FM7 vs. PCars 2 vs. GT:Sport

PC1 wasn't broken. It might have been extremely hard for you to race in the beginning with a controller, but it wasn't broken.

I have videos where I raced using a controller and actually won online. So, to me, it wasn't broken.
I had over 200 race wins online with a controller on PC1.
It may have been hard to get used to at first but once I did my average finishing position was top 3

What i said about the game is the inconvenient truth that some over there may classify as hyperbole. Many people got the game and found that the so called hyperbole was not exaggerated at all. Forza's "The King is Here" (forza6) lived up to it's word imo.


Ialyrn, tell us more about your membership with WMD. Does it require a financial obligation to enter, when is open enrollment? (Project CARS). Is it also affiliated with PCARS2?

you also mentioned that you lurk around and visit forza threads to help others with issues and stuff. Here you say, "I was always a lurker over on that forum. You may have seen me around the official forza forums though, I am a frequent poster over there. Usually spend my time trying to help people who are having issue, or in the drift lounge, and I have used the same name online for almost a decade." Ialyrn (2017).

I think it is an overwhelming job to have a duty to satisfy two conflicting interests, is it?

with that said, what are your views on PCARS2 and FORZA7 specifically? Do you hope for the greater success in the group you are affiliated with?

personally, I hope for the greater success to both including GTSP. I don't have any financial ties to any of these games I just love to play them.
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Just for the record: nobody from WMD has 'financial ties' to PC2 (contrary to PC1). No more than anyone in here has 'financial ties' with FM7 or GTS anyway.
FM7 is polished, but the content is does offer is despite it's width extremely limited in depth. It has a lot of cars, a lot of tracks, but the manner in which it presents them still feels extremely limited.

It's also hampered by a deliberate decision to lock progression behind what is basically a loot box system. It might seem fine now, but in a couple of months when microtransactions are enable it won't be that fine - Microsoft won't push for that kind of release without having T10 make the prompts for it ubiquitous. The industry basically got permission from the ESRB recently to do whatever they want with such a "mechanic".

PC2 is the product of a developer with massive hubris. It *seems* complete, it *seems* polished, but it's not. You buy this glass sphere, a beautiful ornament, which you could only seem from a bit of a distance before. As soon as you get close and actually have it in your hands, you notice all the hairline fractures and cracks, and realize how little it takes to break it. That's PC2 in a nutshell (though this also kind of applies to PC1). It has a lot of minor issues which just keep adding up, the game itself lacks any kind of outward focus as well despite presenting itself with one.

GTS for some inane reason seems to be shaping up to be a lot like GT4 and GT5P. Very polished and focused, at least from what ive seen so far. I've not been able to get my hands on it yet due to a lack of a PS4. Still, somehow it seems to me that Polyphony of all people may have created the most focused and polished of the current releases.

Just in case you might still be confused, that message was in response to a WMD member messages back.

Unable to see the broken glass from a distance?
PC2 is the product of a developer with massive hubris. It *seems* complete, it *seems* polished, but it's not. You buy this glass sphere, a beautiful ornament, which you could only seem from a bit of a distance before. As soon as you get close and actually have it in your hands, you notice all the hairline fractures and cracks, and realize how little it takes to break it. That's PC2 in a nutshell (though this also kind of applies to PC1). It has a lot of minor issues which just keep adding up, the game itself lacks any kind of outward focus as well despite presenting itself with one.

But it might grow on you if you keep playing pcars2 and tinkering around with the settings. I tinkered with Pcars1 for almost two years. but unfortunately it never grew on me.
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It's also hampered by a deliberate decision to lock progression behind what is basically a loot box system. It might seem fine now, but in a couple of months when microtransactions are enable it won't be that fine - Microsoft won't push for that kind of release without having T10 make the prompts for it ubiquitous. The industry basically got permission from the ESRB recently to do whatever they want with such a "mechanic".

It's clear to me that anyone making these arguments either hasn't played the game very long, if at all, or has no clue how to get the most out of their races. I'm sitting on 3,514,627 credits after a whopping 20 races (that's not including the 1 million VIP bonus). The game also throws cars at you as you get one either for free or at a giant discount with each level up, plus each showcase gives you a car. I'm sitting at 65 cars and I haven't even bought anything from the regular car dealer yet.

