Forza Motorsport 7: General Discussion

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Everything was going great with my Logitech G27, Xbox OneX, Cronusmax Drive hub and then I saw "syncing with Forza" or something like that and now I cant get the drivehub to go into race mode, only play mode.
White exclamation mark next to a lap you have just completed means what?

And "network issue, low bandwidth" is that on their end or mine? I have hardwired it now, 100/10, 1480 MTU, zero packet loss. Hardwired by connecting it to the wifi extender with ethernet. Latency 24 I think.
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White exclamation mark next to a lap you have just completed means what?
That the lap is dirty, and unless you post a cleaner faster lap, that is the one that will be recorded to the leaderboards. They will sit under the slowest clean lap.
Making a visual change to the car might force it to refresh, haven't tested it myself though.
Just paint your car black (or any other color) then delete a design from your car. You might also want to delete the design from your designs catalogue. Your thumbnail should be fixed then.
Anyone wants to guesstimate how many off-roaders will be in next week's car pack? :lol:
I have a missing thumbnail for one of the cars in my garage. How do you fix this?

I am having all sorts of issues with the thumbnails and the car colours/liveries themselves. They often reset for no apparent reason and the thumbnails sometimes show different models of car altogether. In the paint shop vinyls part, I can no longer copy and paste stickers. Pressing the left thumbstick will toggle the function to copy/paste but pressing 'y' etc. doesn't work. Therefore it's nigh on impossible for me to create decent liveries simply.
The main glitch that seems to happen with my thumbnails is that most DLC cars (hasn’t happened to an on disc car yet) have a glitched super wide track width on their thumbnails.

I’m curious as to how the system works underneath when problems like that happen.
White exclamation mark next to a lap you have just completed means what?

And "network issue, low bandwidth" is that on their end or mine? I have hardwired it now, 100/10, 1480 MTU, zero packet loss. Hardwired by connecting it to the wifi extender with ethernet. Latency 24 I think.
White mark means that your lap is considered “dirty” and will be placed below any “clean” laps set on the leaderboards. This happens if you go off-track, make contact with cars or walls, slipstream other drivers or use Friction Assist. Additionally, any errors made on the final sector of your previous lap will invalidate your current lap.

As for your network error message, if it is present all of the time there might be an issue however if it’s intermittent you can ignore it.

I have a missing thumbnail for one of the cars in my garage. How do you fix this?

Change the Paint/Design on your car and/or delete your current one. It’s hit and miss whether this works or not.

Anyone wants to guesstimate how many off-roaders will be in next week's car pack? :lol:

Enough to make AR12 throw a hissy fit.
After leaving the download to run since Thursday night I wake up today to find that Forza 7 has finally finished downloading!

I really wish I had faster internet.
I hope 0 as they really have no place in the game.

All personal opinion really, not everyone wants the same things. I do not mind the SUV's, as they tend to be aimed more at on road uses (with very minor off road usage) in all but a few cases. With regards to the trophy trucks, I can totally agree that they are not a fit for Forza Motorsport due to the lack of off road tracks.

Either way I am looking forward to the next car pack. I never have my expectations set, so I am very rarely disappointed in what we get in the car packs.
I don’t mind them as long as they are actually new. It’s annoying when they are just different versions of ones we have in the game already (this goes for cars as well).

Of course I feel rather bad for complaining about any of the DLC considering my odd situation with the game (still surprised they haven’t taken everything away yet). :lol: