Gran Turismo 7: Latest news and discussion thread

  • Thread starter sems4arsenal
And it does matter. This is a GT7 thread, for GT7. Not for things tenuously connected to things tenuously connected to things tenuously connected to GT7.

Even when Sony reveals the PS5's price, this won't be the thread for it. This is the thread for general discussion on GT7.

"Now then, now then. What's all this shouting? This is a local (GT7) thread for local (GT7) people. We'll have no trouble here."

I couldn't help but hear "Edward" from League of Gentlemen when I read this. No offence intended.

Plainly, in my opinion, we're not going to see anything more about GT7 until we see something more about PS5.

It's September, so it's not likely to be that long to wait to hear/see more news on GT7 (months at the outside). I can certainly wait, personally.

In the meantime, there are other ways to pass the time 👍
Maybe my hype for GT7 is too much and i'm going crazy, but this photo has been posted by TOM'S Racing and reposted by Kazunori yamouchi on Twitter, also the car looks brand new and the photo seems to be created by a computer, it doesn't feel like a real photo.

can this be a photo taken from GT7?


This photo doesn't seem to be from gt sport, and that comment makes me dream about Suzuki Escudo comeback!

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So... the PS5 price, release date, and all the launch games will probably be confirmed within the next week or two. Even though I'm one of the negative ones who believes the game isn't going to come out for at least another 6-8 months, Here are the key things that confuse me about the games release window:

1. Gran Turismo 1, Gran Turismo 2, Gran Turismo 4, Gran Turismo Prologue, Gran Turismo 5, Gran Turismo 6, Gran Turismo Sport all released in the Holiday season, mostly in December. Even though I don't think it will, If it DID release in the next 3 months, it would be right on the target release date Polyphony has chosen for EVERY SINGLE GT GAME except GT3. Even if that is the target release behind the closed doors, it could still be delayed.

2. Noting the video @NickXD linked, they seem to be promoting the game as if it was releasing alongside the console or close to it. They featured Spider Man: Miles Morales, Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo 7, Demon Souls, Horizon: Forbidden West all in a 30 second TV-Spot. Thing to note is, Horizon: Forbidden West is scheduled for a '2021' release. That could be early 2021, or late 2021. Seems like Sony is counting on that being early 2021 considering they had it in their advert. That leaves Gran Turismo and Ratchet & Clank being the only ones on that list with no release details given, not even a '2020' or '2021'. Even though this advert doesn't tell us much, I think it's fair to say that GT7 wouldn't be in this TV-Spot if it was 12 months away, but anything is possible with how PD has been in the past. My friend told me he thinks Ratchet & Clank, and Gran Turismo 7 have no release details because those are the ones that will release on the same day as the console (which hasn't been announced yet). That's not my belief, I think its more likely Playstation, kinda like Xbox, is lacking launch games, and are just grasping for any content they can put in their TV-Spots.

3. I will admit, All of us could be underestimating the development time this game has already had. I can't recall any GT announcement having ACTUAL HD GAMEPLAY, a menu showcase, and what looks to be box art all ready to be shown to the public the day its announced. It's almost like the only thing they didn't have for us was the release date itself. I'm also pretty sure this is the first GT game to be announced alongside a new Playstation console, so their marketing strategy this time around could be completely different to what we are used to.

For those who believe its releasing this Holiday or early 2021, I don't blame you. I gotta admit, It definitely is starting to seem that way...


The idea of having a next generation, flagship GT game in my hands 5-6 months after its reveal is almost not possible in my mind lol. That's not the Polyphony Digital that I know. I don't want to hype myself up just to be disappointed when they say it needs another year or two of development time, which would be the Polyphony that I'm used to. My prediction is still somewhere around Summer or Holiday 2021.

In summary: All I can say is, I'm gonna expect the worst, so I can be pleasantly surprised if its coming out sooner than we think.
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So... the PS5 price, release date, and all the launch games will probably be confirmed within the next week or two. Even though I'm one of the negative ones who believes the game isn't going to come out for at least another 6-8 months, Here are the key things that confuse me about the games release window:

1. Gran Turismo 1, Gran Turismo 2, Gran Turismo 4, Gran Turismo Prologue, Gran Turismo 5, Gran Turismo 6, Gran Turismo Sport all released in the Holiday season, mostly in December. Even though I don't think it will, If it DID release in the next 3 months, it would be right on the target release date Polyphony tends to choose. Even if that is the target release behind the closed doors, it could still be delayed.

