Honestly, you rarely see Gran Turismo fans running around on other racing game's threads parading their game about like its better than everything else, but in the Gran Turismo threads, you have many fanboys rushing in trying to assert their dominance as the master race and "shame on you enjoying a game despite its flaws." It's iritating to be frank.
Hi mate... Here on GTplanet you can find me on the subforums of GT,AC, PCars, Dirt,Driveclub....
I just consider my self a driving game fan.
I've got from Polyphony digital from motortoon2 until GT6 all of their games.
But i really think that PD should improve a bit more in some simulations aspects (global physics, tyres model physics, sounds, mechanical & visual damage)
And should also change the offroad tracks.
The are still like in the ninetys....
Non even the plastic barriers broke if you crash in them.
AI is also an aspect of GT that needs a real improvement..
And i can also be critical on other games.
I like also online racing leagues, but i don't like that GT Sport is mainly a online only focused game.... I find that PD is killing a bit what maked the game so famous.... A big offline GT mode with resistance races, second hand cars..
Don't like also that they let out dynamic climate and day-night cycle.
Is GT Sport a fun game. Yes! Is it a good GT? For me personally not.
Makes that me a fanboy of other games.. Nope...i Would líke to see GT come back to his glorious days.
None game is perfect really! However as user i have to look if it would be worth to put my money on it and if fits most aspects that i want in a game.
For me....my perfect sim would be a hybrid of that:
Physics: assetto
FFB: assetto
Controler implementation: GT
Tyre model: assetto.
Mechanical damage: Pcars & assetto.
Visual damage: pcars
Sounds: raceroom & dirt rally
Offline AI: a hybrid between AC & pcars.
Online mode: iracing.
Replays: GT
Lighting effects: GT
Graphics sharpness: Assetto
Graphics details: driveclub
Rain effects: driveclub
Dynamic climate: pcars
Night lighting: dirt rally.
Real life tracks: assetto & iracing
Fictional tracks: GT & pcars.
Settings, options

The best is enjoying the game that you are playing and i personally switch between a lot of games, because some give me things that others don't.
We don't have to be just a fan of one single game...
At the end we are all racing game fans around here and it's normal that we compare game towards others and towards our personal liking.
The most important thing is stay respectful one against others opinions expressed in here.