Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Just a one-and-done for me yesterday in the Volkswagen Beetle, starting P8 and finishing P8 for 191 points. Deep Forest Reverse definitely ranks up there in my opinion for track difficulty and I was definitely struggling for consistency, especially on the Hards. Getting the hairpin and sector 3 right is rough!

It was a relatively uneventful race for me, which was a relief considering how deadly that hairpin can be. I lost a position there on lap 1 as I understeered a bit and ended up taking an extremely tight line. That allowed Eerieissss, who had started immediately behind me, to go around me in his Dodge. (As a sidenote, after spending years watching various YouTubers during Gran Turismo Sport whilst I was in C/B/A DR, having ranked up enough to now start being matched up against them feels a bit strange!)

I then got it back on lap 2 because of the Supra behind me. The Supra took the approach to the hairpin way too fast, understeered onto the grass and torpedoed straight down the hairpin's apex, utterly wiping out a Mazda in the process. Bit close for comfort having a front-row seat for that but could have been far worse!

From there I just gradually lost pace to the cars in front and gradually gained it on the cars behind, leaving me in a little bubble. I ended up going 7H/11S, although in hindsight I could have potentially done 12 or even 13 laps on the Softs.

On Wednesday had one of the most fun sport mode races I've had in GT7. Qualifying was not quite optimal, could have maybe squeezed a few tenths and places if I managed an ideal lap. Started P13 in the GT-R 13', not quite optimal since I saw it should be a good car for Deep forest reverse (e.g. TOP3 qualifiers in lobby all GT-R '13).

Race was lots of battles, hard but fair. Managed to beat everyone who I did similar pace with, but TOP8 were too quick. Went with 8 laps on hards and 10 on softs, so strategy was on point too. Couldn't have done any better really after that quali, despite losing a few seconds in the battles. P9 and 148 pts, wanted a bit more, but good result with that quali.

Looking forward to Nations tomorrow, usually the stronger of the GTWS series for me. About Manu, hoping for another test season. Kinda curious to try BMW. You get two different but ok gr3 cars. M4 maybe not the best atm in gr4. Already driven many seasons with Nissan so looking for a change of pace. Also you struggling with GT-R gr3 understeer. I usually have controller sensitivity on 0 with G29. But with the old GT-R using it on 1, it was on 2 at Deep Forest.


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I ran Oceania slot 1 in top split. Qualifying was a disaster. The car in front inexplicably almost stopped in the Casio triangle on the out lap so I ended up right behind him for the first flying lap. I then had to ease off through the esses so stopped pushing flat out and simply tried to maintain a sensible gap in front and behind to set up a second flying lap. Then, in the esses, the guy in front lost it and ended up sideways in front of me. I took evasive action and paused to quit, but autodrive returned me to the track unghosted and I hit 2 cars behind me. I cannot understand why I wasn’t ghosted.

In the end I started p13. The race itself was messy with lots of contact because of the way these cars handle and the fact that you have to try and maintain momentum. Several cars ended up off track or facing the wrong way. By the pit stops on lap 4 I was up to p9 and then on lap 6, in sight of p6, the car in front of me lost it through 130R and ended up bumping me into the wall on the Casio approach. Back to p11, the last 2 laps I found a groove and by the finish I’d clawed back to p8.

207 points is enough to bank. The combo is good fun, but the cars are very weird to drive and expect plenty of contact, most of which will probably be unintentional.
Euro slot 1. Don’t like this new 5 min qualification, can barely get 2 laps in, even getting out first. Couldn’t hook anything up, started 11th.

Nice change having a grid start. Good getaway, made up a few places and didn’t get pushed off lap 1. Pitted lap 3 to get some free air, up to 5th at one point but a couple of mistakes around Degner dropped me back to 8th. 54 points.


