Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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That old format absolutely needed to be thrown in the trash, the problem is it's been replaced with.....nothing of direct comparison.

If the seasonal events return, then nothing of value was lost in my opinion. Although from what I've seen, the AI is still very slow.

Hopefully the beta showed them the raw pace of the fast GT player, so they can model the AI speed at the highest difficulty to that.
If the seasonal events return, then nothing of value was lost in my opinion. Although from what I've seen, the AI is still very slow.

Hopefully the beta showed them the raw pace of the fast GT player, so they can model the AI speed at the highest difficulty to that.

Yes, and the solution to the slow AI was to improve it, not make it essentially surplus to requirements.

Many people still prefer offline gaming. For GTS they could've done so much more. Improved the AI, totally overhaul the format of the offline career mode, but they haven't. They've just canned it entirely. There is no reason they couldn't have done both, a studio of their size.

Oh and it's silly to suggest they needed to watch beta footage to realise how fast people could be. They have their own testers, they know how much faster the AI could be. They've set their TT laptimes way beyond the AI skill for years.
How is it so when even with the SR rating system on (at least from what I've experienced in beta) people cannot do one clean lap -S level- and at the same time you get punished because of those "clean" drivers sending you off track with SR negative points and time penalties?
Its not perfect. But I can believe it'll improve at some points.

Still, an effort taken. Many Esport titles implements skill rank system and no racing title other than GTSport has attempt to do that.
So, I haven't been around for a while. Partly that was because I was busy, partly because I grew tired of discussing the same old stuff, with nothing really new about GTS to talk about. Yes, I saw the beta obviously but without playing it, not much to say.

Well, now they've talked about and shown more, I'll give my thoughts on this game as it is, and seemingly as it'll be on release day.

They're treating EVERYONE as a beginner yet again. It's absolutely ridiculous that they are forcing everyone to do a "drive the car in a straight line" test, and I'd wager most of the beginner stuff is equally stupidly basic. Nothing wrong with supporting beginners, but why force everyone to do all of it when we've played racing games for 20+ years? We know what the steering wheel and pedals do by now.

UI looks way too busy, and still has old flaws. Still after completing one license test you have to exit back to the main menu to select the next one, no 'next' button. They have a 'home' button that only appears on the home screen, which is very cluttered.

The car and track list is very poor. The game was going to launch in 2016 with 19 locations and 137 cars. It's launching almost 12 months later with ~150 cars and 17 locations.

If they add Interlagos, that means ONE new real world location. One. Sorry, but that is pathetic after 4 years development. There is even the possibility that track isn't finished and is going to be DLC. In which case, no new real tracks. Oh dear. I don't see how anyone can defend that either way.

There is only one conclusion for me. They were/are miles behind on their development as usual. In terms of tracks, they were probably just way behind on their real circuits. When they launched the game initially, all 6 tracks looked unfinished in some way. That should've given you a warning, if the 6 tracks they had to show off weren't finished, what state were the rest in? Not very good, it seems.

So to somewhat make up the numbers they seemingly knocked together simple little tracks like BB Raceway and Kyoto Driving Park. Clearly not much time went into those, simple layouts, basic scenery. So much easier to knock those out than detailed real world tracks where you have to match reality.

I don't see any other logical reason for having two less locations than you announced for 12 months earlier, and only one new real world track at best. Very poor.

For cars, the same. They said they were going to have 137 ready for 2016, they've got ~150 ready for a year later. They have surely made more than 20 cars in a year so either they've got more ready to go that they're saving for DLC or they just had no chance of having 137 ready a year ago, not even close. Neither reflect well on them.

It's all very well saying your cars are the most detailed in the world of gaming, but what good is that when there are so few of them, and they're outdated because of how long you've taken? There has to be a balance, and they've gone too far in the wrong direction IMO focusing on spending a whole heap of time on detailing the stitching on seats and insides of headlights. These details do not matter when racing, which is supposed to be the core of the game. It seems they actually care more about scapes, and how beautiful they can make it look.

