Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.52 Discussion Thread

  • Thread starter notarjy
Happens all the time. Literally thousands of examples of this on youtube.

If there are thousands of examples you should have picked a better one imo. He’s clearly steering to the left while breaking to avoid hitting the car in front of him.
If there are thousands of examples you should have picked a better one imo. He’s clearly steering to the left while breaking to avoid hitting the car in front of him.
Better yet, go get in your car and mount a gopro, and go stand on the brakes at 100mph. Not brake hard, but 100% of the braking force you can get, both feet all your weight(like everyone is doing on the game lol,) try and hold the wheel straight, and get back to me on how that goes. :lol:

I don't have time for the back and forth today, but if you'd like to continue the discussion come find me in the paddock at the Glen. I'll be here all weekend.
Better yet, go get in your car and mount a gopro, and go stand on the brakes at 100mph. Not brake hard, but 100% of the braking force you can get, both feet all your weight(like everyone is doing on the game lol,) try and hold the wheel straight, and get back to me on how that goes. :lol:

I don't have time for the back and forth today, but if you'd like to continue the discussion come find me in the paddock at the Glen. I'll be here all weekend.
Moving goalpost around a bit now imo.
Anyway - have fun at the Glen, I’d come by, but my jet is unfortunately imaginary and my country is (unfortunately) Germany.
Moving goalpost around a bit now imo.
Anyway - have fun at the Glen, I’d come by, but my jet is unfortunately imaginary and my country is (unfortunately) Germany.
I didn't move any goalposts. You said cars don't do that. They do. End of story.

The "no true sportscar" interjected in another post is the moving goalposts you're looking for.

Look, I get that folks are emotional about the game. But emotion doesn't promote discussion. The emotional rage in this forum lately is unbecoming.
I didn't move any goalposts. You said cars don't do that. They do. End of story.

The "no true sportscar" interjected in another post is the moving goalposts you're looking for.

Look, I get that folks are emotional about the game. But emotion doesn't promote discussion. The emotional rage in this forum lately is unbecoming.
Seems to me you’re the one being emotional buddy 🤷‍♂️
I am not going to argue with you. I was stating fact with evidence.

I assure you, putting sticky tyres on cars with ABS and stability control causes a lot of them to do funny things.

"No true scotsman" lol
So very true, especially with how many non-performance cars' stability control systems are calibrated for pedestrian behavior. oh my the number of cars systems that fight a vehicle in performance situations and make things so much worse. It's why unless it's a performance focused track system/designed vehicle, it's usually best fully disabled so as not to "interfere" and literally make things really really bad.
Yes, the ABS has improved a lot, most of the cars I use in the game has more stability when driving on the road. That's one positive thing about it. I like the Chicago locations to take car photos, makes it look real and HD-like.

Deleted second post, apologize for error....
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How do you delete or merge posta? Where is the magic button to make sure the thousand of message long posts don't end up with a single extra post? 🤷‍♀️
The admins can and will merge posts then tell you not to do double posts, I just went back to my post and clicked on EDIT and erased the second half of merged post.

What happens usually with me is i will read a post, reply to it, read different post in same thread and reply to that one almost immediately and will cause a double post (wasting space) and i will get admonished /scolded for doing so. I try hard not to do so but it will slip.

Message to administrators: i do apologize for my transgressions and will try harder not to do again.
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The admins can and will merge posts then tell you not to do double posts, I just went back to my post and clicked on EDIT and erased the second half of merged post
So if you accidentally "double post" there is now way to fix it. Is this intentional?
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I am not going to argue with you. I was stating fact with evidence.

I assure you, putting sticky tyres on cars with ABS and stability control causes a lot of them to do funny things.

"No true scotsman" lol
True story. Thats why everyone with an E46 M3 upgrades to Mk60 ABS if they actually do track days.
Its really unfortunate but seems every modern racing title gets stale like nobodys business. Older games are why i still play
I think the reason why GT7 can get rather stale is because PD don't seem to invest as much time into offering content that holds attention. The three cars are nice and evo meeting are nice and all, but we still lack events for MR cars, and we still have many other numerous cars too that often go unused because of no dedicated event(s) for them.

Which actually brings me to my next thought; the lack of events wouldn't be a problem or common complaint even still 3 years in if PD gave us a proper event creator. Sure, we have the custom race feature, but that only goes so far. Why not expand upon it and let players create and share their own events that'll show up in the event roster like the other events do? Maybe let players also choose if they want their event to be a regular, chili pepper, or (if on PS5) a sophy event? A little effort can go long ways to ensure that people will still want to play 'long term' or however Kaz put it 2 years ago.

I think also that a drastic overhaul of the ticket system is needed. At level 50 you should not be seeing a 3-star ticket at all. Only rarely should you get even a 4 star. What you should be getting during the late game (level 40-50) is 5 and 6 star tickets. It only makes sense given the high amount of money one needs to spend to progress during those 10 levels. Such a basic revision can go a long way to make players feel properly rewarded and continue to encourage their engagement with the game.
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Having fun with the Hiace, however what breaks the immersion and does not seem very accurate is the transmission. Behaves like a dual clutch transmission with rev matching. Isnt it supposed to be a „classic“ automatic transmission?

Same with the Chevelle and some other cars.

With PDs high attention to detail it seems odd they havent considered this. Technical limitations maybe or too much programming effort for just a handful cars? I would say 95% of the cars in the game are not torque converters?

Anyway, would be great if the different types of auto transmission were simulated :).
I am having lots of fun and adventures with the Lancer Evo XIII and the Nissan GTR T-spec. I did a couple custom races to test them out and see how they perform and the ABS was much better. They were more stable. How are you all doing with them?
Drove 1.200Km in VR since yesterday.

