game's release date and with the lighting mod I just have to have it. Question is how smooth my laptop will run it.

It'll probably be an epic F1 game once the patches come along.
Anyone other than me having problems with an illegal blocking warning at Monte Carlo? I always seem to get it when being stuck far behind in a slow queue in the extremly tight hairpin between Mirabeau and Portier. It's only a problem on the first lap where the cars are driving close but is there any way to avoid it without driving out of the line?
I got the warning when Trulli had to queue behind me in the pits. I didn't recieve a penalty considering that I got about 4 warnings.
Wow now I know why I hate to buy and play games on PC´s... I have started the installation 20 minutes ago on my PC and it´s still on ~15%... It´s my second try because on my first try, after 20 minutes, I thought it failed and started the installation again... Damn how that sucks...

I bet after the installation the other trouble will begin... install newest drivers, install frame net and this and that... f....g PC games... never again...

How in the world can you make an assumption (based on someone else's experience) and then decide it isn't "good" enough for you? It's not a simulator, at least not a hardcore one and was never meant to be one. It's more a simcade than anything else. There's plenty of simulation aspects there.

I think this is a very bad attitude Captain. EVERY racing game I've ever played has taken a while to get comfortable with - the graphics, the physics, the FFB etc. - they all vary considerably from game to game & it's not always obvious what the various strengths & weakness are at first playing. There's a tendency to focus on how the game seems to fall short of another game, rather than the ways in which it might actually be better, which often takes a while to become apparent. In my experience, the FFB of F1 2010, while quite different from F1CE's, & lighter than I would like, is not bad & actually seems to be superior in some ways.

No doubt there are some issues with F1 2010. Hopefully some of them will be addressed by CM. I suggest you give F1 2010 a bit more time before dismissing it out of hand.

Well gentlemen, allow me to go ahead and endulge in some meaty humble pie!


I need to stick to my guns with regards to the simulation aspect of the game though. I think I was sold short by codemasters. I guess I probably got my hopes up while following f1's progress concentrating on the bits I wanted to hear. I was also fooled into thinking that the PS3 on which I'd be playing on would look the same as all the released screen shots codemasters had fed me. School boy errors and no mistake!

So,.. on first impressions I was genuinly disappointed. After everything I had read here I wasnt expecting the best game ever, but I didnt imagine it would be this bad!! I took a spin in my HRT (:P) and it felt horrible. We all know that the feel of a racing game is THE most important thing when playing with a wheel, and as Biggles suggested, I was used to prologue after all. There hasnt been any other game that I've played with the wheel either. To be honest at this point I was ready to return it... Lol, actually, I had gone out to blockbuster to rent it that night and take heed of Terronium's advice, but it was out, so I thought 'meh', I work hard for the money right! Anyway I decided to try again. I was watching my brother play it with a pad and he seemed to be having fun. He uses arcade settings and had the game on medium difficulty, but when i turned a few laps I started to come around. It reminded me of champ edition and I had an absolute blast with that game! I started thinking about my lines and apex speeds, braking points and sector times. Before all I could concentrate on was how good I thought this game would be, and my disappointment with it not meeting my expectations, so I swiped the disc back to have another crack.

Ok so when I got home I looked at my wheel for a good 5 seconds before deciding to plug it in! And then a minute or so later I found the wheel settings and started tweaking.

Well. What a difference a day makes! With my new wheel setup and a new mind set, I was out on track and having a blast in a jiffy. Its still not the simulation I expected, but it is F1. ... I like F1 :) All settings on 'sim, no ABS ASM etc, and difficulty set to expert (PC legendary equivalent)(oh!!.. I guess except for race length, which I thought of which 30% was just fine! ;)). I was fortunate enough to start off with Force India as my first seat, so I knew immediatly I was going to be challenging the midfield, which was nice. My target was to qualify 10th! I'm racing long weekends by the way so I spent a lot of time in free practice getting my setup just right. Free practice went great. Even though its probably not what I was expecting (you know what I dont know quite what I was expecting by this point) I was having great fun testing different car setups. The options for tuning although quite basic are actually quite deep. I do notice the difference out on track, and you can get quicker times if you tailor your car to the track. Maybe this game does offer a reasonable simulation experience. To cut that story short I ended up being quicker than Sutil in P3 by 3 tenths. Very happy with that. Not only because I beat him, but it seems on the surface that as good or bad as I am, the cars look to have similar pace, which will make the season very interesting! Q1, and I slot into 14th with not much effort. Prime tyres, lots of front wing, bosh! Q2 and things start getting a little tense. 3 or 4 laps in and I'm off the pace, still 12th and time for a new stratergy. Its worth noting at this point that i did all my testing on primes. I wanted my setup to be quick on those so I could really switch in on come option time! And option time it was. Turned my wings down for more speed and got a nice piece of empty track to attempt my final effort. Sector one, green. Sector two, green. Sector 3, has to be gr..ahhh **** puncture!! Argh! :lol: By this point, after 3 long practice sessions and two telling qualifying stints I was out of time starting in 12th. Still, not a bad first day in F1 I thought. Job done, pat on the back!