Skipping the rallycross for my own sanity, will attempt the expected carnage at Road America in round 3.
I can't particularly say I'm enjoying this round. I'm normally one attempt only, I'm now preparing for my third. I binned it at 130R on lap 7 on my first attempt, and just got repeatedly taken out on my second. :mad:

Edit - Now preparing for attempt 5. I just can't get a clean run. This race is AWFUL.
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Hated this combo. Mercifully qualified third on the grid, but lost it into T1, a domino effect from behind pushing me into the guy in P2. Despite my succinct lack of pace, and a vast amount of dirty drivers, me and my friend who started P2 had a nice little battle climbing through the field, eventually finding ourselves back where we started. A last corner lunge from myself miraculously pulled off without contact, and P2 was mine. Good riddance. Entire Nations season looks a calamity
I wish they put the qualifying to 6 minutes in Nations, because now it was inevitable it will be extremely tight to get 2 fast laps in and that resulted in very tight gaps between drivers, which is not ideal. Only managed a 2.17.7 in qualifying (practice was 2.16.4 without tire wear though), it definitely hurt my lap that a faster Spaniard was very close to me all of sector 1 on the second fast lap, which ended up losing me some time. I could not take my normal lines, since I was worried he would just send it to the inside out of nowhere. Well in the end I put him wide in the corner before the degnas (towards the end of sector 1) 🤦 Tried to take a half normal line but did not give enough room. That was stupid of me and said sorry.

Race then, up to P7 at the end of lap 2. Wasn't paying attention, thought it was lap 3 and since I felt a but stuck in traffic decided to undercut. But when I pitted I noticed it was lap 2, and I was like s###! 😅 Well after lap 4 seemingly everyone had pit. Almost got up to P4 I think it was, bit then just went a bit wide and the German who exit the pits passed me on the inside, as well as the Spaniard behind me. Some other Spaniard had gone wide into T2 a bit further ahead, so up to P5 again at the start of lap 5. But yeah tires were getting too worn towards the start of lap 6 already. Lost 2 places pretty easily, but managed to hang on to a P7 & 163 pts at least with tires almost fully dead. Not too bad.

Yeah this race you should pit at lap 4, lap 3 only if you feel like you are really stuck in traffic. Kinda funny they put 1 mandatory pit stop, despite the fact that softs fully die after 6 laps 😄


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People punting other drivers off the track…….
People grass tracking because they think it’s ok to pass on the inside of the inside………
Folk ignoring track limits because there is no penalty……
Constant light flashing and horn honking ……
Push to pass the only “tactic” used…….


Two attempts at C level. P11 & P9.

Horrible racing with zero respect.
The entire experience of online racing in GT7 is detestable and deeply unpleasant.

WTH happened to our game. :indiff::confused::guilty:

I’m out.
Sorry to hear some of you have had some bad races today. I did two slots and they are polar opposites.

11:00GMT (Annoying that whilst still morning the auto reponses still have 'Good Afternoon' on them.
I got my practice time to a somewhat competitve level for my rank. However the I glance the edge of 130R on my outlap sending me to the barrier. Furthermore I drift on the pit straight and once again glance at the grass and the car decides to do the tango with Barry R. Lap ruined and due to short qualy I am dead last on the grid. Oh well time to see what we can do.
Make a place off the grid and due to incidents ahead and opportunistic passing I am up to P9 by lap 3. With a battle ahead and one behind I decided to take my stop now. I didn't know the ins and outs of the race yet so just did a stop and go. I'm 5th when it all shakes out but my tyres are dying and keeping it on the road is hard. Last lap I run wide at Spoon and give up loads of places to finish P13. I still went forward but a few lessons learnt.

A little bit cautious on the lap but it's solid. I hit the time I know I can do without pushing too much and I grab a pole!
I hold the position off the line and start to pull away as P3 is all over P2. Around lap 5 they get past and start to pull away from P3 and eat into my lead whilst my own tyres are starting to loose grip. As I was nervous of mucking up I come in for fresh rubber. Everyone follows me in. Darn the pressure was still on. Next comes 3 laps of me just soaking up the pressure from behind and defending where necessary. Thankfully the Hungarian is a gentleman and never once tries to force something that wasn't on. I thankfully cross the line P1 for a clean sweep of Pole, Win and Fastest lap.

My 2nd victory and both at Suzuka extending it's reign as my best track across both games.

I loved the car. Felt really good to throw around this track. Hopefully it can be used in some more combos in the future.

Good luck to all still to go later on.
People punting other drivers off the track…….
People grass tracking because they think it’s ok to pass on the inside of the inside………
Folk ignoring track limits because there is no penalty……
Constant light flashing and horn honking ……
Push to pass the only “tactic” used…….


Two attempts at C level. P11 & P9.

Horrible racing with zero respect.
The entire experience of online racing in GT7 is detestable and deeply unpleasant.

WTH happened to our game. :indiff::confused::guilty:

I’m out.
See a lot of complaints about the 5 minute qualifying. It is maybe 5 minutes now because of the increased number of slots but i think it is a real shame. It is almost as if PD wants to have the maximum chaos and hostility on track. It might be that their target audience likes that sort of racing (?) but for me i really hope they go back to the 10 minute qualifying....
Today's round is easily one of the worst races PD have ever put out. I'm fairly sure I've said this about a few rounds in the past before, but I think today's round has upped the bar for producing the dirtiest set of races I've ever had the misfortune to take part in. After 5 attempts, all I have to show for it is about 4-5k DR loss and feeling exhausted from raging for most of the past 5-6 hours.

I think the car is the key culprit. That Civic feels awful to drive IMO, and anything that has to be pushed that hard to get pace from just doesn't mesh with the game's online racing. You're either revving the hell out of it and forcing it to do things it really doesn't want to or you're just an obstacle, and with everyone right up at the limit all the time there's just carnage if anyone makes even a slight mistake.

I really wish I hadn't binned this one. My stance on these races is try to just do them once and see what happens. As long as it's a clean race, I'll gracefully put my hands up and walk away if I just didn't have the pace to compete. Big mistakes or being taken out however, make me go again.

Qualified P9, end lap 1 in P7 after a couple of people get the Casio Triangle wrong. I got beaten out by some undercutters on the pit strategy and was running P8 until I went wide at 130R on lap 7 and the car went full tilt left. Ended up P11.

Qualified P7 and moved up to P5 by the end of sector 1 after avoiding some chaos. I made a mistake coming out of the Degners though, dropping me down to P6. A Spaniard then gets a much better exit from the hairpin than me and I drop back to P7. At Spoon, an Italian bumps me into the Spaniard, almost pushing him off as I get shoved over the apex and back up to P6.

When we reach the Casio Triangle however... the Italian punts the Spaniard into me whilst I'm at the apex and it's instant game over for me. All the way down to P14 where I eventually finish.

However... in the midst of that I encountered my first idiot of the day. Some French [insert expletive here] who didn't even attempt to go side-by-side with me through the S-bends. Full on push to pass, sending me clean off.

Qualified P6. Lap 1 is tough but I end up in P5 heading up to 130R... where I half-repeat my mistake from the first attempt. :banghead::banghead::banghead: I end up on the gravel, but at least facing forward this time. The lap ends with me in P8 as I get some of the positions I lost back after a crazy incident in front of me at the Casio Triangle.

Bad start, and about to get a whole lot worse. I don't normally run anywhere near this long when I'm doing these. Apparently my TV has a automatic turn-off timer... and popped up a "TV will turn off in 5 minutes" warning as I'm coming out of the Casio Triangle. I end up frantically searching for the remote around my racing rig whilst coming down the main straight with a German right up my back bumper. I find it and manage to get the TV to cancel the countdown... only for the German to shove me off at turn 1.

And we're not done. A Greek goes full push-to-pass at Spoon on lap 3 and I'm sent off yet again. :mad: I'm now racing angry and barely clip the grass on the way into the pit lane on lap 4, getting a penalty. Ended up finishing that one in P14...

Qualified P10 this time and very nearly have my race ended on turn 1 by an Austrian. It wasn't the smoothest of race starts at all, and I had an Italian who went a bit deep and nearly off the track on my left. As I'm attempting to leave space, the Austrian goes full charge and gives me a very hard knock that almost sends me off.

By lap 3 I'm running in P11 and attempting to settle in. I'm right behind the German from the previous race heading up to 130R... and he goes wide in a replica of my mistake from attempts 1 and 3. Except, apparently I'm still meant to take the punishment here. As his car rotates almost 90 degrees left as I'm going past, he slams into me and completely unbalances my car. Net result, I save him and end up facing the wrong way. I'm practically foaming at the mouth at this stage.

I'm now racing very angry and clip the grass on the way into the pit entry again (figured I'd try 3/5 for the hell of it). Yet another pit entry penalty...

Ended up finishing P13, and that was only because 3 people quit.

Qualified P8. Lap 1 is smooth almost all the way, until the exit from the Casio Triangle. A Spaniard who had gotten it a bit wrong and been pushed onto the kerbs was rejoining coming past the pit entry, so I ended up going a bit wider than I would have liked to get around and give space. The Austrian from attempt 4 then just barges straight through the middle. He definitely made contact with me and I think he made contact with the Spaniard as well.

The Spaniard gets turn 1 all sorts of wrong on lap 2 so back up to P8. I end up side-by-side with a South African who got a poor exit to turn 1 going into the S-bends and he almost sends me off, but thankfully not quite. Up to P7 by the Degners, where a Slovakian had made a mistake and was carrying a penalty. I sneak past through the tunnel and briefly move up to P6. I end up having to take the long way around the hairpin, and the Slovakian attempts to shove me off coming out of it. :grumpy:

I catch right up with the Austrian at the Casio Triangle as he makes a mess of it, and I'm now sandwiched between him and the South African. All hell is about to break loose. The South African almost pushes me off to pass at turn 1, and a Czech goes past me as well. The Czech gets a much better exit from the S-bends, ending up alongside the South African heading towards the Degners. The South African then almost shoves the Czech driver off and I take a position back. The Czech then goes from bad to worse, overshooting the second Degner behind me.

The South African gets a track limits penalty at the Casio Triangle on lap 3, and that sets up for my death march on lap 4. The Austrian had a very bad exit from Spoon, allowing the South African alongside as he served his penalty. I also got the slipstream from the South African, allowing me to edge in front heading into 130R where I make a slight mistake after touching the kerb and have to catch the car.

I'm doing everything I can at this point to stay out the way and regain control, but apparently the Austrian is having that racing line even if I'm swerving around on it. He nudges me left, sending me partially onto the gravel and unbalancing my car again. I barely get it stopped in time and the other two go a bit haywire through the triangle. I get alongside the Austrian coming out of the triangle and at this point, I'm thinking he's going left because of how he's positioned himself. Instead, we end up with a chaotic pit lane entry with me unintentionally barging past him. :ouch:

As we come out of the pit lane, we catch up with a Spaniard who pushes me wide at turn 1. The Austrian then decides to finish the job, deliberately shoving me off. With my dirty tyres, I fall all the way down to P11. When we get to the hairpin, the Pole I'm in front of almost sends me into the gravel.

And we're still not done. On lap 8, I'm somehow back up to P9 after mistakes from others. After approaching the hairpin with a 0.5s gap behind, I get rammed by the Czech driver and then spun out by a Spaniard as I'm attempting to right myself. Honestly, what is wrong with people?! End result, yet another P14.

Honestly contemplating skipping the rest of this season. Today's round has put a very bitter taste in my mouth and the upcoming combinations do NOT sound like they're going to be any better. :guilty:
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Had a good race this afternoon at 5 pm - German time. Strong battle against two drivers.

As I had luck, first car on the track. Second lap was my pole. just -0.030 faster than second place.
Start was good, TCS on 1 and second gear for the start. Been able to hold for cars directly behind me, then I braked on grass and find myself in third place.
One of the guys in front of me took a way ober the curbs in the chicane, so back to P2.
After four laps, P1 to P3 in the pit. No chance to close the gap to the spain guy in P1. Then divebomb in Lap 6 from the fast driver in the chicane, myself then on P3.
No problem to keep this place to the finish line.