T10 has also said we will have the option to turn them off so I have to wonder where you have been.

Of course all this is ignoring the fact we don't even know if loot boxes will be purchaseable with real money.

There are also no cars limited to loot boxes.
Ultimately all 3 games have different markets and are catered to different types of players.
For instance in PC2 i went driving on indy motor speedway in a classic ferrari to driving a ford falcon at texas motorspeedway. Considering both cars handle very differently i actuall had to learn both cars as i'd never driven the ferrari before and only driven the falcon once before. How it braked, how it transfered weight, tyre pressures to get the optimum grip and not have to much wear, the right camber levels for oval racing.
Then finally moved on to racing Road G cars which was the toyota GT86 which was a car i'd never driven. Again i had to learn how to brake with the car, spotting the different braking points at Rouen Les Essart. To the point where to even drive the car you had to lower the brake pressure because it was undriveable straight out of the box.
Its those type of players that i feel PC2 players catter to.
Forza is on the opposite spectrum.
Its more for car collecting motor enthusiasts who don't want to focus on the detailed aspect of racing and thats fine.
In PC2 in some cars i actually have to learn what a differential does and how the different differentials are used in different series. Making sure not to completely destroy my engine by closing the air intake, adjusting the engine braking depending on your driving style.

They cater to different people.
PC2 forces me to focus on the different intracacies of racing. From consistency, brake modulation, attacking and defending and choosing the right moment to make a move. Actually being able to study you oppenents strengths and weaknesses around a track when battling .
FM7 is polished, but the content is does offer is despite it's width extremely limited in depth. It has a lot of cars, a lot of tracks, but the manner in which it presents them still feels extremely limited.

It's also hampered by a deliberate decision to lock progression behind what is basically a loot box system. It might seem fine now, but in a couple of months when microtransactions are enable it won't be that fine - Microsoft won't push for that kind of release without having T10 make the prompts for it ubiquitous. The industry basically got permission from the ESRB recently to do whatever they want with such a "mechanic".
What exactly is locked behind loot boxes other than mods and badges?
The only way I can see that micro transactions would be an issue would be if they made it to where that was the only way to get the loot boxes or the only way to get a specific car that is already part of the game. So long as they can be bought with in game credits then no big deal as far as I am concerned. I basically only bother with the mod crates and they usually pay for themselves in one decent length race so no problem there.

GTS for some inane reason seems to be shaping up to be a lot like GT4 and GT5P. Very polished and focused, at least from what ive seen so far. I've not been able to get my hands on it yet due to a lack of a PS4. Still, somehow it seems to me that Polyphony of all people may have created the most focused and polished of the current releases.
Interesting, GT4 was an awesome game for its time, I spent countless hours playing that one. I was also very impressed my GT5P for what it was, didn't have that many cars and only a very few tracks but it was beautiful, drove well and the AI were interesting to race against.

I also do not have a PS4, If I did I would buy the game for sure as is I will wait and consider picking it up at some later date
FM7 is polished, but the content is does offer is despite it's width extremely limited in depth. It has a lot of cars, a lot of tracks, but the manner in which it presents them still feels extremely limited.

It's also hampered by a deliberate decision to lock progression behind what is basically a loot box system. It might seem fine now, but in a couple of months when microtransactions are enable it won't be that fine - Microsoft won't push for that kind of release without having T10 make the prompts for it ubiquitous. The industry basically got permission from the ESRB recently to do whatever they want with such a "mechanic".

PC2 is the product of a developer with massive hubris. It *seems* complete, it *seems* polished, but it's not. You buy this glass sphere, a beautiful ornament, which you could only seem from a bit of a distance before. As soon as you get close and actually have it in your hands, you notice all the hairline fractures and cracks, and realize how little it takes to break it. That's PC2 in a nutshell (though this also kind of applies to PC1). It has a lot of minor issues which just keep adding up, the game itself lacks any kind of outward focus as well despite presenting itself with one.

GTS for some inane reason seems to be shaping up to be a lot like GT4 and GT5P. Very polished and focused, at least from what ive seen so far. I've not been able to get my hands on it yet due to a lack of a PS4. Still, somehow it seems to me that Polyphony of all people may have created the most focused and polished of the current releases.
Odd that offer insights on two PS4 titles you have zero experience on, how does one manage that?

