Gran Turismo 7 Was The Second-Best Selling Game in March 2022

  • Thread starter Famine
The title of this thread suggests it's not just me...

Maybe you just don't like Gran Turismo? There are plenty of other games out there, why spend so much time grieving over something you clearly don't like?
The title of the thread could mean a multitude of things - most likely is the existing GT fanbase pre ordered the game based on the advertising of Sony and PD pre release. They sold the game as alot of things that it currently does not add up to.

I actually love GT - I've played and completed every single main release, I have purchased every car in every single one. I have golded every single event GT has to offer.

I complain because this game does not live up to the hype that PD put out there and because it has every opportunity to be the best but PD seems hell bent on drip feeding the content that should have been available since release.

Then people like you come along with claims that you cant back up and when you get asked to back up your claims... you just make more ridiculous claims that I don't like GT, lol.

Since you seem to believe this game is complete and unbroken.... I am asking again to please

Explain to everyone how well custom online lobbies are working without using the word broken, or any synonyms of the word then...
Explain to the thousands of people who saved data was corrupted the same thing...
Explain how the economy was/ is perfect including before and after any patches....
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The title of the thread could mean a multitude of things - most likely is the existing GT fanbase pre ordered the game based on the advertising of Sony and PD pre release. They sold the game as alot of things that it currently does not add up to.

I actually love GT - I've played and completed every single main release, I have purchased every car in every single one. I have golded every single event GT has to offer.

I complain because this game does not live up to the hype that PD put out there and because it has every opportunity to be the best but PD seems hell bent on drip feeding the content that should have been available since release.

Then people like you come along with claims that you cant back up and when you get asked to back up your claims... you just make more ridiculous claims that I don't like GT, lol.

Since you seem to believe this game is complete and unbroken.... I am asking again to please

Explain to everyone how well custom online lobbies are working without using the word broken, or any synonyms of the word then...
Explain to the thousands of people who saved data was corrupted the same thing...
Explain how the economy was/ is perfect including before and after any patches....

Are you asking me to explain how other people feel? I can't do that.

I've also not been online so can't speak to any of your other points. I've still got hundreds of hours exploring single player content before I get to that
Are you asking me to explain how other people feel? I can't do that.

I've also not been online so can't speak to any of your other points. I've still got hundreds of hours exploring single player content before I get to that
Im asking you to tell me why YOU think the game is complete and not broken.
-Because you, and only you, claimed I lost credibility because I used the word broken.

I would love to know how you can explain the 3 queired features without using the word, or any synonyms' of the word "broken"

As I said - I'm glad people can find fun by polishing this turd, I really am.
I personally couldn't spend 50 hours in single player having fun because I had finished all of the content, 100%, gold and done.

Which is a massive disappointment and let down compared to previous GT titles
Im asking you to tell me why YOU think the game is complete and not broken.
-Because you, and only you, claimed I lost credibility because I used the word broken.

I would love to know how you can explain the 3 queired features without using the word, or any synonyms' of the word "broken"

As I said - I'm glad people can find fun by polishing this turd, I really am.
I personally couldn't spend 50 hours in single player having fun because I had finished all of the content, 100%, gold and done.

Which is a massive disappointment and let down compared to previous GT titles

I think you might need to give the internet a rest mate - take it easy
Er, what exactly do you think eccentric means? It's nothing to do with age, for starters.
It doesn't matter what I think eccentric means, there are overall generell descriptions, as this one: "Eccentricity (also called quirkiness) is an unusual or odd behavior on the part of an individual. This behavior would typically be perceived as unusual or unnecessary, without being demonstrably maladaptive. Eccentricity is contrasted with normal behavior, the nearly universal means by which individuals in society solve given problems and pursue certain priorities in everyday life. People who consistently display benignly eccentric behavior are labeled as "eccentrics"." (

Therefore I can not see why he would be called as that. Anyway, we agree to disagree.
GT7 returned to No.3 in the UK retail charts as new PS5 stock hit the shelves. Sales up 152% on last week.

I always find comments like this quite bizarre. The response to GT7 is overwhelming positive on platforms like Twitter, Resetera, Neogaf, YouTube etc. At least once the economy issues where sorted. This is backed up by continued impressive sales.

Metacrtic user scores where over 9,500 when the economy issue was in the headlines. Today user scores number just 10,310. That tells me A/ Only a minuscule proportion of buyers leave a review. B/ Most previous comments where little more than review bombing and trolling.

I get the overriding impression some are looking for confirmation bias GT7 was a failure. Yet commercially it’s on course to be one of the best selling releases in the series. With very positive sentiment. The kind I’ve not seen since the PS2 era.
Yea…but you got the use of confirmation biases wrong. A confirmation is most of us are team gran Turismo but know gt7 is a well polished joke…erm i mean video game…oops i meant real driving simulator (confirmation bias of course)
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You lost all credibility when you used the word "broken"...