Then I get to the grid, and I'm 22nd!!! Whaaaaaaaaaaaa!! :crazy: Apparently, I picked up and forgot about two penalties in practice god dammit! There's no turning back now though, I'm poised in my grid box and giving senna my best evils! As luck would have it he made the first corner before I did and took out a few cars with him 👍 Nice one. Instant 18th place. I had decided to start on primes and go for the long stint, so I had a couple of tense warming up laps. When my tyres were warm though, I went on the offensive. Basically out in no mans land for a good couple of laps just chasing lap times, but eventually I caught fast traffic and had a brilliant 3 lap battle with Buemi. Overtook for position just two corners before he decided to pit :ouch: but was out in clean air again and pushing pushing pushing. Corners came and went and on lap 10, in the lead, it was time for a stop. It went perfect, and after an agonising pit lane speed straight later, I was attempting a pass on Button into the first corner. Thats right, I came out of the pits in 6th place. The first corner gained me position 5. On my fresh option rubber now so I took off a bit of front wing and I was flying! 2 laps into the final 5 and I got a whiff of Vettel. Lap 13 and I put in the fastest lap of the race!! Really baring down on him now, his tyres must be feeling the strain, his nerves shattered and his lap record smashed, I overtake, and just in time. Lap 14 and my tyres are going off. I've all but destroyed them chasing down Sebastien but Massa is in sight, and he's flagging too! Crossing the line to start the final lap and I'm still in fourth with a podium in sight. I really pushed hard to get here and my tyres really are feeling the strain, so I turn up my front wing and settled into a steady pace. Maybe I could of pushed the ferrari for some points but to spin it now would be a disaster. I took my fourth place, and felt a little satisfaction in that.

Phew!! You still with me? :lol: I went in to a little bit of a ramble there but well done if you're still reading! 👍 Have a cookie before we continue


Ok so by now you may of guessed that I'm loving!!!! this game. And all my points to follow are probably moot because of it. However I cant help but wonder if forth is a little too high to be finishing in my first race. Like i said earlier I raced on the hardest of hardcore settings this game will allow. Apart from the race distance. But all that would factor into the outcome would be attrition surely, so I could of achieved an even better result theoretically. Sutil finished 10th. Which sounds about right in real world money, so how did I place so high? I thought my strategy was better than the rest, and I guess I am atleast a little quicker than the AI around me, but dont forget, I started 22nd!!! Whats going to happen in Australia when I qualify in the top 12 without a 10 place grid drop. I really want to love this game. I do love this game, but will I start to become disappointed if my new gripe is the challenge itself? Maybe. Regular 1st places in my first season at force india seems a little silly at the moment. Is the difficulty under investigation by the bug police? I guess i just have to keep at it and see what happens. But keep at it I will, because despite initial concerns, I'm an F1 2010 believer!

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Awesome, my save corrupted. 👎

Starting my career again, this time in the Lotus.

Isn't it possible to find the save file on the C drive and back it up?

(Assuming you are playing it on the PC)
Well gentlemen, allow me to go ahead and endulge in some meaty humble pie!

Ha Ha! Good for you! 👍

I have to admit I'm still not sure what you were comparing it to. iRacing? F1CE? Surely not GT5P, because, as I'm fond of pointing out GT5P may excel in some areas, but it's pretty abysmal in others, like AI, & the FFB is nothing to write home about.

I'm enjoying F1 2010 so far, but I agree it does seem too easy on the hardest setting & I wish the physics were a little more demanding. I just ran Istanbul & the infamous sequence of apexes at turn 8 really isn't hard to deal with at all, whereas in F1CE it was appropriately terrifying & almost impossible to execute well on a consistent basis.

With regard to the graphics, I notice it does look "better" on my 24 " monitor rather than the 37" I usually use for racing, which is why it looks amazing in a 5" You Tube video! ;)

The replays aren't too convincing, but a big part of that is the odd way the cars float above the road surface, which is simply because the shadowing of the tires is all wrong. :indiff: