Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

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You have to manage to start 1-2 @Nords. In the first turn after the start take care of the bumper kickers and then full throttle. So survive the first 300 meters and then it's drving your own relaxing race ;).
Clean overtaking is not always appreciated :crazy:

With your excellent quali time you start in the middle of the grid??

I only tried 1 attempt at the Nurb event and my launch was pretty poor so it was carnage from turn 1.. I was then trying to avoid hitting people in front to make a pass but the people behind didn't give a hoot about my braking or lifting for the guy ahead of me and smashed me into oblivion haha.. not really bothered as I expected that but 1 attempt was enough for me on that one ;)

I do agree a better launch and I could have cleared some of the mayhem before turn 1 but I didn't practice starts before the race :dunce:
Honestly, you rarely see Gran Turismo fans running around on other racing game's threads parading their game about like its better than everything else, but in the Gran Turismo threads, you have many fanboys rushing in trying to assert their dominance as the master race and "shame on you enjoying a game despite its flaws." It's iritating to be frank.

Hi mate... Here on GTplanet you can find me on the subforums of GT,AC, PCars, Dirt,Driveclub....
I just consider my self a driving game fan.

I've got from Polyphony digital from motortoon2 until GT6 all of their games.

But i really think that PD should improve a bit more in some simulations aspects (global physics, tyres model physics, sounds, mechanical & visual damage)
And should also change the offroad tracks.
The are still like in the ninetys....
Non even the plastic barriers broke if you crash in them.
AI is also an aspect of GT that needs a real improvement..
And i can also be critical on other games.

I like also online racing leagues, but i don't like that GT Sport is mainly a online only focused game.... I find that PD is killing a bit what maked the game so famous.... A big offline GT mode with resistance races, second hand cars..
Don't like also that they let out dynamic climate and day-night cycle.

Is GT Sport a fun game. Yes! Is it a good GT? For me personally not.

Makes that me a fanboy of other games.. Nope...i Would líke to see GT come back to his glorious days.

None game is perfect really! However as user i have to look if it would be worth to put my money on it and if fits most aspects that i want in a game.

For perfect sim would be a hybrid of that:

Physics: assetto
FFB: assetto
Controler implementation: GT
Tyre model: assetto.
Mechanical damage: Pcars & assetto.
Visual damage: pcars
Sounds: raceroom & dirt rally
Offline AI: a hybrid between AC & pcars.
Online mode: iracing.
Replays: GT
Lighting effects: GT
Graphics sharpness: Assetto
Graphics details: driveclub
Rain effects: driveclub
Dynamic climate: pcars
Night lighting: dirt rally.
Real life tracks: assetto & iracing
Fictional tracks: GT & pcars.
Settings, options :Pcars.

The best is enjoying the game that you are playing and i personally switch between a lot of games, because some give me things that others don't.

We don't have to be just a fan of one single game...

At the end we are all racing game fans around here and it's normal that we compare game towards others and towards our personal liking.

The most important thing is stay respectful one against others opinions expressed in here. :cheers:
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right here, you're 3 wide.
Possibly not quite level with the A pillar of the BMW outside you, but the EVO is right alongside on your inside.
you proceed to turn across the front of the EVO and squeeze him on entry
And on the exit you run wide across the front of the BMW, push him off the road, so he gives you as love-tap to push you back on the road.

As for the flying, dive-bombing Corvette's using you as a pinata..
You were pointing the wrong direction anyway from the incident at the corner before, so that's kind of a moot point

View attachment 645280
Forcing a three wide was the issue. I'm not skillful enough or fast enough to have forced anything between two drivers after 11 seconds. Anyway, certainly there are things I could have done better in the video, but my main point of contention is I didn't initiate much of the contact that lead to my SR rating taking a nose dive. You can disagree. Everyone has their own way of viewing things.
I tried it, and it seems very responsive, but I'm very awkward when I race in video games and trying to learn a new way to play right now just felt like too much. Especially since I just started manual shifting on the DS4 recently.

Since I used the Move racing wheel for a couple years on GT6 it was easier for me to get used to in GTS (the steering is more responsive on the latter)

Do you race with the motion or just for fun?

I do race with it and i did win a race (i would've done more races but didn't have time to ever really do a lot of races). I ended up buying one of these as I like the Wii Wheel and Move Race Wheel

Looks plastic but it has a rubbery like grippy material
Does anyone have a firm grasp on HOW the Safety Rating works in GTSport? Do you collect points for each lap you complete without playing bumper cars? Is the system fair? If someone T-Bones* you, are you on the hook for the collision too? :boggled:

Complete grasp? No. There's some magic formula that's based on your current SR that works out how much your score changes at the end of the race. It biases the scores towards 50 (my observations here).

The letter is just for display. Behind it there's the old 1 to 99 number (or something with even more resolution). I went up to 'A' at what would've been 65 before. (search my posts in the 1.05 update thread).

A collision doesn't apportion blame; both drivers get a negative. A gentle nudge isn't counted as a collision (although the threshold might have changed in 1.05).

It seems a bit like this: each sector is rated. clean sector is blue is good, bad sector (sometimes/often ;) also because of the other driver) is red is bad. So lets say after 10 sector you have ideally 10 blue and thats a clear level up. What I didn;t found out yet what the weight factor is of one red sector. One red has more (negative) impact then e.g. five blue??

Before the update you got +/+ or -/- in numbers on a scale of 1-99. Now it's done in rating letters. Less variation but there must be a clear explanation behind it. Will dive into this later today. Or easier if anyone else has the real story feel free to add or edit my thoughts. (a real GT Sport SR/DR expert or PD dev)

I've been keeping track of my SR since the update by counting +1 for blue and -1 for red. This will probably only be correct while I'm in the mid SR level. Screenshot the final standings. That may be going wrong already - I had a race last night with all "SR up" sectors and didn't get a blue SR score at the end. I just watched the video back and there was nothing, just one small bump from behind but still "SR up" at the end of the sector. This might be a clue that SR is internally held at a higher resolution, or just a one-off glitch.

Within a race, say the ring with its 12 sectors, the max score is clearly 12. Then I guess there's two ways it could do it. 1, each black mark could be -1 and at the end only a 12 gets you an 'up', or 2, each is more than just -1. Either way, it depends on your current SR (so when its low it's easier to raise it up, and vice versa) - which makes it really hard for any one person to work out, even before the update changed it to a letter.

They might have made "off track" less penalty than before. You don't see a "SR down" indicator any more, you just don't get an "SR up" at the end of the sector. I had one minor off at the ring and still gained SR at the end (from 66 to 67, i think). Maybe that hints that "off track" is say -1 or -2 while a collision is something like -6 (no idea of actual numbers, just an example).
Complete grasp? No. There's some magic formula that's based on your current SR that works out how much your score changes at the end of the race. It biases the scores towards 50 (my observations here).

The letter is just for display. Behind it there's the old 1 to 99 number (or something with even more resolution). I went up to 'A' at what would've been 65 before. (search my posts in the 1.05 update thread).

A collision doesn't apportion blame; both drivers get a negative. A gentle nudge isn't counted as a collision (although the threshold might have changed in 1.05).

I've been keeping track of my SR since the update by counting +1 for blue and -1 for red. This will probably only be correct while I'm in the mid SR level. Screenshot the final standings. That may be going wrong already - I had a race last night with all "SR up" sectors and didn't get a blue SR score at the end. I just watched the video back and there was nothing, just one small bump from behind but still "SR up" at the end of the sector. This might be a clue that SR is internally held at a higher resolution, or just a one-off glitch.

Within a race, say the ring with its 12 sectors, the max score is clearly 12. Then I guess there's two ways it could do it. 1, each black mark could be -1 and at the end only a 12 gets you an 'up', or 2, each is more than just -1. Either way, it depends on your current SR (so when its low it's easier to raise it up, and vice versa) - which makes it really hard for any one person to work out, even before the update changed it to a letter.

They might have made "off track" less penalty than before. You don't see a "SR down" indicator any more, you just don't get an "SR up" at the end of the sector. I had one minor off at the ring and still gained SR at the end (from 66 to 67, i think). Maybe that hints that "off track" is say -1 or -2 while a collision is something like -6 (no idea of actual numbers, just an example).

They posted on the official beta forum that for now your own mistakes like off track or crashes do not cause any change in your SR anymore. Only contact has an effect now. They admitted it's not ideal either, but it's a work in progress.
They posted on the official beta forum that for now your own mistakes like off track or crashes do not cause any change in your SR anymore. Only contact has an effect now. They admitted it's not ideal either, but it's a work in progress.

Cool, well I think that's an improvement. Do you think they meant no negative effect? Seems you still lose the positive from a sector you go off in.

They might have made the threshold for a collision a bit more sensitive in 1.05, hard to tell yet.

I had someone bump me and then they went off track, I got an "SR down" (presumably both of us did). The bump wasn't all that strong - he turned in on me from an already close position. Not sure if it would've been hard enough to be punished in 1.04. If they have or will put something in to match their presentation saying "forcing off the track" would be punished, that would be great.
Cool, well I think that's an improvement. Do you think they meant no negative effect? Seems you still lose the positive from a sector you go off in.

