Gran Turismo at 65%!!!

Can't wait to play this demo tonight.

I'm getting GT5 at some point if they ever decide to release it before I die. I'll probably pick it up around the same time that I'll be buying Forza 4.

So the PS3 you bought and put away in your closet until GT5 is released can stay there a bit longer?Oops....sorry,I forgot that you later mentioned that you had in fact only ordered the PS3!!!Yea, I can see its so easy to be confused about whether you have bought a PS3 and then placed it in your closet or, only ordered one..tsk
Easy boys, I have a 360 and can pick up F3 and playit as well.

However, thats strictly a "have to settle for", "not preferred" position.
So the PS3 you bought and put away in your closet until GT5 is released can stay there a bit longer?Oops....sorry,I forgot that you later mentioned that you had in fact only ordered the PS3!!!Yea, I can see its so easy to be confused about whether you have bought a PS3 and then placed it in your closet or, only ordered one..tsk

Yeah, I'm a fan of Forza... It's much easier to get excited about a game with a close release date.
Easy boys, I have a 360 and can pick up F3 and playit as well.

However, thats strictly a "have to settle for", "not preferred" position.

A diplomatic yet honest answer.

Jake, its quicksand, barbed wire, a chinese fingertrap, what you got entangled in, the more u shake, the more u sink.
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Yeah, it's real crap when Forza 2 was beating out GT5P in head-to-head comparisons.

Either way, it's coming out.

Are you the brightest light bulb in the box ?? how can you compair Forza 2 to GT5 Prologue I put Prologue in red so you can see it better.
You seem to like mentioning you have an Xbox360 and Forza in nearly all of your posts. If that dosn't shout Forza fanboy then i dont know what does. Wouldnt it be better if you just stuck to your Xbox and Forza :dunce:

:lol: this kids a joke :lol:

dont mind him.

it's the insecurity. not too confident with forza. needs to keep mentioning it over and over again.

and who can blame him?:lol:
The live blog, they were reading a pamplet that had the progress on games. It said Gran Turismo 65%.
Thank God I have a 360 and I'll be playing Forza next month. Probably end up waiting another year for GT5.

Not really much to be thankful for. Being that it's a substandard console and all, plus you'll be buying the "new exbox" in 2 years. Oh and you'll have to buy it because, just like the first Box, M$$$ will pull the plug on it.

Run along and play Halo Oh Dear Stop Trying
Can't wait to play this demo tonight.

I'm getting GT5 at some point if they ever decide to release it before I die. I'll probably pick it up around the same time that I'll be buying Forza 4.

Read this out loud three times:

"Eye ham we todd did

Sofa king we todd did"
seriously.. I can't figure out where the 65% thing came from.

It's like some one said "my grandpa lied, he's only 65.."

Then someone screamed "gt5 is only at 65% ?!?!?!"
If GT is truly at 65% then I would have to believe a March '10 release date is probable. But if all the cars are going to have some sort of damage models, then I would say it will be worth it. A grueling wait no doubt, but in the end a better, more polished product.
65% or not, it'd make sense for me. GT5 is a huge game with a lot of distractions and contract problems/agreements.

Anyhow, it could mean a lot of thing. Let's all just wait for the actual release date announcement before we jumpship on anything.
I'm posting my opinion before this thread is locked.

We'll find out more about what this 65% figure meant in about an hour and a half. Relax with this inane banter. The official TGS news thread is where you're going to find out anything important regarding anything GT5 here at GTP.

Yeah I asked this question too a couple of posts ago.

Where is that 65 % thing came from ?

Now that you know where it came from, I must say its not encouraging news.

More of the same gameshow fluff and stall we've gotten since E3.

It indicates the "read between the lines" interpretation has been as I figured.

Release is still a ways off.

Maybe something more confirming will come out at the 2nd press conference.