Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
I advise all to practice entering and leaving the pits. First try i got 28 (!) seconds time penalty for crossing the lines and barrier contacts. You really have to be carefull entering. And during the race also be aware of those coming just behind you.
On this subject, do the pit line penalties cover both the broken yellow lines and the continuous ones or just the continuous ones?
the Mustang gets about 8 or laps on a tank of fuel. But more important: I advise all to practice entering and leaving the pits. First try i got 28 (!) seconds time penalty for crossing the lines and barrier contacts. You really have to be carefull entering. And during the race also be aware of those coming just behind you.

Hope I can race tomorrow, fun track, but not sure if i can make it....
Time to no stop just so I don't have to worry about entering the pits :lol:
On this subject, do the pit line penalties cover both the broken yellow lines and the continuous ones or just the continuous ones?
Just the continuous/solid line.

Hug the right hand side as you head up the slope under the bridge & steer right as soon as you hit the crest - that should keep you off the lines and penalty free.
So just done a competitive lobby practice race and the stats are:

WRX - can no stop. The WRX ended up wining the race but only by 6 seconds, from a GTR who pitted.
Cayman - can no stop but I don’t think it is quick enough.
Audi TT - apparently this can no stop too from what a few have said but don’t take my word on this.
The rest of the cars - 1 stop the quickest way round. To make fuel save work you have to be within 1.5 seconds of the 1 stop people to make fuel save work.
I'll be in the Cayman. The no stop is several seconds quicker but I think that's because "flat out" is still glacial. I'd expect the WRX to be the car to beat. If anyone was brave enough to choose Renault, the Slophy is probably a strong contender as well.
Well that Manu race was an interesting experience.

It started with someone deciding that a pit lane penalty coming out for qualifying meant he should immediately and aggressively race me on the out lap until he hit the penalty zone and sank like a stone. I then got caught behind a WRX that had had an off through the esses but persisted with the racing line on the approach to the double right anyway.

I finally got some clean air on lap 2 and was nailing a great lap until I got a track limit penalty at the chicane. Laps 2 and 3 ruined. Weirdly, I still started in p10.

The Cayman lacks outright pace so I decided to start on FM2, let any desperados through early and do a fuel saving no stop and see what happens.

Things kicked off immediately when the front 6 or so cars all bunched up in turn 1. One unlucky soul ended up in the barriers. Then the pole sitter and q3 tried to take the double rights two wide which left the pole sitter in the barrier and q3 sideways across the exit. By the time I reached the chicane for the first time I was p7!

Things then settled down for a couple of laps and I let 2 cars who were clearly on a one stop through, including the guy from pole. By lap 4 the field had mostly arranged itself into two separate groups except for the one guy in a McLaren who went off on lap one and divebombed me at the chicane to get past. No major damage though.

I found space of my own and started lapping consistently in p10 while, up front, the sprinters went toe-to-toe at virtually every turn. Every lap I would get a free spot from someone who had found themselves on the grass and then a couple of laps later they would re-pass me.

Between laps 10-12 the one-stoppers all pitted and the race came right back to me. Starting lap 12 I was p3 with p2 (another no-stopper) less than a second ahead and p4 and p5 (one stoppers) about 3 seconds behind.

On lap 14 the two behind me went past and I settled in to try and draft as much as possible and hope a fight broke out in front. Sure enough at the start of lap 16 the 3 of them came together at turn 3 and an 86 went lawn mowing, the other one stopper had to take evasive action while the no stopper got through unscathed.

I got by the 86 and almost got the one stop WRX through the double right but had to back out. On the back straight for the final time the 86 caught me again and I was back to p5. That’s how it finished.

A surprising 207 points in a race I assumed would be terrible for the Porsche.

TL;DR No stop or one stop doesn’t matter as much as staying on track and out of trouble.
Did a race at Road Atlanta. Or something close to it. Am in the Hyundai because why not. Had a so-so qualifying, no issues or people to dodge, and managed a p9 start. The only non 4wd ahead of me was @pennanton in the Porsche. The race starts and I'm instantly beside p8, who is passing p7?!?!? Despite me short shifting to save fuel behind others. So I ease and push p8 through and we slip through turn 1 fine, but entering turn 2 and heading into the esses a muppet decides to launch it and pass us. I get bumped pushing me into the driver ahead, and the recovery makes us a pack, but yhey keep trying to pass.

