Gran Turismo 5 Release Date?

  • Thread starter Sele1981
for what it's worth also announced for the same 27 November, 2009 the releases of Uncharted 2, MAG, White Knight Chronicles and GT5... that makes a lot of game releasing the same day to be true. :D

i think they were given an estimation by SCEE, like late november 2009, and they used November 27 instead.

you can call it mercantile treachery but remains a good place to buy cheap PS3 games compared to what we have to pay in mainland Europe. i guess is not based in UK but in the anglo-normand islands (aka channel islands). :)

still i don't get why everyone inthere think amar gave a release date through his epic prophecy "when the wind blows over the sea and her sullen and aborted
currents breed tiny monsters, true sailing is dead...
", i think its a bunch of random bullsh** myself. :lol:
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FWIW, I will be buying another PS3 just for GT5, I'll also be buying a big-ass TV to play it on, also a wheel... I'm loyal to Sony and PD, because they gave us one of the greatest series of games ever, so I've got no interest in Xboxes or Forza.

(I sold my PS3 last year 'cos GT5P just wasn't worth it on it's own, and I don't really play any other games!)
I purchased my PS3 for GT5 and so did 4 of my other friends who I play Forza 2 with.

We are all massive racing fans and to not have GT5 is a sin IMO. At first it seemed like an extravagant purchase but then you have to think to yourself how many hrs of entertainment will GT5 give me. For example a night out with my mates including pubs, clubs, taxis, Kebab (always a must), would set me back around £50-£70. I reckon GT5 will give me years of entertainment even if I play every night.

Like I said earlier in another thread if Sony are clever they will focus on the Top gear TT being on GT5. We all know how popular the Top gear show is and I reckon there will be many buying GT5 just because of the TT, even if they aren't into video games.

I have no doubts GT5 will shift many PS3 consoles especially if the rumoured PS3 price drop occurs. I can see many Forza fans buying a PS3 because you only have to look at the forza forums to see this. Very often you see threads on the forza forums requesting a particular feature into the game and yet this will appear in GT5 i.e top gear test track being a good example.
but remains a good place to buy cheap PS3 games
I dont buy from anymore because they deliver with normal mail, a lot of people (me too) receive the items after 3 weeks and many get used games (no seal, scratched box and disc, folded papers) instead of new

not to mention that their prices for pre-orders are not as cheap as other stores like (I only buy from them)

gran turismo 5 51,99€ 32,95£ + 3,50£ (royal mail, better service, they deliver outside UK within 3-5 days) = 36,45£ = 43,3€
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That's the best comment I've ever read about this!:lol:

It wouldn't be too funny if he was like some 12 year old, sick in the hospital with cancer :ill: sorry, bummer 👎

I'm feeling the gravity of a late Nov/early Dec release :sly: it's gotta happen
I dont buy from anymore because they deliver with normal mail, a lot of people (me too) receive the items after 3 weeks and many get used games (no seal, scratched box and disc, folded papers) instead of new

not to mention that their prices for pre-orders are not as cheap as other stores like (I only buy from them)

gran turismo 5 51,99€ 32,95£ + 3,50£ (royal mail, better service, they deliver outside UK within 3-5 days) = 36,45£ = 43,3€

well to get it short GT5 is £39.99 w/free delivery on, by the way they were problem with in last april when the site was hacked with its credit card database stolen... also the layout of the site makes it looking amateurish. :indiff:
I haven't been impressed with lately. They delivered my Killzone 2 two weeks late with a cracked box. I don't know about now but they were ripping us off on the Euro conversion and have stopped us ordering in pounds unless your credit card has a UK address.
well to get it short GT5 is £39.99 w/free delivery on, by the way they were problem with in last april when the site was hacked with its credit card database stolen... also the layout of the site makes it looking amateurish. :indiff:
1) wont allow you to pay in pounds if you live outside the uk (edit: as I see it may depend on the credit card's address), only euros and THEY make their own currency convertion. 51,99€ istead of 47€...a solid 5€ difference.

2)free delivery is not necessarily a good thing because
-it's normal mail
-you cant trace your item
-the postman leaves the items wherever he wants, sometimes people found them among publicity papers
-he won't knock on your door to let you know the item has arrived
-if it's outside anybody can see it and steal it

3)the shopto hack thing was a hoax. It had nothing to do with them. It also included cards like American Express that don't even cater for.,aussie-stumbles-on-19000-exposed-credit-card-numbers.aspx "A defunct payment gateway"

4)their layout has nothing to do with their excellent service and don't you dare calling it amateurish

now please stop the useless flame and giving people wrong informations.
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1) wont allow you to pay in pounds if you live outside the uk (edit: as I see it may depend on the credit card's address), only euros and THEY make their own currency convertion. 51,99€ istead of 47€...a solid 5€ difference.

2)free delivery is not necessarily a good thing because
-it's normal mail
-you cant trace your item
-the postman leaves the items wherever he wants, sometimes people found them among publicity papers
-he won't knock on your door to let you know the item has arrived
-if it's outside anybody can see it and steal it

3)the shopto hack thing was a hoax. It had nothing to do with them. It also included cards like American Express that don't even cater for.,aussie-stumbles-on-19000-exposed-credit-card-numbers.aspx "A defunct payment gateway"

4)their layout has nothing to do with their excellent service and don't you dare calling it amateurish

now please stop the useless flame and giving people wrong informations.

