Gran Turismo 7 takes center stage in an all-new State of Play, arriving Wednesday at 2pm Pacific:

  • Thread starter GlamFM
At the time GT4 came out, it was not unreasonable to claim that GT was "the real driving simulator". There wasn't really any competition on consoles. With the arrival of AC, ACC & PCars2 that changed. All those games outdid GT in different, but undeniable ways. It seems as if PD is going back to the same familiar formula: a huge car collecting game with some franchise-defining elements like "licenses", photo-mode, and stunning graphics. Maybe that's enough to make the game successful with a significant chunk of car game enthusiasts, but it seems like they have conceded the sim racing ground to other car games. Not sure if that's a good strategy. I would consider buying a copy of GT7 for $69.99, but I wouldn't consider buying a PS5 for the privilege of playing GT7 on it. I wonder how many other people would have a similar point of view?
I would consider buying a copy of GT7 for $69.99, but I wouldn't consider buying a PS5 for the privilege of playing GT7 on it. I wonder how many other people would have a similar point of view?
I've bought a PS5 disc edition for GT7, so I'm going to be £530 in for GT7, and arguably, since GT is currently the only game I use my wheel with, I'll be £1100 in on GT7 for my current set-up including my TGT.

On my main account I've got 830 hours "Time driven" according to KudosPrime. Probably 50% again when adding in the livery editor... I can rationalise ~£1 / hour. It's a lot of outlay, absolutely, but in the long run it's still cheaper than most things I enjoy doing!
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GT7 could end up being a proper racing game though, even if the AI would still be a cause concern. Some of the recent footage has shown packs of cars battling for position in close proximity, which is unlike anything we ever saw in the titles relying on the rabbit chasing format.
Yeah „a“ main part as you said, not THE main part. They implemented it direct into the career mode because it’s important to them, but it’s still just collecting, nothing more nothing less. What do you expect now, that you spend hours and hours in the menu in a row just collecting cars and never get to race sone ****? You will still be racing most of the time if that is what you want. You are just imagining some unreasonable stuff, they just talk a lot about this because it’s a new feature with the gt cafe, this makes it seem like it’s present all the time and everything revolves around collecting. No everything will, like in any GT before it, revolve around racing. In the end I think it’s just something you can do if you like to or if not skip it by pressing x and that’s it, you also don’t have to do scapes, or the auto museum, livery editor or so on.
What we're talking about is the gaming equivalent of a narrative framing device. There's any number of racing games out there that all have fundamentally incredibly similar gameplay loops, but the framing used to present that gameplay to the player makes them very different experiences.

F1 2021 is a racing game, but it does it within the framework of working as a driver within an F1 team.
Forza Horizon is a racing game, but it does it within the framework of being a rockstar driver at a festival.
NfS Hot Pursuit is a racing game, but it does it within the framework of "cops and robbers".
GTS is a racing game, but it does it within the framework of becoming an internationally renowned FIA driver.

The games that don't have these sorts of frameworks are usually the ones that get labelled as dry and technical. rF2 and AC have no real framing, they're just a pile of cars and tracks and it's largely up to the player to create something within that sandbox.

GT7 is also a racing game (duh), but it appears to be doing it within the framework of being a car collector.

The gameplay and the framing are distinct, and so it's possible to talk about the main part of the gameplay (racing) as well as the main part of the framing (the player is a car collector) separately. These two things are related but not dependent.

And when someone talks about a game having a certain framing at the heart of it's career, it relies on other readers being smart enough to recognise that for what it is and not try to argue that actually the gameplay is at the heart of the career. They're both core functions that fulfill certain roles in constructing the overall game, and they can't be substituted for each other.
GTS is a racing game, but it does it within the framework of becoming an internationally renowned FIA driver.

For the minority that are anywhere near good enough, of the minority that enjoy sport mode perhaps. It's never factored in to most players experience.