I only mentioned GT4 in response to someone else's comment. GT has always been about the cars. Collecting cars, tuning cars, photographing cars. Saying that there is only 5 hours of content (i.e. campaign races only) is missing the point entirely
I've always gotten hundreds of hours of GAMEPLAY from GT games, not including grinding (which I didn't have to do very much in previous numbered entries; there was enough good content that paid well it never was an actual grind in the way we use the term now (ie the most efficient way to make credits, fun be damned)

Never used photography. Never edited liveries. When people are talking about "content" they mean the interesting offline races, the "career" mode. The 4/12/24hr endurance races. Large numbers of GT300 and GT500 content. Group C/LMP racing series. Really hard but satisfying events like the introduction of Redbull content that took many people a long time to master. We don't have any of these things. Said it a million times and I'll say it again: we have IB/IA/S class license tests but don't have the races/championships for those licenses. So we know what is supposed to be here, they just never bothered finishing the game.

That's great that you can get dozens/hundreds of hours out of just hot-lapping, running the same few decent races, and photographing cars. Many of us cannot.
It's not particularly spectacular for people who have been playing other racing games for the last 10 or 15 years, particularly simulations. That's where the GT4 comparison comes in - in it's day GT4 was pretty highly regarded among all the games available, PC sims included. If people have been playing all the other games in the space since GT6 came out, GT7 doesn't really offer much they haven't seen before and probably done better.
Well said. Had I only played GT Sport or if this was my first GT game my perception of the game might be drastically different. Especially the latter given most of the cars wouldn't already be "boring" since I spent years with them on Sport. So I can see where some people would be completely content with that which is on offer, but as someone that still has PS-PS3 for the old GT games that I still play fairly often, the content on offer is woefully inadequate. Had they said this would be a live-service drip-feed game coming in I would have just waited a few years to buy it, but they specifically marketed it as a return to the series identity, given Sport was such a drastic departure from the original formula.

Edit: @sh33p RE the broken content, don't forget the ridiculously broken PP system. When you can get a 2500hp fantasy car into a 600pp race, something is very, very broken.
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Yea…but you got the use of confirmation biases wrong. A confirmation is most of us are team gran Turismo but know gt7 is a well polished joke…erm i mean video game…oops i meant real driving simulator (confirmation bias of course)

Unfortunately at thisbpoint many will be getting this game out of curiosity of gameplay and performance. We dont know if the game will be good and only time will tell. I believe most the sales will be from long time fans who want to see whats new

I dont really think PD or Sony really can do anything on the marketing side to encourage more GT sales outside making more ps5’s available .
Sony and PD can push more marketing but i doubt any notable marketing push will translate into actual sales. I haven’t forgot about ps4 owners (me). From what I’ve observed with sony over the last 20yrs is they market games they know will be a blockbuster. GT in my opinion is mainly made for those who already know and play the game series, seems silly to make a ton of marketing material that’s presents the same game but with different visuals and effects a la PS5. Im holding my breath on the ps4 version
It’s clear some are put out about the critical & commercial success of GT7. We saw that with the rush to play down the great reviews back at launch. Before any of us had a chance to play.

We’re 2 months in from launch. I don’t understand the upset at the success and positive word of mouth. We’re long past the ‘gamers were duped’ point. People actually enjoy GT7, they’re recommending it to friends, and it’s seen as one of the must have PS5 titles.

If it’s not for you. Fine.
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Yeah, he does that. He's one of those "I don't like to see any negativity on this board even though I don't have answers to your criticisms" people. So send a letter, get off the internet, anything to try and make you quiet.
And then he runs away into the night to troll another day, lol.
I like dealing with trolls - (the most PC word I can use for @CarreraGT) - Don't take their bait and just keep asking them to answer the original question and they always show their true colours
And then he runs away into the night to troll another day, lol.
I like dealing with trolls - (the most PC word I can use for @CarreraGT) - Don't take their bait and just keep asking them to answer the original question and they always show their true colours

Actually I just can't be bothered arguing with teenagers on the internet. At the end of the day its just one opinion vs the other, there is no "proof" or "evidence".
Actually I just can't be bothered arguing with teenagers on the internet. At the end of the day its just one opinion vs the other, there is no "proof" or "evidence".

If you were paying any attention, you would have seen that I had completed every single challenge in every single major Gt release.. and any intellectual would be able to deduce that its very unlikely that I am a teenager. So your attempt to insult me has failed and just brought shame on yourself. I like it, thanks for the laugh.