I've only ever had one problem from and i got reimbursed (sp) within 2-3 weeks and i've been with them for about 4-5 years. but I guess i'm only speaking from experience eh.
I've only ever had one problem from and i got reimbursed (sp) within 2-3 weeks and i've been with them for about 4-5 years. but I guess i'm only speaking from experience eh.
We are speaking from experience too. Not only me and mad matt....check all european forums out there talking about that shop has many shipment/prices/delivered items/out of stock problems, that's a fact. And they're losing customers.
You said it yourself you had a problem too.

Now, we're talking about gran turismo 5. As a fact, that game on is too expensive compared to other serious shops even if they got free delivery, it's not worth it. I dont think people want to risk pre-ordering this important title from an online store that may deliver it to them after 2-3 weeks, a month or maybe never just to spare money on delivery (the most important part of the deal)

I'm done with
Since january I only order from because of their cheap games and secure/fast delivery method with royal mail
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Never had a problem with and have been using them for years. Always recieve my items on time and my pre-orders always arrive the day before the official release. Furthermore my items are always intact and in mint condition.

Still I do appreciate this isn't the same for everyone as is always the case in these things. As for Shop to I have heard nothing but excellent comments about this website and may even change my pre-order with them if continue to be more expensive for GT5.
4)their layout has nothing to do with their excellent service and don't you dare calling it amateurish

Well its hardly the most professional looking of sites. So I reckon he can "dare" to call it what he likes lol.

Personally speaking both sites I have used and both with no problems for me.
Quick question but how does the delivery of Shop to products differ from The reason I ask is recently some dodgy employees have been recruited in my local sorting office!!
I nearly always use shopto now. Good prices, next day delivery, guaranteed by release date and only 3 days before items are resent should they go missing in the post (happened to me once). TBH its the best online store i've ever used!
Never had a problem with and have been using them for years. Always recieve my items on time and my pre-orders always arrive the day before the official release. Furthermore my items are always intact and in mint condition.
the thing is, as I can see, you live in England so it's easier for you. I live in Italy and we have so many problems with, also french and germans have problems with that shop
I don't know if I'm the only person who will go and physically pick a copy up from the local game store, it seems like it with the recent posts.... why such complications with and shopto.blah, you do realise it is available in places other than the internet. I'm not so desperate that I'd order it off and get it delivered just so i can get it the day before, especailly when i know there can be a risk of it being lost in transit or what not, which delays delivery as some of these people are complaining about.
Everything I have ordered online I have never got the day before release anyway (some many days late), but I have got a few games the day before in stores.
I don't know if I'm the only person who will go and physically pick a copy up from the local game store, it seems like it with the recent posts.... why such complications with and shopto.blah, you do realise it is available in places other than the internet. I'm not so desperate that I'd order it off and get it delivered just so i can get it the day before, especailly when i know there can be a risk of it being lost in transit or what not, which delays delivery as some of these people are complaining about.
my friend...not everybody lives where games cost cheap in stores
here in Italy they cost 60-70€ so I have no choice but to get them from shopto
We are speaking from experience too. Not only me and mad matt....check all european forums out there talking about that shop has many shipment/prices/delivered items/out of stock problems, that's a fact. And they're losing customers.
You said it yourself you had a problem too.

Now, we're talking about gran turismo 5. As a fact, that game on is too expensive compared to other serious shops even if they got free delivery, it's not worth it. I dont think people want to risk pre-ordering this important title from an online store that may deliver it to them after 2-3 weeks, a month or maybe never just to spare money on delivery (the most important part of the deal)

I'm done with
Since january I only order from because of their cheap games and secure/fast delivery method with royal mail

fair enough, each to our own i suppose and for the reccord the one problem I had was when i was trying to buy a used game from their freetrade division and as for stock issues we just have to be patient.
I don't know if I'm the only person who will go and physically pick a copy up from the local game store, it seems like it with the recent posts.... why such complications with and shopto.blah, you do realise it is available in places other than the internet. I'm not so desperate that I'd order it off and get it delivered just so i can get it the day before, especailly when i know there can be a risk of it being lost in transit or what not, which delays delivery as some of these people are complaining about.

Because its many times cheaper on the internet. Very rarely do I find brand new games cheaper in the real shops.

However, for GT, I make an exception and pay full price and get it from the real shops, last time I ordered GT5P from, I recieved it 3 weeks late and the disk cracked after a week or so (which suggests to me that someone had been playing it before I recieved it).
I have also had very long delivery dates with (2, 3, 4 weeks) and 2 times items that never arrived. However I have kept using them because the prices are much cheaper than in stores here in Portugal (where games cost usually 70€) and they always resent the lost items without any problem.
But if you live outside UK and want to have a game on release date... forget it! Which I want with GT5 !!!

I suppose I'll try this shopto now to test their delivery dates and if need be I'll make an exception and buy GT5 from a physical store :)