- 1,179
- VYPA-SQUAD_Ace/YungThugga08
Since I am faster than you in the same car with no TCS on, does that mean what I say carries more weight than what you have to say?
Or does being faster than you make me an amateur like my friend Raceboy?
I really like how you have picked a track with one of the smallest player sample sizes going in the game, and all in an effort to show how good you are; just 12159 people have set a time on Nurburgring full in the wet. So much fluff just to build yourself up more than others in here, to discredit what they have to say because by making it seem like you are better than them. The really interesting thing here, is how much you are up talking Project cars 1 and 2 (especially the newer title). Seemed like you had a really big sore spot 2 years ago when you got banned from the Project cars forum for such gens as this -
"yeah, and that way we can have a completed game at release and not have to wait until close to the sequel in order to see some top notch DLC content.
But hey, why would they do that if millions and millions are going to buy the game anyway; even if the cars are missing tires lolz."
What surprises me most however, is just how much of a defender you where of Forza over on that forum -
"Many people here are using forza6 demos and youtube videos to make inaccurate comparisons. However I think they will be surprised when the game is released; Forza will not go down without a fight imo. forza 5 was a disappointment and i'm sure they know this. Do you really think turn 10 is going to make the same mistake this time around? After a very long history of pleasing racing fans? I think not.
Representatives here can paint a bland picture of forza all they want in order to discourage potential interest in that game; BUT If you are sleeping SMS, Forza6 will take your spotlight; Believe That. "Drops Mic" "
My personal favourites however, was how you would attack other forum users for such things as wanting a host kick ability on rooms they hosted -
"Umer Ahmad, Bealdor, so nice to see you both come dropping in. Anyway, some people want to see clean races, but some people crave for power, dictating power in using heavy hands to cast away any deviant from the group. Now, obviosly SMS created private lobbies to satisfy those needs for you. But no, you two want to extend your special kicking privileges into the public. But I believe no! your special host kicking powers ends right here, in the pcars forum, where it belongs, "private".
Btw: most gamers are not interested in your authority, who cares how strick you run a lobby? You just might find yourself dictating a lobby with no members but yourself. "
Or how on the Forza forums you starting ranting and raving about how all PC gamers are cheaters -
"I'd rather have the option to block pc users and have Xbox only. Too many pc cheaters using hack programs like "trainer" to get an online advantage. I know they got banned but they are constantly finding ways to sneak around the hammer. I just can't be at ease with that. This is the main purpose I choose consoles to play multiplayer without hackers. I know PlayStation would not allow such a thing. Seems to me Xbox is being too loose with protecting online gaming quality allowing cross play for a signature game like forza. Mark my word, they will discover some cheaters in forza 7, coming directly from pc hackers. If this happens the quality of forza will drop significantly especially if they manage to hack the leaderboards because it could not be used for serious competition it will be a game like Gta, just for kicks and giggles imo."
Oh, but must not forget that just under a month ago; you was defending Forza 7 like a trooper -
"Listen folks, forza knows gran turismo is also around the corner. Although different consoles, they have been battling for years. I seriously doubt forza 7 will disappoint. With all this slow start and download requirements and stuff. but eventually the download will finish and we will be up and playing. I bet once everyone has finished downloading the game it is going to be like Christmas in here, empty forum and all will be playing with their presents hehe."
Personally, I get the impression that you are just around here to troll. I have to wonder what other forums you are on (or been banned from) for inciting the sort of arguments that you have in the past, slating one game over the other, attacking other forum users. Dropping out "facts", which are nothing but pure unfounded hyperbole.
Hell, I am going to most likely get into trouble for this post. But honestly, the staff and users of this forum need to know you have form for this sort of behaviour.
I'll bet a year's worth of Premium no one on T10's staff thinks that. You're grossly exaggerating something that isn't even unique to their game.hey vypa squad I meant that symbolically, I know it seem like I'm stepping into a Mets game wearing a yankees hat. I do think some people out there want loot boxes and clown suits but I fear those are the same ones that would crash me to the outfield on the first corner for no reason and laugh about it. if I wanted to play mario kart bumper cars I would go buy the nintendo. You see Forza wants everyone to "have fun together" "yippee!" including the rammers, corner cutters or careless racers that don't want to play by the rules.
Of which neither stops people from "ramming, corner cutting, or being careless races".On the other hand. PC2 wants you to "use a wheel" and for noobs to get busted/totaled on the track and sent back to the pitbox if they don't know what they are are doing. GTS wants you to sit up and learn proper racing, be passionate, polite and enjoy the beauties of the game.