They might have made the threshold for a collision a bit more sensitive in 1.05, hard to tell yet.

I had someone bump me and then they went off track, I got an "SR down" (presumably both of us did). The bump wasn't all that strong - he turned in on me from an already close position. Not sure if it would've been hard enough to be punished in 1.04. If they have or will put something in to match their presentation saying "forcing off the track" would be punished, that would be great.
They didn't go into specifics about the algorithm, so it's difficult to find out how contact is weighted and how a clean sector.

To me it looks like 1 contact drags your SR down at least as much as several clean sectors. Don't know if impact strength makes any difference (except for very light ones being ignored).
They posted on the official beta forum that for now your own mistakes like off track or crashes do not cause any change in your SR anymore. Only contact has an effect now. They admitted it's not ideal either, but it's a work in progress.
I led a race at Brands from start to finish, no offs, but the person behind me kept hitting me in nearly every braking zone from the rear. My SR went down.
They posted on the official beta forum that for now your own mistakes like off track or crashes do not cause any change in your SR anymore. Only contact has an effect now. They admitted it's not ideal either, but it's a work in progress.
It makes sense that this is why they went to letter system, they can adjust the numbers without players trying to micro managing it and freaking out over every -1/+1
They didn't go into specifics about the algorithm, so it's difficult to find out how contact is weighted and how a clean sector.

To me it looks like 1 contact drags your SR down at least as much as several clean sectors. Don't know if impact strength makes any difference (except for very light ones being ignored).

No, I wouldn't expect them to give much detail.

Indeed, impact strength doesn't matter apart from what is ignored, but that's the threshold I meant. (There's another threshold, I suppose, for very hard collisions that may cause ghosting).
It makes sense that this is why they went to letter system, they can adjust the numbers without players trying to micro managing it and freaking out over every -1/+1
That makes sense if you believe the players need to be shielded from small changes in their SR because they aren't mature enough to handle it. For the rest of us that are and actually get in to video games to micromanage things, it sucks.
No, I wouldn't expect them to give much detail.

Indeed, impact strength doesn't matter apart from what is ignored, but that's the threshold I meant. (There's another threshold, I suppose, for very hard collisions that may cause ghosting).
I also noticed when I was rammed by someone rejoining track after an off, that this didn't result in a dropping SR. It was definitely hard enough, but it looks like there are some exceptions where contact is deemed to be not your fault.

This was already pre 1.05, by the way.
That makes sense if you believe the players need to be shielded from small changes in their SR because they aren't mature enough to handle it. For the rest of us that are and actually get in to video games to micromanage things, it sucks.
I agree with you but for the beta purposes they can tweak their system behind the scenes without their forums blowing up every other day. I agree the final product should be a # system
I agree with you but for the beta purposes they can tweak their system behind the scenes without their forums blowing up every other day. I agree the final product should be a # system

Well do they want feedback or not?! Forums blowing up can be ignored, but surely it's useful to know if players generally feel their SR fails to reflect their sportmanship. Beta testing would be more useful with more numbers and detail, not less, so testers can say exactly what they don't like. Hiding it behind a letter just gets them vaguer complaints, I bet.
Well do they want feedback or not?! Forums blowing up can be ignored, but surely it's useful to know if players generally feel their SR fails to reflect their sportmanship. Beta testing would be more useful with more numbers and detail, not less, so testers can say exactly what they don't like. Hiding it behind a letter just gets them vaguer complaints, I bet.
Feedback is great on most things but on the SR system IMO nobody REALY knows how it works so it would be hard to have educated/ useful input. Just a guess on my part the whole system is just a numbers game (algorithm) All they can do look at the numbers and try and balance the + and - with the data
Yea SR is crazy sensitive now I was at A and now im at C. People have to drive way cleaner it does not matter if they hit you are you hit them its going down!
Feedback is great on most things but on the SR system IMO nobody REALY knows how it works so it would be hard to have educated/ useful input. Just a guess on my part the whole system is just a numbers game (algorithm) All they can do look at the numbers and try and balance the + and - with the data

It's not "just a guess" to report that it didn't seem fair that another player pushing you off goes unpunished while being off track gets punished... which might be why they changed the off-track part of the calculation.

If they only looks at the numbers then all they can do is try and distribute players based on a GUESS at how they ought to be distributed. They need knowledge of actual behaviour to tie it in to.
Hello guys. This is my first post here on the forum.

I play the GT series from the first and certainly the Sport I will play. I was one of the lucky ones to win the beta code, I do not know how, but I've been testing the game from the beginning.

