Gran Turismo 7 takes center stage in an all-new State of Play, arriving Wednesday at 2pm Pacific:

  • Thread starter GlamFM
My original guess was 18 months tops. But I’m beginning to think it’ll be shorter than that. Like this time next year.
We don't know that will be the case though - and who knows what the stock situation for PS5's, irrespective of systems sold, will be even this time next year. The fact of the matter is that they shackled themselves to the PS4 hoping for a sales boost, they are likely riding it out for as long as possible. But this is PD we're talking about, so if they truly intend on doing that and the situation is still the same as now...then they're going to have a lot of pissed off customers.

And the fact that Sony will sell you the upgraded PS5 version of the game for 10 measly dollars, shows that they want you to buy a new console.
I will be playing the game on my PS4 Pro - and it will likely be the last game I truly, seriously play on my PS4 Pro considering that there is nothing on PS5 that remotely interests me considering that A: GT7 will be on PS4, and B: most of the games I am interested in are either on my Series S (MLB The Show, and on Game Pass too) or will eventually come to Xbox after a year of exclusivity (Deathloop) so there is no need to go on the hunt for a PS5. Really, the only way I'll even bother grabbing a PS5 is if a Persona game gets announced, and much like GT, trying to predict when that is is basically a fool's errand. It certainly would be better to take the money of a potential PS5 and use it instead for an actual gaming PC (which is what I'm doing)

So if that's truly Sony and Polyphony's game, then they're doing a poor job in making that the case, with a title that was very much a PS4 title right from the hop, and barely pushes the PS5 to begin with. Even at the most glass half empty estimate, GT7 is basically GTS on PS4 because that's what it is. That's more or less fine. It's on PS5 where the desire to be a cross-gen game will ultimately bone them, and as such, they made their bed. If they intend on forcing people to make the jump after a set period of time, then they're going to have to live with the consequences they could have avoided if they had developed this game for PS5 exclusively.
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We don't know that will be the case though - and who knows what the stock situation for PS5's, irrespective of systems sold, will be even this time next year. The fact of the matter is that they shackled themselves to the PS4 hoping for a sales boost, they are likely riding it out for as long as possible. But this is PD we're talking about, so if they truly intend on doing that and the situation is still the same as now...then they're going to have a lot of pissed off customers.

I will be playing the game on my PS4 Pro - and it will likely be the last game I truly, seriously play on my PS4 Pro considering that there is nothing on PS5 that remotely interests me considering that A: GT7 will be on PS4, and B: most of the games I am interested in are either on my Series S (MLB The Show, and on Game Pass too) or will eventually come to Xbox after a year of exclusivity (Deathloop) so there is no need to go on the hunt for a PS5. Really, the only way I'll even bother grabbing a PS5 is if a Persona game gets announced, and much like GT, trying to predict when that is is basically a fool's errand. It certainly would be better to take the money of a potential PS5 and use it instead for an actual gaming PC (which is what I'm doing)

So if that's truly Sony and Polyphony's game, then they're doing a poor job in making that the case, with a title that was very much a PS4 title right from the hop, and barely pushes the PS5 to begin with. Even at the most glass half empty estimate, GT7 is basically GTS on PS4 because that's what it is. That's more or less fine. It's on PS5 where the desire to be a cross-gen game will ultimately bone them, and as such, they made their bed. If they intend on forcing people to make the jump after a set period of time, then they're going to have to live with the consequences they could have avoided if they had developed this game for PS5 exclusively.
I think they’re relying on business 101 (aka drug dealer) strategies. Give the consumer a taste. Make them come back for more. I think the PS5 availability situation is going to ease up sooner than later. Most major countries are getting ready to go to an “endemic” stage from pandemic. With that will come a ramp up of production. They’re rolling the dice, sure. But in the end, making GT7 Cross gen for launch was 100% the right business call at this point in time
Give the consumer a taste. Make them come back for more.
What's there to come back to, though? People who come from GTS to GT7 can see quite easily even with the State of Play blowout that the game is more or less GTS: The Director's Cut, and so many features from the previous game are in this with either minimal changes, or even none. There's not much that can be considered 'new', especially in the two major aspects that make a racing game ultimately (cars and tracks) and what's there isn't exactly to write home about.

