Female Racing World Championship?

  • Thread starter mustafur
No need to make a series that goes against Legros view everybody, this man is the voice of the Free Market and his guided wisdom is the voice of all the worlds ''Moneys'' in Motorsport.
And this is why I don't think you're very good at intelligent discussions. I'm just going to stop answering to these posts, before I lose too many brain cells.

By the way, there's only one me. No need for plural when referring to me.

Now, I'm done.
Wait. Are you saying that slavery is okay as long as it happens in countries that allow it? North Korea must love your opinion on this.
and Intelligence reeks from your ''I'll make your opinion for you'' argument.

Take the high road whilst your opinion is questioned, as an opinion.
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A woman only F1 championship isn’t an intangible frontier, it is a real-world boundary.

Feeders series to F1 already exist. What is the added value for it to become an adequate stepping stone? Do you sincerely believe putting women in “Parc fermé” does provide them the adequate source of inspiration to have them engage at large scale in motorsports?

Unsurprisingly, conditioning a woman’s participation in F1 to her being exclusively made of the right WDC stuff is already kind of a convenient way to keep them at distance somehow. Ultimately, wouldn't a single woman giving a decent fight in the middle of the masculine pack already be significantly more inspiring?
No one, including Bernie, said it was a women's only F1 championship. A women's world championship in a supporting role at F1 events is what is being suggested.
Looks like your good at reading headlines from Daily fail and nothing else, look at the link I quoted on page 1 and actually read it.

Hoppefully we can avoid a useless mud fight... It was a direct response to "No one..."

Obviously the Daily Mail are off track, they would not post Suzie put a thumb-up otherwise.
Hoppefully we can avoid a useless mud fight... It was a direct response to "No one..."

Obviously the Daily Mail are off track, they would not post Suzie put a thumb-up otherwise.
look, sorry for being a dick, but it's frustrating when this was covered in the OP.
I think women are more than welcome in any form of motorsport. I think the problem they have is that the general interest of women in motorsport is much lower that the interest of men in motorsport so sponsoring could be a bit of a pain to get.

L'Oréal or Michael Kors can't gain something out of car sponsorship.

A seperate championship would be a possibillity to attract more women to motorsport in general because they would be able to set it up in a more women friendly form.
GT Academy could be a stepping stone for female talent, seeing that there are a lot more girls gaming nowadays then when the NES was popular. I can't imagine that there isn't a single girl/woman in the world that can win an F1 race, now or in the near future.

Maybe PD should open up an all female academy?
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I don't get the forces in F1 being different for men and women. If women are top fuel dragster pilots and they can fly Air Force jets as well as orbit space, F1 is nothing. Women supposedly have quicker reflexes and are more delicate with machinery. All it takes is for a team to sign a woman to race for them. if for no matter how much money Perez, Maldonado, a 17yo's great-grandfather has, a woman would be just as competitive in an F1 car if she went through similar ranks as a man(Toro Rosso comes to mind).

A Formula One series for women is a positive.
The little research I have been able to find about differences in reaction time between males and females showed that on average, males have better reflexes. The research I found did however not make any assumptions about what the cause for this difference could be.

Maybe it's biological, or maybe it's because more males engage in activities that sharpen their reflexes? Even with a difference in average reaction time, top athletes, racers, fighter pilots and so on are not average humans. The gap between highly trained individuals could in this case be smaller than the gap seen between average humans.

I didn't read up on this for the purpose of this discussion, by the way. It was a topic that piqued my interest around easter last year :P.
I think women are more than welcome in any form of motorsport. I think the problem they have is that the general interest of women in motorsport is much lower that the interest of men in motorsport so sponsoring could be a bit of a pain to get.

L'Oréal or Michael Kors can't gain something out of car sponsorship.

A seperate championship would be a possibillity to attract more women to motorsport in general because they would be able to set it up in a more women friendly form.

What if Ellen showed interest or Oprah? Or a Kar-da-she-in(that's a bit ironic :sly: )? A woman with money or a female celebrity relevant today?

