Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
In Forza Horizon 5 I had every car in the game after a week of playing, which isn’t fun at all.
And how many hours did you play in that week? Like a hundred? FH5 is generous with it's cars, but you don't get them all in a week unless you start skipping sleep to play and get very lucky with roulettes.
I'm sure there are better payouts, but one lap around the 'Ring and this isn't bad


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Did you beat the WTC? If you didn't see the credits it won't change.
Yes I beat it I got the credits etc it’s not changed since Saturday been stuck on the same cars. Some go out of stock and then come back with the exact same car.
That Nurburgring race was horrible, I fly past everyone until I'm in 4th and then 3rd is 8,000,000 miles away.

Not to mention both times I tried, it ends up pouring during the final 3 minutes or so.
I guess I got lucky as I don't recall it pouring down when I was driving, I think it got a bit wet, but not a full downpour.

EDIT: I'm also kicking myself because I accidentally entered the GT Cafe when I didn't win the 964 Carrera RS yet. Stupid :banghead: stupid :banghead: stupid :banghead:. Because I did that, I now can't win it.

I still want to try winning the race for completion sake, but the fact I missed out winning another car (even though it was one I had already) infuriates me.
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From all the things people are saying (short career mode, lacking options in online, no use for later licenses, middling car and track list etc etc) this game seems to suffer from the same broad problem that every GT game since 5 has. It'll be a far, far better game in 6-12 months after a bunch of updates.

It seems to be the case for all games of this type these days, it's only A>B story driven games that really seem to be complete on launch day, like Horizon FW, Spider-Man, that type of game. Sure they'll add expansions to those as well, but they're a coherent game that you can start and finish and feel like it's all there. Devs can't just go and patch in an extra bit of story content in the middle of those games and ask people to play through it all again. You can't have the story finish 80% done and expect people to wait for updates for the last 20%.

But for open-ended games like GT, where this is no linear A>B path, no story, and clear room for expansion in all areas, it does seem to need that. As I say, it's been the case for all online-era GT games and 7 seems no different. In 6-12 months the game will probably have 3-4 extra locations, ~50 new cars, a bunch of new races and events, major issues patched, and who knows what else content. It'll be quite simply an objectively better game.

Which for me is not a problem at all, I have such a big back log of stuff to play I rarely feel the need to buy games day one any more. I'll be very happy buying GT7 in 6-12 months and I'll surely experience a far better game than those buying it day 1 who then play the updates piecemeal as they come. I'll get to experience the original game along with all the updates fresh from the start, in one go, feeling like one cohesive game.

Of course I get why people want games on day 1, it'd be absurd to suggest people don't buy them or anything, but for those of us who don't mind waiting, it's going to be a far better experience a while down the line.

Which is a shame it has to be like that, but that's modern era gaming for you.
I kind of agree, and disagree. I preordered GT7 and started playing it on launch day. I only get a couple of hours a day on the PS5 though, so I'm never going to find the current content an issue because it'll take me a year to catch up with it. On the other side of that, having not enjoyed GT5, and ignored GT6, I only bought GTSport about 18 months ago. It was finished, polished and the content was all there waiting for me. I genuinely don't know which has made me happier.
I'm sure there are better payouts, but one lap around the 'Ring and this isn't bad
That's one of the better ones I've seen besides re-doing championships. I assume this race can be found at the Nurb?
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And how many hours did you play in that week? Like a hundred? FH5 is generous with it's cars, but you don't get them all in a week unless you start skipping sleep to play and get very lucky with roulettes.
I played it a lot of course, I enjoyed it a lot when it was fresh. And I rubberband farmed the Goliath, so I didn’t loose any sleep. ☺️
That's one of the better ones I've seen besides re-doing championships. I assume this race can be found at the Nurb?
Yeah. Porsche championship. You do have to pass 15 cars in that one lap though. And it rained halfway through. By far my most intense race. And....well, this wasn't my first go at it. Fun though
My next Menu are the Gr.B collection. Is that one of the races?
Complete menu book 36 to unlock Fishermans Ranch. Just use the free Audi Quattro that you get somewhere along that book aswell.

It does take a while to find your groove in how to go about the jumps without losing control, but I’ve got it down pretty consistently now.
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Said i wouldnt do that Daytona GR.3 race again...


Tried it again on professional with the Supra and beat it.. honestly, its such a awesome feeling.
Guess it comes down to the right car.

My race on Normal dif, did it a day or 2 ago.