This seems like a nice space to argue about nothing.
People that aren't going to buy the game and no longer like the franchise, and potentially never have, think that ******** on a space where people that do enjoy the franchise want to talk about it, is their right, because ITS a dISCUssIon FOruM so IF YOu Dont wANt to heAr pEOpLe TAlkiNg **** yoU shouLd sTay Off the inteRnET. It's never going to end positively, or productively.. though it's great for flexing the ignore list.
People that aren't going to buy the game and no longer like the franchise, and potentially never have, think that ******** on a space where people that do enjoy the franchise want to talk about it, is their right, because ITS a dISCUssIon FOruM so IF YOu Dont wANt to heAr pEOpLe TAlkiNg **** yoU shouLd sTay Off the inteRnET. It's never going to end positively, or productively.. though it's great for flexing the ignore list.

So much discussion about "racing game" vs "car collecting game"... This is no different than real life. I've run across several types of car people IRL. IMO, there are some general flavors of car people, some people fit more than one, and this list is in no way comprehensive:

modders: like to modify their cars outward appearance to make it look fast, and they may drive aggressively on the street but never race their cars. It's all about looking good/cool/mean/masculine/feminine/tough - or whatever. ...remember spinners?...

collectors: like to buy pristine cars, keep them in pristine condition, wash them often, detail the interior often, detail the engine bay. They know a lot about their cars history, and like to educate others on the subject. Often found at car shows and enjoy taking pictures of cars

builders: like to take a car as a platform, develop parts or buy proven parts to improve the car's performance. They often develop their passion into a business to help others build their cars. These guys are different from modders in this way: they will actually test the performance of their cars and quantitatively check that the parts they changed/tuned actually improve performance on autox, track, drifting or racing.

street racers: think public streets are no different than a race track without recognizing the safety aspects of a race track (controlled environment, corner workers, flags, etc ) - I've no respect for a street racer's lack of respect for the public's safety.

drifters: like showy driving and the satisfaction of developing the skills to control their car at >30 degrees slip angle. They often partner with builders to mod their cars.

drivers: like to develop skills to make them faster in autox or track. These guys/gals focus on improving their driving skills and measure their progress through competitions in a safe environment.

racers: focus on winning at the race track. These guys spend some serious $$$ on consumables such as tires, brakes, race gas, etc, and on maintenance including engine/transmission rebuilds, shock rebuilds, etc. You know you found one if they have spare engines, transmissions, shocks, diffs, etc.

Personally I started as a collector and moved to the "driver" category with a brief stint as a racer on the go-kart track even as I was autocrossing cars.

Conclusion - there are different types of car people and it is just fine for each person to determine what brings them satisfaction within the car culture community. The GT series does a pretty good job of appealing to most of the categories above with the exception of street racers - who might gravitate to GTA. I think GT7 will expand its appeal relative to GTS which was more focused on racers and drivers, with some attention to collectors and drifters. Find the game that brings you the most satisfaction to your preferred car culture flavor.
Will it replace ac1 for my mp trackdays sessions on the nordshleife ? Fingers crossed. I'm only hoping for slightly better physics and ffb. It looks promising though. Hopefully we feel the tracks surface better. When can we expect hands on previews ? In 1-2 weeks?
It's not difficult to comprehend, though I'm assuming English is your first language - It seems I could well be wrong on that.

Also... have you called large sections of GTP wankers recently? That really was a great, well made, well articulated point. /s.
Will it replace ac1 for my mp trackdays sessions on the nordshleife ? Fingers crossed. I'm only hoping for slightly better physics and ffb. It looks promising though. Hopefully we feel the tracks surface better. When can we expect hands on previews ? In 1-2 weeks?
Given we are a month away from release it's likely we will not get one at all.
Maybe I’m naïve but I was honestly hoping to see Gr.3 expanded and some old classic and legendary Le Mans cars. Desperately missing the Ferrari 488 GTE/GT3, McLaren 720S GT3, Bentley Continental GT3, Aston Martin Vantage AMR GT3 among others. At least we’ve seen the updated Evo version of the R8 LMS so that could give some hope that it’s not too farfetched that some updates could come to Gr.3 in not a too distant future.