2. Noting the video @NickXD linked, they seem to be promoting the game as if it was releasing alongside the console or close to it. They featured Spider Man: Miles Morales, Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo 7, Demon Souls, Horizon: Forbidden West all in a 30 second TV-Spot. Thing to note is, Horizon: Forbidden West is scheduled for a '2021' release. That could be early 2021, or late 2021. Seems like Sony is counting on that being early 2021 considering they had it in their advert. That leaves Gran Turismo and Ratchet & Clank being the only ones on that list with no release details given, not even a '2020' or '2021'. Even though this advert doesn't tell us much, I think it's fair to say that GT7 wouldn't be in this TV-Spot if it was 12 months away, but anything is possible with how PD has been in the past. My friend told me he thinks Ratchet & Clank, and Gran Turismo 7 have no release details because those are the ones that will release on the same day as the console (which hasn't been announced yet). That's not my belief, I think its more likely Playstation, kinda like Xbox, is lacking launch games, and are just grasping for any content they can put in their TV-Spots.

3. I will admit, All of us could be underestimating the development time this game has already had. I can't recall any GT announcement having ACTUAL HD GAMEPLAY, a menu showcase, and what looks to be box art all ready to be shown to the public the day its announced. It's almost like the only thing they didn't have for us was the release date itself. I'm also pretty sure this is the first GT game to be announced alongside a new Playstation console, so their marketing strategy this time around could be completely different to what we are used to.

For those who believe its releasing this Holiday or early 2021, I don't blame you. I gotta admit, It definitely is starting to seem that way...


The idea of having a next generation, flagship GT game in my hands 5-6 months after its reveal is almost not possible in my mind lol. That's not the Polyphony Digital that I know. I don't want to hype myself up just to be disappointed when they say it needs another year or two of development time, which would be the Polyphony that I'm used to. My prediction is still somewhere around Summer or Holiday 2021.

In summary: All I can say is, I'm gonna expect the worst, so I can be pleasantly surprised if its coming out sooner than we think.

That’s a good way to look at it I guess - get it in your head it’s going to be next summer at the earliest and if it’s released this Xmas, then it’s a pleasant surprise!

However, I am an optimist and have already got myself sitting down over the Xmas break with my new PS5 (probably disk edition), ice cold beer, bowl of crisps (chips to you Americans) and Gran Turismo 7!!
. I can't recall any GT announcement having ACTUAL HD GAMEPLAY, a menu showcase, and what looks to be box art all ready to be shown to the public the day its announced.

They showed a lot more of GTS at launch, with a pretty detailed page on the website covering what the game was about, and the features.

Plus that's kinda irrelevant now we've gone three months of silence, the other games didn't do that.

It's almost like the only thing they didn't have for us was the release date itself.

Or, you know, literally any information about features and content of the game. The menus give a vague idea, but that's all.

What they showed was clearly just GTS tarted up, with one track they could've made it in a few weeks. That and the menu mockups really don't tell us how far along the game is.
I still heavily doubt it’s coming this year, but a pattern in Sony’s console releases over the years is that they’ve tried to launch it with an exclusive racing game of some sort.

The PS2 launched with Ridge Racer 5 (GT3 released a few months later). The PS3 launched with Ridge Racer 7. The PS4 was meant to launch with Driveclub before it ended up being delayed by a year or so.

As of right now, there’s only one exclusive racing game that’s been announced for the PS5, so...
They showed a lot more of GTS at launch, with a pretty detailed page on the website covering what the game was about, and the features.

Plus that's kinda irrelevant now we've gone three months of silence, the other games didn't do that.

Or, you know, literally any information about features and content of the game. The menus give a vague idea, but that's all.

What they showed was clearly just GTS tarted up, with one track they could've made it in a few weeks. That and the menu mockups really don't tell us how far along the game is.