My Race today on Professional dif. Same car, shaved a few seconds off.
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I played it a lot of course, I enjoyed it a lot when it was fresh. And I rubberband farmed the Goliath, so I didn’t loose any sleep. ☺️
I feel like if you're rubberband/afk farming then you lose all rights to say that the economy is being too generous. You intentionally made it generous. People will (hopefully) figure out how to do the same thing with GT7 just like they did in old Gran Turismo games, but it doesn't change that the game economy is really unfriendly to people playing "normally".

To be clear, I don't have a problem with Goliath farming. I kind of like that such a thing exists, as well as the fact that it's not a bug but just a natural confluence of accessibility options. You can have everything almost immediately if you want, but you have to make a pretty clear decision to play the game in an unnatural way to do so.

If GT7 included a similar option I think a lot of the complaining about the economy would go away. People that found it frustrating would have a way to opt out, and people that liked it could continue doing their thing and having fun. But presumably because of the microtransactions thing, Polyphony really doesn't want players to have any options other than slogging through their designed grind.
I would like to know who is having a hard time getting money? I can see trying to gold everything… but there is plenty of races that are easy and let’s you use an overpower car… you can get 500k in maybe 30 35 min?? Yes it’s grinding but what game doesn’t have it? I mean I play Forza and GT and your grinding in both games… Yea it’s way easier to get cars and money in Forza which some might like and that’s cool… I like the way GT structures it’s game… I got invitation to buy special Ferrari… the invitation is for about two weeks I got the money for the LaFerrari in two days… I don’t see the problem getting money in GT7.
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I would like to know who is having a hard time getting money? I can see trying to gold everything… but their is plenty of races that are easy and let’s you use an overpower car… you can get 500k in maybe 30 35 min?? Yes it’s grinding but what game doesn’t have it? I mean I play Forza and GT and your grinding in both games… Yea it’s way easier to get cars and money in Forza which some might like and that’s cool… I like the way GT structures it’s game… I got invitation to buy special Ferrari… the invitation is for about two weeks I got the money for the LaFerrari and two day… I don’t see the problem getting money in GT7.
Money isn't hard to come by per se, it's similar to Sport somewhat. However the game economy doesn't account for the performance parts, that's where a lot of people will use their money, especially with Sport mode requiring tuning and finding the meta car. (For example, i believe the meta car now is a 1M credit car)

I, for example earned around 4 million credits and spent around 2 million on performance parts, so money goes quite fast if you're trying to find the right car for the right event.

Also, your daily workout doesn’t guarantee you a car anymore so completing the car list will be harder.

But yeah, if you want some quick cash it's easy enough to get some to be fair.
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Man, I'm doing a custom race on Brands Hatch in Gr.3 cars and.. the AI is actually very good? I'm genuinely surprised. They've been going side by side with not just me, but eachother, constantly fighting and surprisingly not backing out at all when a car gets alongside them. I even saw an AI get pushed off-line going two wide, touch the gravel and spin!

I went side-by-side all the way through the first and second sectors with an AI (in 16th!!) before they defended the line going into a corner (the AI ahead were on a different line, so they weren't just on a rigid one) and forced me to take a slower line through it so they could pull ahead.

If they are capable of this I TRULY do not understand why PD have such a fascination with pitting us against weird rubberbandy chase-the-rabbit AI. Racing close like this is literally 5000x more enjoyable than the system they use in the career mode. It's crazy.

At the very least, I'm glad I know I can enjoy the singleplayer content once the Cafe and missions are done. I was worried it'd be pointless if I'm ahead of the AI by the end of the first lap like you are in the career, but it's lap 5 and I've gone up 5 positions. Feels proper. I love it.
Yes, custom races against the ai are awesome in GTSport and that has been my go to mode in that game for the 5 years I have owned it. The longevity and replayability it imparts to GTS is immense. I'm so glad to read in your post that the ai is still a step above the normal single player ai in GT7. This along with the chilli races (an added single player bonus for those of us that want a challenge) will keep me going till the next GT is released. 👍
So, I went waaay back and looked up a comment I made. At one point I figured out, to the beat of my ability, how long it took to get a 20 million dollar car in sport. Theoretically, just over 10 hours. But real world, close to 15. Seems similar here.

The hope I have is that they add something like seasonal events on GT6. I think 5-6 hours would be reasonable if you're grinding to get a 20mil car. @JoaoSilva is right - performance parts take a lot of money. I easily spend 100,000 on a car I really like.

