Gran Turismo 7's Next Update is Coming September 28, Adds Three New Cars

It's an underwhelming update, no doubt. The overblown reaction to it is all a bit preposterous though lol

If this level of vitriol was levied against any regular update, I'd agree with you. But this update was almost 2 whole months in the making—twice as long as most updates to this game. And it's an update that will bring GT7 to a state in which it will be compared to Forza Motorsport when it launches. We used to get one new track roughly every 2 months just last year, but it's been 8 months since a new track was added to the game.

If this update was a huge, revolutionary update that massively overhauled the game (fixing the economy, abolishing invites, repeatable endurance races, etc.) while adding a popular fictional track (Mid Field, Apricot Hill, Red Rock Valley, etc.), I could excuse the fact that PD essentially cheated us out of one month of updates. But this is just a by the numbers nothing burger of an update. I can't find any other way to perceive this as PD being lazy and callous.

A lot of us are still here voicing our displeasure because we enjoy GT7 in our own ways and can see the potential for it, and are still waiting on Kaz to deliver on his explicitly stated promises for the game. If we didn't like this game, we would've moved onto better things in our lives instead of waiting around for disappointment month after month.

To be met with such a nothing burger of an update in the face of such expectation after such a long wait—both in the long and short term—is incredibly tone deaf and feels like a slap across the face. It sends us, the loyal fans of the game that has stuck with it through thick and thin in the 18 months since launch, the message that PD doesn't much care about its fans nor the competition, and by extension, how good a game as an experience and an art form it is.

I think it's only natural to be angry and disappointed as a fan who had been greatly influenced by Gran Turismo his whole life. In fact, I wouldn't consider myself a fan if I wasn't enraged by the news of this update.
It's an underwhelming update, no doubt. The overblown reaction to it is all a bit preposterous though lol
I think it's more of a build up from their botched launch.

PD did enough to quell the riots in the weeks/months afterwards, with eternal optimists running high off of hopium. But it seems that the hopium is starting to wear off and people are getting pissed...

Using myself as an example... This update within a vacuum is perfectly fine. It's ok. But as a PSVR2 owner who absolutely ADORES GT7 in VR, it's infuriating. Why? Because I still don't have a darn timing screen in VR lol. I have no idea how many seconds I am off of the lead... The game is missing very simple QOL features, it's inexcusable.
But as a PSVR2 owner who absolutely ADORES GT7 in VR, it's infuriating. Why? Because I still don't have a darn timing screen in VR lol. I have no idea how many seconds I am off of the lead... The game is missing very simple QOL features, it's inexcusable.
We don't yet know if this will be addressed in the update, as this is the sort of thing that only appears in the patch notes. They won't be available until around 0600 UTC tomorrow.
GTPlanet community towards updates:
Burn Him Stephen King GIF by Arrow Video

Michael Jackson Popcorn GIF
I'm not angry about this update... Because by now I'm used to, almost resigned to the fact that no new tracks are arriving, and even if they did arrive they would perhaps be questionable, nor significant events for the career mode (yes, I know, there isn't a real career mode)... Even the selection of cars is questionable for me, I had already expressed my opinion on this... PD continues to highlight that the updates are free, as if to tell us "hey, you're not paying for this update, enjoy it and don't complain"... But I often think that I would pay for updates with different and more interesting content. I'm not angry, but a little disappointed, yes. Even more than a little.