Also desperately missing the Toyota GT-One (TS020), Nissan R390 GT1, BMW V12 LMR, Peugeot 905, Bentley Speed 8, etc. Perhaps there’s been more of a focus on road cars for the actual release and some motorsport heavyweights could follow later on.
Given we are a month away from release it's likely we will not get one at all.
Thank you! I was hoping to watch read a bunch of hands on previews this month from you guys and big gt youtubers to learn all about how much better than ac it feels to play lol... Oh well.
This will be the only game I play until another, better racing game, is released, which would be thousands of hours of gameplay in GT7 for me. ACC is crap in comparison, in my opinion after having tried it on PC with a DD wheel, and I stopped caring about AI in games when I got a proper internet connection 25 years ago.

So yes, more than 90% of the posts about GT7 in this forum is entitled ******** that isn't relevant nor interesting for me. I'm here only for the very few posts worth reading. I start to wonder though if it's worth it.
This will be the only game I play until another, better racing game, is released, which would be thousands of hours of gameplay in GT7 for me. ACC is crap in comparison, in my opinion after having tried it on PC with a DD wheel, and I stopped caring about AI in games when I got a proper internet connection 25 years ago.

So yes, more than 90% of the posts about GT7 in this forum is entitled ******** that isn't relevant nor interesting for me. I'm here only for the very few posts worth reading. I start to wonder though if it's worth it.
People that aren't going to buy the game and no longer like the franchise, and potentially never have, think that ******** on a space where people that do enjoy the franchise want to talk about it, is their right, because ITS a dISCUssIon FOruM so IF YOu Dont wANt to heAr pEOpLe TAlkiNg **** yoU shouLd sTay Off the inteRnET. It's never going to end positively, or productively.. though it's great for flexing the ignore list.
I find this take quite funny considering that the site admin said this earlier today:

Amusingly, GTPlanet gets accused of being anti-GT just about as often as we get called a "GT fansite". Which broadly means we're doing it right, because neither's true.

You'll find as many people who are insanely overly positive about it as there are people who are insanely overly negative about it. More often than that though is people who express mildly positive opinions being portrayed as overly positive by the overly negative, and people who expess mildly negative opinions being portrayed as overly negative by the overly positive.

The simple fact is GTPlanet allows all points of view, so long as they're expressed within the relatively simple bounds of the AUP - which amounts to not insulting or abusing other people while doing so (as well as doing it in English, and not swearing).

An "echo chamber", as recently floated, is a place in which one point of view is overly promoted by those in charge, resulting in that point of view echoing around as it's expressed and reinforced. Expressing your opinion and having a bunch of people say they don't agree with you isn't an echo chamber, it's an exchange of ideas, thoughts, and opinions. Or, dare I say it, a discussion!

Those who can't handle having their opinion challenged are probably not best-suited to giving it in an environment like GTPlanet which foments discussion. Though that doesn't really stop them from doing it and crying foul (or "fanboy" or "hater") when it's discussed.

I don't quite get who is so emotionally invested in companies either way that any negativity is "hating" or any positivity is "fanboyism" - and bearing in mind my actual livelihood rests on these games, so I'm more invested than most - but it is so, so weird.
I said this earlier to someone else, but if you don't like what's being said, nobody's forcing you to engage. If someone having a different opinion and wanting to discuss it bothers you that much, then put them on your ignore list (which you already said that you do, so I don't get why the aggressively sarcastic response is even necessary). If they actually break the rules, you should report them.

Otherwise, you don't get to attempt to gatekeep an entire section of the site just because a group of people with valid concerns about the game actually want to discuss said concerns.
rubs be all the rabbit feet again After seeing the return of the Shuichi Shigeno AE86, PD has to come through with this widebody from the first GT.
images (36).jpeg
said this earlier to someone else, but if you don't like what's being said, nobody's forcing you to engage. If someone having a different opinion and wanting to discuss it bothers you that much, then put them on your ignore list (which you already said that you do, so I don't get why the aggressively sarcastic response is even necessary). If they actually break the rules, you should report them.