For no surprise, 3 wide in yhe esses doesn't work so I back off to get a run back up. It works and although I've dropped to p11 I am passing p10 into the chicane while wonder boy is attemta pass in front of me with a very late pull out. I slow, but they slow way more and I rear end them. Through the chicane, cars a bit messy, but they come back on slamming me off wide, plus I get a 2 second penalty while everyone left gets through. Race pretty much over. I serve it and drop to p15 of 16 after the other guy wrecked.

Wonder boy wrecks multiple times throughout the race, including twice while trying to pass me In the esses despite me trying to get out of their way because I want to be nowhere near them. I was grumpy and never decided on a strat so fuel saved some, then pitted anyway. Came home p11 for an improvement in points over Deep Forest, but basically a waste of an hour. Especially knowing that same driver was racing people and wrecking in qualifying.

If you're ever in doubt, driver rating has exactly zero bearing on racecraft. This kid was A+
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Still ion two mind though I'll probably do this race as I'm chilling at home today anyway and it will break up the WG and Bathurst runs at least.

But it does sound like a horror show.

My experience of the track hasn't been great so far and it's way too narrow to encourage racing especially in a game setting.

Karts seem a better fit here than actual racecars.
Did 2 more slots to punish myself. Next one I qualified p9 again. Managed to run well and hang in slipstream as other messed up, looking like a battle for p5 as I'm tight in as last man in the pack as p6. Get a wiggle on through turns 2 and 3 and come away with 1.5 seconds of penalties. Serve that, drop another place and go to pit. Just barely nip the start of the pit line by getting a wiggle after touching grass. No excuses, 3 seconds and go to the back of the field. Only managed to end up p13 instead of p15 and last because someone wrecked on the last lap and another ran out of fuel.

Next slot was even weaker. Qualified p5, first of the non 4WD. Managed to race clean, the guys behind started battling and a couple yp front had problems so up to p3. Get a 0.5 track limit that drops me to p5. Pit from there and when it all cycles out I'm p5 again, but with a GTR and WRX all over my rear. Stupid OP 4WD. I can take a better turn 1, through the esses and they end up gaining on rhe short run to the double rights. I only get breathing room at the end of the straight. Lap 15 the GTR gets alongside heading to the rights. I defend, and am pretty sure I left enough room, but will have to check next week. Either way they get a wheel on the grass amd spin away. I have clear room to try and catch the WRX that used the battle to get a gap. I get it to a tenth, but that car was still almost as fast as mine, while it was ahort shifting and I was going flat out.

Better result but not sure about the GTR. Will check replay later and see. Nerf the 4WD and maybe we will see good racing again.
the Mustang gets about 8 or laps on a tank of fuel. But more important: I advise all to practice entering and leaving the pits. First try i got 28 (!) seconds time penalty for crossing the lines and barrier contacts. You really have to be carefull entering. And during the race also be aware of those coming just behind you.

Hope I can race tomorrow, fun track, but not sure if i can make it....
Yeah got done in my practice by the lane. Exit is fine but the entrance is horrible. The line is right on you as you crest meaning you have to be over as soon as you exit the chicane I'd say. At least that should tell everyone what you're doing.
Tried to sneak in one last race before bed (midnight) and someone is having connection issues so the whole lobby is stuck waiting in the pits.

The worst part of this is that there's no way for the person with the bad connection to know its them, and even if there was, there's no incentive for the person whose connection to the servers is causing the issues nor anyone else to actually quit because then they lose the DR. So the whole slot is just a stalemate.

PD need to fix their servers, this didn't happen in GT Sport, if the lobby failed at least it was quick, otherwise people with dud connections to the server just got disconnected.

Yet another aspect of this game that's a backward step from GT Sport.

Edit: at least there was one positive that came out of it, the player who had the issues ended up quitting after half an hour and the race got underway with five starters...

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Tried to sneak in one last race before bed (midnight) and someone is having connection issues so the whole lobby is stuck waiting in the pits.

The worst part of this is that there's no way for the person with the bad connection to know its them, and even if there was, there's no incentive for the person whose connection to the servers is causing the issues nor anyone else to actually quit because then they lose the DR. So the whole slot is just a stalemate.

PD need to fix their servers, this didn't happen in GT Sport, if the lobby failed at least it was quick, otherwise people with dud connections to the server just got disconnected.

Yet another aspect of this game that's a backward step from GT Sport.
Sometimes you can message them on PSN and let them know. But mostly now you’re just stuck waiting.

