F1 2010F1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter MS7XWDC
Talk to your agent captain. Btw what team are you in ?

Force India.

When I talk to my agent she just tells me the team are happy with my qualy/race positions or how I handled the press. I dont have any options to ask questions or anything. There is one thing I wasnt sure about though... There's a disc graphic next to all the teams when I click on her. Mine looks like a pie chart, and every time I do well it fills up the circle a little bit. Is this related to R&D?
Mine looks like a pie chart, and every time I do well it fills up the circle a little bit. Is this related to R&D?
Nope - I'm up to Istanbul and I've successfully completed every R&D challenge so far, yet my pie is completely empty because I've come 24th, been DQd, had three finishes of 23, one of 22 because two cars DNFed and haven't said the best things in the interview.

Keep your team happy and finish well, and you fill the pie ;)
Not sure. I think it relates to how popular you are.

You do get a mid season review with your employer but I haven't reached that yet.
Interesting. Maybe once my team really like me they will give me the No.1 seat. It sounds like my brother didnt have to do anything though. I am driving alongside Sutil, so its not suprsing I'm not No.1. I guess if you join one of the new teams you have more chance of getting to do R&D.

I'll let everyone know if anything happens. Seems like its a bit confusing as to how you start off the process. I havent seen anything become available in the menu on my pit monitor though. Maybe Sutil isnt doing any research either

Haha, I've just upset half the teams because I said I'd be gunning for the WDC.

Oh Force India, please hire me. I've been performing consistently, reward me!
Just did P1 at Australia in my career driving for STR. It started with heavy rain, than stopped. I was fairly bad the whole session and wound up 4 seconds off the leader and finished 23rd. I did a R&D test to and easily beat the time though, they really set the bar low.:lol:

Will have to run some TT sessions before P2, which supposedly has a lower chance of rain.
Interesting. Maybe once my team really like me they will give me the No.1 seat. It sounds like my brother didnt have to do anything though. I am driving alongside Sutil, so its not suprsing I'm not No.1. I guess if you join one of the new teams you have more chance of getting to do R&D.

I'll let everyone know if anything happens. Seems like its a bit confusing as to how you start off the process. I havent seen anything become available in the menu on my pit monitor though. Maybe Sutil isnt doing any research either

The No.2 driver gets R&D tests too, it's just that the No.1 gets them first and they also get to decide what upgrades should be worked on. I think you have to consistently outperform your teammate and you will become the No.1 driver. It doesn't happen after a few races though, I think it happens at the mid-season review or at the end of the season.

If you check your agent and then click on your team and team biography it should say who is #1 and who is #2. If it does not state it straight like that then I believe you can just check the order your names are in at the bottom and they will be in order of [Team Bio, Driver 1, Driver 2].
I just did 1st race over on expert w/ no assists. only qualified 8th this time, but I finished 1st since I didn't spin out :P caught a few slides. Virgin ftw.


With regards to my earlier concern about R&D, i just started Malaysia and it was randomly available :) Must just be different for certain teams.

On a side note, i'm having difficulty unlocking a trophy: Well Protected. I drive in no other view but cockpit, from day 1!! How has it not unlocked yet?
R&D missions don't recieve them.

In P1 i completed the R&D objects. returned to the next Practise. iand i need it to do it again. same in P3...???
I do know that you have to complete the objective twice: once on the prime tyre and once on the option tyre. But I haven't come across a third objective yet...
Ran into a bug where I am playing online and am running on soft slicks. Everything looks fine from my screen, but my friends spot me and I have my hazard light on and am clearly to them on full wets. It completley dry out and I don't know why this happens. The handling seemed ok, but I was putting times like I was on wets...Very frustrating.
R&D missions don't recieve them.

In P1 i completed the R&D objects. returned to the next Practise. iand i need it to do it again. same in P3...???

You have to complete the R&D objective in all 3 practice sessions to unlock the upgrade. If you only complete the objective in say Practice 1 but then skip P2 and P3, then you won't unlock it and you will have to wait till the next race weekend (when the R&D option appears again) to try again.
Or as Bram says, maybe you have to run it on options and primes. You do have to complete it at all times it asks though, and you have to complete 1 lap under the time at least (wait for the target time to disappear and then return to garage and quit to paddock to autosave).

Ran into a bug where I am playing online and am running on soft slicks. Everything looks fine from my screen, but my friends spot me and I have my hazard light on and am clearly to them on full wets. It completley dry out and I don't know why this happens. The handling seemed ok, but I was putting times like I was on wets...Very frustrating.