As with the tracks, they've clearly just taken shortcuts to increase the numbers, I mean a Group 4 Veyron racing against a Renault Megane, really? Lots of outdated cars, Gr.1 is still seriously weak with mixed, old LMP1s. Where are the 2015 and 2016 LMPs? Then you have 40 odd fictional cars. Very, very poor IMO. It's all very well saying you only drove 50-60 cars in past games, but that was from a selection of several hundred. Of the current list, there are maybe 10-20 cars I'd look forward to driving. It's not good enough for a team the size of Polyphony and more than four years work.

Campaign Mode looks boring, just the same old stuff that they've had since GT1. Lots of super basic driving tests, lots of "overtake 3 cars in 4 corners". Gameplay in general doesn't seem to have changed much except the graphics. Still the same old collision physics, still the same old very limited mechanical and visual damage. Where are punctures, where is bodywork falling off? Mechanically it's just the same basic stuff you got on PS1, bit of crabbing/veering off and going slower.

Graphics is literally the only thing I can see that has greatly moved on. Everything else could be GT6. No innovation, no mind-blowing features actually in gameplay.

You'll note I haven't even once compared it to their competition. I don't need to, the flaws of this game stand out alone, without comparison required. If anything, even compared to previous GT games it doesn't stand up. Reduce the graphics to PS3 level, what else are they doing in this game they couldn't do technically there? Where are they using the power of the PS4 except for graphics? Maybe a little extra in the physics, but from what people have said, it's not massively different and as I say, it still has the age old collision physics. Same for sound, clearly they've improved, but not enough.

Online is clearly the focus, and we always knew that, but even with that everything I've written above lets it down, even if I did enjoy online gaming, which I don't.

Gran Turismo needed an overhaul. It was a tired old formula that needed new life. What they've done, is not it IMO. I will not be buying, nor will I be returning here any time soon to discuss it, no point. I'll perhaps come back in 5 years when they have another crack at it.

It's just so very sad. When I was playing the PS1 and PS2 GT games all those years ago, I enjoyed them a lot, but I would also constantly think about what racing games would be like in the future. Of course I envisaged better graphics, but I also envisaged them being a lot more like the real racing I saw on TV. I expected the damage and collisions, I expected the variable weather, I expected a huge roster of all the best cars and tracks, I expected tracks full of life, I expected huge career modes from zero to hero, with huge grids of cars. I expected super intelligent AI and exhilerating racing.

GT has evolved, but not enough, and not in the right areas for me. It looks super pretty, but that is about all I can say. Take the pretty away, what is left? Not much, for me.

PS sorry mods about the car/track lists, feel free to completely take those over because as I say, I won't be returning or have the desire to update those.
Well, bye, I guess.
Its not perfect. But I can believe it'll improve at some points.

Still, an effort taken. Many Esport titles implements skill rank system and no racing title other than GTSport has attempt to do that.

Also if this game was really all about racing they wouldn't have modeled the cars to insane levels of detail that you can't see when racing, IIRC they even admitted that themselves. If this game was purely about racing as the focus, they would've taken far less time and produced more unique cars. You know, the thing that is paramount to racing. It would be detrimental to the scapes and photo mode, but those are side-attractions to the racing, right?

Oh, and anyone else find the new product page utterly bizarre? On The first thing they want to talk about, the major headline for the game, is technobabble about the graphics, even with super nerdy color graphs! They finally get onto the racing half way down the page, after they've waxed lyrical about HDR and how pretty things are several times. Then of course you get onto scapes and there is that "true HDR workflow" yet again.

How is that supposed to sell your game, unless your audience are tech nerds? Truly perplexing.
I thought you knew your roots as a GT player. The 'technobabble' is so granturismo. Fortunately there will be not so shiny games coming for you this fall.
I thought you knew your roots as a GT player. The 'technobabble' is so granturismo. Fortunately there will be not so shiny games coming for you this fall.

I don't see anything about Nits, HDR or much general technobabble there. Even if there was, it's a bizarre thing to lead with as bullet point 1 on your game, even more-so when it's something not everyone can even experience with the game!
There are no PS3 premiums. Iirc they've been remodelling the cars for this gen, hence the low premium count.
When I say "will come back", it doesnt meant "will come back day one". Maybe PD remodelled it to be released later. Dont know.