I take it you have experience of PC2 after the latest patch and of GTS to know it has this focus?
Ialyrn, tell us more about your membership with WMD. Does it require a financial obligation to enter, when is open enrollment? (Project CARS). Is it also affiliated with PCARS2?

I paid money for a tool pack towards the creation of Project cars 1, as I felt SMS had potential with their game; given that they used to make some excellent racers alongside Simbin (now sector 3 studios). I just wanted to support them during the development phase of the game, nothing more and nothing less.

I think it is an overwhelming job to have a duty to satisfy two conflicting interests, is it?

I am a gamer that has an interest in racing game. The only conflict of interest I have, is towards which racing game I will sit down and play when I have the chance.

with that said, what are your views on PCARS2 and FORZA7 specifically? Do you hope for the greater success in the group you are affiliated with?

I do not have project cars 2, and let me make one thing absolutely crystal clear; I have no affiliation with SMS or T10. I am a gamer, I play mainly racing games, that is all.

I have to wonder if you even read what you write?
Odd that offer insights on two PS4 titles you have zero experience on, how does one manage that?

I take it you have experience of PC2 after the latest patch and of GTS to know it has this focus?

Uhm, FM7 is xbox/pc and pc2 is on all 3 platforms. I tried them on PC and was not bowled over.
I paid money for a tool pack towards the creation of Project cars 1, as I felt SMS had potential with their game; given that they used to make some excellent racers alongside Simbin (now sector 3 studios). I just wanted to support them during the development phase of the game, nothing more and nothing less.

I am a gamer that has an interest in racing game. The only conflict of interest I have, is towards which racing game I will sit down and play when I have the chance.

I do not have project cars 2, and let me make one thing absolutely crystal clear; I have no affiliation with SMS or T10. I am a gamer, I play mainly racing games, that is all.

I have to wonder if you even read what you write?
I wrote that as a purpose for you to read it; and thats what happened. If you come here to tell every one about what you think of my personal history with these three games, or how they versus each other; its only fair for you to also let them know about yours. Ialyrn you said you paid money for a tool pack and nothing more, from my understanding that sounds like just an initiation package. Are you willing to provide us more details about your Pcars affiliation ,secret no? can anybody join? were do I sign up? It must be nice to have a tool package. would think forza7 and Gtsp would have a tool pack to offer also, it would certainly increase the support for their games.
I wrote that as a purpose for you to read it; and thats what happened. If you come here to tell every one about what you think of my personal history with these three games, or how they versus each other; its only fair for you to also let them know about yours. Ialyrn you said you paid money for a tool pack and nothing more, from my understanding that sounds like just an initiation package. Are you willing to provide us more details about your Pcars affiliation or is a secret? can anybody join? were do I sign up? It must be nice to have a tool package. would think forza7 and Gtsp would have a tool pack to offer also, it would certainly increase the support for their games.

Coppery, chill. When PC1 was announced, they let people help support their game, by letting people "purchase tools". Anybody could do it. I would have done it myself, but I didn't own a PC at the time. There's nothing secret about it. You just weren't paying attention. Anybody who loves racing games or "sims" for that matter, should have known about this.

Added link:
I wrote that as a purpose for you to read it; and thats what happened. If you come here to tell every one about what you think of my personal history with these three games, or how they versus each other; its only fair for you to also let them know about yours. Ialyrn you said you paid money for a tool pack and nothing more, from my understanding that sounds like just an initiation package. Are you willing to provide us more details about your Pcars affiliation or is a secret? can anybody join? were do I sign up? It must be nice to have a tool package. would think forza7 and Gtsp would have a tool pack to offer also, it would certainly increase the support for their games.

I ask again, do you read what you write?

Project cars was made using a form of crowdfunding, its easy enough to find information out about it; and how SMS went about things back in the early stages of the development process for Pcars 1. I have no connection to SMS, non, zero, zilch. How much more clearer do you need things making?
Coppery, chill. When PC1 was announced, they let people help support their game, by letting people "purchase tools". Anybody could do it. I would have done it myself, but I didn't own a PC at the time. There's nothing secret about it. You just weren't paying attention. Anybody who loves racing games or "sims" for that matter, should have known about this.