I'll admit, I don't remember much about GTS leading up to the release. Mostly because it didn't seem very interesting, and wasn't up my alley at all. All I remember was the reveal trailer ( ), and a huge 7 month gap till May where we actually saw an early gameplay trailer ( ).
They showed a lot more of GTS at launch, with a pretty detailed page on the website covering what the game was about, and the features.

Plus that's kinda irrelevant now we've gone three months of silence, the other games didn't do that.

Once again, Sony seems to control communication. Totally.

We should see more about Gran Turismo 7 which will be an important sequel, you're right. But it's same for Demon Souls, Sackboy Adventure, Spiderman MM, Returnal, Destruction AllStars and more. Only Ratchet & Clank shows us a demo a bit more complete than his trailer.

At this point, we can't predict anything. Unfortunately. I hope Sony will talk next week.
I think GTS was a little test. How would fans respond to a game that historically has loads of content (a la GT4), but are given few cars and tracks and offline content? I think considering what we got at launch the reception wasn't 'grab your pitchforks and torches!' (always for some, yes) but the promise of increasing content regularly at no cost AND getting to enjoy what the game DID have, really wasn't so bad. Given that, I think GT7 will be a day 1 game. If they have to, they'll do the same thing for GT7 (GT8, let's be real) and it'd really help sell the console. My 2 cents.

I think GTS was a little test. How would fans respond to a game that historically has loads of content (a la GT4), but are given few cars and tracks and offline content? I think considering what we got at launch the reception wasn't 'grab your pitchforks and torches!' (always for some, yes) but the promise of increasing content regularly at no cost AND getting to enjoy what the game DID have, really wasn't so bad. Given that, I think GT7 will be a day 1 game. If they have to, they'll do the same thing for GT7 (GT8, let's be real) and it'd really help sell the console. My 2 cents.

A little test? In an industry that shows your existence as a developer is dependent on making games that meet the expectations of the publisher numbers wise? Granted PD are very first party and Kaz is on the board but no. You don't do tests like that.

I have no opinion on day 1 anything for GT7 but then again I don't really have much faith in PD anymore.
A little test? In an industry that shows your existence as a developer is dependent on making games that meet the expectations of the publisher numbers wise? Granted PD are very first party and Kaz is on the board but no. You don't do tests like that.

I have no opinion on day 1 anything for GT7 but then again I don't really have much faith in PD anymore.

We'll have to agree to disagree on that. It was nearly 4 years after the PS4 launched that we got GT Sport in it's light content form. I bet Sony was heavily leaning on them to release the game. If it didn't get released when it did, it may have also delayed GT7. Speculation, yes, but just going by what's happened.

We'll have to agree to disagree on that. It was nearly 4 years after the PS4 launched that we got GT Sport in it's light content form. I bet Sony was heavily leaning on them to release the game. If it didn't get released when it did, it may have also delayed GT7. Speculation, yes, but just going by what's happened.

Design of games comes first and once development starts you don't change design otherwise massive issues arise. So GTS is exactly what PD wanted to do in the first place.

My opinion on why this as happened is because the first time PD got hold of save game data was with GT5 and they found that there was little take up of GT mode and they reached, what I consider, the wrong conclusions from that and that is why GT6 turned out the way it did.

In essence they made GT5 about levelling and experience points - when you add that to a game it becomes about doing it as quickly as you can. Initially that was about finding the race that provided the most experience per minute. Then they added online seasonals with greatly enhanced experience payouts. Naturally that's what players did and that was what PD saw. Hence GT6.

When the sales numbers for GT6 came out as low as they did, that's when they decided on what GTS had to be. That hasn't really worked out, competition PvP isn't for everyone by any stretch, and now they are going back to a proper Gran Turismo again.

Why was I very unhappy with the reveal? Experience points. Again. They have learned nothing. I'm thinking they are making a big mistake again. I really hope I'm wrong but - well in a list of worst to best Gran Turismo games I think GT6, GTS and GT5 are the three worst and by a margin.
The silence is deafening... What is Sony's ploy right now? What's preventing them from sharing any information? I feel like PD is being held back by the big wigs at Sony for one reason or another. I'm starting to get annoyed now because we still don't have anything concrete, and if rumors suggest that we'll get the PS5 in November/December, it's a concern.