Well thats escalated quickly for this thread. Bye, again.
Even if there was, it's a bizarre thing to lead with as bullet point 1 on your game, even more-so when it's something not everyone can even experience with the game!

First banner is True 4K, built from the ground up UHD, at 60 frames per second.

That's what happens when you are a graphical showcase, this time especially so in Forza's case.
You serve as a vehicle to attract those who cannot experience yet.

I don't see anything about Nits, HDR or much general technobabble there. Even if there was, it's a bizarre thing to lead with as bullet point 1 on your game, even more-so when it's something not everyone can even experience with the game!
You would not promote your studio's work in that way if it was the leader in that area? (Oh, i meant GT1 by the way. As PoDi compares GTS to GT1 so often.)
Yes, and the solution to the slow AI was to improve it, not make it essentially surplus to requirements.

Many people still prefer offline gaming. For GTS they could've done so much more. Improved the AI, totally overhaul the format of the offline career mode, but they haven't. They've just canned it entirely. There is no reason they couldn't have done both, a studio of their size.

Oh and it's silly to suggest they needed to watch beta footage to realise how fast people could be. They have their own testers, they know how much faster the AI could be. They've set their TT laptimes way beyond the AI skill for years.

Oh you're absolutely correct. There is no excuse for their AI being that slow but with the current state, I won't be doing much offline racing. Hopefully they improve.
And PCARS 2 as well, although we've yet to see it in action.

Setting Quali laps to catch a rabbit and easily passing AI isn't racing. Online racing is much better implemented here.
Pretty sure a good chunk of the 50,000,000 people who purchased Gran Turismo before online was introduced would disagree with you. But continue making blanket statements at your leisure.
And PCARS 2 as well, although we've yet to see it in action.

Pretty sure a good chunk of the 50,000,000 people who purchased Gran Turismo before online was introduced would disagree with you. But continue making blanket statements at your leisure.

I'll wait to hear what they think when the game releases. I was convinced when I played it, others will be and others won't. And that's not a blanket statement. It's a fact that the actual racing in past GT games sucked.
Up until now, everything that I have seen from GTS has pleased me. The game looks great. The amount of detail they put into the cars is unnecessary but it's one of the things that makes PD special to me. The game sounds TONS better than any previous GT. Especially with the latest build we've seen, with the Miata on the Tokyo Expressway having much more realistic sounding up-shifts. Not only that but engines actually sound like they should(for the most part, especially in the video where we see a blue GTR racing on Nurbergring, the overall replay sounds amazing to me). The livery editor looks great as well and I can't wait to see what kind of liveries this community will create once the game has launched. Online seems to be overhauled from GT5 and GT6 and seems to be the area of focus of this game. I'm sure that mode will be tons of fun as well. The car and track list are a bit disappointing but I can work with them. The menus and overall aesthetics of the game also look pretty slick and classy, as GT always has been. Scapes looks amazing, too.

The only thing that really disappoints me with GTS, just like some other mates that I've seen on this site, is the offline content. I don't know much about arcade mode but as of now, it seems to be fine. But it's the "career" mode that bugs me. Who at PD decided that having a bunch of licence tests was good enough alone for an offline career mode? I don't hate the idea of having these kinds of events in the game. If anything, it may or may not help eliminate awful, reckless and aggressive drivers(to put it lightly) online. But I just don't like the fact that the offline mode ONLY consists of these licence-esque tests. What they should have done, at the very, very least was have you go through these events and later go onto actual races and championships like in previous GT games. That to me seems like a more than complete offline experience. In it's current form, offline seems like a whole lot of nothing in terms of substance.

PD should have also taken into account that some people aren't willing to play online due to Sony forcing you pay $5 a month(or more in some areas with the price hike). I know most of the focus of this game is the online portion and I'm glad that it's better than it's ever been before. However, they should have tried to give offline players sufficient experience as well, or at least a more expansive one.

Overall though, I do like how the game is shaping up as it has improved significantly in more ways than one. I don't mind the esports direction or the small track/car lists. But PD should have balanced online and offline in a way that players on both ends would receive a good enough experience.

I'm still willing to buy the game tough since all the other features like livery editor and scapes seem very good. And I guess I'm not at a total loss as arcade mode exists. but, ultimately, this game definitely won't have the most enjoyable "career" mode to me(not to say won't like it).