Otherwise, you don't get to attempt to gatekeep an entire section of the site just because a group of people with valid concerns about the game actually want to discuss said concerns.
Are you sure you quoted the right member here?

@Famine is a site admin!
I've bought a PS5 disc edition for GT7, so I'm going to be £530 in for GT7, and arguably, since GT is currently the only game I use my wheel with, I'll be £1100 in on GT7 for my current set-up including my TGT.

On my main account I've got 830 hours "Time driven" according to KudosPrime. Probably 50% again when adding in the livery editor... I can rationalise ~£1 / hour. It's a lot of outlay, absolutely, but in the long run it's still cheaper than most things I enjoy doing!
Console gaming, especially when it comes to racing games, provides fantastic value for the investment made in the hardware & software. I've spent hundreds, actually thousands of hours in various racing games over the last couple of decades. But with each iteration of GT since GT4, I've spent less time. GTSport I've probably spent only about 20 hours, because AC & PCars2 provided a much more satisfying experience. For me, the question will be, does it make more sense to buy a gaming PC to play AC with mods, ACC & other titles that will come along, rather than invest in a PS5?
So much discussion about "racing game" vs "car collecting game"... This is no different than real life. I've run across several types of car people IRL. IMO, there are some general flavors of car people, some people fit more than one, and this list is in no way comprehensive:

modders: like to modify their cars outward appearance to make it look fast, and they may drive aggressively on the street but never race their cars. It's all about looking good/cool/mean/masculine/feminine/tough - or whatever. ...remember spinners?...

collectors: like to buy pristine cars, keep them in pristine condition, wash them often, detail the interior often, detail the engine bay. They know a lot about their cars history, and like to educate others on the subject. Often found at car shows and enjoy taking pictures of cars

builders: like to take a car as a platform, develop parts or buy proven parts to improve the car's performance. They often develop their passion into a business to help others build their cars. These guys are different from modders in this way: they will actually test the performance of their cars and quantitatively check that the parts they changed/tuned actually improve performance on autox, track, drifting or racing.

street racers: think public streets are no different than a race track without recognizing the safety aspects of a race track (controlled environment, corner workers, flags, etc ) - I've no respect for a street racer's lack of respect for the public's safety.

drifters: like showy driving and the satisfaction of developing the skills to control their car at >30 degrees slip angle. They often partner with builders to mod their cars.

drivers: like to develop skills to make them faster in autox or track. These guys/gals focus on improving their driving skills and measure their progress through competitions in a safe environment.

racers: focus on winning at the race track. These guys spend some serious $$$ on consumables such as tires, brakes, race gas, etc, and on maintenance including engine/transmission rebuilds, shock rebuilds, etc. You know you found one if they have spare engines, transmissions, shocks, diffs, etc.

Personally I started as a collector and moved to the "driver" category with a brief stint as a racer on the go-kart track even as I was autocrossing cars.

Conclusion - there are different types of car people and it is just fine for each person to determine what brings them satisfaction within the car culture community. The GT series does a pretty good job of appealing to most of the categories above with the exception of street racers - who might gravitate to GTA. I think GT7 will expand its appeal relative to GTS which was more focused on racers and drivers, with some attention to collectors and drifters. Find the game that brings you the most satisfaction to your preferred car culture flavor.
I read this is in Attenborough's voice.
I would consider buying a copy of GT7 for $69.99, but I wouldn't consider buying a PS5 for the privilege of playing GT7 on it. I wonder how many other people would have a similar point of view?
If it was on hardware that I already owned, I'd definitely buy GT7 for $40AUD. I'd strongly think about it for $60AUD, but I don't think I could buy it for $100AUD which is retail prices in Australia.
For me, the question will be, does it make more sense to buy a gaming PC to play AC with mods, ACC & other titles that will come along, rather than invest in a PS5?
Hard to say with PC prices these days. It was a slam dunk before crypto when you could buy a console equivalent PC for roughly the price of a console. I haven't checked specifics for a while, but if you're buying new these days my gut feel is you're probably in for ~$1500 to get something that won't disappoint compared to a PS5/XSX.

