Gran Turismo 5 Release Date?

  • Thread starter Sele1981
Meh, they can always patch it after the release. That's the new way of doing business don't you know? ;)
The only game which has done well in a buggy form - well, one of the games - is Forza 2. But if GT5 was released in the same shape Forza 2 is in, half the net would take a dump on it. I agree with the prudent ones: release GT5 when it's good as it can be. I'm expecting a worldwide release at the end of the year, but if they miss that launch window, almost no one will bail on a two or three month wait. Just as in 2005 with GT4, sales will go like mad despite it being in late winter/early spring, and PS3s and wheel controllers will follow suit.
Agree with this,will PD be willing to go through another holiday season without a release ???

I doubt they will miss Xmas 2009,there could be quite a buyer backlash if it isn`t released. Sony would be pushing them too as GT5 will move a heap of PS3`s,not to mention steering wheels too.
Meh, they can always patch it after the release. That's the new way of doing business don't you know? ;)

I would be curious what their project timeline looks like and how close they are to meeting their goals.

Once the release date has been announced for a LT development game, they will know their specific goals to a finer detail. Obviously, like any company, they'd have details before, but it's the "Let's wrap it up, guys" stage when the release date is known. Er, this release date will be a definite, not the provisional release date which was murmured initially to be March 2009, wasn't it?

I do, however, like this idea that developers think, "Well, we can patch it later!". Not only is that shocking business practice, "Good evening sir, here's your T-bone steak, I'll bring you round the meat of the steak next month!", but so many miles away from the train of thoughts of developers, unless you're EA, in which case, the patches will be bigger than the actual initial game in the first place!
well, now sony's offcial release date for GT5 PAL is November 27, 2009 according to :D

"Please be advised that the release date currently listed on the website, the 27th November 2009, is as given to us by the publisher/manufacturer of the game. Should this release date change we will update the website accordingly, so it is worth checking periodically. "

source (flamand):

english translation:

it all started with a GT5 pre-order page on :mischievous:
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well, now sony's offcial release date for GT5 PAL is November 27, 2009 according to

"Please be advised that the release date currently listed on the website, the 27th November 2009, is as given to us by the publisher/manufacturer of the game. Should this release date change we will update the website accordingly, so it is worth checking periodically. "

source (flamand):

english translation:

it all started with a GT5 pre-order page on

Check out 👍
lol :nervous::scared:

well i guess now its's claim against Gtplanet's. who knows the truth from both? maybe one of them (which one and why?), maybe none. :ill:

No, its not vs GTPlanets claim against each other. It's PD/Sonys words against - and since PD/Sony haven't said anything, this discussion is silly. 👍
actually said Sony/ PD told them the release date and GTPlanet said Sony / PD didn't told about the release date. :dopey:

this discussion is silly anyway. :ill:
And of all the online video game stores and review sites , gets the scoop?

I certainly find that hard to believe, even though the date could be realistic.
actually said Sony/ PD told them the release date and GTPlanet said Sony / PD didn't told about the release date. :dopey:

this discussion is silly anyway. :ill:

Can you give me a link to where said they got the date from Sony and not some other third party link?
When there is an "official" announcement, it will be declared. If has the date right, it will be proved when the actual date is announced.
Can you give me a link to where said they got the date from Sony and not some other third party link?
and even if there was a link, that date has not been confirmed or denied yet by SCE and PD
Yeah thats right, but I still would like to see where actually said that, because I don't think they did.

Or is it just the case that someone said that said that Sony said....... yeah... always post a date they've guessed, and they always change it. Until we get an official announcement from Sony, don't believe what the websites say, it will only lead to disappointment.
Here is something to consider.

Now websites such as Shop to, Game continue to have a release date of 25/09. If just make up dates as some people suggest, why would they have a release date set 2 months later than their competitors. Surely this wouldn't make good business sense because many would pre-order with the websites that have an earlier release date.

I remain adamant that the release date is the most realistic at the moment. I shall keep a close eye on websites such as Shop, Game, Gameplay to see if these dates change to the 27th November. always post a date they've guessed, and they always change it. Until we get an official announcement from Sony, don't believe what the websites say, it will only lead to disappointment.
Like I just said if they are guessing these dates then they would suggest a release date before the 25/09 to get a jump on Shop to, Game etc.