158 points. So it was a good last race in GT7.
how can i get this civic? only at the used car dealership?
To buy it, yes. Leave it to PD to make a one-make Nations race and not give the ability to buy it. You can rent one, of course. But some of us like making liveries so they don't look all exactly the same.

That being said, I don't own the car so I had to pick a boring livery... at least no one else picked the forest green. Regardless, this combo was pretty fun. I didn't have high hopes but the fact they let us use the SS tires rather than the SH tires made all the difference.

Did two of these today. First race went pretty well. Qualified on pole but lost it before T1 (why does the pole sitter start on the outside of T1?). Stayed behind P1 for the first lap, who then went wide through T1 on lap two. Took the place back, and since about mid-way through lap two, P2 & P3 were fighting I was able to drive away. Had enough of a lead that I decided to go long on the first stint. Pitted on lap five and got the win.

Second race qualified P2. Leader was inching away from me but I made a mess of 130R on lap three, cut the inside then drifted wide on the outside. I saved it, but ended up letting P3 & P4 by as we would've met right at the chicane at very different speeds. .500" penalty, dirty tires, and lost two places for my troubles. Decided to just pit a lap early because of the dirty tires. Ended up finishing in P3.

Overall, it was a really fun combo.


Today's round is easily one of the worst races PD have ever put out. I'm fairly sure I've said this about a few rounds in the past before, but I think today's round has upped the bar for producing the dirtiest set of races I've ever had the misfortune to take part in. After 5 attempts, all I have to show for it is about 4-5k DR loss and feeling exhausted from raging for most of the past 5-6 hours.

I think the car is the key culprit. That Civic feels awful to drive IMO, and anything that has to be pushed that hard to get pace from just doesn't mesh with the game's online racing. You're either revving the hell out of it and forcing it to do things it really doesn't want to or you're just an obstacle, and with everyone right up at the limit all the time there's just carnage if anyone makes even a slight mistake.

I really wish I hadn't binned this one. My stance on these races is try to just do them once and see what happens. As long as it's a clean race, I'll gracefully put my hands up and walk away if I just didn't have the pace to compete. Big mistakes or being taken out however, make me go again.

Qualified P9, end lap 1 in P7 after a couple of people get the Casio Triangle wrong. I got beaten out by some undercutters on the pit strategy and was running P8 until I went wide at 130R on lap 7 and the car went full tilt left. Ended up P11.

Qualified P7 and moved up to P5 by the end of sector 1 after avoiding some chaos. I made a mistake coming out of the Degners though, dropping me down to P6. A Spaniard then gets a much better exit from the hairpin than me and I drop back to P7. At Spoon, an Italian bumps me into the Spaniard, almost pushing him off as I get shoved over the apex and back up to P6.

When we reach the Casio Triangle however... the Italian punts the Spaniard into me whilst I'm at the apex and it's instant game over for me. All the way down to P14 where I eventually finish.

However... in the midst of that I encountered my first idiot of the day. Some French [insert expletive here] who didn't even attempt to go side-by-side with me through the S-bends. Full on push to pass, sending me clean off.

Qualified P6. Lap 1 is tough but I end up in P5 heading up to 130R... where I half-repeat my mistake from the first attempt. :banghead::banghead::banghead: I end up on the gravel, but at least facing forward this time. The lap ends with me in P8 as I get some of the positions I lost back after a crazy incident in front of me at the Casio Triangle.

Bad start, and about to get a whole lot worse. I don't normally run anywhere near this long when I'm doing these. Apparently my TV has a automatic turn-off timer... and popped up a "TV will turn off in 5 minutes" warning as I'm coming out of the Casio Triangle. I end up frantically searching for the remote around my racing rig whilst coming down the main straight with a German right up my back bumper. I find it and manage to get the TV to cancel the countdown... only for the German to shove me off at turn 1.

And we're not done. A Greek goes full push-to-pass at Spoon on lap 3 and I'm sent off yet again. :mad: I'm now racing angry and barely clip the grass on the way into the pit lane on lap 4, getting a penalty. Ended up finishing that one in P14...