Added link:

good information, I like feedback. thank you
FM7 is polished, but the content is does offer is despite it's width extremely limited in depth. It has a lot of cars, a lot of tracks, but the manner in which it presents them still feels extremely limited.

It's also hampered by a deliberate decision to lock progression behind what is basically a loot box system.

It sounds like you have not played Forza 7. I am about 3/4 of the way through the campaign, and it is nothing like you have stated. Also, I have never had to buy a single prize crate or mod. Never bought a single one. I have millions of credits already, over 60 cars, with literally HUNDREDS of cars open for me to purchase, as I am tier 6 already. There are no prompts to use mods or prize crates, and I never will. There has been zero grind.

And the depth is huge in this game.
I never said anything factual.
Got that right.

I was asked to provide proof of cheating in forza7, I did.
You didn't provide proof of anything that didn't also happen in GT6. (I should know, I did the money glitch for GT6)

And let me tell you something, I enjoyed all the forza motorsport series up until the end of forza 6 and have made many top 100 times on the leaderboards. There is no guarantee that hackers haven't or will ruin the leaderboards but adding pc users to the bunch increases that possibility. No offense to all pc users but think a handful of hackers have fun by manipulating game experience in many forms, and they will try their best to no end to sneak online with it. For this reason, Forza 7 doesn't serve me well but i imagine it is a good start for beginner sim racers who are not offended by cheaters "imo".
Once again, not factual, but you covered that already.

I see, let me give you a little background knowledge about my experience. not only have i played every forza except forza7. but I have several top 100 times on the leaderboards, heck I managed to get top 20 on the nordschleife track. I have also earned my platinum tuner and platinum painter badge also. so i know a thing or two about forza. the problem is forza have so many issues that should have been fixed by now, but instead they give us clown outfits and loot boxes. I'm done hoping for them to fix problems, that is why this veteran forza player is moving on to pcars2 and GTSP.
The loot boxes are fun, and I haven't paid a dime for them.
Clown outfits? You forgot Ninjas, firemen, cops and robbers.
Don't like 'em? Don't use 'em. Problem solved.

what I like about Forza
1) forza tuning/upgrading
2) creating designs and liveries.
3) online when it is filled with competent racers
Ok, so most of the game, including online "good" races.

What i Hate
1) I hate wrecking crashing noobs at the first corner: I'm still waiting for a penalty system.
2) too many always use my bumper and side panels as brakes because they are ammeters and don't know how to turn there car, forza is made for ametures! all cars feel the same, yes once they jump in lee cambell/carlightening/raceboy tune all cars feel the same. easy to handle, made for ametures. so they jump on the track flying with these cars and haven't taken the time to learn racing etiquette. i wish those legendary tuners would stop uploading tunes.
3) too many use the same car in hopes to win the race. no versatility in the behavior of others. only a small few In my circle will use different cars other than the leaderboard cars.
3) too many always downloading some leaderboard tune, instead of taking the time to learn to tune their own car. its so easy in forza, i find it more entertaining chatting with a fellow racer about tune setups and testing each others tune, provide feedback ect.
4) campaign yes forza has a campaign but I'm bored and burned out of all the same stuff, theres only one track in forza7 that i haven't raced in forza before through the 12 years of forza's life.
5) corner cutters: again, I'm sick of them and still waiting for a penalty system, and this is the nail in the coffin.
Everything you "dislike" is online drivers.
So by your own words, you like Forza, it's only bad online racers you dislike.

The bad news: GT has them. Every game does. A lot of them think they're "in the right", so how do you remove the guy that enjoys "dirty" driving?
Driver ratings? Doesn't FM7 have those?

I wrote that as a purpose for you to read it; and thats what happened. If you come here to tell every one about what you think of my personal history with these three games, or how they versus each other; its only fair for you to also let them know about yours. Ialyrn you said you paid money for a tool pack and nothing more, from my understanding that sounds like just an initiation package. Are you willing to provide us more details about your Pcars affiliation ,secret no? can anybody join? were do I sign up? It must be nice to have a tool package. would think forza7 and Gtsp would have a tool pack to offer also, it would certainly increase the support for their games.
Painfully ignorant.
Watching you try to "get" Ialryn, through things you know absolutely nothing about, is both painful and hilarious. Stop.
It's childish and petty. He pointed out who you are, if you're ashamed of who you are or what you've done, the answer is to change, not chase people around for telling the truth.