The ABS fix is the star of the show for me. Don’t care about the new cars, but breaking feels fantastic to me now.

Therefore awesome update.

I think we will probably get another big one this year. Also - Christmas music.

Can’t wait.
I’d love to know how the braking feeling better can make your day when the stock suspension physics are still a mess. Pretty much every car I get into seems affected to varying degrees, and I suspect the problem is more prevalent now than it was back in version 1.50, but I cannot explain why that would be.
I’d love to know how the braking feeling better can make your day when the stock suspension physics are still a mess. Pretty much every car I get into seems affected to varying degrees, and I suspect the problem is more prevalent now than it was back in version 1.50, but I cannot explain why that would be.
This is a road car problem I assume?

I’ve only driven GR3 and GR4 this weekend so far.
Given all the updates lately, and the DTM SP event this week, I took all those DTM cars to Kyoto. I went for a 600p target on SS tires (Why? Because, that's why). That put them around 300hp. Just a joy!! The Alfa was still the fastest. It has less weight, and so much more downforce, plus it's a proper race cars and well balanced. The others are all street cars trying to do their best.

Here's some highlights. First, the styles I chose for these three. I swapped out the wheels. These three were SO close to each other in terms of time, but they get there very differently!!


Next up, my 190 swap. It was a little slower at 600pp, but the swap is meant to be a higher PP car. Still, It looks and sounds so good :D

And last, honorable mention, is the 3.0 CSL which lapped a little slower than the Alfa, but faster than the three pictured above. Thanks to PD for making this car, that was essentially undriveable at launch, an absolute joy to toss around. Enjoy this fast lap.

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I’d love to know how the braking feeling better can make your day when the stock suspension physics are still a mess. Pretty much every car I get into seems affected to varying degrees, and I suspect the problem is more prevalent now than it was back in version 1.50, but I cannot explain why that would be.
Mess? I think that's a bit exagerated. Like, "pretty much every car" would be an issue that would have stopped the release of the update. Given that I have not experienced anything resembling "a mess" in the stock cars, maybe it's just you?

Could you be more specific? Post a video of said mess?
Your tire/suspension is bottoming out.
I don't care if it is, the wheel shouldn't snap away from you. If anything, the opposite should happen, with the wheel resisting.

Furthermore, the wheel absolutely should not snap away from you when barely turning in the second clip (not to mention there is less suspension compression). You're trying to defend something that is clearly unintended and not realistic.

Edit: As expected from a troll.
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Mess? I think that's a bit exagerated. Like, "pretty much every car" would be an issue that would have stopped the release of the update. Given that I have not experienced anything resembling "a mess" in the stock cars, maybe it's just you?

Could you be more specific? Post a video of said mess?
Not just me, LOL. Remember this?

It was never truly fixed, only tamed. Many cars still wobble around on their suspensions after update 1.52. Except they don’t bounce off into the skies anymore.

There’s also a recent thread:

I’m surprised there are people who seemingly don’t encounter any of this.

That part of the track is legendary for doing exactly that. If you have your car too low/too low a spring rate, this will happen (IRL and in game). Your tire/suspension is bottoming out.
It happens throughout the game. Try driving a stock Honda S800 on sport hard tires. Hit some elevated inside kerbs mid corner and you’ll experience wild stuff.
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I don't care if it is, the wheel shouldn't snap away from you. If anything, the opposite should happen, with the wheel resisting.

Furthermore, the wheel absolutely should not snap away from you when barely turning in the second clip (not to mention there is less suspension compression). You're trying to defend something that is clearly unintended and not realistic.

Edit: As expected from a troll.
There's a shocking number of people out there who will happily accept whatever slop PD throws at them. I posted the Mondial clip on one of the more notorious sites and was told I "literally suck at driving"... from someone who didn't own the game. :lol:
I just had another go in the Honda S800 where I intentionally collided with the sausage kerbs on Laguna Seca. In one attempt the car dramatically flipped upside down and got reset to track, and on other occasions the car started to jump wildly from side to side across the track. This sort of nonsense just didn’t happen before PD’s “new physics” update in July.

On the old physics you could hit the sausage kerbs and only experience some mild and brief air on the impacted wheel, as it should be.
I don't care if it is, the wheel shouldn't snap away from you. If anything, the opposite should happen, with the wheel resisting.

Furthermore, the wheel absolutely should not snap away from you when barely turning in the second clip (not to mention there is less suspension compression). You're trying to defend something that is clearly unintended and not realistic.

Edit: As expected from a troll.
In your video, you bottomed out. Losing control is the expected response. You could adjust the suspension to avoid this. Also, your car does not look "stock", is it? Honest question because my statement was regarding the stock cars being a mess.
Not just me, LOL. Remember this?

It was never truly fixed, only tamed. Many cars still wobble around on their suspensions after update 1.52. Except they don’t bounce off into the skies anymore.
I have not seen stock cars wobble around and take off into space, and again, the statement made was that the stock suspension was a mess, and I said that was an exaggeration. Posting something from several iterations ago, that you said was addressed in the above quote, doesn't really help me to understand where the mess is.
There’s also a recent thread:

I’m surprised there are people who seemingly don’t encounter any of this.

It happens throughout the game. Try driving a stock Honda S800 on sport hard tires. Hit some elevated inside kerbs mid corner and you’ll experience wild stuff.
Well, I posted this...

And you can see my suspension is doing ok. I have adjusted it. Does it need compression adjustment? Yes. Is it horrible without this? Not for the majority, in my opinion.

Like, not to be difficult, but I can grab a car from my inventory and I run it, without having to do much at all. So, sorry if I'm not seeing why there's an uproar. If this was a game breaker, as is being implied, then surely there's an example from the 1.52 update, not the 1.49 update