Making up a date that is 2months later than your competitors makes no sense whatsoever. So with this in mind they have obviously been informed by someone as there is no other explanation.
Specifically because its a different date therefore making it seem like a more realistic date? Look around, its got everyone talking about the website, free marketing is great isn't it?

Online stores are not a reliable source of information, they don't know any more than we do until there is an official announcement. The shops can't know that far in advance of the public, it doesn't take that long to put the game into production.

And how can I be so sure? Because of past experience with Play, they have done this with many other games, I've followed their release dates and they get changed. I actually found the most reliable date was HMV's. But its irrelevant. The only reliable source is Sony themselves or at the very least the gaming press.

If you wish to be disappointed, go ahead and believe the shop's dates. But don't come here crying that PD and Sony have lied or are taking longer than expected. I would rather be surprised that it comes out so early than be disappointed it didn't come out when I expected.
Like I just said if they are guessing these dates then they would suggest a release date before the 25/09 to get a jump on Shop to, Game etc.

Making up a date that is 2months later than your competitors makes no sense whatsoever. So with this in mind they have obviously been informed by someone as there is no other explanation.

Just have a look what other games are going to be released on that very same, special release date:

In other words BS.. think nothing of it.. they know nothing just like us (well most of us, lol amar).
Specifically because its a different date therefore making it seem like a more realistic date? Look around, its got everyone talking about the website, free marketing is great isn't it?

Online stores are not a reliable source of information, they don't know any more than we do until there is an official announcement. The shops can't know that far in advance of the public, it doesn't take that long to put the game into production.
Actually I don't see it this way.

Suppose you haven't pre-ordered GT5 yet and are planning to. Upon looking around at websites such as, shop to, Game who would you place your pre-order with? The answer is shop to because they are cheaper and have an earlier release date.

If as you say its free marketing, well it hasn't done many favours because they are more expensive and have a later release date. If I was working for and in charge of publishing dates and was just guessing these then I would say GT5 is released on August 1st lol.

As for knowing as much as large stores such as Game, Well I think thats a touch arrogant on your part because these are massive companies who obviously recieve information that we don't.
Just have a look what other games are going to be released on that very same, special release date:

Well, actually, that's not so odd because games are released on the same day every week, at least here in the UK anyway, always on a Friday apart from the odd game.
But I still agree are not trustworthy for people to get their hopes up.

As for knowing as much as large stores such as Game, Well I think thats a touch arrogant on your part because these are massive companies who obviously recieve information that we don't.

Arrogant? :lol: So you're suggesting I was referring to myself knowing more than Hardly. I was simply stating that no-one knows anything more than PD does. And basing your hopes on a retailer who has no more connections to PD than a games magazine does is a little fruity to be honest.

I simply don't want to see another million posts complaining about the delays just because people got their hopes up with a retailer's apparently "accurate information". Its inevitable anyway, I guess people like being disappointed.

Retailers are only informed by their supplier. PD are not the supplier, they are the developer and they dictate when the game is released (in this case anyway, usually the publisher has a say). All they can do is estimate until PD give a date. Why would PD (or Sony) give a date to retailers but not announce it officially?

If I'm wrong, I'll happily admit it....mostly because I do want the game to be out :lol: But I'd rather be wrong and enjoy the game earlier than be right and be disappointed because I got my hopes up.
The only time I allow myself to get excited is the week before release. Anything else is only going to lead to disappointment, it has many times in the past.
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Well, actually, that's not so odd because games are released on the same day every week, at least here in the UK anyway, always on a Friday apart from the odd game.
But I still agree are not trustworthy for people to get their hopes up.

Just saying, there is no way they are going to release Uncharted 2, MAG, white knight chronicles, Ratchet and Clank, warhammer, singstar, the agency and GT5 all on the same platform, on the same day.

These titles are spread out over the months before christmas and play is just piling em up so they can get pre-orders.
Let me all ask you another thing.

Suppose you were in charge of Sony and during this global recession you had to pick a weekend out of the year to release GT5 together with a price cut of the PS3. My pick would ironically be the 27th November because this is peak xmas shopping period. We all know very few of us are spending at the moment due to a lack of cash but come xmas we always find a way even if this means spending beyond our means. What you have to remember is Sony are relying on games such as GT5 to sell PS3 consoles.