Qualified P10 this time and very nearly have my race ended on turn 1 by an Austrian. It wasn't the smoothest of race starts at all, and I had an Italian who went a bit deep and nearly off the track on my left. As I'm attempting to leave space, the Austrian goes full charge and gives me a very hard knock that almost sends me off.

By lap 3 I'm running in P11 and attempting to settle in. I'm right behind the German from the previous race heading up to 130R... and he goes wide in a replica of my mistake from attempts 1 and 3. Except, apparently I'm still meant to take the punishment here. As his car rotates almost 90 degrees left as I'm going past, he slams into me and completely unbalances my car. Net result, I save him and end up facing the wrong way. I'm practically foaming at the mouth at this stage.

I'm now racing very angry and clip the grass on the way into the pit entry again (figured I'd try 3/5 for the hell of it). Yet another pit entry penalty...

Ended up finishing P13, and that was only because 3 people quit.

Qualified P8. Lap 1 is smooth almost all the way, until the exit from the Casio Triangle. A Spaniard who had gotten it a bit wrong and been pushed onto the kerbs was rejoining coming past the pit entry, so I ended up going a bit wider than I would have liked to get around and give space. The Austrian from attempt 4 then just barges straight through the middle. He definitely made contact with me and I think he made contact with the Spaniard as well.

The Spaniard gets turn 1 all sorts of wrong on lap 2 so back up to P8. I end up side-by-side with a South African who got a poor exit to turn 1 going into the S-bends and he almost sends me off, but thankfully not quite. Up to P7 by the Degners, where a Slovakian had made a mistake and was carrying a penalty. I sneak past through the tunnel and briefly move up to P6. I end up having to take the long way around the hairpin, and the Slovakian attempts to shove me off coming out of it. :grumpy:

I catch right up with the Austrian at the Casio Triangle as he makes a mess of it, and I'm now sandwiched between him and the South African. All hell is about to break loose. The South African almost pushes me off to pass at turn 1, and a Czech goes past me as well. The Czech gets a much better exit from the S-bends, ending up alongside the South African heading towards the Degners. The South African then almost shoves the Czech driver off and I take a position back. The Czech then goes from bad to worse, overshooting the second Degner behind me.

The South African gets a track limits penalty at the Casio Triangle on lap 3, and that sets up for my death march on lap 4. The Austrian had a very bad exit from Spoon, allowing the South African alongside as he served his penalty. I also got the slipstream from the South African, allowing me to edge in front heading into 130R where I make a slight mistake after touching the kerb and have to catch the car.

I'm doing everything I can at this point to stay out the way and regain control, but apparently the Austrian is having that racing line even if I'm swerving around on it. He nudges me left, sending me partially onto the gravel and unbalancing my car again. I barely get it stopped in time and the other two go a bit haywire through the triangle. I get alongside the Austrian coming out of the triangle and at this point, I'm thinking he's going left because of how he's positioned himself. Instead, we end up with a chaotic pit lane entry with me unintentionally barging past him. :ouch:

As we come out of the pit lane, we catch up with a Spaniard who pushes me wide at turn 1. The Austrian then decides to finish the job, deliberately shoving me off. With my dirty tyres, I fall all the way down to P11. When we get to the hairpin, the Pole I'm in front of almost sends me into the gravel.

And we're still not done. On lap 8, I'm somehow back up to P9 after mistakes from others. After approaching the hairpin with a 0.5s gap behind, I get rammed by the Czech driver and then spun out by a Spaniard as I'm attempting to right myself. Honestly, what is wrong with people?! End result, yet another P14.