Most of what you've claimed has been factually incorrect, if you loved FM for so long, it's hard to believe how almost willfully ignorant you have become to it.
I've played half of Forza games made, or 3 out of 7 FM titles. FM5, 6 and 7, and FH2 and 3.
From an outsider perspective (where bias doesn't exist) and as a newcomer to Forza, I loved every single one. I haven't played FM6 too much due to how late I got it, but they are all progressive equally.

FM7 has added a fantastic career mode, possibly the best I've ever played. Outside of having 159 cars locked, the car collection setup, is also, fantastic.

FM7 has added Homologation, something no GT or FM ever really had, and it's wonderful. All the restrictions I ever wanted and needed, are finally here. I can finally homologate an entire series perfectly. (boy did I try in GT, to no real success)
This also means no more racing tires on everything online, and also means wild custom builds can't dominate so easily.

FM7 has added things like customizable race length for career, adjustable on-the-fly assists, and controller settings. Don't like how the wheel is set up, or controller? No problem! Just pause your race, go into settings and you're set. Resume. Oh ****, I forgot to turn TCS off! No problem, I say! Pause, settings, fixed. Continue race.

There's definitely more, I'll try to start writing them down. FM7 does things I've always wanted, things that no FM or GT game ever did, it's wonderful.
Got that right.

You didn't provide proof of anything that didn't also happen in GT6. (I should know, I did the money glitch for GT6)

Once again, not factual, but you covered that already.

The loot boxes are fun, and I haven't paid a dime for them.
Clown outfits? You forgot Ninjas, firemen, cops and robbers.
Don't like 'em? Don't use 'em. Problem solved.

Ok, so most of the game, including online "good" races.

Everything you "dislike" is online drivers.
So by your own words, you like Forza, it's only bad online racers you dislike.

The bad news: GT has them. Every game does. A lot of them think they're "in the right", so how do you remove the guy that enjoys "dirty" driving?
Driver ratings? Doesn't FM7 have those?

Painfully ignorant.
Watching you try to "get" Ialryn, through things you know absolutely nothing about, is both painful and hilarious. Stop.
It's childish and petty. He pointed out who you are, if you're ashamed of who you are or what you've done, the answer is to change, not chase people around for telling the truth.

Most of what you've claimed has been factually incorrect, if you loved FM for so long, it's hard to believe how almost willfully ignorant you have become to it.
I've played half of Forza games made, or 3 out of 7 FM titles. FM5, 6 and 7, and FH2 and 3.
From an outsider perspective (where bias doesn't exist) and as a newcomer to Forza, I loved every single one. I haven't played FM6 too much due to how late I got it, but they are all progressive equally.

FM7 has added a fantastic career mode, possibly the best I've ever played. Outside of having 159 cars locked, the car collection setup, is also, fantastic.

FM7 has added Homologation, something no GT or FM ever really had, and it's wonderful. All the restrictions I ever wanted and needed, are finally here. I can finally homologate an entire series perfectly. (boy did I try in GT, to no real success)
This also means no more racing tires on everything online, and also means wild custom builds can't dominate so easily.

FM7 has added things like customizable race length for career, adjustable on-the-fly assists, and controller settings. Don't like how the wheel is set up, or controller? No problem! Just pause your race, go into settings and you're set. Resume. Oh ****, I forgot to turn TCS off! No problem, I say! Pause, settings, fixed. Continue race.

There's definitely more, I'll try to start writing them down. FM7 does things I've always wanted, things that no FM or GT game ever did, it's wonderful.

right, refute any and every opinion you see fit, but makes sure you understand what the entire fan base of your game wants too, and stand up firm behind all of that.

I'm just telling you how it is with forza, pcars and GT thats it.
Don't hate me, hate the game. if your favorite game you pride over suffers from the fame and popularity you wish for, "don't hate the playa," player.

I think some of you get really over excited about really nothing.
right, refute any and every opinion you see fit, but makes sure you understand what the entire fan base of your game wants too, and stand up firm behind all of that.

I'm just telling you how it is with forza, pcars and GT thats it.
Don't hate me, hate the game. if your favorite game you pride over suffers from the fame and popularity you wish for, "don't hate the playa," player.