Anyways we'll see how the game shapes up when it releases.
And PCARS 2 as well, although we've yet to see it in action.
I'll wait to hear what they think when the game releases. I was convinced when I played it, others will be and others won't. And that's not a blanket statement. It's a fact that the actual racing in past GT games sucked.
No it isn't a fact. What's a fact is that it sucked for you and that is a major distinction. What is a fact is that 10's of millions of people raced in prior GT games and received a great deal of enjoyment from it in spite of the less than stellar AI, otherwise, the game would have flopped and we wouldn't be having this conversation. They aren't all the same skill level as you or I. For my friends the AI in GT is perfect. Many people have posted in these forums about good races they had with the AI and the enjoyment they got out of the offline career. It's not for me, but I understand that not everyone is the same as me which is why I lament it's discontinuation.
I always had fun with the offline up to GT5. The AI was never good, no, but you could compensate and of course being younger/less able did help. GT6 was the first offline career I didn't finish because of the horrible catch-up format, even if you did compensate for the AI it was just so you caught the lead car closer to the end of the race, you couldn't actually race with them because you had to be 5+ seconds a lap faster to catch them.

Sales of this game will certainly be very interesting, but as I say, I'm out. Enjoy the game guys, and I mean that sincerely. It's just not for me and unless they completely change their approach to the series again in future, it's likely to remain that way. Sad, but that's how it goes sometimes.
I'll wait to hear what they think when the game releases. I was convinced when I played it, others will be and others won't. And that's not a blanket statement. It's a fact that the actual racing in past GT games sucked.
They who? What about me for example? I've bought EVERY officially released Gran Turismo game. I've played the Beta for this. I applied for that Beta 6 times!

I doubt I'd even bother downloading the full game if it was given away free with a Plus account never-mind buy it. This is the franchise that has kept me in console gaming. If I don't want it, how many other people for whom Gran Turismo equals GT-Mode won't either?
And that's not a blanket statement. It's a fact that the actual racing in past GT games sucked.
The AI was atrocious in GT4 and GT6 (especially GT6), too slow in GT5, and too obviously cheating in the other games.

But the baseline for player skill, and thus that crappy AI's (or other poor game design choices on PD's part) ability to affect the quality of the single player game isn't nearly so straightforward as that. I've seen people pick up far more straightforward titles than a GT game and completely flame out because they weren't able to understand how to do them because they were higher in complexity to Mario Kart that they usually played.
They who? What about me for example? I've bought EVERY officially released Gran Turismo game. I've played the Beta for this. I applied for that Beta 6 times!

I doubt I'd even bother downloading the full game if it was given away free with a Plus account never-mind buy it. This is the franchise that has kept me in console gaming. If I don't want it, how many other people for whom Gran Turismo equals GT-Mode won't either?

I literally stated that some people won't like the change in the post you quoted. Looks like you are in that echelon.
Since I discovered online mode, career mode bores me a lot. If I want to relax alone, I will do a custom race or a time trial. But most of my time, I'm with real players.

Online mode will be the heart of GT Sport and I'm very happy that the series takes this path. And a campaign mode to prepare, to perfect before driving against real players is a very brillant idea.

I'm very pleased that PoDi believe in their idea from the beginning. I wish them every success :) I really can't wait 18th october :nervous:
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I can not understand why the people of the forum are dissatisfied about the career mode now. Because it was announced that GT Sport career mode consists of 4 modes from before. Did it think that it would be changed while delayed?
Personally, we welcome the change of career mode. Because I think that it is fun to do missions and step by step learning rather than race many times with computers.
(Sorry for bad english)
Since I discovered online mode, career mode bores me a lot. If I want to relax alone, I will do a custom race or a time trial. But most of my time, I'm with real players.

Online mode will be the heart of GT Sport and I'm very happy that the series takes this path. And a campaign mode to prepare, to perfect before driving against real players is a very smart idea.

I'm very pleased that PoDi believe in their idea from the beginning. I wish them every success :) I really can't wait 18th october :nervous:

That would mean online would be blocked to those who don't finish all the licenses, mini challenges and etiquette lessons. And we don't know if it will be like that. Most probably not. So, you can go online and still find reckless drivers who don't give a damn about the offline "learn to drive" part.