Also, GT5 is a good game because it retains the original flavour and essence of a GT game. GT6 and GT Sport not so much.
With limited PS5s, I'm not sweating it. If JB and EB are doing PS5/GT7 bundles, I'll have to see if either system will be disc or digital.
The apparent low number of consoles at launch could be why, going by the pre-order system they announced. No point spending millions on promotion and advertising if they know they're only going to have a small amount available to start with which will far outweigh demand. Could also be one reason not many big first party games will be launch titles, but rather gradually over the following 6 months as they increase production.
I'm talking about releasing more information through their social media channels btw. They don't have to spend millions for advertisement, a simple twitter post could generate enough excitement.
maybe its better for them to release gt7 on ps4 and collect money from large user base
it would be good financial move
maybe its better for them to release gt7 on ps4 and collect money from large user base
it would be good financial move

My opinion (in short) :

It's quite obvious now that Gran Turismo 7 was at first destined to the Ps4 but it's dev was taking too long.
Polyphony Digital had to hurry to release "something" on the PS4 from the already designed Gran Turismo 7's Sport mode. That's the way we got Gran Turismo Sport in November 2017 in its light form without any Offline content.
At this time the studios got pressured by Sony and informed that the PS5 dev kits would be soon available (around early 2018).

In my mind during the whole GT Sport's lifespan PD has made the double work of rendering the game a lot more decent, and have been going on developing GT7 but for the PS5.

The only trailer we got for GT7 maybe à kind of a lure showing some early dev elements of the game and its gameplay because of Sony's will for confidentiality, but GT7 must be widely more advanced than what's shown in the trailer.

I think that GT7 could even be a PS5's launch title, or a 2020's Holidays' bundle.

So then why haven't we any serious pieces of informations about anything concerning the PS5 (and Gran Turismo 7 by concequences) ?

Because we are witnessing the pitlane with a very low resolution cam-drone at 300 meters high before an industrial and commercial race (or war) between two Hi-Tek giant firms (Sony vs Microsoft) . And before the race begins they have to play poker.

Sony is not in a hurry versus Microsoft, so they wait until Microsoft moves. And Sony will counterattack each times Microsoft moves an inch.
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Good news for the car list!
It seems that an Indian company helps Polyphony to model cars :

"First car done for this Project 'Toyota Tundra TRD Pro' has been showcased in the trailer. I was responsible for creating Mid- poly models of Interior and Exterior. And also sculpting of cloth details of the Interior of the car. Other cars which I have worked on have not yet released."

A team works in India for Gran Turismo.

3 months to model the Toyota if you read the comments.
"Thank you so much. It took nearly 3 months. We didnt get cad data .. we got the scan."
My opinion (in short) :

It's quite obvious now that Gran Turismo 7 was at first destined to the Ps4 but it's dev was taking too long.
Polyphony Digital had to hurry to release "something" on the PS4 from the already designed Gran Turismo 7's Sport mode. That's the way we got Gran Turismo Sport in November 2017 in its light form without any Offline content.
At this time the studios got pressured by Sony and informed that the PS5 dev kits would be soon available (around early 2018).

In my mind during the whole GT Sport's lifespan PD has made the double work of rendering the game a lot more decent, and have been going on developing GT7 but for the PS5.

The only trailer we got for GT7 maybe à kind of a lure showing some early dev elements of the game and its gameplay because of Sony's will for confidentiality, but GT7 must be widely more advanced than what's shown in the trailer.

I think that GT7 could even be a PS5's launch title, or a 2020's Holidays' bundle.

So then why haven't we any serious pieces of informations about anything concerning the PS5 (and Gran Turismo 7 by concequences) ?

Because we are witnessing the pitlane with a very low resolution cam-drone at 300 meters high before an industrial and commercial race (or war) between two Hi-Tek giant firms (Sony vs Microsoft) . And before the race begins they have to play poker.

Sony is not in a hurry versus Microsoft, so they wait until Microsoft moves. And Sony will counterattack each times Microsoft moves an inch.

