Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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I agree that GTS is not GT7. Has been spoken about time and time again, and there is nothing that is going to change the fact that GTS is some form of a spin off from the normal series. "Not a prologue"... fine, but it IS a separate game from the regular series.

The only theory I have at this point is that it will continue to stand on it's own separate from the standard GT series similar to Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon. That way, in the future during the development of games, they can do the whole rotating cycle idea to keep fans a little more happy and interested while they continue to make the newest game.

EDIT: I do wonder however if they are going to change up GT7 a little bit with GTS being more focused on the sport of racing. Could we see a less serious GT7 that is more Forza-esque?
I have been meaning to bring this up but you beat me to it. I'm surprised that no one is talking about what potentially could be happening to GT 7 in lieu of GT Sport being more focused on Motorsports. It could potentially signal a divergence in the series, separating the serious racing from the more fun side of customisation and casual racing. After all, what is the point of creating a whole new series unless its going to be separate and distinct from the main series? There is also the possibility that GT Sport is a one-time affair and merely a precursor to the full game of GT7.
I have been meaning to bring this up but you beat me to it. I'm surprised that no one is talking about what potentially could be happening to GT 7 in lieu of GT Sport being more focused on Motorsports. It could potentially signal a divergence in the series, separating the serious racing from the more fun side of customisation and casual racing. After all, what is the point of creating a whole new series unless its going to be separate and distinct from the main series? There is also the possibility that GT Sport is a one-time affair and merely a precursor to the full game of GT7.

Right on... You're right there is the CHANCE that GT Sport really is a one-off, but personally I'm having trouble thinking that is the case. As it stands right now (with the little we know mind you), I'm not really seeing a large enough difference between the new GT Sport and the traditional GT series, which leaves me to believe that there must be a divergence between the two... I must say IF this were the case, I would be quite welcome to the change.
For me, the biggest difference between GT and Forza is that Poly is dogmatic while Turn 10 is pragmatic. And where are we now?
On xbox, Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2 and Forza 6 (I've read only good reviews of FH2 and Forza 6!).
On ps4, a "not full priced" game aka a prologue for december on ps4.
By the way, I wonder why Forza is not the king of sales for driving games? Cars, sound, livery editor, Porsche...but people seem to prefer GT (myself included).
Poly should consider itself lucky, their games have a certain something...
To be fair, "Game X is coming along smoothly, expected to hit release date" isn't much of a story. It's pretty much assumed things are going well enough until news breaks that development is not moving as quickly as planned.

Call me crazy, or maybe just biased because I work in journalism and news media, but radio silence from Polyphony and Sony for a game that was supposed to have a beta dropped within (let's be generous) the first four months of the year, with zero press coverage until now, is making me think this guy isn't just spouting nonsense to get clicks.
No, not nonsense, but he leads with negativity to get clicks. That's the sad part of how things are these days. Instead of saying something like "GTSport offices toured, what's it's future?" we get the typical 'Doubtful it hits it's release date' (which is already pretty vague). ;)
No, not nonsense, but he leads with negativity to get clicks. That's the sad part of how things are these days. Instead of saying something like "GTSport offices toured, what's it's future?" we get the typical 'Doubtful it hits it's release date' (which is already pretty vague). ;)
As a reporter you are going to lead your story with what is going to be the most relevant or important to those who are likely to read your story. If you have even a hint of information concerning the release date of one of the most anticipated games of this console generation of course that is going to be in the title of your article. There is also nothing stopping PD from giving us accurate information if they think it is necessary.
No, not nonsense, but he leads with negativity to get clicks. That's the sad part of how things are these days. Instead of saying something like "GTSport offices toured, what's it's future?" we get the typical 'Doubtful it hits it's release date' (which is already pretty vague). ;)
He is a guest of this podcast. The visit of PD office is for a TV show. I'm sure there is a NDA and Sony doesn't allow him to show his trip. That's why in the podcast is not very enthousiastic to speak about gt sport.
I wasn't talking about gtplanet's posting of bad news being it's focus. Maybe I wasn't clear... what I said is the journalist seemed to focus or put up the negative, which is "GTSport not making it's release window". Not gtplanet.

So then why mention GTPlanet when you're not talking about GTPlanet?

"I didn't see anything new that was positive from this journalist being talked about on the front page."

That's the gist of what he tweeted

It's a podcast. Not a tweet.

that's how he presented it and that's how the gtplanet news piece presented it. I even asked if there was more to his piece that we don't know, or if what he took from his time there was GTSport will miss it's deadline.

Both of those questions have been answered. The first in my previous post. The second in the article itself. Have you read it yet? I can only assume you haven't, since it quite clearly states he's come to this conclusion based on what he's seen.