Honestly contemplating skipping the rest of this season. Today's round has put a very bitter taste in my mouth and the upcoming combinations do NOT sound like they're going to be any better. :guilty:

I admire you for your determination. Hopefully future rounds go a lot better.
These slots are the biggest step in the right direction GT7 has taken since it launched imo. Let’s hope it’s not a one time thing but something that PD builds on. If we have a race everyday, or even every two days, this is basically what the sport mode needs as a daily race D.
Anyone done any testing for the Manufacturer Race at Road Atlanta? Trying to figure out what the best strategy is for this. I’m expecting a fuel save will be the way to go but with people been in all sorts of different car it’s going to be hard to tell what’s best.
Im in Aston Martin and the two runs I did only had 5 seconds difference between each run. Both runs wernt particularly fast as I made errors in both
Fuel save - 24.07
Pit stop - 24.03
I’m nowhere near it being a fuel saver in either the Swift or WRX, which is fine by me. I’ll just do the flatout 1-stopper and hope to avoid the pit entry penalty.
Anyone done any testing for the Manufacturer Race at Road Atlanta? Trying to figure out what the best strategy is for this. I’m expecting a fuel save will be the way to go but with people been in all sorts of different car it’s going to be hard to tell what’s best.
Im in Aston Martin and the two runs I did only had 5 seconds difference between each run. Both runs wernt particularly fast as I made errors in both
Fuel save - 24.07
Pit stop - 24.03
I will do some testing tomorrow. Hopefully there might be some strategy involved.
Anyone done any testing for the Manufacturer Race at Road Atlanta? Trying to figure out what the best strategy is for this. I’m expecting a fuel save will be the way to go but with people been in all sorts of different car it’s going to be hard to tell what’s best.
Im in Aston Martin and the two runs I did only had 5 seconds difference between each run. Both runs wernt particularly fast as I made errors in both
Fuel save - 24.07
Pit stop - 24.03
From what I've seen so far, a lot of people will be 1 stopping for fuel. Some are going to try to 0 stop, but there's a ton of fuel saving needed to make it work while trying to not to lose too much pace. There's that, and then the 0 stoppers will have to deal with the 1 stoppers bullying them... :scared: I'm in the Swift, so I'm already gonna get bullied enough on that.
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From what I've seen so far, a lot of people will be 1 stopping for fuel. Some are going to try to 0 stop, but there's a ton of fuel saving needed to make it work while trying to not to lose too much pace. There's that, and then the 0 stoppers will have to deal with the 1 stoppers bullying them... :scared: I'm in the Swift, so I'm already gonna get bullied enough on that.
Hmm.. sound like strategy could be determined on starting position maybe. Have to say from my test the 1 stop looks the quicker and safer strategy. As you say, you have a lot of fuel to save to make the no stop work. I was short shifting around 50% mark and running mix6 through sector 1 then back to mix1 for the straights. Lap difference was about 2seconds.
Isn’t the Swift really good on fuel?
Hmm.. sound like strategy could be determined on starting position maybe. Have to say from my test the 1 stop looks the quicker and safer strategy. As you say, you have a lot of fuel to save to make the no stop work. I was short shifting around 50% mark and running mix6 through sector 1 then back to mix1 for the straights. Lap difference was about 2seconds.
Isn’t the Swift really good on fuel?
With FM1 and auto gears (I had to switch back from manual because of some joint pain in the hands), the Swift is doing 11/12 laps at most on a tank. Better than my backup a/c WRX which only does 9. It's too much of a gap to make up, and not much fun doing it on such a narrow track when most of the attention is on not getting shoved into the grass.
the Mustang gets about 8 or laps on a tank of fuel. But more important: I advise all to practice entering and leaving the pits. First try i got 28 (!) seconds time penalty for crossing the lines and barrier contacts. You really have to be carefull entering. And during the race also be aware of those coming just behind you.

Hope I can race tomorrow, fun track, but not sure if i can make it....
So just done a competitive lobby practice race and the stats are:

WRX - can no stop. The WRX ended up wining the race but only by 6 seconds, from a GTR who pitted.
Cayman - can no stop but I don’t think it is quick enough.
Audi TT - apparently this can no stop too from what a few have said but don’t take my word on this.
The rest of the cars - 1 stop the quickest way round. To make fuel save work you have to be within 1.5 seconds of the 1 stop people to make fuel save work.