People coming in after skipping GTS might not be able to stay long either, especially if the elephant in the room in the AI isn't fixed or even mitigated somewhat, because why slog through races that have absolutely crap AI to complete the game?

But in the end, making GT7 Cross gen for launch was 100% the right business call at this point in time
I disagree, massively. And I wouldn't be surprised that if you pulled aside devs from Polyphony themselves, they'd be inclined to agree how developing for last gen hardware actively kneecaps their abilities, especially for a company who is very much built an ethos around building around next gen hardware, and ultimately iterating before repeating the process again.
Game looks fine, but there's nothing there that particularly excites me. The headline features seem to be stuff that I already have in other racing games. If I didn't have those games I'm sure I'd be keen to buy, but that's not the case. As someone interested in racing games I already own a fair bunch of racing games, and another one that's just including a bunch of features that were cutting edge in 2015 isn't that interesting.

There's also still an odd vibe. It seems very focused on aspects of car culture that feel kind of elitist, for want of a better word. It would seem a little mean to call it Gran Turismo 7: The Car Hipster Simulator but that's the way it feels to me. It's something different from what a lot of other games have that tend to be either "super serious motorsport" or "The Fast and the Furious", but it's not something that clicks with me. I still think there's room for a game to do the Best Motoring/Top Gear vibe better. Historically Gran Turismo seemed to be the closest thing to that, but I think they're steering away into this Jay Leno/Jay Kay/Chris Evans ultimate car collector simulator.

I'm sure it feels authentic to Kaz, a wealthy man with deep connections to the inner circles of motoring, but this doesn't feel like any part of car culture that is familiar to me or that I would even want to be a part of. I always felt the collecting part was secondary to the driving part, and so a game where the collection is explicitly first and foremost just feels off.
For those that keep questioning “why the lack of PS4 footage?…”, a lightbulb should be turning on by now.
Don't pretend like there aren't obvious immediate financial incentives for Sony not to show PS4 footage until the last moment. If the game looks bad on PS4 then they don't want that cat out of the bag until as late as possible. Even if it looks okay, they'd rather people drool over the PS5 footage and form unreasonable expectations of what the PS4 will look like in order to convince themselves to pre-order.

You have a fixation on them killing the PS4 version early, and you're grasping for any reason to try and justify it. This isn't that. It's standard marketing practice for cross-platform games, and there's no reason to look any deeper than that.
Looking forward to the circuit cafe and endurance racing. I have been at the Nurburgring irl and having a circuit cafe could indeed be quite a cool idea if implemented well (would this be audio chat only or perhaps video also? Or be like a mmmo using avatars?) anyhow, feeling good about some new or at least evolved ideas in the new game.
Historically Gran Turismo seemed to be the closest thing to that, but I think they're steering away into this Jay Leno/Jay Kay/Chris Evans ultimate car collector simulator.

I'm sure it feels authentic to Kaz, a wealthy man with deep connections to the inner circles of motoring, but this doesn't feel like any part of car culture that is familiar to me or that I would even want to be a part of.
I haven't really noticed this until now, but you're probably right in this regard.

Even if it looks okay, they'd rather people drool over the PS5 footage and form unreasonable expectations of what the PS4 will look like in order to convince themselves to pre-order.
I mean, it could turn into a Cyberpunk situation, but more then anything I think the reason that there isn't PS4 footage shown is simply because there isn't much to differentiate it from GTS in terms of graphics aside from potential dips from dynamic time and weather.

It'll be interesting to see the inevitable comparisons between the PS4 version and the PS5 version from Digital Foundry. It might ask a lot of questions of why the game wasn't developed for PS5 exclusively, considering what we have seen from PS5 clips looks not that different from GTS, and what they've actually done with graphics modes is bottom of the barrel stuff.
I don’t think it’s GTS. I see it as a modern GT4. May Not be popular opinion, but I’m happy to have this version.
I totally get the concerns about nothing has changed. The customisation, weather and of course the cars are what I’m interested in. Now I can really choose to play Sport Mode or just tune my favourite cars in more depth.
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Is Anti Lag System a new feature or does it already exist since the previous one? My last GT was GT5 lol
Dunno about Sport but those weren't available in GT5 and GT6.