I'll bet a year's worth of Premium no one on T10's staff thinks that. You're grossly exaggerating something that isn't even unique to their game..
Ialarn, yes I will stand behind a racing game if I feel it is going in the right direction for me, and vice-versa if it is not.
It has nothing to do with all this you are conjuring up as trolling.
yes, forza6 stole me from PCARs1, pcar2 has certainly satisfied me beyond forza6, Admittedly I was interested in forza7 until GTSP demo stepped into the scene.
Ialarn, I think I know who you are, where you that poster from Pcars1 that conspired a secret mission to crush the next Forza7 that comes out?
reason i say; you speak of some treads that have been archived and closed a long long time ago in cars why don't you bring the content that was in those threads to light? instead of trying to make a topic about me.
And if you want to talk about trolling, I think the trollers are the ones who wear different user names everywhere they go. so they can hide, trolls like to hide under bridges. I'm not sure if i remember your user name in project cars. Ahmad, Bealder, are you still there?!?
Then some game developer named Slightly Mad introduced Project Cars 1 to me. The game was interesting but fell flat on its face with too many bugs and unplayable with the controller. So, the King kong Forza 6 came along and stumped the already crippled Project cars 1 further into the ground. project cars 1 had potential but they procrastinated too long to fix the game; making players angry. Forza 6 couldn't have came at a better time; I even went to pcars forum and laughed so hard about it they kicked me out of the forum and banned that account; I'm still laughing about it lol.
Be a bit difficult to know me from the Pcars forum, have 0 posts on that forum. I was always a lurker over on that forum. You may have seen me around the official forza forums though, I am a frequent poster over there. Usually spend my time trying to help people who are having issue, or in the drift lounge, and I have used the same name online for almost a decade.
Thankfully I am not an unknown around here, so your attempt at deflection with an insinuation that I change my user name in an effort to troll others, is just more of your unfounded and nonfactual hyperbole.
Also, posting up the content of those threads from the other forums isnt needed; since you pretty much admit that you like to go around and troll forums of games you have fallen out of love with -
Must say, bravo for clearly informing everyone of your very intentions when you first started to post in this thread though.
Edit: Just to make sure there is no confusion here over my forum name over on the Pcars forum -
Right, I'm sure their intention wasn't to make someone miserable. but other games have employed a safety rating system.I'll bet a year's worth of Premium no one on T10's staff thinks that. You're grossly exaggerating something that isn't even unique to their game.
Of which neither stops people from "ramming, corner cutting, or being careless races".
Once again, this argument of online play can not be restrained as a fault to one game. You can encounter these people anywhere.
the "Forza king is here" was real funny wasn't it. and I'm still laughing about it. I was really hoping forza 7 could do the same. but hey, its not too late imo.
but i hope you could see through all of this that I'm not a hater of the project cars games in general, just obviously not a fan of the broken one pcars1 but I do support pcars2 not perfect but playable.
PC1 wasn't broken. It might have been extremely hard for you to race in the beginning with a controller, but it wasn't broken.
I have videos where I raced using a controller and actually won online. So, to me, it wasn't broken.
PC1 wasn't broken. It might have been extremely hard for you to race in the beginning with a controller, but it wasn't broken.
I have videos where I raced using a controller and actually won online. So, to me, it wasn't broken.
Again, it's still not going to stop someone who wants to ram or race dirty. The most games can do is try to keep those people grouped together, but it'll never stop these people if they want race unsportsman-like.Right, I'm sure their intention wasn't to make someone miserable. but other games have employed a safety rating system.
Again, it's still not going to stop someone who wants to ram or race dirty. The most games can do is try to keep those people grouped together, but it'll never stop these people if they want race unsportsman-like.
I have already read a thread in the GT: Sport forum that complains its penalty system is unfair as a person who gets rammed from behind gets penalized with the rammer, because the game can't determine fault.
...even easier, you don't need to win, you'll get around 55k per 10mins.
- Go to Arcade mode
- choose Custom race
- choose Northern Isle Speedway
- then you take Mazda Roadster (N100)
- you make race to have 2 cars, set yourself to be second, pull all the options so you get more credits
- important is that you set to endurance and make it 10 minutes
- make an opponent to be Gr.1 and Professional level
- after that, just start the race
- for you, just drive up until start/finish, and not cross it, pull e-brake and go make coffee
- when Gr.1 AI finishes (10 min later), you just cross start/finish and viola, bling bling...