In GT6 you only needed Na licence before going to open lobbies.
That would mean online would be blocked to those who don't finish all the licenses, mini challenges and etiquette lessons. And we don't know if it will be like that. Most probably not. So, you can go online and still find reckless drivers who don't give a damn about the offline "learn to drive" part.

In GT6 you only needed Na licence before going to open lobbies.

Yeah I'm still intrigued to see how the SR/DR work after the tweaks and with a larger player base.

Because unfortunately, real life racing series have costs that limit the amount of possible manufacturers participating.
So on the aspects of "unique cars" and "racing focus", I like what they are offering in GTS.

Group B is looking great to me with the GT-R, NSX and RCZ, seems like they are having fun creating these unique cars.



That would mean online would be blocked to those who don't finish all the licenses, mini challenges and etiquette lessons. And we don't know if it will be like that. Most probably not. So, you can go online and still find reckless drivers who don't give a damn about the offline "learn to drive" part.

In GT6 you only needed Na licence before going to open lobbies.

I'd expect something similar to GT5/6, completing the basic Driving lessons for Daily Races/Lobby. And I could see, and hope, complete Racing Etiquette being a requirement for the big, official competitions.

Yeah I'm still intrigued to see how the SR/DR work after the tweaks and with a larger player base.

Matchmaking at least seemed to be working well even with a quite limited pool. I'm interested in knowing how the ladder will work, and if they'll try WW rooms. They did test users connecting on different servers so that would be awesome. Even with a 100~140 ping I had great races in terms of connection stability and game "presence".
Because unfortunately, real life racing series have costs that limit the amount of possible manufacturers participating.
So on the aspects of "unique cars" and "racing focus", I like what they are offering in GTS.

Group B is looking great to me with the GT-R, NSX and RCZ, seems like they are having fun creating these unique cars.



It could be argued that GTS series are limited by similar constraints due to licencing limits and costs, I also would not personally swap what GTS is offering over the likes of mixed class racing or true rally classifications.

Guess we just differ in that regard, but I would far rather prefer GTS had real race series in it (or rather ones that clearly are based around them), rather than the made up ones its going to have.

Fantasy cars, on fantasy tracks, in fantasy series I would rather not have; particularly as the only way the GTS ones seem to differ is around a small number of BOP bands.
It could be argued that GTS series are limited by similar constraints due to licencing limits and costs, I also would not personally swap what GTS is offering over the likes of mixed class racing or true rally classifications.

Guess we just differ in that regard, but I would far rather prefer GTS had real race series in it (or rather ones that clearly are based around them), rather than the made up ones its going to have.

Fantasy cars, on fantasy tracks, in fantasy series I would rather not have; particularly as the only way the GTS ones seem to differ is around a small number of BOP bands.
The amount of fantasy gubbins in GTS is depressing especially considering the FIA licence, five, yes FIVE real world locations, what a huge wasted oppurtunity. How the mighty has fallen.
Since I discovered online mode, career mode bores me a lot. If I want to relax alone, I will do a custom race or a time trial. But most of my time, I'm with real players.

Online mode will be the heart of GT Sport and I'm very happy that the series takes this path. And a campaign mode to prepare, to perfect before driving against real players is a very brillant idea.

I'm very pleased that PoDi believe in their idea from the beginning. I wish them every success :) I really can't wait 18th october :nervous:
It's a good idea...except for those who want nothing to do with online...which is the entire point. People don't like what the career mode consists of, the lack of tuning, tracks... 4 years, from the biggest racing franchise in gaming, and this is what we get? It's not hard to see why people are unhappy.

You have small, startup studios doing far more, and releasing their games on 3's simply boggling. GT needs a management shakeup.
It's a good idea...except for those who want nothing to do with online...which is the entire point. People don't like what the career mode consists of, the lack of tuning, tracks... 4 years, from the biggest racing franchise in gaming, and this is what we get? It's not hard to see why people are unhappy.

You have small, startup studios doing far more, and releasing their games on 3's simply boggling. GT needs a management shakeup.

If you don't like the new direction taken by PoDi, there are other racing games for you.

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