Nevermind, I'll go to Forza Motorsport, but I'll continue to follow the events of Gran Turismo, both because I'm somehow fond of this franchise and because I continue to hope that something will change in the coming months, but I doubt it. I'm really sorry that things are going this way, this game has a lot of potential, but it isn't being used properly. It's like when at school a teacher says that a student could do more but he doesn't apply himself. What a shame.
I just wish that the game hadn't been forced by Sony to come out on PS4, and I say that as a PS4 player. It's clear that the dual release was the main reason for the original delay, is still holding back the game on a technical level, is probably affecting their content release process, and may very well be the reason they're moving on quicker to a new game than they were with GT Sport. There's so much potential buried in this game that you can see in the chili races, in the weather system, in some of the missions and a lot of the recent Sport Mode races, but we'll never get to see most of that potential due to a bunch of baffling decisions, the greed inherent in Sony's decision to try to double-dip and then move on to an actual PS5 seller, and the refusal to support it like a modern game.
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These updates are really getting disappointing now. This game has so much potential and it's being squandered.

Maybe the patch notes will reveal they've added some new events with meaningful rewards, upped the credit rewards for custom races or something to encourage using the features the game has... but I'm not going to hold my breath.

There's only so many times one can run the Tokyo 600PP/Le Mans 700PP/Sardegna 800PP/Spa 1H events before going insane. Personally, the PSVR2 breathed a huge amount of life into the game for me on the "I want to buy and use all the cars!" front but the repetition is really hitting hard now.
That is so true. I've played like 300 hours in vr only since release of vr. (Overall 580 hours).
This grind is insane. I need "only" 25,5 milion credits more or in other words 17 races on SPA or 31 races on le Mans etc... I'm counting it already in races or hours.

Since yesterday I'm using VGT cars for the last hours of grind because these are cars straight from a circus and I feel like a clown. These cars are so stupid in VR.
I would be MORE than happy to skip this incremental 3x car and menu thing, to just have one update where they address the basic QoL features that CONSTANTLY get asked for on this forum, and some kind of injection of life into Sport mode.

Ok, this week in Sport mode, in isolation, is pretty good with the Gr2 LM in variable weather, but let's be honest, this is quite a rare treat. Maybe a race D with a different class, and always either a night race or variable weather....jesus, just something!
That outline looks vaguely similar to Seattle from GT3 - SEATTLE IN NEXT UPDATED CONFIRMED! lol
Heh. Seriously, it will be a while - there was still construction on the north end of Alaskan Way past Main in May, with the northwest loop north of Yesler no longer possible as the road when completed looks to be an undivided highway, and the south end will require a reroute as Royal Brougham neither crosses the railroad tracks nor connects with the local lanes of Alaskan Way.

Also, even if Royal Brougham went through, the ex-Kingdome parking lot is no more, taken by a parking structure and theatre.
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Even Steve has started to lose hope for this game

The comments are a car crash.

I've rarely seen it this bad with the GT community.

TBH, I feel really bad for the devs who are putting their heart and soul into their work. Only to be let down by such poor management and communication. They must be reading GTP and social media in despair.

Yeah, we all want a new track, we all want more race cars etc. But even if they couldn't deliver this month, they could have thrown the community a bone with something like, oh I don't know, a double credit payout month. That's a pretty standard GAAS tactic to increase engagement. Once again, it's just basic GAAS management & QoL features you'd expect from any AAA 1st Party studio.
I always forget this was released on PS4. That's yet another huge reason that they've likely moved development focus onto GT8.

Unlike some people in here seem to think, adding features to the game isn't as simple as changing a true/false statement.

There are so many factors that probably motivated them to move over to GT8. And rather than spend time and resources developing a feature for two different games, I'd like to think they said nah, lets just focus on making the next entry better than trying to band-aid the last one.

Just a shame we don't know about it. But then again, I'd rather they wait as long as possible to announce vs announcing it 4 years before it gets a release. Then again, they could also just be focusing on a big GT7 2.0 overhaul. What we can 100% guarantee though is that there is not a team or building of dozens or hundreds of expensive developers sitting around doing nothing every day for months and months. Something is being worked on. What is the exciting part.

I'll probably hate-buy Forza, because that's what I always do, but my expectations are pretty low for it. That series isn't exactly progressing anywhere either.
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Look at the comment "we need to start a movement, a petition, a protest or something" and the related discussion 😉