And if you wanna learn to drive good, set all to max credits, but put N300 Professional level, 20 cars with you at place 20, and take Alfa Romeo 4C (N200) on Dragons Trail racetrack... it is fun, you'll need about 5-6 laps to finish and it'll give you around 40k... if you win
-17 tracks
-150+ cars
-1000+ scapes with vehicle animations (as well as photo mode within tracks)
-livery editor w/ ability to import images
-Running GT/FIA championships w/ scheduled events during the season
-Daily online rotating events
-Arcade/Custom race maker (that is integrated into the in-game economy)
-Brand Central suite (VGT/brand central videos/museum/on-site photography)
-Dirt racing
-Ability to pick time of day
-Ability to pick weather conditions
-social media platform/app --> hopefully this results in some leaderboard function
-ability to choose suit and helmet (and customize each one)
-vehicle customization
-Training tools to learn tracks
-Training tools to learn race techniques
-Autocross style events (cones, slalom & whatever else they have that has not been shown)
-VR mode
-30+ Tracks
-700+ Vehicles
-Livery editor
-Custom Race Creator
-Ability to pick time of day(Might be dynamic)
-Dynamic Weather
-Autocross Style events
-Leaderboard/challange mode with every player connected to online.
-Driver customization
-Vehicle customization
-Sharing/Community networking(Auction house, Storefront for liveries and tunes)
-Forzavista(actually being able to open basically every major aspect of a vehicle.)
-Career mode vs. AI
-eSport seasons/leagues (under review)
Edit: Here is a start to the PC2 list
-200 cars
-60+ tracks
-Dynamic time (including seasons)
-Dynamic weather (including snow)
-Rally Cross Racing
-Multi-class Racing
-Career mode vs. AI
Here is a list that me and @ImaRobot were working on before. The criteria is to list what each games gives you (content) and what it allows you to do. The PC2 list is a WIP that was never finished (would be cool to get feedback on that), and changes can be made to the existing FM7 and GTS list if need be.
Maybe after the list is complete I can start a thread in the GTS section of the forum (not for screenshot/video comparisons) where everyone can have the same comprehensive list to go off of when arguing their points.
Something typical of all racing games. Hell, even all games as far as I know.,and a chat room within all lobbies
Probably wouldn't add much to the discussion in the first place, considering the amount of people that will just add in every little meaningless thing, like GTS having a chat capability within it's lobbies. As long as people can back up their own points, which they should be able to do, a list shouldn't really be needed, but it is a good reference point for those that are wondering what game to get.Maybe after the list is complete I can start a thread in the GTS section of the forum (not for screenshot/video comparisons) where everyone can have the same comprehensive list to go off of when arguing their points.
Something typical of all racing games. Hell, even all games as far as I know.
Probably wouldn't add much to the discussion in the first place, considering the amount of people that will just add in every little meaningless thing, like GTS having a chat capability within it's lobbies. As long as people can back up their own points, which they should be able to do, a list shouldn't really be needed, but it is a good reference point for those that are wondering what game to get.
On PC, you're right. On consoles seems to be a different story.pcars2 don't have the chat room but many people have requested for it.
On PC, you're right. On consoles seems to be a different story.
Ah I see, you meant text based chat functionality. If anything, that can be placed within community features then.The chat room box in Gran Turismo is a really good form of communication using literacy. Many parts of the world may be accustomed to a unified language; but may not always share the same cultural identity when it comes to being vocal, hesitating to be forced into using a mic.
Not surprising that is something pretty much all current racers have except Forza, Ironically Forza was the first one I saw it in then in the very next release they removed itI know gt sport has custom public lobbies. The host sets the parameters of the racing experience
Here is a list that me and @ImaRobot were working on before. The criteria is to list what each games gives you (content) and what it allows you to do. The PC2 list is a WIP that was never finished (would be cool to get feedback on that), and changes can be made to the existing FM7 and GTS list if need be.
Maybe after the list is complete I can start a thread in the GTS section of the forum (not for screenshot/video comparisons) where everyone can have the same comprehensive list to go off of when arguing their points.
For those who have both PC2 and forza 7, which one is the better overall game so far? Take into account everything from car sounds to bugs n glitches to career mode....
For those who have both PC2 and forza 7, which one is the better overall game so far? Take into account everything from car sounds to bugs n glitches to career mode....
For those who have both PC2 and forza 7, which one is the better overall game so far? Take into account everything from car sounds to bugs n glitches to career mode....