Has anyone who complains about fast food quality and/or workers' wages ever, I dunno, worked a fast food job full-time?
I did throughout high school. I still work at a bar, though certainly not full time. I make roughly the server minimum wage (which is $9.55 up here), plus tips. Tips skew things however: minimum wage in the kitchen is $11.
I don't feel bad for the 52 year old Subway worker mentioned in the article a few pages back. His rent is less than mine, his pay is almost the same dollar amount (ignoring how poorly the CDN dollar is doing right now, since it doesn't matter for this situation), and the cost of living is generally lower in the US. Living in downtown Toronto is certainly comparable to Manhattan - food is cheaper in the States, and taxes are lower.
I can more than comfortably afford my rent, food, and my smart phone (which, despite your suggestion, is certainly not a requirement, even for a freelance graphic designer. Oh, and it's far more expensive here).
He is making more than enough for exactly what you said: a roof over his head, and food. Are restaurant jobs hard? No. They're busy, they can drain you, but they don't require any particular skill set.
You can make fun of it all you want and call it an easy job, but it's really not. Customers complain about the pettiest things ever.
That is not unique to fast food.
There is no sitting down on the job.
That is most certainly not true.
If you currently sit in a chair all day and get paid for it, YOU have an easier job.
I bring people their food, pour beers, shake cocktails, and occasionally have to pretend I know something about our wine list. My girlfriend just recently got a promotion at work, where she makes a useful $500/month (or so) more than I do. She's in charge of roughly 1600 patients across three provinces, dealing with 18 different nurses ensuring that people (that often make less than minimum wage) can get access to life-saving medication. Literally life and death.
But, she does it from a chair in front of a desk. Lazy, amirite?
I'm so sick of people talking down to people who are trying to make an honest living. If you work 40 hours a week, you deserve a roof over your head and a full fridge. This isn't the 1800s.
I agree, they do deserve those things. Nearly doubling the minimum wage will ensure that, in short order, more people will not have them.
If fast food wasn't an important job deserving decent pay, why are millions of people eating it every single day across the globe? If you want fast food workers to make less money, stop eating fast food. Go to Red Robin instead and get a GOOD burger.
Nobody wants them to make
less money. You'll probably find it's more that people are concerned about crippling the economy by massively over-paying a large percentage of the workforce for no discernible reason.
And also, television commercials are designed entirely to make the product seem better than it is. If you watch commercials expecting the reality to live up to how the product is presented on television, you're going to have a bad time.
There are advertising standards in both of our countries, and fast food has long occupied a very grey area of them. Other food ads are guilty of glamming up their products, sure, but not nearly as bad as fast food.
The last time I went to a fast food place, I ordered this:
What I got was a smooshed bun, a smear of mayo that was equally applied to the wrapper, an awkwardly-cut end piece of tomato (you know, that weird slivery-plastic type, always with the butt), and one solitary, despondent piece of yellow-white romaine. But hey, the fries were good, and dipping them in a Frosty is still a great combo...
Woops, got carried away. The point: fast food workers are already doing work at such a sub-par level to what is advertised that getting a massive pay raise won't help that. Not that many of them will actually see the pay raise, since the companies will have to lay a bunch of them off to afford these new wages.
I still don't understand how anyone with a job can possibly be lazy. You want to know what lazy is? Not working.
I take it you've never experienced a union worker.