I will say that once you already have a PC setup it becomes increasingly difficult to justify a console for racing.

For the minority that are anywhere near good enough, of the minority that enjoy sport mode perhaps. It's never factored in to most players experience.
It's not that it's where players are actually going to get. It's that this is the "story" that the game gives the player. You play and race online and develop your skills with the ultimate goal being the FIA World Championship if you get good enough. That's the structure that the game was originally built around*, even if some people chose not to engage fully with that.

A small scale example of this is a race. The goal of the race is to win, even though only one player can actually win any given race and some players may never win any races. That goal provides structure for how a player approaches the race - they try to be as quick as possible and to stop other people from overtaking them.

The goals a game provides on a larger structural level and the way in which it presents them also affects how players choose to play. Players can choose to go in and completely ignore the developer and just **** around, but most will at least attempt to engage with whatever the developer is presenting them.

GTS is a bit weird because it would appear that a significant majority of players did actually choose not to engage with the gameplay path that Polyphony originally designed into the game. But that doesn't mean that design doesn't exist in GTS, it just means that it was a bad enough decision on Polyphony's part that most players chose to do other things instead of play the game as the developer intended.

Just because I use a ****** hammer as a doorstop doesn't mean it wasn't designed as a hammer. It just means that it was so bad as a hammer that it was better used in other ways that weren't part of the original design.

*Later on the addition of significant single player content changed that a bit, but for the sake of simplicity it's probably worth just sticking with what the game was originally designed to be rather than considering all the permutations of what it became.
Does anyone other than me find the old menu design more interesting than the current one? Seeing the GT Music Rally and the bizarre animations of the loading screen with the mechanics of GT Auto, makes me think that Kaz really wanted to make the game design (UX/UI) more cartoonish and pleasant to young people.
View attachment 1111296
Me too, this World Map was so much elegant and better than the actual one.
Does anyone other than me find the old menu design more interesting than the current one? Seeing the GT Music Rally and the bizarre animations of the loading screen with the mechanics of GT Auto, makes me think that Kaz really wanted to make the game design (UX/UI) more cartoonish and pleasant to young people.
View attachment 1111296
I think someone mentioned Motortoon, GP but updated.

Love this screen. Now, imagine this GT City starting as a green or dusty land. Covered wagons appear an the city begins to develop. Custom coaches and pathways become roads. Town grows bigger and expands. Population grows and more vehicles inhabit the roads, all the way through to this current screen.

The process can take place in a Couple minutes or progress continues each time the user logs in.
Does anyone other than me find the old menu design more interesting than the current one? Seeing the GT Music Rally and the bizarre animations of the loading screen with the mechanics of GT Auto, makes me think that Kaz really wanted to make the game design (UX/UI) more cartoonish and pleasant to young people.
View attachment 1111296
Yeah. The world map design reminds me of the WII Mario Kart design.
One of the few things that I am a bit disappointed in.
People that aren't going to buy the game and no longer like the franchise, and potentially never have, think that ******** on a space where people that do enjoy the franchise want to talk about it, is their right, because ITS a dISCUssIon FOruM so IF YOu Dont wANt to heAr pEOpLe TAlkiNg **** yoU shouLd sTay Off the inteRnET. It's never going to end positively, or productively.. though it's great for flexing the ignore list.
Calm down. No one even mentioned anything about how ugly current BMWs are.
Does anyone other than me find the old menu design more interesting than the current one? Seeing the GT Music Rally and the bizarre animations of the loading screen with the mechanics of GT Auto, makes me think that Kaz really wanted to make the game design (UX/UI) more cartoonish and pleasant to young people.
View attachment 1111296
The current menu design is visually easily the worst in any GT so far