Imo, the journalist (or whoever is in charge of the original story) put out a negative headline (tweet, media byte whatever) to get traction. So it seems you missed what my point was; that putting up something like that instead of something positive seems to be the norm. That may be a consequence of the state of the game, or just a general tone of the media today.

Again, there was no headline. This was a 90-minute podcast, where a handful of minutes focused on GT Sport.

I didn't miss your point: you simply don't have one. There hasn't been enough news on GT Sport to even comment on "the norm": there was the release, and that's just about it. I've already provided a list of the articles GTPlanet has posted relating to the game since then, and a quick Google search will show other sites essentially regurgitating the same information we've all been going on for the past four months.

No, not nonsense, but he leads with negativity to get clicks. That's the sad part of how things are these days. Instead of saying something like "GTSport offices toured, what's it's future?" we get the typical 'Doubtful it hits it's release date' (which is already pretty vague). ;)

The answer to your suggested title? "Nobody knows". Yep, quite some article that'd be...

I repeat: he's giving his opinion on the game's timeline based on what he saw on the tour. He can't (or won't) talk about the specifics, so we're forced to go with what he does say. Fun fact: if his comments would've been "from what I saw, the beta should be with us sooner than expected", we would've ran with that too.

As @queleuleu mentioned, his tour was likely part of a future program (probably relating to the GT/Forza montage in the background of a recent Twitter image).
No, not nonsense, but he leads with negativity to get clicks. That's the sad part of how things are these days. Instead of saying something like "GTSport offices toured, what's it's future?" we get the typical 'Doubtful it hits it's release date' (which is already pretty vague). ;)

No it's not, there is enough circumstantial evidence to back up the claim and worries, as per norm you and Zlork and the usual rather say otherwise. It troubles me to think that you guys are so keen on PD living up to the reputation it built for itself that you can't accept their various short comings. Those short comings exist, they're not fictitious why you fight so adamantly, rather than have a genuine intellectual conversation on why they say or bite off more than they can chew is beyond me.
Kaz probably turned on the Xbox One the other day and was like,

"I see, well let's one up this and add on a few more months development shall we? Make sure you make that R32 engine bay look great!"

Jokes aside, I wonder what's holding PD back now if this supposed delay is actually true. Maybe some approvals from the FIA? Logitech made a deal with them to make a cost-effective wheel? I dunno.

We'll see I guess. (Sheepishly goes back to playing Driveclub)
Jokes aside, I wonder what's holding PD back now if this supposed delay is actually true. Maybe some approvals from the FIA? Logitech made a deal with them to make a cost-effective wheel? I dunno.

We'll see I guess. (Sheepishly goes back to playing Driveclub)

Whatever it is, they shouldn't announce the game if they aren't 90% sure that they can deliver it on time.
Highly unlikely theory alert!

What if, and this is a colossal if, what if they told him to say that if was asked about it to get the game attention but they're actually almost ready to release the beta. It is a sort of smart move when you think about it, game regains attention, PD looks good for beating an expectation that was bad.

I honestly don't expect anything though, I'll just be happy when it gets here. This is just a possibility in the mysterious fog of silence that is PD.
It's not surprising that this is delayed. But it's not like it's going to be a big deal of a game anyway (like a full-scale Gran Turismo). I foresee this is just going to be like a Project Cars with casual physics. Probably worth skipping and wait for GT7, which hopefully will be THE definitive Gran Turismo. The only thing I'm interested in is seeing the graphical quality, which I must admit will always be superior than the competition.
So then why mention GTPlanet when you're not talking about GTPlanet?
GTP ran it on the front page. Thats what I said. Never said anything about "GTP runs negative news".

"I didn't see anything new that was positive from this journalist being talked about on the front page."

It's a podcast. Not a tweet.
He tweeted about the podcast, and spoke about his expected delay- in his tweet. :)

Both of those questions have been answered. The first in my previous post. The second in the article itself. Have you read it yet? I can only assume you haven't, since it quite clearly states he's come to this conclusion based on what he's seen.
I read the article on gtp. I listened to the podcastn even though I don't understand French. He came to a conclusion (a guess) that it wouldn't meet the early 2016 release based on what he saw in January. And also that something in March wont happen, yet doesn't say what that something is. So what's new? The e-sports, fia tie up we already knew. What is new?

Again, there was no headline. This was a 90-minute podcast, where a handful of minutes focused on GT Sport.
There was a 'headline' or conclusion or a summary from what he took in during his visit. That was what he put out in social media.

I didn't miss your point: you simply don't have one. There hasn't been enough news on GT Sport to even comment on "the norm": there was the release, and that's just about it. I've already provided a list of the articles GTPlanet has posted relating to the game since then, and a quick Google search will show other sites essentially regurgitating the same information we've all been going on for the past four months.
I did have a point. I already said it in my last post- which you just touched on below

The answer to your suggested title? "Nobody knows". Yep, quite some article that'd be...
That's exactly my point. Which is what I said later on in my post about the main gist of what he concluded. He may be right that it gets pushed to late this year or even 2017, but he could also be wrong.

