So I have some analysis of the last month in April.
For those who haven't seen, points are up. Congrats to Somebodyshootme and the I'll Owe You Won Racing team for a dominant season!
Overall, I'd say things went well, keeping up our streak since January

. Racing has been good and clean (mostly), we're moving along nicely. So thank you guys for sticking it out for another season!
Now comes the part that I know is going to upset some people: Performance adjustment.
Sorry. I hate bringing this up, and am very nervous here because I've run into this crap before. But I think it has to happen.
This effects ALL brands, not just one. Unfortunately, though, I'm going to spend most time talking about one.
I look at the race at Ascari for this first point. The gap in qualifying from the two front running Mazdas to the first car that wasn't a Mazda was about a second and a half. In the race, Mazdas were lapping comfortably in the 2:08s and even in the 2:07s. The rest of the field could not break the 2:09s, or not regularly anyway. Two seconds a lap over the rest of the field. And that was from two Mazdas with no weight, and one with almost full ballast. So there's evidence to suggest that they could have gone faster.
You can look at the end of qualifying in the first two rounds where if 4 of the top 5 cars weren't Mazdas, it was really close to it. I think more mistake took out Mazdas from the front of the field than the pace of the car.
Now, yes Midfield was a bit of a different story. But remember that pretty much all of the Mazdas had success weight added. There is a straight line disadvantage, and maybe I accidentally made up a schedule of tracks that favor these cars (I mean RWD in general). But even on those tracks, that ballast doesn't seem to affect them that greatly.
I had a feeling something was weird when I got 6 signups for the RX - 8 before the season started. The point of this is not to blame the faster guys for grabbing this car. If I were coming into this series, not having created it, I'd probably do the same thing.
But what I think this means is that I missed something with the initial BOP, and that's what I'm not okay with.
**My question to the Mazda drivers is this: What is the Mazda doing that the other two RWD cars aren't?**
I would like to know so I can better prepare series for the future. I feel like something completely blew past me, because the lap times in my preseason stuff say they're fine. I never ran this car with a real tune, either, so maybe it turns into a rocket when you tune it? I honestly do not know. And I'm not sure what to do about it moving forward.
***Other cars aren't being forgotten, by the way.***
The other thing I would do is give the Civic a
SLIGHT hp restriction. 6+ miles an hour on the field at the end of any given straight is a bit much.
Unfortunately, there is not enough data for the Subaru/Toyota, and no data for the BMW and the Integra to go off of for those cars, so that's where it gets tricky. euclid58, you may speak up if you see anything with the BRZ, you're really the only driver in that car for the most part.
And before everyone says I'm trying to bring the field down because I, and my team are in VWs, let me say this: I will admit, that is a fast car. It is sort of in between the Mazdas and the rest of the pack, in general. But the Scirocco is
NOT immune to any adjustments that need to be made. I want to look at everything that's running.
I may be trying to do the impossible with balancing and adjusting performance of cars that aren't really supposed to be. But I advertise that I do for the series, so I take this a little more seriously that I probably should.
That's all I have to say for now. Other problem is that we're a little tight for time with Brands starting up this week, tomorrow night, in fact.
The floor is open. Any suggestions would be great.