Well that's a whole lotta conjecture.

GT Sport wasn't hurried, it released two years after it was first unveiled, four years after GT6, and didn't change much in terms of focus in that time. Whether we like it or not, GTS was what PD wanted to make and it's what they spent 4+ years on. Whether they had GT7 in the back of their minds and working on that in part as well who knows, but I don't buy the idea that it was just a fork of an incomplete GT7 at all.

They can't 'though; the CPU / GPU grunt simply isn't there.

Are we already doing the "last gen hardware wasn't strong enough for PDs vision" BS? Before PD even start it and the new console is out? Of course the PS4 is powerful enough for a fully fledged GT game, if it isn't, how on earth do you explain the earlier games on far weaker hardware?

Not that I think there is even a 1% chance they release it on PS4, mind you.
Well that's a whole lotta conjecture.

GT Sport wasn't hurried, it released two years after it was first unveiled, four years after GT6, and didn't change much in terms of focus in that time. Whether we like it or not, GTS was what PD wanted to make and it's what they spent 4+ years on. Whether they had GT7 in the back of their minds and working on that in part as well who knows, but I don't buy the idea that it was just a fork of an incomplete GT7 at all.

Well .... it surely is, as I remember GT Sport was first rumored as being GT7 before it has been turned into "Gran Turismo Sport".

I remind you that I've been carefull telling it is my opinion, in which you may not agree I admit. But I still think mine is more plausible.

Irony never makes me change my mind even accompanied with lightweight arguments.
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Well .... it surely is, as I remember GT Sport was first rumored as being GT7 before it has been turned into "Gran Turismo Sport".

I remind you that I've been carefull telling it is my opinion, in which you may not agree I admit. But I still think mine is more plausible.

Rumours are just that, they don't prove anything and the name/number of the game doesn't mean much. GTS could've been called GT7 and still been the same game it is. I know it's your opinion, but it's based on what? Conjecture. Assumptions. Guessing. Whereas the facts are what I laid out.

GTS was revealed only two years after GT6. You're suggesting that even before that Sony told PD it was taking too long and they had to "rush" announce GTS at that point, which they then spent a further two years working on. That's just not believable.
Rumours are just that, they don't prove anything and the name/number of the game doesn't mean much. GTS could've been called GT7 and still been the same game it is. I know it's your opinion, but it's based on what? Conjecture. Assumptions. Guessing. Whereas the facts are what I laid out.

GTS was revealed only two years after GT6. You're suggesting that even before that Sony told PD it was taking too long and they had to "rush" announce GTS at that point, which they then spent a further two years working on. That's just not believable.

I assure you that it is because I believe that.

And sorry but what you set as "facts" sound like "guessings" too.

But anyway, whatever we think diffently the result remains the same, as I believe my reasoning is still logical, in the way yours is too but a bit naive if I may say so.
Are we already doing the "last gen hardware wasn't strong enough for PDs vision" BS? Before PD even start it and the new console is out?
It's not BS. GT7, as presented so far, makes at least one (that I can think of offhand) additional, heavy demand on the hardware - ray tracing. Then there's that new-fangled sound thingy, and so on.

Of course the PS4 is powerful enough for a fully fledged GT game, if it isn't, how on earth do you explain the earlier games on far weaker hardware?
Of course it is, as were the PS3, PS2 and PS, but that's not the point, is it? GT7 obviously introduces additional resource hogs that'd, IMHO, require major CPU-cycle sacrifices in other areas of the game were it to be released for PS4. That is, if the ray tracing et al were even possible on that unit.
Good news for the car list!
It seems that an Indian company helps Polyphony to model cars :

"First car done for this Project 'Toyota Tundra TRD Pro' has been showcased in the trailer. I was responsible for creating Mid- poly models of Interior and Exterior. And also sculpting of cloth details of the Interior of the car. Other cars which I have worked on have not yet released."

A team works in India for Gran Turismo.

3 months to model the Toyota if you read the comments.
"Thank you so much. It took nearly 3 months. We didnt get cad data .. we got the scan."

THAT is good piece of news ! Well done ! Good job !