Randomly stumbled into this thread under the “latest post” header when I meant to hit a Gran Turismo thread. Decided to read a couple pages to gauge the
political temperature of a forum of this type. Pretty interesting opinions…. Although in line with what I kind of figured (absolutely not meant to be a knock on anyone).
I can’t speak to other countries, but in the United States, despite what the media portrays as a typical unvaccinated United States citizen…. Which we all know is the red state, red neck type. Data shows a different picture. Did a quick search and found some data on vaccination rates
As an 18 year fireman who has worked in nothing but impoverished neighborhoods (I’m at work on the last 10 hours of a 120 as I type this), from what I’ve seen, these vaccination rates hold pretty true (to my part of the country at least).
Taking this data, and reading some of the above opinions… one could argue the temperature of this room is reminiscent of the United States pre-1960.
Once again, NOT KNOCKING ANYONE or looking for a fight, but just providing an alternate viewpoint. I for one am pro-vaccine…. But steadfastly anti-mandate. I honestly don’t think the mandates OR the vaccine work. How do I know? Well, I’m not a scientist…. Just a dumb fireman….so I don’t actually know
However, I’ve gotten Covid twice. First time was some months after my second shot. Last time was very recent and s couple months after my booster. Both times were extremely mild. I’ve worked through dozens of colds way worse than this. For the record, I’m 38…. Race motorcycles at a high level and I’m a triathlete. The odds overwhelmingly in my favor of this virus being little more than a burp.
Why am I pro vaccine then? Well, for me personally…. I hate being sick. Time being under the weather is time not training, and time not working overtime.
I’m pro vaccine for people with pre-existing health conditions, and the elderly. I do believe s vaccine will keep those people out of the hospital. At a couple points during the pandemic, the zip code I serve had the highest infection rates in the nation. EVERY SINGLE PERSON whom I pumped on their chest, had MULTIPLE, MULTIPLE health problems. Covid was the kicker that put their already years-stressed vital organs over the top. Some were vaxed. Some weren’t.
Did I have very healthy friends and coworkers that got pretty damn sick. 100%. I think we all do. We have an intern that’s doing a 30 shift ride along at my station. He’s a smart dude. He’s doing this as part of his doctorate program thingee. He has a double masters, one being in epidemiology, and the other one in something else that’s all science-y and medicine related. He explains to me how the vaccines work against any virus. He explains how viruses mutate. As far as I can tell and he can explain, The theory of vaccines make sense and work when the target is stationary. But when we’re dealing with a constant moving and evolving target like we have been for going on 3 years now…. Vaccines are the equivalent of combat blood-clotting bandages. They’ll work for a little bit… hopefully just long enough to get the person to surgery (side note, we use combat dressing somewhat regularly in bad GSW’s. Stuff is like bondo for the abdomen or major appendage! It works great!)
But even my scientist-intern buddy admits that at this point, nothing we have done has really been working all that much or as intended. Our best bet is to develop better therapeutics and maintain as good of an individual baseline health as we can.
Alright, I’m gonna go back to the GT7 updates thread and read
@Imari and
@Scaff chin-checking guys with Gran Turismo facts!
@Imari…in 2 years time, I’m gonna end up being right about the evolution that PD will take with GT7 by way of perpetual updates until it becomes a PS5 only game (for the latest and greatest of course). There will not be a Gran Turismo game that will be exclusively for PS5. The next completely new Gran Turismo game will also be cross-gen. Just this time between PS5 and PS6. Stamp It!!!
If I’m wrong, I’ll gladly eat crow!!
Later Dudes!!