Female Racing World Championship?

  • Thread starter mustafur
Awesome to read one woman's perspective. Where's that Denzel "gif" when I need it?

Edit. :)
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Awesome to read one woman's perspective. Where's that Denzel Meme when I need it?
It's not the Denzel Meme but

But seriously, no softball in motor sports.

Edit: thanks 10801
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Awesome to read one woman's perspective. Where's that Denzel "gif" when I need it?

It is indeed slightly mind-blowing a woman seemingly fully aware of motorsports largely remaining a male dominated/female discriminative environment yet to offer support for a concept that represent, from where I stand, an utterly retrograde proposal. Perplexing, as I would imagine, combativeness would stand higher than testicles in a racing driver’s requirements list.

Anyway she has put herself into the spotlight with this kind of unexpected position, and will hopefully be able to further argue and share her fundamental motives...
I want to read any and all opinions from women on this idea. Us race fans won't know if it's an idea that is positive or negative unless women speak on it.
It is kind of revealing Bernie underlines the fact that "women for some reason are not coming through" at a time were female F1 associated drivers is possibly on an unprecedented high. Eventually this is already a sign of them being relegated to inferior positions...

From how I see it, Bernie realises there is money to be made from women associated with F1, and makes this proposal to create buzz, or to try and further cash in on women associated with F1. I don't see this as a relegation.

If they are capable of equal competition then yes it would be. It isn't because they don't play off from the same tee's. Again apple and oranges. It is not the same thing all.

Again, not playing off from the same tees is an arbitrary decision by someone who has decided in the history of golf that women are not capable of equal competition. Is that therefore sexist?

The only thing that matters is that there is no difference between men and women when it comes to racing a car. They are equally capable therefore separation is sexist.

You say there isn't any difference, but motorsport, like any other sport, is extremely physically rigorous. This puts women at an immediate physiological disadvantage to men, like any other sport.
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Seems you just betrayed yourself, madam.

By the way, is old lady Europe feminine enough to be entitled an opinion?

Hoping a progressivist's approach doesn't sound to patronising...:scared:

I can say my daughter will be a race driver when she grows up. Yet, she really wants to be a soldier. I can say it's a positive in my opinion, but won't know unless I get women's opinion on it.

By the way, if I were a woman, I'd prefer Ma'am. Thank you very much.
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From how I see it, Bernie realises there is money to be made from women associated with F1, and makes this proposal to create buzz, or to try and further cash in on women associated with F1. I don't see this as a relegation.

There seems to be a relative tolerance when it comes to commercial exploitation indeed...

By the way, if I were a woman, I'd prefer Ma'am. Thank you very much.

My apologies, seemed to be a respectful/polite way to address to a woman.

On the point of woman's opinion.
Again, not playing off from the same tees is an arbitrary decision by someone who has decided in the history of golf that women are not capable of equal competition. Is that therefore sexist?

You say there isn't any difference, but motorsport, like any other sport, is extremely physically rigorous. This puts women at an immediate physiological disadvantage to men, like any other sport.

First time I've heard that the speed of the car isn't the ultimate decider of pace, but somehow, down to driver fitness. It is not an athletic sport and women are perfectly capable of reaching the required level of fitness. As proven by the small number of women how have competed in other categories.
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You say there isn't any difference, but motorsport, like any other sport, is extremely physically rigorous. This puts women at an immediate physiological disadvantage to men, like any other sport.

Max Verstappen.
First time I've heard that the speed of the car isn't the ultimate decider of pace, but somehow, down to driver fitness.

I don't think it is the first time you heard that...because I didn't say that. Don't put words in my mouth.

It is not an athletic sport and women are perfectly capable of reaching the required level of fitness. As proven by the small number of women how have competed in other categories.

I really think I'm stating the obvious here when I say that the more fit a driver is, the greater advantage they will have. Like any other sport, the fitness levels don't just completely plateau once they qualify for a certain class of competition. Formula One drivers wouldn't undergo extensive physical training if this wasn't the case.

Max Verstappen.

It is not unheard of to see 17/18 year olds in premier divisions of professional male sports. They aren't going to be at their physical peak, but certainly as elite sportspeople would already be physically superior than elite sportswomen in their prime.

What a lot of rubbish.

Excellent reasoning, can't wait to hear more. 👍
They aren't going to be at their physical peak, but certainly as elite sportspeople would already be physically superior than elite sportswomen in their prime.

Then they should allow women in F1 to use steroids. Even the field out, strength wise.
Apologies, Kovalainen did the TGTT lap in the Renault F1 as the Stig. Hammond did indeed drive in that clip, to the best of my knowledge.
I was going to say, they had a camera in his face as hew was screaming like a school girl every time he touched the throttle. :lol:
From a purely theoretical standpoint - why not. This isnt really limiting anyone, as long as there is no affirmative action to draft women into f1 i see nothing wrong with it.

That being said noones gonna watch that. If i have time id rather watch IMSA or WEC or Formula E.
Or if i want to watch hot sexy women do a sport i'd rather watch beach volleyball or judo where women are actually skilled. I imagine im not alone in that.

That being said i understand perfectly that this is just Bernie trying to create some hype around F1. And on one hand thats a bit cheap and whory and on the other hand thanks to him for trying to promote the sport i love.
Regarding the men vs women vs max verstappen question, men have more fast twitch muscles than women, but women are supposedly respond better to fatigue(on average, outlier males still dominate any longevity sports - say marathons or ultramarathons). Fast twitch muscles usually reach peak at 24 and start developing at as early as 9. So in theory Max Verstappen could be as well conditioned as someone in their 20s.
So you guys would seriously be against this even if it was aimed as a lower feeder series aimed at propelling Female careers like a Scholership program they have in Developing Asian countries to bring in Emergring Talent, or even GT Academy where they only take people with strictly no professional experience isolating those that do but don't have money to go further.

I agree fully that having it as a Female equlivent for F1 is never going to work as race fans will see right through the whole thing.
I really think I'm stating the obvious here when I say that the more fit a driver is, the greater advantage they will have.
Up to the point when the driver can finish a race without losing much of the race pace before the end of the race. After that point, fitness won't be significant enough to decide the results over two drivers.