Where does God stand (sit, float about ethereally) on the issue of intersex?
Intersex individuals have a mal or female genetic makeup, yet neither or both types of genital. Typically they are castrated soon after birth and given cosmetic surgery to develop a vagina since the penis is almost always absent or microscopic, despite often being genetically male. Individuals may have internalised, undeveloped testicles or undeveloped ovaries. Some, due to chiasma of the Y chromosome, have an XY make up (male), but lack the tdf (testis-determining factor) gene so develop poorly differentiated ovaries and a "pouch" vagina with no uterus. Legend has it that Jamie Lee Curtis is amongst their numbers.
Is it wrong for two genetically male people to marry, despite one of them having had involuntary surgery in their infancy to resemble a female AND BEING REGISTERED on the Birth Certificate as female? Is it wrong for two genetically male people to marry, despite one of them resembling a female due to lack of tdf, or androgen insensitivity syndrome? They both enjoy vaginal intercourse even though the vagina has no physical function whatsoever and both parties are XY.
And let's not even mention full-on trans-sexuals...
IS it only the anus God has something against, or do intersex individuals feel his wrath too?
I'm not talking trans-sexuals. Yet. I'm talking about physically female people who were assigned that gender AT BIRTH due to intersex characteristics, who can never be fully one gender or the other due to, essentially, physical deformity and involuntary surgery upon them. Their genotype and phenotype may or may not match.
Jamie Lee Curtis may well be XY - urban legend is unclear on this. IF she is, does this mean her husband is in a gay marriage and doomed to Hell? For that matter does it mean SHE is in a gay marriage and doomed to Hell?
So far we've determined that, according to Swift, God sees homosexual sex and heterosexual anal sex as a "Sin". JLC and her husband, IF she is XY, have genetic homosexual, but penetrative vaginal sex. Is that a "Sin", or is it only the ass?
She never developed a penis. She, ASSUMING THE LEGEND TO BE CORRECT is an AIS sufferer. At birth her genitals consisted of:
"Pouch" vagina - can be "normal" length, or totally absent. In any case it just terminates.
Internalised "Streak" testes - basically smears of testicle material inside the body. They will never produce sperm OR testosterone.
That's it. No ovaries, no uterus, no penis, no nothing. And genetically XY. So, she has a hole, some nuts (which don't work) and a Y-chromosome. That's male. Surgery removes the likely-site-of-cancer streak testes and may or may not elongate the vagina - this is done VERY early on.
So, her XY husband is having "normal" sex with an XY person who once had testes and has an artificial vagina. Sin or not? If you fancied her, would you be harbouring homosexual feelings or not?
Nobody answered the question about oral sex either - is THAT sinful?
Moving on, what about trans-sexuals, who believe they have been born into the wrong gender body? Some would say THAT is a birth defect. Some might say homosexuality is a birth defect (although not the words I'd choose)...
I would particularly like to hear Swift's and XVII's views on this.