I think some of you get really over excited about really nothing.

Wait. I've seen people thoroughly enjoy Forza 7 without using the lootcrates at all. You don't have to spend any money at all with it. You spend in-game credits, for cars, suits, and mod cars that can earn you that money back if not more. So it's like getting it for free. What's wrong with it?

I haven't played PC2 yet, but I'll be getting it the day I get Forza 7.

GTS, it is what it is with the game. I'm not gonna play it right now, so I'm not gonna talk bad about it. It's just not my cup of tea.
right, refute any and every opinion you see fit, but makes sure you understand what the entire fan base of your game wants too, and stand up firm behind all of that.

I'm just telling you how it is with forza, pcars and GT thats it.
Don't hate me, hate the game. if your favorite game you pride over suffers from the fame and popularity you wish for, "don't hate the playa," player.

I think some of you get really over excited about really nothing.
You claim your posts are mere opinions, but "telling you how it is", you continue to present your posts as facts. They're not, in addition with these responses trying to put a stop gate to a discussing you opened yourself up to.

The last sentence is hilariously ironic given you tried to act like some sort of detective and present @Ialyrn as some sort of undercover SMS developer because he bought into a crowd-funded game years ago, and thus, question his comments.
Ialyrn you said you paid money for a tool pack and nothing more, from my understanding that sounds like just an initiation package. Are you willing to provide us more details about your Pcars affiliation or is a secret? can anybody join? were do I sign up? It must be nice to have a tool package. would think forza7 and Gtsp would have a tool pack to offer also, it would certainly increase the support for their games.
You got "over excited about really nothing".
What we have here is gate keepers to defend each game. A group over here to defend pcars, group over there to defend Forza and a group for gt. if I gave you some feedback about your game you don’t like, take it as something positive turn it around and build on it. speak to your game developers on the behalf of your community to help improve it. that is the only way your racing game is going to rise up on the top of the list of the “Big three” (

Since I am faster than you in the same car with no TCS on, does that mean what I say carries more weight than what you have to say?
Or does being faster than you make me an amateur like my friend Raceboy?

I really like how you have picked a track with one of the smallest player sample sizes going in the game, and all in an effort to show how good you are; just 12159 people have set a time on Nurburgring full in the wet. So much fluff just to build yourself up more than others in here, to discredit what they have to say because by making it seem like you are better than them. The really interesting thing here, is how much you are up talking Project cars 1 and 2 (especially the newer title). Seemed like you had a really big sore spot 2 years ago when you got banned from the Project cars forum for such gens as this -

"yeah, and that way we can have a completed game at release and not have to wait until close to the sequel in order to see some top notch DLC content.
But hey, why would they do that if millions and millions are going to buy the game anyway; even if the cars are missing tires lolz."

What surprises me most however, is just how much of a defender you where of Forza over on that forum -

"Many people here are using forza6 demos and youtube videos to make inaccurate comparisons. However I think they will be surprised when the game is released; Forza will not go down without a fight imo. forza 5 was a disappointment and i'm sure they know this. Do you really think turn 10 is going to make the same mistake this time around? After a very long history of pleasing racing fans? I think not.

Representatives here can paint a bland picture of forza all they want in order to discourage potential interest in that game; BUT If you are sleeping SMS, Forza6 will take your spotlight; Believe That. "Drops Mic" "

My personal favourites however, was how you would attack other forum users for such things as wanting a host kick ability on rooms they hosted -

"Umer Ahmad, Bealdor, so nice to see you both come dropping in. Anyway, some people want to see clean races, but some people crave for power, dictating power in using heavy hands to cast away any deviant from the group. Now, obviosly SMS created private lobbies to satisfy those needs for you. But no, you two want to extend your special kicking privileges into the public. But I believe no! your special host kicking powers ends right here, in the pcars forum, where it belongs, "private".

