Underwhelming update. Not my favorite lot of cars, and no track. PD does not want you earning more than 900k credits/hour either, so no new "Tokyo" style events.
But these petitions and complaints are laughable. The only guy who can pressure PD is Super GT and even he doesn't have enough viewership. He's also a hypocrite, just wait for his next "This Is Why I Play This Game" video a few weeks from now. He could move on to Forza, but I've watched his videos on it and he wasn't too happy with that game.
All of them, whether it's Super GT, Rory, Tidgney, they may criticize, but, as they enjoy the racing in GT7, and they can't move onto different games without losing viewers, they keep making content for it and praising every little thing Polyphony adds to Sport Mode.
Then there's the main complainers and clickbaiters on YT, some of which are almost entirely devoted to hating on this game, which have few subs and low viewership, probably because the public for single player modes in racing games is a dwindling one.
Big press like IGN, etc.? GT7 is a 1.5 year old game. Old news. They don't care about our misery. Doesn't generate enough clicks. Why bother?
At the end of the day, Gran Turismo is the leading racing game on PlayStation, which lets PD clown around and release these morsels rather than more substantial updates. This won't change. It's a franchise that still sells on name alone. Consistent high seller in Japan and some European countries. And, may I remind you all of it, survived the dark days of the PS3 era, when Forza Motorsport was clearly better, yet never gained the same traction as GT5 or 6. It even survived Sport, which actually reinvented the franchise as a legitimate sim. The "fanbase" which is "unhappy" with the state of the game amounts to nothing.
Has to be said, though. There's someone here who, if you look through his posts, was defending everything PD was doing, spreading hopium about how PD scanned things they probably didn't scan, or how PD was working on a PC port of GT7, or how they were prepping a Spec-II upgrade, and now, for whatever reason, is singing a much different tune, also posting speculation he makes up about his perception of gaming development, based on pure guess. The problems GT7 currently has are the same they did last year, so why pull the 180 now? We were getting this sort of update last year as well. Why wasn't GT7 near EoL then?