So now that I’m deep into golding the license tests on PS4 using a DS4 and no aids, I’ve come to a conclusion.
The tuning of the inputs must be VERY different for gamepad and steering wheel. I’m not having much difficulty at all, and in fact the cars are behaving more appropriately, more predictably, and the controller inputs seem much more direct and appropriate than they were in GTS. It’s a challenge but it’s doable and very rewarding.
I assume the tuning for steering wheels is basically just 1:1, i.e. the game only gives you what you put in, i.e. if you want to control oversteer you actually have to turn the wheel lol. It’s like a self-imposed hard mode and it makes a lot of sense to me.
I also think this oversteer “problem” people are discussing is a myth. I’m not having any trouble on gamepad at all. Everything I’m seeing is a direct result of riding a car on the limit, and since none of us are enjoying an actual seat-of-the-pants sensation, the limit is very easy to approach and exceed. I’d wager that most of our instincts are actually to exceed the limit which is why Super GT or Ollie get on there and instantly spin out on the rain. Well no ****, it’s raining, but they’re not feeling the sense of delicacy that you can feel in the seat of a real car.
I do expect PD to update this behavior because there are so many complaints but I personally, on gamepad, am not seeing a problem that can’t be fixed with sticky tires, tuning, and a bit of aero, all of which are tools that race cars use to eliminate the instabilities of road cars. We do have wings in the game now after all.
Edit: Also I think muscle memory plays a roll. The most advanced drivers on GTS play often, are precise, and have a lot of expectations for each car and each track. Throw a new system at them and it forces a difficult re-learning process. I think most of us won’t suffer from that problem and will be able to adapt quicker, but obviously we’ll likely still never reach the ceiling of those more advanced players.