I would say the lack of answers in any of the interviews I have watched..
Believe it or not I'm not part of the PC2 crew.. I learned of this forum through NFS 15. This has since become my favorite place in the interwebz.. cars and games and more cars..
I am a member of forza forums and have quit logging in there. So really, if anything I would be part of the Forza crew that jumped ship. I do pay attention to all the games tho.
The same goes for me. My list of racing games is quite extensive:
PS3 - GT5 & GT6
XB1 - FM5, FM6, FH1 (backw. compat.), FH2, FH3, PC, AC, F1 2016, Dirt Rally, Dirt 4, The Crew, NFS 2016. Does World of Tanks count too? :-)
I actually bought my XB1 2 years ago in anticipation of FM6 after GT6 was aging and Polyphony went dorment. Meanwhile the FM6 presentations looked amazing. First game I bought July 2015 together with the console was FH2 and my God this was insanely fun. I was even looking forward to FM6 a lot more since people kept telling me FH2 was the arcade game and FM6 was the sim. I enjoyed the game a lot at first, until you want to immerse yourself more in it as a sim and you run into these arcade-ish shortcomings like no real car classes, a fantasy PI system, rewind buttons, people playing with controllers in chase cam dominating, etc etc. I even bought FM5 as well to check it out and whoops, these 2 games felt exactly the same. Fast forward to FH3 I really liked that again. FH3 felt "family" of FH2 but it had enough new content to be called a new game IMO. Meanwhile looking at FM6 I wonder why it was even a new title, could just as well have been named FM5.1 because apart from new tracks and cars, these game are virtually identical (even though I did appreciate the FM6 UI though, much better than FM5).
After I got bored with FM6 (a good half year after its release) I got Dirt Rally and Project CARS and those 2 games made me realize that what I am looking for in racing games (realism and immersion) is not to be found in Turn 10's games. I felt a bit cheated on that I got tricked in 2015 believing that FM was a realistic sim series. But I don't regret having played it, now at least I know first hand what it's about and that it's not my thing.
But it's a game that has it's place though. Kids that start with racing games probably end up with games like NFS, FH and The Crew at first. If they become more interested in motorsports and circuit racing the FM series sure is a nice stepping stone. But if you really want to dig yourself into the simulation of motorsports then it's really shortcoming.
Did I expect that FM7 would have been announced to be converted to a sim at E3? Absolutely not. I know where the game situates itself on the market. But I would have hoped that the game would at least start leaning a little bit more towards realism with realistic car classes, limitations to the PI system, that assists like transmission, ABS, ESP etc would not be global settings but that you could choose "real" there like in about every other game, that the handling model would have been improved, that there would be seat/FOV adjustments. But no, instead the game seems to be focussing on things which are IMO irrelevant like these 300 driver suites? I mean comon... just a dozen of them to realistically represent motorsports throughout the years would have been sufficient. I honestly really feel that Turn 10 is stagnating, they just start from FM6 is and they add some fluff like 4K, driver suites, auction house, etc that has little or nothing to do with the core of a racing game - the racing and handling model itself. And at the same time GT:S is a major improvement over GT6 (albeit 2 years too late

) and PCARS2 has a ton of improvements over PCARS 1 as well, and those are improvements that actually really do matter (livetrack 3.0, new drivetrain model, new tyre model, improved controller settings, ...)
For the 3 big games coming out this fall I really feel SMS and PD are working hard to make their games the best they can while Turn 10 is just taking the backseat, copy/pasting FM6 into FM7, add some cars and tracks, and some irrelevant fluff. That is absolutely and honestly 100% how I feel about them.
Looking forward to FH4 in a year though since Playground does seem to be making better games with Turn 10's own Forzatech engine.

And that's also 100% honest, even though I prefer sim racing and realism, those FH games are an absolute blast to play as well.