Gran Turismo 5 Release Date?

  • Thread starter Sele1981
I doubt GT5P will see any updates, but please PD, reveal some details about GT5, they could release a teaser car/track list, holding back the major announcements.

As it is GT fans are losing interest and looking elsewhere.
Why are there still people bashing on GT5 even though it hasn't come out yet. PLUS, I don't want to hear how Forza is soo much better because it comes out before GT5. I'm thinking perfection takes time.

Have fun in the Forza section of GTP. or else, just go to a Forza Forum! Go bitch over there on how KY let you guys down. We'll be here when GT5 comes out.
Well, I have been playing Forza 2 as a substitute, it is a good game but not overall as realistic as GT4 let alone GT5P.

GT games have always been good when it comes to physics and graphics, but that is about it, the rest of the game is kinda devoid of any emotion or fun, with a really bad 1 player mode. I end up just doing lap times and comparing cars on various tracks and racing in arcade mode with the AI set high and with me driving an inferior car on the ring with the aim of making the races more challenging and FUN!

I am sure when GT5 finally comes out, it will just be GT4 in HD, with more tracks and cars and with as usual an awfully boring 1 player game. Lots of what we all want just will not be included, and some of things that are will be limited. PD traditionally takes an age to release a new title, FORZA 3 may be out before we even get GT5, making 2 releases of the 360 flagship car Sim out before we get GT5!! I know GT is a larger and more complex game but seriously PD need to learn a bit more on how to bring a product from the drawing board to the market in good time!! PD needs to concentrate more on the little things that polish a game, instead of only the headline grabbing stuff! An example would just always concentrating on the graphics and physics of which are fundamental of course, but how about the engine sounds among things, jeez, speak with EA, there silly franchise of street racing games on the PS2 sound better than GT5P on PS3!!! GT5P has an awful online system as you all know, damn how hard is it to just have a few more online options or private lobbies etc So many other games, even mediocre ones offer far more options and flexibility.

It makes me wonder, do PD actually look at the competition or are they just so single minded or even arrogant, as if they want to offer the best car Sim solution, they should look at the competition as they do some things allot better in my opinion.

I have been a GT fan since day 1, but I have become increasingly frustraded with the franchise over the years!!
I really hope PD prove me wrong and that this endless wait will all be worth it :-)
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in this japanese blog there's a release date, and it could be really true..
27 november 2009

If that's the truth, then Europe will have it around February and US will have it around March or April. Sounds about right.👍 I hope.:nervous:

Well, I have been playing Forza 2 as a substitute, it is a good game but not overall as realistic as GT4 let alone GT5P.

GT games have always been good when it comes to physics and graphics, but that is about it, the rest of the game is kinda devoid of any emotion or fun, with a really bad 1 player mode. I end up just doing lap times and comparing cars on various tracks and racing in arcade mode with the AI set high and with me driving an inferior car on the ring with the aim of making the races more challenging and FUN!

I am sure when GT5 finally comes out, it will just be GT4 in HD, with more tracks and cars and with as usual an awfully boring 1 player game. Lots of what we all want just will not be included, and some of things that are will be limited. PD traditionally takes an age to release a new title, FORZA 3 may be out before we even get GT5, making 2 releases of the 360 flagship car Sim out before we get GT5!! I know GT is a larger and more complex game but seriously PD need to learn a bit more on how to bring a product from the drawing board to the market in good time!! PD needs to concentrate more on the little things that polish a game, instead of only the headline grabbing stuff! An example would just always concentrating on the graphics and physics of which are fundamental of course, but how about the engine sounds among things, jeez, speak with EA, there silly franchise of street racing games on the PS2 sound better than GT5P on PS3!!! GT5P has an awful online system as you all know, damn how hard is it to just have a few more online options or private lobbies etc So many other games, even mediocre ones offer far more options and flexibility.

It makes me wonder, do PD actually look at the competition or are they just so single minded or even arrogant, as if they want to offer the best car Sim solution, they should look at the competition as they do some things allot better in my opinion.