Could you imagine a new Call of Duty being released except half the game is a weapons museum

Probably not the best way of getting people hooked on what you're selling
Don't think it's really comparable, Gran Turismo games have always focused on the car museum aspect, it's a core part of Gran Turismo games like the jazz music and photography stuff.
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Could you imagine a new Call of Duty being released except half the game is a weapons museum

Probably not the best way of getting people hooked on what you're selling
I mean...Museum in both MW2 and MW2R. But that was a bonus after campaign completion.

Also, there's Hot Dogs, Horseshoes and Hand Grenades on VR.

I'm not opposed to a museum component in games when it's treated as a side thing. But as usual, Kaz's mind works different from everyone elses, and makes it a major feature for a game where the main focus is elsewhere.
I suspect Kaz made a game he is in love with and will spend its life cycle making it a game we re in love with.
I was going to say can't wait for GT8 but honestly let's be real and say Kaz will never make the game we all want.

He treats all GT's as HIS game and not a product for mass marketing. Heck, throwing in Music Rally as a gimmick to get the younger ones enticed into car culture proves that. Gran Turismo will only improve when Kaz passes on the reigns to someone else and I'm not sure his ego would allow that to ever happen.

I'm still going to enjoy this game as I didn't bother with Sport but if I'd invested time into GT Sport I'd seriously be livid about GT7.

GT series keep focusing on small things but always miss the big picture IMHO.

I hedged my bets by getting and Xbox Series X in anticipation for Forza Motorsport and I suggest everyone that is underwhelmed with GT7 to do the same.
Nothing surprising, really look forward to playing the career.

I really hoped they would address the AI as it's own segment, but I guess it will be the standard start at the back and chase the rabbit.
Dunno about Sport but those weren't available in GT5 and GT6.

Don't think it's really comparable, Gran Turismo games have always focused on the car museum aspect, it's a core part of Gran Turismo games like the jazz music and photography stuff.
Photography wasnt even a feature until several games in, GT1 wasn't jazzy either. As far car information, it was out of the way because it was a supporting feature, not a primary one that GT7 is placing it as
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I don’t think it’s GTS. I see it as a modern GT4. May Not be popular opinion, but I’m happy to have this version.
I totally get the concerns about nothing has changed. The customisation, weather and of course the cars are what I’m interested in. Now I can really choose to play Sport Mode or just tune my favourite cars in more depth.
Anyone comparing it to GTS in any capacity other than sharing part of its name and sport mode are confusing me. This definitely has its roots firmly in what Gran Turismo is and should be. Sport isn't a real Gran Turismo otherwise it would have been called Gran Turismo 7 and it isn't.

I also don't know what people want to change? It's a racing game that's gonna have a tonne of races to do with clever weather systems, tonnes of cars to race, tuning etc etc. What can realistically be done drastically differently? If it plays better than GT 5/6 in every capacity then it's doing its job.
To be fair, GT has been more of a car encyclopedia since GT4 so I'm not too bothered with the museum feature.
Neither am I, plus I think it's fun that in GT Sport you get presented some items from the museum in the main menu after a while, sometimes pretty fun facts pop up, but also sometimes things of which I wonder what it has to do with cars...
Anyone comparing it to GTS in any capacity other than sharing part of its name and sport mode are confusing me. This definitely has its roots firmly in what Gran Turismo is and should be. Sport isn't a real Gran Turismo otherwise it would have been called Gran Turismo 7 and it isn't.

I also don't know what people want to change? It's a racing game that's gonna have a tonne of races to do with clever weather systems, tonnes of cars to race, tuning etc etc. What can realistically be done drastically differently? If it plays better than GT 5/6 in every capacity then it's doing its job.
It’s been discussed over years. It’s the way the games are the same. The games can have the same things, it’s the delivery. Same progression. Forget AI, it’s those main concerns about the game not being fresh.

We see GT7 and go ooh ahh, but when you get into it, it’s the same game as I mentioned, just better graphics. GTS was a change. GT7 can still be familiar Gran Turismo, but where are the innovations the franchise is known for?
Other games have been doing, weather, AI, car customisation for years. Even surpassing the GT franchise. PD can innovate and still keep the game down to earth for people new to the franchise.
Disclaimer: I loved the State of Play. It was well-edited and gave an in-depth look into the game. No marketing blabla but rather nice footage and no-bs description of what to expect. Even the quirky Japaneseness of the Music Rally was kinda cute, even though I wasn't super excited for it.