Maybe to do with the live dynamic settings? You can alter the tyre settings as well as wing and engine, so maybe the tyre settings actually apply different throttle maps or something? Perhaps you had the tyre settings on Wets still, while having slicks on?
You have to complete the R&D objective in all 3 practice sessions to unlock the upgrade. If you only complete the objective in say Practice 1 but then skip P2 and P3, then you won't unlock it and you will have to wait till the next race weekend (when the R&D option appears again) to try again.
Or as Bram says, maybe you have to run it on options and primes. You do have to complete it at all times it asks though, and you have to complete 1 lap under the time at least (wait for the target time to disappear and then return to garage and quit to paddock to autosave).

Hmmm, interesting. I've had completed the R&D objective for the same upgrade (throttle mapping) in 2 race weekends, but in neither case have they been implemented after I have completed the objective.

I did receive a braking responsiveness upgrade, but I can't recall doing an R&D objective for it...
The brake responsiveness is a result of your teammates Development path decisions. You will notice if you look at the R&D page, the brakes will be unlocked under that. You get a suspension upgrade later too and you will be told its on your teammates car first (Monaco for me) then you get given it 1 race later (Catalunya).
So basically, as 2nd driver you do some R&D but not all of it. Maybe as 1st driver you always get R&D objectives at every race weekend?

I unlocked both slow and fast throttle maps by completing the R&D objectives in all 3 practice sessions at those GP weekends.

This is a major flaw I've noticed in the physics. No matter how sideways you are (read: completely spun out 170 degrees) just slam the brakes on and leave the steering centred. The car will always straighten itself out like magic :grumpy:

I've only tried this with all assists off but I've drifted 3/4 of the Bahrain straight doing it.

Ps, Traded this game for R.U.S.E yesterday.

I just started the Malaysian GP. In the RAIN!!! Starting from 11th too so, pretty much the whole of the first lap was blind! :scared: Very tense. Had to quit because I'm off to work soon, will update my progress as per usual.

R&D was successful by the way. I earned a new throttle map. To be honest I'm not noticing the difference yet. I guess when I know the tracks better and am more consistant I'll see the changes in my lap times.
I experienced the corrupted save data file and had to re-start my career from scratch. Still enjoying the game (with a month before GT5 arrives), but hope the bug fix patch arrives soon
For those that play with controllers, do any of you find that the cars are undriveable in the wet without traction control?

Qualifying in Melbourne in the Lotus was wet, and I must have spun out 6 or 7 times in 1 lap without TC, I turned it on full and I qualified on pole by nearly 3 seconds.
I don't use a pad but I'd imagine it's a nightmare.
Problem is that the pads triggers or buttons don't physically have the amount of travel to allow fine adjustments.

Just try to be light fingered I guess. (I don't mean steal something).
For those that play with controllers, do any of you find that the cars are undriveable in the wet without traction control?

Qualifying in Melbourne in the Lotus was wet, and I must have spun out 6 or 7 times in 1 lap without TC, I turned it on full and I qualified on pole by nearly 3 seconds.

It's a challenge but not undriveable. Just be extremely careful with the throttle in turns.
I'm sorry but the tyre punctures in this game are ridiculous.

Earlier today I re-tried my Monaco race 5 times because I always got a puncture within 3 laps of my pitstop, for 4 consecutive retries. I decided to try a 6th time just now and everything seemed to go well until I got a puncture on lap 22, 6 laps after my pitstop. I make a second stop and 2 laps later I get yet another puncture in the rear.

So far I've had at least 1-2 punctures in every race.

I'm sorry but the tyre punctures in this game are ridiculous.

Earlier today I re-tried my Monaco race 5 times because I always got a puncture within 3 laps of my pitstop, for 4 consecutive retries. I decided to try a 6th time just now and everything seemed to go well until I got a puncture on lap 22, 6 laps after my pitstop. I make a second stop and 2 laps later I get yet another puncture in the rear.

So far I've had at least 1-2 punctures in every race.


I'm not sure if it's been posted here, but if you turn off damage, punctures get turned off too.

I don't like playing without damage, but I certainly like it a lot more than having 1-2 punctures every race and finishing last. I just got too fed up with it, and now the game is incredibly more fun.
Two things.

It's possible to ram Lucas DiGrassi from behind and become beached on the tyre barrier.

And I rock. Even if it was an elaborate accident.
Be careful when rejoining the race, Danny! What happened? Did it reset you?

Nope, didn't offer a 'reset to track' option and I had mega magic time shift switched off.

So I was stuck there. Which I suppose would be realistic.

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