I repeat: he's giving his opinion on the game's timeline based on what he saw on the tour. He can't (or won't) talk about the specifics, so we're forced to go with what he does say. Fun fact: if his comments would've been "from what I saw, the beta should be with us sooner than expected", we would've ran with that too.

As @queleuleu mentioned, his tour was likely part of a future program (probably relating to the GT/Forza montage in the background of a recent Twitter image).
Nice. My post had nothing to do with GTP running a title, but with the state of affairs that negativity is what garners attention with relation to GTSport. That's sad in any way you think of it. Be it GT's fault or just the general tone of society.
we will have new trailer on 28 May on Nurburgring 24h race....

So are we just gonna say when the next trailer will come out despite us not having any new information?

There will be information from PD/Sony sooner or later. That doesn't mean you can go about making up your own.
Isn't it the content that takes a large proportion of the time though? Plus they also revamped the physics model.
But if the content takes up most of the time, that means the more inportant parts of making the game better take less time. That is even more reason that there could have been changes, be it less bugs, more features, new features, a non-retarded paint system, i could make a huge list.
But instead the just model more cars and tracks for years on end and release without changing or fixing anything, or breaking something new. The "new" physics are eerily similar to the old ones, if you ask me. The new tire model is mostly different on racing tires, and I think may be worse on racing tires than GT5.
The new suspension favors the highest possible ride height and softest springs, dampers, and anti roll bars, oh, and camber slows you down. It wasn't worth 5 minutes of their time in quality or improvement over the old one, just a good advertisement. "New phtsics, tire model, and suspension with K&W".
Yeah, passenger van suspension from K&W.
Highly unlikely theory alert!

What if, and this is a colossal if, what if they told him to say that if was asked about it to get the game attention but they're actually almost ready to release the beta. It is a sort of smart move when you think about it, game regains attention, PD looks good for beating an expectation that was bad.

I honestly don't expect anything though, I'll just be happy when it gets here. This is just a possibility in the mysterious fog of silence that is PD.
This could be true, cheating to your competition to keep top secret things it's a well-made strategy
we will have new trailer on 28 May on Nurburgring 24h race....
This can happen too!! :D Honestly, I'm aware of the bullcrap it's happening with GT, but we all have to keep optimist and positive, obviously you need to be realistic too, but NEVER pesimist, because spreading negative thoughts and negative vibe to all make us all have the same feelings
I think PD should just;
A) Shut their mouth
B) Shut their door
C) All of the above!
I'm sorry if I come off sounding negative, oh no, I'm not. I'm just getting too old to wait around for a game maker to make their newest, bestest game ever, to get off their lazy a** and actually make something. :banghead:
I have a new PS4 already (Sept 1st 15) and it's getting plenty of use, not with racing games tho....
I was kinda hoping to try GT7 in it, but that's not gonna happen any time soon, so.....
I think PD should just;
A) Shut their mouth
B) Shut their door
C) All of the above!
I'm sorry if I come off sounding negative, oh no, I'm not. I'm just getting too old to wait around for a game maker to make their newest, bestest game ever, to get off their lazy a** and actually make something. :banghead:
I have a new PS4 already (Sept 1st 15) and it's getting plenty of use, not with racing games tho....
I was kinda hoping to try GT7 in it, but that's not gonna happen any time soon, so.....
Well if they do all of the above, then we won't get any more news, which would irritate me quite a bit.

I'm so astounded at how much discussion this thread has gotten when there hasn't been any news since October/November of last year. Like I've said, I just wonder what's been happening, so give us an update on something, PD! :grumpy:
Well if they do all of the above, then we won't get any more news, which would irritate me quite a bit.

I'm so astounded at how much discussion this thread has gotten when there hasn't been any news since October/November of last year. Like I've said, I just wonder what's been happening, so give us an update on something, PD! :grumpy:
Yep, exactly my sarcastic point. ;)
Sorry if it offends anyone, I just feel PD may as well shut up shop, game over in my opinion. 👍
I think PD are working to a 3 year production schedule because the release of GT5 Prologue was released 3 before GT5 and GT5 was released 3 years before GT6. With that logic, I expect GT Sport to be released in December of this year. Not the start of 2017.

Moreover, I have an idea of what GT Sport would actually be like in regards to cars and events. You see, GT6 had the most cars in the series but the least amount of events. If the car list is shrunken to something like 250 with the best physics and sounds in the series to date, they have a lot of room to play with when it comes to a career mode. The PS4's extra power will make this much easier compared to the PS3. Therefore I believe this game may be a modernised GT3 - a large focus on career and eSports, with a smaller focus on the amount of cars. I would be stoked with that, make it happen PD...