Hmm... this deserves further study.
I just woke up a bit ago to find, along with some Earl Grey, that there is happy news. I don't doubt that there will be physics / tire modeling improvements. I just hope it doesn't take a year for it to impress the die hards. The day we get a few "Hey, this is pretty okay" posts is the day I can think less of firing up those PC sims. Which are still great and all, but as
@s0cks says, this game is great with modifying and tuning cars. With just a bit more TLC to the physics code, it could be top notch.
On that point, I think the physics team could use some fresh blood to shake things up a bit. If I recall rightly, Live For Speed was a project made by three college students, and the car behavior was amazing so it can be done.
One quick edit: PD needs to make some race modded and tuners of some of these sports cars. Near all of them have been modified into racing machines, and tuners offered. But they also need to tweak their stock tunes for all the race cars and tuners. As Praiano says, they need to hire a tuner to make their preset sheets. It almost seems like most of the cars, even racers, are made to encourage us to tweak them to get more performance and handling out them.