Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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Did anyone notice that gt sport was removed from PlayStation store? Does it mean it's been delayed or something?

Edit: Sorry guys, my bad. It's still there if you search for it
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When you are bored at college... lol. Yeah, college at sunday, (beep) me...

That's cool. The "SPORT" might fit better under "Gran Turismo". Looks good with the car and driver.

Thanks :D By the way I just doing quick edit in Photoshop since reading this thread arguing how the GT Sport cover art looks like, so I decided to did something like GT4 cover with the image of the driver in background. The idea is that GT still focusing on the love of cars, we can see how good the modelling is and the attention to detail. That's why the car is being focus and filled the bottom part of the cover, combined with sportsmanship symbolized by the driver's image at the top.
Fair enough, @Imari. The Mario Kart 8 and F1 box art are good examples. I cannot deny that from a functional standpoint, they're very well executed and do everything the publisher needs to do... yet I personally dislike them.

As do I. They're not good in the sense that I enjoy looking at them, they're good in the sense that they do their job well.

Personally, I don't enjoy looking at either of the GTS box covers either, especially the rainbow one. But they're closer to being pleasant in an artistic sense. I can make minor changes to the GTS covers and have it look kind of pleasant, but I doubt I could do anything with the Mario one.

As an avid gamer who doesn't need box art to tell me what a game is, I care more about the artistry than the advertisementry... So naturally that's how I personally judge covers. But a cover can be good in one of those categories while being bad in the other, and certainly to the publisher it's much more important for the functionality to be on point.

I'm the same sort of gamer. The only time I'll walk into a store to buy a game worth more than ten bucks is when I've already watching a few hours of gameplay and read half a dozen reviews. I know what I want before I ever see it. As such, I'd far prefer to have an artistic box that's nice to look at. Preferably with a nice hardcopy manual inside.

But we're the minority, and as you say, what suits us is not what's best for the company selling the game. They want to do whatever they can to shift the most copies to people who walk into game stores with more money than sense. And so they should.

I wonder if there's a market for aftermarket "artistic" game covers, for people who want to store and display their game collection and have it not look like a jangly mess of arse.
Fair enough, @Imari. The Mario Kart 8 and F1 box art are good examples. I cannot deny that from a functional standpoint, they're very well executed and do everything the publisher needs to do... yet I personally dislike them.

As an avid gamer who doesn't need box art to tell me what a game is, I care more about the artistry than the advertisementry... So naturally that's how I personally judge covers. But a cover can be good in one of those categories while being bad in the other, and certainly to the publisher it's much more important for the functionality to be on point.

Couldn't agree more with this 👍 Also, advertisementry is a brilliant word, haha.

As for all the box art, good work team! Though I still do prefer the original, it's classy and in my opinion, it's nice to see a lack of colour for a change:

Here is my second attempt with the cover, now it is more simplistic just like the original but there is slight difference with the background colour and how the driver being pictured :

View attachment 580585

I guess that's enough for now. Need some rest
I think that's better than the original in terms of framing, but the color scheme is kind of...
I wonder how much Arai and Alpinestars are paying to have their logo appear on the cover.
Legitimate question. We went from Sparco in GT5/6 to Alpinestars in GTSport. I'm honestly interested by how brand licensing works. There are so many brands in a GT and we know the livery editor we'll have a lot of brands stickers.
Hello friends, can someone tell me whether Gran Turismo Sport will be a full Gran Turismo game? Or will it be a smaller spinoff or a prelude to GT7?

Thank you

Hello friends, can someone tell me whether Gran Turismo Sport will be a full Gran Turismo game? Or will it be a smaller spinoff or a prelude to GT7?

Thank you


...Hello there. Oh my gosh, you're so polite!! :lol: A rare thing to find in The Net nowadays.

The marketing speel has us believe GT:S will be a fresh start, a pseudo GT7 as it were. It remains to be seen of course, whether PDI is willing to stick with it if the game proves to be not as popular as the previous entries.

Personally, I'm on the fence - I feel like this is a slightly more bloated Prologue rather than a full blown numbered title. We'll see, come November.
Hello friends, can someone tell me whether Gran Turismo Sport will be a full Gran Turismo game? Or will it be a smaller spinoff or a prelude to GT7?

Thank you


This is Gran Turismo 2.0, a total reboot of the franchise.

As above,

While others around still believe it's not a "Full" Game, and that PD will change their mind and go back to what we have always known as GT after the GT:Sport platform fails.

PD have the numbers from GT6 of who played what races, how many times, online or offline.
With some people playing individual online seasonals hundreds of times in search of that perfect lap or top of the leaderboard @Kossie, The way online rooms and leagues were used, etc

From that data they have collected, they have changed the games structure (as far as I can see it) to suit what the majority of players were actually doing.
Taking note that the posting majority around here, do not make up the majority of GT6 players out there in the world.
We may think we're the center of the GT Universe, but I suspect that PD do not. We are the squeaky wheel.
I still like to believe that this is a complete reboot to PS4, you will still be able to play offline in your own time, choose a sole practice, TT, drift or arcade race or car of your choice.

Online will be there and a major part of the game of course but I feel they will put an option in only if you want to have a seasonal or FIA challenge race or gain more credits for new cars some of the credits will be released in the career/seasonals.

They have done the hard work now nearly porting it all over to the future PS4/Neo/VR hardware and like AC this is the 'base' package and everything now can only get bigger/better in the near future - fine tweaking to the graphics engine, more cars added as they stabilise the engine and then more tracks being added (pushing the PS4 to the limits knowing Kaz) all via the way forward of future patches and free/paid dlc. This is the way these games are going looking back over the last few years with digital, I believe the discs will still sell a huge huge number over the Holiday period but over the course of the next few years will slowly fade out like cds>downloads. These are my future thoughts on the vision of GT (and many more new racing IPs coming) to Consoles.

(Gone are the days the new shiny cassette/cartridge/disc released will be the final finished game and last you years after reading the magazine previews for months-nostalgia showing my age):boggled::confused:
It seems that way. It's weird how PD have not run a red car in any real life races. The SLS was red for the GT5 cover. Other than that, PD(Kaz) have mainly stuck with blue/black/white.
It's rather awkward (imo) that GT Sport will not feature a car as the cover star, the very first time in GT's history. Instead we got some random guy taking a massive 🤬 in the freakin' corner, I mean look at him!

Dude looks like he's constipated! lol!

Anyway continuing on. This will lead those who don't follow the news of GTS to question if it will feature standard cars, lot's of tracks, hyper cars....more hyper cars, course maker etc., it be interesting to see them known the real truth of GTS once they insert that disk into their PS4s. ;)

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