Btw: most gamers are not interested in your authority, who cares how strick you run a lobby? You just might find yourself dictating a lobby with no members but yourself. "

Or how on the Forza forums you starting ranting and raving about how all PC gamers are cheaters -

"I'd rather have the option to block pc users and have Xbox only. Too many pc cheaters using hack programs like "trainer" to get an online advantage. I know they got banned but they are constantly finding ways to sneak around the hammer. I just can't be at ease with that. This is the main purpose I choose consoles to play multiplayer without hackers. I know PlayStation would not allow such a thing. Seems to me Xbox is being too loose with protecting online gaming quality allowing cross play for a signature game like forza. Mark my word, they will discover some cheaters in forza 7, coming directly from pc hackers. If this happens the quality of forza will drop significantly especially if they manage to hack the leaderboards because it could not be used for serious competition it will be a game like Gta, just for kicks and giggles imo."

Oh, but must not forget that just under a month ago; you was defending Forza 7 like a trooper -

"Listen folks, forza knows gran turismo is also around the corner. Although different consoles, they have been battling for years. I seriously doubt forza 7 will disappoint. With all this slow start and download requirements and stuff. but eventually the download will finish and we will be up and playing. I bet once everyone has finished downloading the game it is going to be like Christmas in here, empty forum and all will be playing with their presents hehe."

Personally, I get the impression that you are just around here to troll. I have to wonder what other forums you are on (or been banned from) for inciting the sort of arguments that you have in the past, slating one game over the other, attacking other forum users. Dropping out "facts", which are nothing but pure unfounded hyperbole.

Hell, I am going to most likely get into trouble for this post. But honestly, the staff and users of this forum need to know you have form for this sort of behaviour.
This is absolute comedy gold :lol:

What we have here is gate keepers to defend each game. A group over here to defend pcars, group over there to defend Forza and a group for gt. if I gave you some feedback about your game you don’t like, take it as something positive turn it around and build on it. speak to your game developers on the behalf of your community to help improve it. that is the only way your racing game is going to rise up on the top of the list of the “Big three” (

Nope, what we have here is someone who has been a hugely disruptive influence since they started posting their 'opinion'. However, it seems with @Ialyrn revelations we can see what type of person you are. Do you have no shame?
What we have here is gate keepers to defend each game. A group over here to defend pcars, group over there to defend Forza and a group for gt. if I gave you some feedback about your game you don’t like, take it as something positive turn it around and build on it. speak to your game developers on the behalf of your community to help improve it. that is the only way your racing game is going to rise up on the top of the list of the “Big three” (
Based on what you say? No thanks.
Wait. I've seen people thoroughly enjoy Forza 7 without using the lootcrates at all. You don't have to spend any money at all with it. You spend in-game credits, for cars, suits, and mod cars that can earn you that money back if not more. So it's like getting it for free. What's wrong with it?
Just to put those mod crates in perspective. I bought a 20k mod crate. 3 of the 4 mods had 3 uses each on them the other only 1 use.
I applied the 3 3 use mods to my car and ran one race which took about 22 minutes to complete. The mods gave me an additional 140k in payout at the end of the race. I could do two more of that same race if I wanted and get another 280k for 420k total from a 20k crate and still have one single use mod left. Now of course they don't all pay that well but some are even better and in the 50k crates you are more likely to get the better ones. So while there is nothing that says you need to use them, certainly don't have to use them they are a good investment if you are running races that pay very much. Even if all you get from a crate are to lowly 20 and 30% single use mods one race of any length more than pays for them.

The more expensive crates are another story, as far as I am concerned the badges and the drivers gear have no value so better off to buy the cheap mod crates and collect the extra in game credits.
Just to put those mod crates in perspective. I bought a 20k mod crate. 3 of the 4 mods had 3 uses each on them the other only 1 use.
I applied the 3 3 use mods to my car and ran one race which took about 22 minutes to complete. The mods gave me an additional 140k in payout at the end of the race. I could do two more of that same race if I wanted and get another 280k for 420k total from a 20k crate and still have one single use mod left. Now of course they don't all pay that well but some are even better and in the 50k crates you are more likely to get the better ones. So while there is nothing that says you need to use them, certainly don't have to use them they are a good investment if you are running races that pay very much. Even if all you get from a crate are to lowly 20 and 30% single use mods one race of any length more than pays for them.

The more expensive crates are another story, as far as I am concerned the badges and the drivers gear have no value so better off to buy the cheap mod crates and collect the extra in game credits.

Thank you! I knew the mods earned money, but I didn't know to what extent.
"You gotta spend money to make money." - Well in this case, in-game credits.