But, unlike Sport, I am finding the money fun to earn
Finished the hour long Brands Hatch race, AI still gets a bit funky, but it's better than the career. Leaders were putting in 1:26s vs. my 1:28s - but after 10ish laps basically the entire field slowed down by a couple of seconds per lap until I caught up to them towards the end of the race, where they went back to 1:26s.
The AI that were putting up a fight towards the back of the pack at the start of the race ended up getting lapped by me twice even though my lap times stayed consistent - I guess they suffered ego death as soon as they were overtaken.

Not too surprised, but it's not the end of the world. I don't understand why PD have an obsession with refusing to let the player be anywhere but the front. Just let me turn off the rubber-banding :boggled:

The real reason I wanted to do that though was to see if I can find these mystical oil stains that we have the option to turn on and display on the cars. I was hoping that by doing an hour long race, the cars would have accumulated a bit of muck by the time I crossed the line, but unfortunately they were almost pristine and there wasn't a single bit of oil to be seen.

They did gain a coating of dust, though, which was nice! There was a noticeable difference to the reflections of the car when I toggled the option in the race photo. So that's something, at least. I'd be more impressed by this if I didn't notice the effect in the 5 lap races, bit quicker to do one of those than a 40 lap one.

I wonder how long you have to drive until the cars actually start accumulating oil/dirt, though. It must exist, for it to be an option, and the textures definitely exist because you can enable them in scapes.

Please let me know if anyone has actually seen a dirty car, lol.
In GT Sport we can turn off boost which I assume is the rubber banding. Can't it be turned off in GT7?
Money isn't hard to come by per se, it's similar to Sport somewhat. However the game economy doesn't account for the performance parts, that's where a lot of people will use their money, especially with Sport mode requiring tuning and finding the meta car. (For example, i believe the meta car now is a 1M credit car)

I, for example earned around 4 million credits and spent around 2 million on performance parts, so money goes quite fast if you're trying to find the right car for the right event.

Also, your daily workout doesn’t guarantee you a car anymore so completing the car list will be harder.

But yeah, if you want some quick cash it's easy enough to get some to be fair.
I feel what your saying, but the way I see is how are you going to play this game and use your money? As soon as I got the game I got my 911 GT3 RS 991 because we are doing our league races in GT7 so the whole squad had that and a list of parts to get to be ready for this Fridays testing… That was fun getting out the way… You already heard my Ferrari story…. Some people like yourself will spend your money on tuning and find the right car… are you into car collecting?? Let’s say your not you just want to online race your money goals are going to be more focused on that. Some people may only take pictures so they might wanna save for nice prestige cars me and you don’t car about…

The money is easy to get and it’s up to you to see where you want to spend it.. I don’t see people doing everything all at once… online racing, taking crazy amount of photos, tuning etc… you gotta kinda find your nitch and rock from there! I’ll be damn if I spend any real money when it’s easy to get, but I will not tell anyone what to do with your cash..
Complete menu book 36 to unlock Fishermans Ranch. Just use the free Audi Quattro that you get somewhere along that book aswell.

It does take a while to find your groove in how to go about the jumps without losing control, but I’ve got it down pretty consistently now.
I have it unlocked., but was gifted the GR B 86 early in the game.
I feel what your saying, but the way I see is how are you going to play this game and use your money? As soon as I got the game I got my 911 GT3 RS 991 because we are doing our league races in GT7 so the whole squad had that and a list of parts to get to be ready for this Fridays testing… That was fun getting out the way… You already heard my Ferrari story…. Some people like yourself will spend your money on tuning and find the right car… are you into car collecting?? Let’s say your not you just want to online race your money goals are going to be more focused on that. Some people may only take pictures so they might wanna save for nice prestige cars me and you don’t car about…

The money is easy to get and it’s up to you to see where you want to spend it.. I don’t see people doing everything all at once… online racing, taking crazy amount of photos, tuning etc… you gotta kinda find your nitch and rock from there! I’ll be damn if I spend any real money when it’s easy to get, but I will not tell anyone what to do with your cash..
That is true, i was more talking in a broader sense of the game, because Sport mode doesn't affect me, so i don't have to spend money on that personally but i do like collecting all cars. Right now i'm prioritising new cars that weren't in Sport except some favorites.

Also i feel like we're gonna get a bunch of new events soon where we'll get more free prize cars and chances to earn credits so i'm excited to see what PD brings us in updates because i'm freaking loving this game. 😄