Gran Turismo 7 takes center stage in an all-new State of Play, arriving Wednesday at 2pm Pacific:

  • Thread starter GlamFM
No framerate was given for RT mode.

You can have replays in performance mode (60fps) or in RT mode (not 60fps).
Famine, so they confirmed it's 4K/60 in all modes on PS5 for the actual driving and you have a choice of 60fps for replays with no ray-tracing at all? and "possibly 30fps" with ray-tracing on?
I think I'll be saving the music rally stuff for last. That kind of thing isn't my jam, but I can see that being something different and popular. Does having that feature make GT dip into the Sim-Cade spectrum? I have GT as a simulator, but just on the outskirts of the Sim-Cade spectrum. Something like:

Mario Kart GRID GT ACC
|--Arcade---|--Sim Cade-|--Light Sim-|--True Sim--|

I think the game looks generally amazing, really classy and really up my street, pure GT... All that said, the sounds are still worse than other games and I think this "Music Rally" thing is hilarious and awful. The car tuning/upgrade seems to have not moved forward from the past which is a disappointment but not make or break.

If the initial reviews are good I might try to grab a PS5 and give it a go.
Watched the trailer, read the OP once more to go through the points

It sure looks really nice, GT games never really looked ugly in overall design department. Sound engine is on point. Non-racing features seem interesting, and return of stuff that was in previous main entries like tuning and some classic tracks is sure a welcomed thing...

But something about this game seems... off to me. Track list barely expanded, there's no saying on whether AI improved as much as we hope it did and some of the stuff is just outright bad. It is 2022, there's new generation of consoles about, and PD still can't implement full time and weather system on all tracks and not just select ones? For crying out loud, almost every sim/simcade on previous gen consoles had it, from Project CARS to latest Forza Horizon games. I could understand the reasoning behind the lack of such system in GTS. Constant 60 frames per second and all that jazz (most of the games that had it were quite laggy during rainstorms and such). But now, with all that processing power available, you can't really make this excuse

Then there's classics that can only be explained "because Kaz/PD". You include this complicated tuning system and went all over how tuning UI is made to be presentable and easy to read (and even screenshot), and yet you don't include basic share function because "other users might not have the same parts as you do"? Surely it's possible to attach the part list to the tune file that will show whether your car has the right parts for it to work? Or how PD was showcasing the ray-tracing tech for the last couple of years on various events and shows and now that the game, developed for the hardware that can run it, is about to release, we learn that it is basically only available in replays and photo mode? This one isn't that much of a dealbreaker to me personally, but the point stands

Speaking of hardware. It was announced a while back that GT7 will be a transitional title and will also be released for PS4. This was already a big red flag, because it meant that not only PD would need to scale back the technical improvements for the PS5 version in order to make the game run on a decade old hardware, it also meant that PD needed to delegate workforce to optimize the game for two different console generations, two and a half even if you count PS4 Pro (and we all know how PD likes to take time with their creations). But now that the game is month away from release and with lots of features showcased, there was suspiciously no words said about the PS4 versions. Seeing how PS4 version of Cyberpunk 2077 turned out, this doesn't fill me with much confidence

I like Gran Turismo. I had fun in every GT game that I happened to play. And GT7 by itself will probably be a good game too. But with all the stuff that I (and I'm sure some of you folks) mentioned, the way direct competitors have been steadily improving and the rapidly receding trust in game industry in general (Cyberpunk, BF2042, GTA Trilogy remaster... do I need to say more?), I don't really see myself buying this installment. Not for the launch price, at least. Because, all things considered, this basically feels like an improved GT Sport. This feels like a Gran Turismo... that should've been released back in 2017 instead of what we got back then. Maybe if you skipped Sport altogether this might be a worthwhile purchase, but for everyone else... I don't think so
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Just in case you were wondering about the cars, I noticed the S15 from the preview video is an already modified version, I thought it was what could come up after you customize it, there is also a customized Suzuki Swift. There are 420 cars in total in the screenshot


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Well, this is pretty much what I thought it would be.

GT Sport was the best GT game in years because it introduced 2 huge, worthwhile and new features: Sport mode and a livery editor.

I still dont see any new game changing features in GT7. Maybe something like official support for online leagues or online endurance races. Or a team builder tool. Something thats motorsport based.

This is Kaz's game, and its obvious now he is more transfixed on the beauty/culture of cars then he is on the actual motorsport aspect of them.
Well, this is pretty much what I thought it would be.

GT Sport was the best GT game in years because it introduced 2 huge, worthwhile and new features: Sport mode and a livery editor.