I have been a GT fan since day 1, but I have become increasingly frustraded with the franchise over the years!!
I really hope PD prove me wrong and that this endless wait will all be worth it :-)

Well said. At least your not the one I point the finger to about how other guys come in and say screw you PD, you let me down.

I'm not a game designer of any sorts, but is it true that over the years the better the graphics means the more time it takes to make the game? They have a limited amount of staff in PD and is working as hard as possible. Sometimes they don't even go home. They just sleep at their desk. All I'm saying is KY and crew isn't trying to skimp out on us. It's just I don't want them to do something fast and have flaws, than to take time and make it perfect.
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If that's the truth, then Europe will have it around February and US will have it around March or April. Sounds about right.👍 I hope.:nervous:

Well said. At least your not the one I point the finger to about how other guys come in and say screw you PD, you let me down.

I'm not a game designer of any sorts, but is it true that over the years the better the graphics means the more time it takes to make the game? They have a limited amount of staff in PD and is working as hard as possible. Sometimes they don't even go home. They just sleep at their desk. All I'm saying is KY and crew isn't trying to skimp out on us. It's just I don't want them to do something fast and have flaws, than to take time and make it perfect.

Thanks :-)

The fact they take so long, leads us all to hope and believe that they have something very special to unleash on the world but we all had lots of hopes for GT4 that fell through, tho GT4 took an age to release (just like GT5) but was not much an improvement over the one it replaced. (IMO)

I am not to fussed if GT5 is GT4 in HD providng the online system is world class, with tons of stats, and endless online functionality and customization. This will be the real winner for me, not damage to cars or weather effects - which of course would be great additions, but we don't have a game if it is not immensley playable. Sensible World Of Soccer is a classic example, crap graphics, but to this day very fun, with a huge array of customization in the way of custom leagues etc to this day none of the Fifa's or PES's offer that!
Don't forget that this time they mightactually put in place the promissed worldwide release. It's happening with a few of their games, and there's a slight chance of the same with GT5.

Fingers crossed.
Don't forget that this time they mightactually put in place the promissed worldwide release. It's happening with a few of their games, and there's a slight chance of the same with GT5.

Fingers crossed.

From what I have heard its going to be a July 09 release for Japan, Dec for Europe!
The GT series is no longer a leader in any area apart from graphics.

Until GT5 is released, and proved to be better than the competition, it's irrelevant.

PD need to get the PR machine up and running, otherwise the title will under perform like other PS3 exclusives.
GT4 was a leader in many area, amount of cars for example. So i can't see how the GT series is no longer a leader in any area barring graphics. Impossible to judge given it's been 4-5 years since the last version.
Do you know what?

I have a horrible feeling this game could go the way that GT did with the PSP, that is, never come out. We have heard so little about the game, seen nothing at all either. It just seems PD are a weak force nowadays, that they cannot keep up with the demands of changing a game to suit new consumers. Everything is going at such a SLOW pace. By now GT5 should have really been out, online and Home integration and more. But their lack of skill in these areas (Software and Online), seems to have put them back years. Oh well. I also agree with the person above, PS3 exclusives have been weak, and not performed sales wise, thanks to terrible advertising and support from Sony.
I predict that the release of GT5 will cause global warming and I'll have a Polar Bear serving me a Sex on the Beach on Brighton's West Pier.
From IGN :

Published by: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developed by: Polyphony Digital
Release Date: TBA 2009 <----- ( SEE THE DATE )
Genre: Racing

Confirmed by Polyphony Digital to be in production and scheduled for a 2008 release. <------ ( SEE THE DATE ) it even says confirmed :lol:

I don't even think PD knows what is goin on. :lol:

Still having patience , will just ride this one out
Stuff like that is normal, thats why i dont give a damn about dates from websites or shops until it was officially announced by the devs or the publisher.
Stuff like that is normal, thats why i dont give a damn about dates from websites or shops until it was officially announced by the devs or the publisher.

Agreed. Personally I think all this talk about release dates are pointless until that happens. can you people write so much over so little, the game will not get here any sooner. You just have to wait for an official announcement!!

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