The Asian servers seem particularly bad at the moment.
Sometimes you can message them on PSN and let them know. But mostly now you’re just stuck waiting.

The Asian servers seem particularly bad at the moment.

Yeah I tried that. But as it turns out, the person with the connection issues wasn't the person who we thought it was. The whole thing is just a mess lol
normally i put in a lot of practice before a race, I like spending time practicing, trying to get better at the track. But this time I could not practice much, had to do Police fitness and capacity tests and spent my spare time practicing for that. (And aced them by the way, not bad for a old **** like me :cheers:)

But was home earlier then excepted and thought i could give it a go.

Anyway, got out first in qualifying, driving the Mustang, and messed up my first lap but the second one was excellent and nailed pole just over a tenth in front of a Belgian Cayman.

Start did not go so well, drove messy, picked up a penalty and was second behind a Spanish GTR after the first lap, the Cayman just behind me.The GTR could not get away from me, messed up a corner a bit and at the chicane i was already alongside and got back in the lead. I stayed first till lap 8, just behind me the GTR and Cayman were battling each other. The Cayman pitted lap 7 and when I went to pit i messed up the only thing i had pretty much practiced! The pit entry!!! 🤬:banghead:

So picked up a three second penalty and got back on track in 9th place and when serving the penalty the Belgium Cayman got in front and got a healthy lead. I thought it was over but all of a sudden the next lap the Cayman was gone and when i went past the pit i was first again as others in front pitted.

from then on it was just a matter of consolidating first place, being about 8 seconds in front. It was then i had issues with the lack of practice and being a bit tired, my laps were a bit messy, so had to concentrate and in the end finished the race in first, about three seconds in front of the Spanish GTR. Not my best race, but a win is a win.

So, all in all a very good day for me!!! And almost back in B! :D

edit: watched the replay: the Belgian Cayman actually did not pit lap 7 but crashed near the pitentry. So when he past me for the lead he still had to pit, which he did the same lap....lucky me.


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I joined with Renault for whatever reason maybe because of curiosity
without any training i jumped into first afternoon slot and qualified 12th meh , megane isn't bad but not fast enough or just i drove badly but in the race it could take 11 laps before going for more fuel which was good but as always i did manage to get so stupid penalties that costed me top5 so i ended up 6th , pretty satified 😅
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Really enjoyed todays race. I love the challenge and speed that Road Atlanta brings to racing. Trying to work out if people are no stopping or 1 stopping was interesting whilst also having to work out do “I fight this car ahead or behind?”

Slot 2 11am. High DR B lobby. Again only able to run a few AM slots today

Quali - P6. Did a good time on 1st flying lap, 2nd bad, but 3rd was the one that counted - 1:26:670

Race - Start of the race for me was all about avoiding any cars that were fighting ahead and going off, and to also not fight the car ahead. Its a long race so don’t see the point in fighting for a position in Sector 1. Luckily it was a clean start from everyone. Made a small mistake in the final right hander before the long straight on lap 1 and lost a position. Lap 3 I went deep into the final chicane and lost another position. Lap 6 & 7 I managed to gain 3 positions and upto P4. 1 overtake was done going through the final corner, and the other two were from front runners crashing. Pit stops I thought I made an error and cut the pot line but got away with no penalty, but when I left the pit lane I then went and did a corner cut so penalty. After that penalty I couldn’t find the rhythm again and started to make a few mistake. In the round of pit stops, I lost a few places to a no stopper and a few cars behind. Got back up to P4 by overtaking the no stopper and a few ahead had pit lane penalties. , Errors and 2 more penalties then put me back into the chasing 2 cars. P5 managed to get past in an unusual part of the track and I just managed to hold off P6 going over the line.

Happy with my result and 94 points. Thought about running the next slot but didn’t think I could improve on my result, so didn’t bother.

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I wasn't expecting much from this round. The M4 is nimble enough but suffers with everything else. And the top speed would be a factor here. Why PD decided it needs both a power loss and ballast in the BOP I'll never know. If it was a horse the shotgun would be cocked by now.
Imagine my surprise then when I bagged P6 on the grid. I knew however that this would put me into danger. Essentially mid pack with a slow car.
Straight off the bat the AMG behind got past before turn 1. (I could do nothing about it.)
However all was clean ahead and I assume behind. There I stayed for a couple of laps until the car went sliding through the left hander at the end of the esses. I caught it and the tank slap but that only annoyed the car and the magnets activated sending me into the barrier.

