Nope. Regardless if the tires are loaded or unloaded, the progressive steering input with the full throttle should rotate the car. There are countless posts of examples with this with the car.
This is so off base I don't know what to say without coming off like an a-hole. You literally forced the car into understeer, and
continued turning into it. This will NEVER rotate the car... ever, your front tires have given up grip, your steering angle is already far beyond the rate at which the car is turning, the chassis is no longer loaded against the front, the rears are doing nothing but pushing what are essentially locked up front tires. There is NOTHING to be learned from forced understeer other than how to avoid it. You are saying the "car should do something" when you've fundamentally ruined it's ability to do
anything by driving it completely wrong. Until you get the tires reconnected to the tarmac you're showing us nothing but terrible driving.
You're mixing things up a lot here though, the M6 doesn't suffer at all from any uncontrollable oversteer from a sudden loss of rear axle grip. If you write something like that, I unfortunately have to doubt everything. The M6 is extremely stable on the road even at the high-speed curves, airfield, Kottenborn, Schwerdenkreuz, courage curve and others, even at over 280 km/h in some cases. If the M6 had any "snap" inclination, it would never go flat at the latest at the Schwedenkreuz.
The M6 has a mighty torque even in the CE of well over 700NM and that even at almost any speed. That's why many drivers keep throwing the car off the track. Here you have to "simply" learn how much gas pedal is possible.
You can write what you want about many other cars, I won't rate it unless I know these cars as well as the M6, but THIS BMW drives fantastic and I won't give a damn. ( I would even recommend this car to Gr3 beginners as it requires some feel but is still very predictable and good natured. )
You're a little heavy handed aren't ya? I said "likely" broken, and never did I specify in the M6
why I feel it belongs on that list. As Techlet kindly showed, it's not just me. Someone whos
whole career is playing GT and racing IRL feels that the M6 isn't correct, and he's not the only one, Broadbent struggled, and so did many others. It's a difficult car to drive, and it
can be tamed, but just because it can be dealt with does not mean the car is correct. I can handle the damn thing, I've golded and re-golded the Ring CE in it ABS only on a T300rs, it can be
driven, but that doesn't make it right. I'd really love to know what you think I'm "mixing up".
It's simply not planted when it should be. True it is much better when you gain speed and downforce, but in slower sections it's just not firmly planted on its tires. It's too nervous on throttle. While the oversteer isn't quite "snappy", when it does begin to step it's early, and very often hard to recover. The real crux, is that it
does not emulate the solidarity of the real life car in comparison to other GR3 cars. I.E. possibly broken. There are reasons the Ring CE is seen universally as a harder than normal challenge, and it's not for nothing.
I'm glad you like it, but I'd wager you have more seat time in it than most others, and with the rest of the GR3 cars being "better", most of us are staying away from the killer BMW that takes much more concentration and whiter knuckles to keep sorted.
TL;DR just because a car can be handled doesn't make it right. Broken cars and ability are two different conversations.
I'll bite.
Try the classic Alpine A110 at Tsukuba, it's very unhinged for a car with 140HP, especially in the hairpins. The line between spinning out and not losing grip at all is much finer than it should be. I find it's okay at higher speeds but slow tight turns are strangely ridiculous.
Sounds like fun! I should have some time today to give her a spin. I also take pretty much everything to Tsukuba to sort it out before really using it, and this fits perfectly.
EDIT: Just went into the game and I haven't yet got the A110 in 7 yet... and it looks like there is no where to buy it at the moment. I could have sworn I had it in the garage from winning it in some event, but I guess not.