I still dont see any new game changing features in GT7. Maybe something like official support for online leagues or online endurance races. Or a team builder tool. Something thats motorsport based.

This is Kaz's game, and its obvious now he is more transfixed on the beauty/culture of cars then he is on the actual motorsport aspect of them.
Thats the thing, he was moving on and that's not what the majority of players wanted. It showed and he has responded.
Well, this is pretty much what I thought it would be.

GT Sport was the best GT game in years because it introduced 2 huge, worthwhile and new features: Sport mode and a livery editor.

I still dont see any new game changing features in GT7. Maybe something like official support for online leagues or online endurance races. Or a team builder tool. Something thats motorsport based.

This is Kaz's game, and its obvious now he is more transfixed on the beauty/culture of cars then he is on the actual motorsport aspect of them.
Unlike Nintendo, who has given venerable franchises to young directors with fresh ideas -- and with great success -- Kaz seems content to steward Gran Turismo until he retires. And GT's loyal fanbase ages along with him, which is ultimately a risk for its longterm health. I don't think Music Rally is exactly going to get young players enjoying Forza to jump over.

But for the short term, it's certainly a course correction that the majority of the fanbase seems happy about. At least those who are content with the CaRPG formula. At the very least I think PD should have added the kind of social features that even games like DriveClub had -- like being able to compete against your friend's best times or other challenges. GT still seems like a mostly solitary experience aside from the races in Sport mode.
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Yeah,...not super excited in all honesty.

In terms of positives, tuning and customization got a massive boost in options, which is fantastic. Customization has always been one of GTs major weak points compared to its competitors, so it's genuinely great to see that aspect get a lot of love. I highly doubt that every road car has a widebody option, but its still neat to see that. The livery editor also looks to be solid (I put in a very small amount of time to GT Sport, so I never used the livery editor). I always felt like the perfect livery editor would be something that has the depth of Forza, with the intuitiveness/ease-of-use of the more recent NFS games. Based on what was demonstrated, that seems to be the case with GT7. And the game does indeed look breathtaking based on the PS5 footage shown.

Unfortunately, there's a lot more downsides (or really mehsides) than upsides. A lot of the features that were given the most attention are things that we've already seen in previous GT titles (world map, used car lots, music replays), things that are pretty much the bare minimum for any modern racing game sequel (new cars, "new" tracks, improved audio), or things that I pretty much expect from PD to begin with (physics updates, graphic updates). The only genuinely "new" feature is the Music Rally, which is...cute...I guess?

Meanwhile, there was literally zero information given about AI which, while not surprising given PDs history with this aspect, is greatly disappointing for those who want to actually, well, race in a racing game. The career mode seems to be very lacking compared to previous titles, and set up in a really strange way, as it seems to be mostly based on visiting tracks and doing challenges, rather than having a large roster of specialized single races and championships available in a designated location(s). Also a bit worrying that there was nothing mentioned about the PS4 version, and still I greatly dislike that the game has to be connected online just to save progress, let alone have access to a significant amount of the game, with no good reason given as to why that's the case.

This is also much more of a personal gripe, but I really don't like the (to me) very strange performance class system. I still think it doesn't look right having FIA GT3 cars share the road with and somehow be equal to the DBR9 GT1, F1 GTR, and (relatively) modern Super GT GT500 cars. It sill baffles me that PD doesn't have multi-class Super GT racing (among other possibilities) given their close ties to the series. Hell, they even show a Le-Mans style race during the stream, with a group of LMP1 and GT cars sharing the track as a way to show off the custom race creator, so its not like they don't know its a thing. :banghead:

I'm glad that there's a lot of people who are very hyped about GT7, but for me there's not nearly enough to get me super excited, which also means that there's not enough here for me to justify trying to get a PS5 right away, which is genuinely disappointing. All I can say is that I hope that there are some really neat things that, for some reason, PD aren't showing right away, but I'm not holding my breath.
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Feels like at this point I should stop seeing GT as a racing simulator and more like car simulator of some sort based on what they are presenting. Either way I'm still excited, just wanna see how the PS4 version will look like in terms of feature.
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The career mode seems to be very lacking compared to previous titles, and set up in a really strange way, as it seems to be mostly based on visiting tracks and doing challenges, rather than having a large roster of specialized single races and championships available in a designated location(s).
Seeing the career mode laid out like this does have me worried as well. It just seems so...strange. Look, I'm not a fan of the list of events that was present in previous GT games, at least within a modern context. But this seems to be going the completely opposite way where there's ultimately no direction other then the bare minimum and no impetus to strive for better other then what's presented in a challenge sheet. And of course...AI by this point is basically unchanged going by the videos shown, and the types of races shown hasn't changed either, so that's pretty much a knock right off the bat. But knowing that this is how the career mode will be set up potentially certainly is risking these events turning into even more of slog then they already were in the past games.