Then I see all the posts here and really think that a bunch of people need a reality check. 'I see no signs of improved AI', 'No infos on the damage model'. GT had more than 6 iterations to fix all these things but hasn't. But what it has done is shove free content up our behinds for years and a decent online experience with GT Sport.

Also, the State of Play was a 30 minutes teaser of a game taking 100s of hours to fully experience. If you base all you can think of GT 7, PD and Kaz on a trailer then no need to buy it.

I admit, I might be exactly in a demographic that this speaks to. I started my very own personal journey with GT3, worked in Japan for a Japanese car company, own a red NA Miata and go to a place resembling 'Legend Cars' every other month.

But dang this forum is a negativity vortex.
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So this is it?


You open a circuit and get a list of single events on that track? What about championships? Do we do a race on one track then go to another track when we feel like it? I really can't believe this is how we navigate career mode but it seems it is, the menus are going to be final by now.

Really bizarre.
I hate to say this but the career mode events is much better organized on GT Sport (post-patch with GT League added in, of course) than GT7
I'm kind of disappointed that this presentation was like 90% about "car cafe", music replays, photo mode, and other gimmick features that I don't care all too much about. I appreciate those artistic qualities that the game has, but they aren't the core features that matter.

The new cloud system looks very nice, but the weather effects that were shown looked very artificial. Does the track get wet and dry up dynamically, or is it all pre-configured? In the video, it looks very pre-configured. And if wet tracks in GT7 are like in GT: Sport, they'll merely be shiny-looking tracks with slightly reduced grip - far from having realistic behavior.

I hedged my bets by getting and Xbox Series X in anticipation for Forza Motorsport and I suggest everyone that is underwhelmed with GT7 to do the same.
I'd love it if Forza Motorsports would become a more serious racer. The last one I played was FM6. I got fed up when it turned into a micro-transaction-based gambling game.
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Photography wasnt even a feature until several games in, GT1 wasn't jazzy either. As far car information, it was out of the way because it was a supporting feature, not a primary one that GT7 is placing it as
Jazz music has been in since GT2 (23 years ago) and Photo Mode has been in since GT4 (18 years ago). If 23 years is not long enough to create a tradition in a game franchise, then nothing is.
a game taking 100s of hours to fully experience
This will be the only game I play until another, better racing game, is released, which would be thousands of hours of gameplay in GT7 for me. ACC is crap in comparison, in my opinion after having tried it on PC with a DD wheel, and I stopped caring about AI in games when I got a proper internet connection 25 years ago.

So yes, more than 90% of the posts about GT7 in this forum is entitled ******** that isn't relevant nor interesting for me. I'm here only for the very few posts worth reading. I start to wonder though if it's worth it.
So.. do we know if "Ray-tracing" mode has 60fps gameplay?

I understand the fps is 30fps in replays.. but what about the actual gameplay?

My hope is that is 60fps (and not 30fps 🤮)

I watched Jordan's video on it.. and I think he implies the one mode has 60fps for gameplay and Replays.. and the other mode (ray-tracing mose) has 60fps for gameplay and 30fps for ray-traced replays.

Is this correct?

Does anyone really know at this point? 🤔
Im feeling positive, its nice to have something to look forward to at the end of the month. I think polyphony do a good job of appeasing a very demanding market they have to cover the whole demographic. They do this in the best way giving us the broadest possible vehicle selections, and accessible but deeply rewarding control systems. Its stands to reason they cant please everybody, but they strive, it comes across in everything they do. If you have a strong opinion about an aspect of the game, by all means unleash the fury... after you have actually played the game, way too many negative assumptions.
Understandably this forum has a split opinion on the game after the state of play but reading the comments on other non racing game specific websites it looks like many people who skipped 6 and Sport are impressed and will be returning to the series which would be music to Sony's ears.

Unfortunately GT has to cater for all types of players which sucks for some of us but ill still enjoy it and put hundreds of hours into it myself.
Are the Greddy built car/cars unknown at this stage?

GT7 seems like an evolution(welcome in my opinion) of GTSport. I expected more but like what I did see though I'm a casual driver.

Can't wait for this to drop next month.