In relation to the ranking system, I think it's valid but there are some things that unfortunately there is no way the machine can identify, like if you suffered a beat or hit someone because they both take the same punishment just like Iracing.

I am particularly giving up taking part in online races because a lot of people do not take the game seriously. I play only if I let go in the front and in certain tracks, because I know that at least it is possible to distance itself from the problems. I see many racers using you as a guard rail, going inside, overcoming you anyway without waiting for a straight or some point of favorable overtaking. That is, many racers who are playing only to "destroy" the race of others.

I have always been and always will be a clean pilot, who values fair races. I think only with the launch of the game can we assemble our private rooms and invite racers who really know what a real race is.
Hello guys. This is my first post here on the forum.

I play the GT series from the first and certainly the Sport I will play. I was one of the lucky ones to win the beta code, I do not know how, but I've been testing the game from the beginning.

In relation to the ranking system, I think it's valid but there are some things that unfortunately there is no way the machine can identify, like if you suffered a beat or hit someone because they both take the same punishment just like Iracing.

I am particularly giving up taking part in online races because a lot of people do not take the game seriously. I play only if I let go in the front and in certain tracks, because I know that at least it is possible to distance itself from the problems. I see many racers using you as a guard rail, going inside, overcoming you anyway without waiting for a straight or some point of favorable overtaking. That is, many racers who are playing only to "destroy" the race of others.

I have always been and always will be a clean pilot, who values fair races. I think only with the launch of the game can we assemble our private rooms and invite racers who really know what a real race is.

I'll happily race you, all day, with that attitude. There was a screenshot a in one of the other threads, and I swear I've been wrecked multiple times by everyone on that grid. I don't mind going flag-to-flag without advancing if the other guys are faster (hey, most of you ARE faster than me...), but I hate losing positions to guys who are too lazy to actually set up and execute a pass.
I was reading the comments on the gamming site, the site made a comparison of GT6 vs GTS, and the people in the comments says that the two games are almost the same, that GTS looks like a PS3 game etc... i mean, really?!

Today they made the same thing now it was GTS vs FM6, and now they say that FM6 is far better in graphics, sound, and car movent.
I can understand the sounds part, besides i don't like the exagerated sounds in FM6(the tires noise are as much anoying as GT6).
But what they about the graphics is so... so... i'm gona quit reading the internet!:lol:

But seriously, i've stoped visiting gamming sites for 2 years because of these things, now i'm about to do it again. So much negativity about everything.:scared:
Has anyone connected their PS3 controller to the PS4 to see if they can use the X, Square, Triangle and O pressure sensitive buttons are supported.
I was reading the comments on the gamming site, the site made a comparison of GT6 vs GTS, and the people in the comments says that the two games are almost the same, that GTS looks like a PS3 game etc... i mean, really?!

Today they made the same thing now it was GTS vs FM6, and now they say that FM6 is far better in graphics, sound, and car movent.
I can understand the sounds part, besides i don't like the exagerated sounds in FM6(the tires noise are as much anoying as GT6).
But what they about the graphics is so... so... i'm gona quit reading the internet!:lol:

But seriously, i've stoped visiting gamming sites for 2 years because of these things, now i'm about to do it again. So much negativity about everything.:scared:
My two cents : today there are more people that prefer Forza over GT. And a big slice of them weren't born or were too young during the golden era of GT (from GT1 to GT4), so they don't have the same view on GT that us. TBH, the Gran Turismo 2017 looks very "dull" with nothing over the top, no god rays, lens flares or blur.
My two cents : today there are more people that prefer Forza over GT. And a big slice of them weren't born or were too young during the golden era of GT (from GT1 to GT4), so they don't have the same view on GT that us. TBH, the Gran Turismo 2017 looks very "dull" with nothing over the top, no god rays, lens flares or blur.
Are we that old? Uuuh yes face it!! Those were (also) the days. Pole Position in the early '80s. Now we are discussing/debating about 2D/3D trees and when can we actually smell the trees. At that time we were already satisfied with something greenish and we imagined ourselves it was grass or a forest ;) Memory lane of mid life daddy.

Don't know why but I have a feeling that we get other track(s) this weekend??
My two cents : today there are more people that prefer Forza over GT. And a big slice of them weren't born or were too young during the golden era of GT (from GT1 to GT4), so they don't have the same view on GT that us. TBH, the Gran Turismo 2017 looks very "dull" with nothing over the top, no god rays, lens flares or blur.

But saying that GTS and GT6 looks the same, i bet most of this people didn't even watched the video.