Any way, Betty Klimenko is a petrolhead. She lives her GT3 SLS' and her V8SC E63s. The V8 program gets no love, but her GT customer relationship is good. I wonder if she would put her hand up for something like this. Like I mentioned, what type of formulae? Full petrol no hybrid? Hybrid power? Engine size? Closed wheel cockpit?
I think the women should just move up through the feeder programs. Vicki Golden is doing it in Supercross (*slightly* more physical demanding.) She hasn't made the night show yet but she's getting close. No softball in motor racing.
The little research I have been able to find about differences in reaction time between males and females showed that on average, males have better reflexes.

Source? Reflex is generally a conditioned response as compared to reaction which is innately nervous. Reflex (as I understand it) is therefore to do with training/experience. An example would be reading your opponent's movements in tennis, or on the apex of a corner etc.


I see whutcha did there :D
I might have inadvertently interchanges those two words. Reflex would be the thing that happens if you put your hand on a hot stove and immediately retract it, while reaction time would be for stuff that actually was processed by your brain first. At least that's how we use those two terms where I live.

It's a year since I read up about it and I can't remember where I found it at all. I won't hold it against you if you don't take my word for it.
So I've read that so far, Both Michele Mouton AND Susie Wolff aren't for this. If I'm honest, I kinda can see why. Some might not see it this way, but I think this series wouldn't really mean much. "She wins the Female Racing World Championship" just doesn't sound nearly as barrier breaking as "She becomes the first Female Formula One World Champion" and I'm pretty sure racing a grid of Females does not have the same appeal as racing against the likes of Alonso, Button, Vettel Hamilton or Raikkonen.
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And there goes gender equality.

This is a ridiculous argument. How is it different to every other sport that has male and female divisions? There isn't, to my knowledge, a sport where the standard of the women's competition is equal or superior to the men's competition.
Sewing, hair dressing and shopping...

more seriously:

Michèle Mouton
"Motor port is just one of three sports, including sailing and horse-riding, where men and women compete alongside one another with the same rules and classifications. This level playing field provides a real indicator of performance and pushes athletes to be the best in the world, regardless of gender."
This is a ridiculous argument. How is it different to every other sport that has male and female divisions? There isn't, to my knowledge, a sport where the standard of the women's competition is equal or superior to the men's competition.
Netball but that is a female only professional sport from knowledge.
Sewing, hair dressing and shopping...

more seriously:

She could argue that. But if it is a healthy sport then people strive to be the best anyway. See Women's Tennis, which is the most prominent female sport, for instance.

Noone has suggested that women shouldn't have the right to compete with the men in F1 if they're good enough.

Realistically I don't see this championship happening - Bernie is very good at generating media attention for F1 with left-of-field proposals that rarely come to fruition.
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Apples and oranges mate.

In a sport where there is a clear physical difference making equal competition impossible (Tennis) you have to have separate competitions.

In sports that have no demonstrable difference (Motor racing) then running a separate ladies only category is pure and indefensible sexism writ large.
Apples and oranges mate.

In a sport where there is a clear physical difference making equal competition impossible (Tennis) you have to have separate competitions.

In sports that have no demonstrable difference (Motor racing) then running a separate ladies only category is pure and indefensible sexism writ large.

All sports require different balances of physical attributes and skill levels for success. You are drawing an arbitrary line when you are deciding what sports should be segregated and what should not. Golf relies less on physicality than Tennis, is having male and female segregation in Golf tournaments therefore sexist?

I'm afraid this latest "proposal" and context kind of suggests this is hardly the case...

"We have to start somewhere so I suggested to the teams that we have a separate championship and maybe that way, we will be able to bring someone through to F1."
If they are capable of equal competition then yes it would be. It isn't because they don't play off from the same tee's. Again apple and oranges. It is not the same thing all.

The only thing that matters is that there is no difference between men and women when it comes to racing a car. They are equally capable therefore separation is sexist.
It is kind of revealing Bernie underlines the fact that "women for some reason are not coming through" at a time were female F1 associated drivers is possibly on an unprecedented high. Eventually this is already a sign of them being relegated to inferior positions...
So she isn't really a dumb blonde after all.The only way she will ever start a F1 race is in Grandpa Bernie's powder puff league and she knows it.