No, what I said was Max was radioing for help from the pit wall as he was unsure what caused Riccy's failure. Something not even Christian Horner knew the cause of while he was chatting with the Sky commentary team mid-race.
Max radioing for help? Which radio messages were you listening to?
I just watched the closing laps of the race, and wrote down all of Max’s radio messages, as they were played on the Sky TV broadcast.
Lap 63, Max - “Umm yup, check my engine. If we need to turn it down, turn it down.”
Lap 64, Max - “I have massive brake pulling, I need to something something the lap.”
Lap 65, Max - “Again, if we need to turn it down, please do it.”
Christian Horner on Lap 67 “....and obviously concerned now that issue could be mirrored on Max’s car.”
Martin Brundle - “He’s just done a couple 1:19s, not exactly coasting along, perfect pace.”
CH - “uhh ya we’ve obviously turned everything down as best we can, but the problem is you don’t want things to get too cold, brakes and things like that, so he’s continuing to circle at a pace to close out the remaining laps now.”
3 Laps to go, Max’s Engineer - “And we have now turned the engine down Max, for reference. Bring it home.”
Max - “Ok”
Engineer “Thank you”
Brundle - “Can they do that from the pit wall???”
Nothing about that seems like Max asking for help

Read into it what you will.
To compare a F22 to an F1 car isn't comparable, an F22 may be more complex but it isn't exactly changing over time having constant upgrades anywhere near the level of an F1 Car, also Pilots are not exactly racing other pilots, so instead on focusing on being the fastest and memorizing tracks they can spend more time learning the complexities of their aircraft.
Not only that but pilots are hired based on how they handle those complexities, where as F1 drivers are pretty much only hired on how fast they can drive, meaning their focus as a driver to succeed must be aimed at being fastest over anything else.
It's a completely invalid comparison.
I’ll agree it’s not a great comparison, F1 isn’t anywhere near the level of flying a fighter jet