Remember Kaz in an interview said they were polishing GT5 up and waiting for the perfect timing. This perfect timing means when its best to finanically release GT5 rather than when its finished.

I remain convinced that at the moment the 27th is the most reliable date. I think Sony will coincide the release of GT5 with a £100 PS3 price cut and we shall also see GT5/PS3 bundles.
Let me all ask you another thing.

Suppose you were in charge of Sony and during this global recession you had to pick a weekend out of the year to release GT5 together with a price cut of the PS3. My pick would ironically be the 27th November because this is peak xmas shopping period. We all know very few of us are spending at the moment due to a lack of cash but come xmas we always find a way even if this means spending beyond our means. What you have to remember is Sony are relying on games such as GT5 to sell PS3 consoles.

Remember Kaz in an interview said they were polishing GT5 up and waiting for the perfect timing. This perfect timing means when its best to finanically release GT5 rather than when its finished.

I remain convinced that at the moment the 27th is the most reliable date. I think Sony will coincide the release of GT5 with a £100 PS3 price cut and we shall also see GT5/PS3 bundles.

I'm not trying to work out an accurate release date - this is my point. Would you rather be disappointed?
Just because the release date happens to make sense to you doesn't automatically mean it is the true release date. Do you work for Sony or PD? Only then you could know for sure the actual release date (and even then it would probably still be an estimate at best).

I'm only trying to warn you and others not to believe in release dates without better credibility than a retailer. If you wish to be disappointed, so be it, but I'm not claiming you are wrong just reminding you to not get your hopes up, it doesn't do anyone any good at all.

Its all well and good discussing a release date....but I recommend not convincing yourself until Sony or a more credible source reveals a release date.

Oh, and also, Sony are not going to be pressuring PD too much....remember the last time they did that? They realise this game doesn't need pushing, they realise it sells on its quality alone.
Just saying, there is no way they are going to release Uncharted 2, MAG, white knight chronicles, Ratchet and Clank, warhammer, singstar, the agency and GT5 all on the same platform, on the same day.

These titles are spread out over the months before christmas and play is just piling em up so they can get pre-orders.

Or just think how many 360 owners will be tempted with such fantastic games and go out and buy a PS3 or ask a member of their family to buy them one for xmas, especially if the PS3 price cut occurs.

Normally companies such as MS, Sony make money from the games than the consoles but at the moment Sony really need to sell the consoles.
Let me all ask you another thing.

Suppose you were in charge of Sony and during this global recession you had to pick a weekend out of the year to release GT5 together with a price cut of the PS3. My pick would ironically be the 27th November because this is peak xmas shopping period. We all know very few of us are spending at the moment due to a lack of cash but come xmas we always find a way even if this means spending beyond our means. What you have to remember is Sony are relying on games such as GT5 to sell PS3 consoles.

Remember Kaz in an interview said they were polishing GT5 up and waiting for the perfect timing. This perfect timing means when its best to finanically release GT5 rather than when its finished.

I remain convinced that at the moment the 27th is the most reliable date. I think Sony will coincide the release of GT5 with a £100 PS3 price cut and we shall also see GT5/PS3 bundles.

Simply put, a gut feeling and a release date is not enough.. sony has a schedule they will work on later so they can tactically release certain games and certain genres, at a certain time that must not conflict with the rivals and their games/genres.

Go ahead and hold on to this release date.. but we all have seen this a thousands time before, people hold on to release dates given by third parties claiming to have gotten it from first parties (again, they really want your pre-orders) and it always ends up with people being dissapointed.
I'm not trying to work out an accurate release date - this is my point. Would you rather be disappointed?
Just because the release date happens to make sense to you doesn't automatically mean it is the true release date. Do you work for Sony or PD? Only then you could know for sure the actual release date (and even then it would probably still be an estimate at best).

I'm only trying to warn you and others not to believe in release dates without better credibility than a retailer. If you wish to be disappointed, so be it, but I'm not claiming you are wrong just reminding you to not get your hopes up, it doesn't do anyone any good at all.
Beyond disappointed just desperate now.:)

I do appreciate what your saying mate and im not saying the 27th will be definate but out of all the so called release dates this seems to be the most realistic to me. No doubt this will all change come July lol.