Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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noun: hypocrisy; plural noun: hypocrisies
the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

In other words, exactly what you've accused me of twice now.

Good, glad we're on the same page. Now, if your actions are hypocritical, don't be surprised if someone, at some point, calls them hypocritical. Not you, your actions. Pretty straight-forward, really.

For the sake of not sounding like a broken record, I won't belabor you with the reasons yet again, but you should know them pretty much by heart at this point.

I can't think of a single reason that insulting the entire membership of GTPlanet is acceptable, actually. So you can stop.
OK, fine. Fair call. I got a little (a lot) crossed up. Thanks for calling that out.

When they did something thoroughly not understandable or anti-consumer. The same as any other company of which I'm a fan.

For instance, I used to be a fan of EA. Then they crapped all over my loyalty by introducing Origin, pulling their games from Steam, forcing ******** DRM down my throat and introducing insulting, purposely obtrusive pricing schemes to their free-to-play games, and that's just the start. That's what I deem unacceptable. A delay, to me, is typically fine, because usually devs take the extra time to refine the game.
So there is a limit to what you will accept, yes? Can you comprehend that some people will have a different limit to you? Some people reached their limit a few years ago, some have just reached it today, some will reach it in the future. Do you not see that having a hissy fit because everyone does not have the same limit as you is incredibly immature?
Look at 70% of the posts on GTP. If it were T10, Playground or MS who were announcing a delay to FH3, people would mysteriously be a lot more understanding.
Remember when Turn 10 very quietly cancelled their public beta for Forza 6 and hoped everyone forgot they said anything about it in order to get the game to release in the target year?

Remember when Dan Greenawalt talked at length about how much of an awesome development console the Xbone was over the 360, which would allow them to do everything they couldn't do on the 360, only to announce a game supposed to release 3 years after the console launched so pared back in content and features it goes hit for hit with the original Forza from three console generations prior?

Remember when Dan Greenawalt said that Forza 4 was in a state that they could basically release it at any time but wanted to hold it make sure it could exceed expectations, only for it to plow right the hell through two announced release dates and ultimately be dumped in a crippled state a year later that wasn't fully fixed until another year of post-release support?

Remember when Turn 10 announced the mobile port of their latest game, then justified how it was delayed by 3 and a half years by claiming that they spent all the time making sure it couldn't be considered a spinoff even though the final product wasn't even remotely like the game originally announced?

Such a double standard at play that Turn 10 would hypothetically get a pass if they delayed a game.
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After Ive seen bumpercar physics in the GamesCom built I knew its bad. Now its finally the time to pull my head from whatever it had been and buy an XO+Forza

PS. Is there a GOTY edition of the standard Forza?
Good, glad we're on the same page. Now, if your actions are hypocritical, don't be surprised if someone, at some point, calls them hypocritical. Not you, your actions. Pretty straight-forward, really.

I can't think of a single reason that insulting the entire membership of GTPlanet is acceptable, actually. So you can stop.
Well, my apologies if I word things too strongly, but I call things how I see them. Even though a lot of my stuff can be seen as insulting, I've tried everything to make people see that GTP is not the way it once was. I'm desperate, and I no longer enjoy being here.

After Ive seen bumpercar physics in the GamesCom built I knew its bad. Now its finally the time to pull my head from whatever it had been and buy an XO+Forza

PS. Is there a GOTY edition of the standard Forza?
I don't think there is.
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've tried everything to make people see that GTP is not the way it once was. I'm desperate, and I no longer enjoy being here.

Making things up is not the way to go. Like I said in my very first reply you know full well other games get slated just as badly when there is a delay. Any game does, whilst it does also get the understanding posts.

I do want to ask you, what else you expect? If you have no problem with a delay that's your opinion but i'm not sure why you can't understand that the majority are going to be annoyed with it. Also as I said in this case it's not just about the delay, it's about the fact it's late 2016, three years after release of PS4 and not only do PD not have a game out, they're delaying one even further. People are frustrated at PD, and rightly so.
Well, my apologies if I word things too strongly, but I call things how I see them. Even though a lot of my stuff can be seen as insulting, I've tried everything to make people see that GTP is not the way it once was. I'm desperate, and I no longer enjoy being here.

That might be the issue: you're insistent on people seeing things the same way as you. As @PzR Slim has said on this page, other people have limits to what they deem acceptable. For some, this 2017 delay will be the straw that broke the camel's backs. They're not right or wrong for choosing that; it's just up to them. And they're allowed to be that way.

This isn't a situation unique to GT and/or GTPlanet. Look at any community focused on not only games, but any other form of entertainment, and you will see a similar outbreak of bitterness and upset when news like this breaks. And, just as @Samus said, there will be those that are more understanding.

Despite what you may want to believe, that was the case here with previous PS generations too. I've been here for 13 years (to the day, actually); it's not new.
I do have to wonder why some people become so emotionally attached to a freakin' video game that it actually causes them mental discomfort when someone says something bad about it. The recent GT games have been heading downhill, so it's only natural for the perception of the game to become increasingly negative as well. It's not rocket science.
Totally not surprised by the delay. I smell a dual launch on PS4.0 and Neo inbound.

Also, delays happen, even if the reasoning turns out to be crappy. So get over it. It's a freaking video game for Christ's sake. If a Forza game got delayed, I'd be pissed, but I'd just get on with life as normal.

Be lucky Jim Sterling hasn't made a Jimquisition about the hardcore minority of the GT fanbase.