Anyway - since you want to continue:

I ask you for another time to please answer the following question (now with one additional question - thanks @Pizzicato1985)

Explain to everyone how well custom online lobbies are working without using the word broken, or any synonyms of the word then...
Explain to the thousands of people who saved data was corrupted the same thing...
Explain how the economy was/ is perfect including before and after any patches....
Explain how the Tomahawk can be used in 600 PP race while you're at it.

If you can do this, giving an actual answer with real facts, I will be super impressed and I will delete my GT Planet account and never post again.

And again - I can backup all of my statements with evidence and most with proof... which I will do... once you answer the few simple questions above.... :)
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If you were paying any attention, you would have seen that I had completed every single challenge in every single major Gt release.. and any intellectual would be able to deduce that its very unlikely that I am a teenager. So your attempt to insult me has failed and just brought shame on yourself. I like it, thanks for the laugh.

Anyway - since you want to continue:

I ask you for another time to please answer the following question (now with one additional question - thanks @Pizzicato1985)

Explain to everyone how well custom online lobbies are working without using the word broken, or any synonyms of the word then...
Explain to the thousands of people who saved data was corrupted the same thing...
Explain how the economy was/ is perfect including before and after any patches....
Explain how the Tomahawk can be used in 600 PP race while you're at it.

If you can do this, giving an actual answer with real facts, I will be super impressed and I will delete my GT Planet account and never post again.

And again - I can backup all of my statements with evidence and most with proof... which I will do... once you answer the few simple questions above.... :)

So you're an adult and yet you've had time to complete gold in every single event? Do you work?

Per my previous responses in relation to online lobbies etc., I'm not going opine on matters I have no experience with. I've not been online and have not had my data corrupted.

Besides, all the things you've asked for are subjective.
So you're an adult and yet you've had time to complete gold in every single event? Do you work?

Per my previous responses in relation to online lobbies etc., I'm not going opine on matters I have no experience with. I've not been online and have not had my data corrupted.

Besides, all the things you've asked for are subjective.
Adult, with a wife and 2 kids and own my own home.

Ok then - playing your game -
So you haven't played online - then you can happily apologize for the comment saying I lost credibility for using the words broken - you are clearly are talking about something you no experience with. Stop digging your heels in and be a decent human being...

Then: answer the bottom 3 questions, lol - they have nothing to do with online - there is no reason for you to not answer these

They aren't subjective - they either work as intended or they don't.
Just answer the questions..... come on...
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Adult, with a wife and 2 kids and own my own home.

Ok then - playing your game -
So you haven't played online - then you can happily apologize for the comment saying I lost credibility for using the words broken - you are clearly are talking about something you no experience with. Stop digging your heels in and be a decent human being...

Then: answer the bottom 3 questions, lol - they have nothing to do with online - there is no reason for you to not answer these

They aren't subjective - they either work as intended or they don't.
Just answer the questions..... come on...

As I said, I've not had my data corrupted, I've not come across the issue with the Tomahawk and I had no problem with the economy before the patch. After the patch, it's almost too easy to make money (not that I'm complaining).

But I can only give you my opinion, you'll have to ask PD whether it is "as intended".
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As I said, I've not had my data corrupted, I've not come across the issue with the Tomahawk and I had no problem with the economy before the patch. After the patch, it's almost too easy to make money (not that I'm complaining).

But I can only give you my opinion, you'll have to ask PD whether it is "as intended".
You don't need to experience save corruption yourself to acknowledge that it existed (and still does, they had to make a special form on the website to help people fix it) and for thousands of people meant the game was broken in the most literal sense.

You dont need to experience the PP exploits yourself to acknowledge that PP calculations can be broken.
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You don't need to experience save corruption yourself to acknowledge that it existed (and still does, they had to make a special form on the website to help people fix it) and for thousands of people meant the game was broken in the most literal sense.

You dont need to experience the PP exploits yourself to acknowledge that PP calculations can be broken.

Not denying there were some bugs, but a) I've not experienced them personally, and b) it doesn't mean the game as a whole is "broken".

Modern games are so complex I'd be surprised if any are released without bugs these days. Not blindly defending PD, I just think these things need to be taken in context.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. Still enjoying GT7 very much and I hope others' frustrations can be resolved in the near future because I really do think it's a great game on the whole.
You don't need to experience save corruption yourself to acknowledge that it existed (and still does, they had to make a special form on the website to help people fix it) and for thousands of people meant the game was broken in the most literal sense.

You dont need to experience the PP exploits yourself to acknowledge that PP calculations can be broken.
But you do need to be a decent human being and not a 100% a troll to do this...
Especially without being berated for 2 days to do such a clear thing... lol
Not denying there were some bugs, but a) I've not experienced them personally, and b) it doesn't mean the game as a whole is "broken".

