Formula 1 Heineken Grande Prêmio De São Paulo 2021Formula 1 

  • Thread starter Jimlaad43
Very different situation, but I think both cases were very deserving of a penalty
Oh, absolutely different situations, but I'd argue Vettel has a better argument for not getting a penalty than Max. But the stewards have just announced no investigation necessary, so it doesn't matter anyway.
Well, as we've established before the inside and ahead owns the corner and Lewis was in the way- he should have backed out. This is known as the Austria reasoning.
Well, I guess running people off the track while also going off track yourself is now allowed. And to think Horner and Marko were calling for a race ban for Hamilton at Silverstone...

"That's what you get when you don't leave the space" indeed.
Jesus it seems everyone has suddenly made Max public enemy No.1 here from what imo was honestly just hard no contact racing
At Silverstone Lewis had the inside, understeered a little wide and was penalized for it because he hit Max. But because there was no contact here there's no penalty?