Also a bit worrying that there was nothing mentioned about the PS4 version,
I'm not as worried about this, though that's mainly because it's crystal clear that GT7 was designed as a PS4 game from the ground up, and that PS5 improvements were more or less low hanging fruit to keep both versions at parity. The fact that there's no high frame rate option for performance mode on PS5 (when there absolutely should be, no excuse not to have at least a 120 FPS mode and be the flag bearer in that regard) is just silly, especially when the graphics mode is literally, it seems like, just adding ray tracing to replays, scapes, and menus. What's the point then?

and still I greatly dislike that the game has to be connected online just to save progress, let alone have access to a significant amount of the game, with no good reason given as to why that's the case.
Remember when people believed that the effective always online was an FIA mandate to prevent cheating? That was fun.

I still think it doesn't look right having FIA GT3 cars share the road with and somehow be equal to the DBR9 GT1, F1 GTR, and (relatively) modern Super GT GT500 cars.
It looks incredibly dumb. Granted, this was an issue in GT Sport as well, and it frustrates me to no end that they seemingly can't just bite the bullet and rip off PCARS 2's excellent class system, especially for race cars. Even if it means having car classes with one vehicle in's so much better then trying to shove square pegs into round holes and hoping that BOP will balance it out.

But it's clear that PD seem to think that this is a good system, so why bother, right?
I'm excited, but so jaded by GT5, 6 and Sport. I bought a launch PS3 for GT5 and when it finally released 3-4 years later, the console died an hour after the agonisingly slow install... With that in mind, I'm not exactly going to go to the effort of buying a PS5 just for GT7 so I hope it looks good enough and runs smoothly on my PS4 Pro because I miss running laps of Tsukuba.
For those that keep questioning “why the lack of PS4 footage?
”, a lightbulb should be turning on by now.

It’s because PD and Sony don’t plan on supporting it ANY LONGER THAN THEY HAVE TO (for the latest and greatest updates that is). My original guess was 18 months tops. But I’m beginning to think it’ll be shorter than that. Like this time next year.

The proof HAS BEEN in the pudding for a while now. We have literally seen no PS4 footage since they announced it being cross platform months ago. And the fact that Sony will sell you the upgraded PS5 version of the game for 10 measly dollars, shows that they want you to buy a new console. I wouldn’t be surprised if that upgrade cost becomes cheaper or even free. This game being cross-gen is for launch only. If PD was proud of what they were able to do with this game on a PS4, they would have already been talking about it. They would be proud of their wizardry.

It’s not in their long term plan.

Also, everyone (including me) that watched the 30 minute presentation and was wondering about this and that, there’s still one month of weekly trailers and the like before launch. Also, I think us older and more core fans need to view that state of play event through the lens of a casual gamer or new gamer. I was 14 when the first Gran Turismo came out. What would a 14 year old me think if I saw any of the trailers or this state of play event. I would think it’s rad! I showed this presentation to my dad who is 66. He can’t wait! He doesn’t even know what 2/3’s of the stuff they were talking about is. He doesn’t know what AI is in relation to games. He just knows that the game looks cool and he wants to play.

IMO, PD knows that it’s core audience is going to complain, but but the game anyways. They also know that the hardcore SIM guys are going to have their nose up in the air and won’t give it a second look regardless (they’re a small market share anyway, so it really doesn’t matter). This event I think hit the mark for showcasing what this game is about, to people who aren’t necessarily die hard GT fans and may have stepped away from the series for a bit. Their goal is to bring people back into the series. Newcomers and old school players alike.

I honestly believe that through updates, this game will manifest into 90% of what each individual wants it to be. I for one can’t wait
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For those that keep questioning “why the lack of PS4 footage?
”, a lightbulb should be going off by now.

It’s because PD and Sony don’t plan on supporting it ANY LONGER THAN THEY HAVE TO (for the latest and greatest updates that is). My original guess was 18 months tops. But I’m beginning to think it’ll be shorter than that. Like this time next year.

The proof HAS BEEN in the pudding for a while now. We have literally seen no PS4 footage since they announced it being cross platform months ago. And the fact that Sony will sell you the upgraded PS5 version of the game for 10 measly dollars, shows that they want you to buy a new console. I wouldn’t be surprised if that upgrade cost becomes cheaper or even free. This game being cross-gen is for launch only. It’s not in their long term plan.

The reason they sell the upgrade for "10 measly dollars" is because PS5 games cost "10 measly dollars" more than PS4 games :lol:
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