Modern games are so complex I'd be surprised if any are released without bugs these days. Not blindly defending PD, I just think these things need to be taken in context.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. Still enjoying GT7 very much and I hope others' frustrations can be resolved in the near future because I really do think it's a great game on the whole.
Nobody said the whole game was broken. When you tell someone your car is broken you dont literally mean every single component of the car is broken, do you?

Besides, the biggest shortcoming of the game is not a bug. It's not a bug that it has less curated things to do than any other GT game, it's not a bug that there are no Gr1 and 2 events, or events that require the later licenses.

GT7 has a lot to offer, and it's absolutely unsurprisingly selling well. It's just a shame for the biggest fans of the series it isn't the best in every aspect as it should be, only certain aspects.

I mean how does this game manage to be objectively worse when it comes to online lobby racing options compared to GT5/6/S? Mind boggling.
Not denying there were some bugs, but a) I've not experienced them personally, and b) it doesn't mean the game as a whole is "broken".

Modern games are so complex I'd be surprised if any are released without bugs these days. Not blindly defending PD, I just think these things need to be taken in context.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. Still enjoying GT7 very much and I hope others' frustrations can be resolved in the near future because I really do think it's a great game on the whole.
lol run away little troll, run away :)

You have gone from essentially claiming GT7 is a perfect game (ie has no flaws, is in now way broken and came complete with more content compared to previous GT titles)..

To now admitting... it has a few flaws and that you can see why others have frustrations...

But still not acting like a decent human being, who would and apologise for all of the false claims and personal attacks.. just because you cannot back up your claims...

I did appreciate the laugh though
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lol run away little troll, run away :)

You have gone from essentially claiming GT7 is a perfect game (ie has no flaws, is in now way broken and came complete with more content compared to previous GT titles)..

To now admitting... it has a few flaws and that you can see why others have frustrations...

But still not acting like a decent human being, who would and apologise for all of the false claims and personal attacks.. just because you cannot back up your claims...

I did appreciate the laugh though

Give it a rest mate. Every game has bugs, but GT7 is as good as I could have hoped it would be (caveat: I haven't been online yet). If your opinion differs, good for you.

Find something better to do with your time than trying to pick fights online.

And to think you call yourself an adult...
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Give it a rest mate. Every game has bugs, but GT7 is as good as I could have hoped it would be (caveat: I haven't been online yet). If your opinion differs, good for you.

Find something better to do with your time than trying to pick fights online.

And to think you call yourself an adult...
Whos picking fights?

All i am trying to do is ask you to back you claim that I have no credibility because I (correctly) used the word "broken"
But you refuse, lol

Then you show no empathy towards someone that you have wronged and continued you (attempt) to hurt me by calling me a teenagers and now are trying to say I'm not an "adult"

Just be a decent human and admit you made a mistake and move on...

Or just prove to everyone reading this... that you have no spine and move on....

Honestly - every comment of yours shows less and less class and you're just digging yourself a deeper hole each time.

Its great entertainment and I do appreciate it.
But your pathetic attempts to belittle me are only showing everyone your intelligence , not mine :)
Whos picking fights?

All i am trying to do is ask you to back you claim that I have no credibility because I (correctly) used the word "broken"
But you refuse, lol

Then you show no empathy towards someone that you have wronged and continued you (attempt) to hurt me by calling me a teenagers and now are trying to say I'm not an "adult"

Just be a decent human and admit you made a mistake and move on...

Or just prove to everyone reading this... that you have no spine and move on....

Honestly - every comment of yours shows less and less class and you're just digging yourself a deeper hole each time.

Its great entertainment and I do appreciate it.
But your pathetic attempts to belittle me are only showing everyone your intelligence , not mine :)

You can't help yourself can you...
If I may make a small suggestion: on internet if people don't want to listen twice in a row, they are not going to listen period. I have grown the habit of not repeating myself multiple times because it is an energy leak. Be the bigger man.

There's also a difference between not listening and not engaging. But you make a good point nonetheless
Give it a rest mate. Every game has bugs, but GT7 is as good as I could have hoped it would be (caveat: I haven't been online yet). If your opinion differs, good for you.

Find something better to do with your time than trying to pick fights online.

And to think you call yourself an adult...
If you'd just said I in the first post you made in this topic nobody would have replied to you. But you didn't. You used 'you', insinuating everyone should hold that opinion.

Like what? GT7 is everything you could ever hope for from a GT game. Some people will never be satisfied
Don't act surprised when people tell you it's not everything they hoped for.
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