I rode the wall trying to get the car onto the track but the magnets were still on and the front of the car tried its best to dig into the barrier but I wrestled it away and rejoined 10th or so. How I didn't get to the back I'll never know. I stayed around there thanks to people spinning or overtaking me. I pitted lap 8 and as I crested the hill the car slid wide. Darn 3 seconds for me. Then the game refused to take over the car as I entered the pits and I slammed full pelt into the barrier on the inside of the pit causing me to reverse and finally the game took over. I must have lost lots of seconds due to this glitch. (The game took over fine in my practice race.)
I left with only the 3 seconds thankfully and behind a Supra that jumped me. I was now 14/15 and looking at only a handful of points.
However a GT-R and Cayman decided to go wide at various points allowing me 2 further spots giving me a P12 finish.
Not the best but I'm going to overrule my top 10 rule as the car doesn't have it in it to go better or it's that I don't want to go again. It's fine in TT or by yourself. It even smashes the AI! But it's not competitive at all in anywhere with a decent straight.
I wasn't expecting much from this round. The M4 is nimble enough but suffers with everything else. And the top speed would be a factor here.
Just in case you didn't/don't know, the M4 has to be short-shifted a ridiculous amount with BOP. I shift as the rev bar begins to fill but even that's a bit late, I think it's around 6,000rpm iirc. On the FIA race I did it was reaching ~146mph on the back straight (same as the GTRs) and quite easily managed 12 laps on a tank
normally i put in a lot of practice before a race, I like spending time practicing, trying to get better at the track. But this time I could not practice much, had to do Police fitness and capacity tests and spent my spare time practicing for that. (And aced them by the way, not bad for a old **** like me :cheers:)

But was home earlier then excepted and thought i could give it a go.

Anyway, got out first in qualifying, driving the Mustang, and messed up my first lap but the second one was excellent and nailed pole just over a tenth in front of a Belgian Cayman.

Start did not go so well, drove messy, picked up a penalty and was second behind a Spanish GTR after the first lap, the Cayman just behind me.The GTR could not get away from me, messed up a corner a bit and at the chicane i was already alongside and got back in the lead. I stayed first till lap 8, just behind me the GTR and Cayman were battling each other. The Cayman pitted lap 7 and when I went to pit i messed up the only thing i had pretty much practiced! The pit entry!!! 🤬:banghead:

So picked up a three second penalty and got back on track in th placw and when serving the penalty the Belgium Cayman got in front and got a healthy lead. I thought it was over but all of a sudden the next lap the Cayman was gone and when i went past the pit i was first again as others in front pitted.

from then on it was just a matter of consolidating first place, being about seconds in front. It was then i had issues with the lack of practice and being a bit tired, my laps were a bit messy, so had to concentrate and in the end finished the race in first, about three seconds in front of the Spanish GTR. Not my best race, but a win is a win.

So, all in all a very good day for me!!! And almost back in B! :D

edit: watched the replay: the Belgian Cayman actually did not pit lap 7 but crashed near the pitentry. So when he past me for the lead he still had to pit, which he did the same lap....lucky me.

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I love the Overwinning!
Not a problem to say this: this was my worst GT7 GTWS ever :ill:

Seriously, I was really erratic and slow compared to practice, a 101 on how not to play online :banghead:
Managed to hop on to the final 2 Euro slots of the day.

First up was the main account, DR B / GT2 in the Suzuki Swift. Haven’t raced it online before so wasn’t aware just how nerfed it is by the BoP.


Poor thing never has a chance, holy hell is it slow. My new trick to guarantee getting out first in qualification didn’t help, only managed 12th. Couldn’t keep it clean in the race, too many track limit penalties cost me a bunch, finished 11th.

Back out for the final slot on the backup account. Thought I’d have some fun with this short season, driving for Subaru in GT3. Unfortunately a good week of dailies pushed up my DR to low/mid B - found myself in a very tough fast split.


Best lap of the week only netted 12th place. Anywhere but last would be an improvement over round 1, so got my elbows out and went racing.

Usual midpack madness. Someone in a GTR got offended that I drove the inside line up to the chicane rather than letting them divebomb. I (mostly) let things go but when you twice steer left into me on the final right hand bend, I get annoyed. They met the wall the next lap. Worth the 2 seconds of penalty time.

Calmed down after that, a few track limits but mostly running clean in space. Finished 11th in that one as well, a few points less than the main account.

Don’t think I could run a full season for either manufacturer - these aren’t among my favourite Gr.4s, don’t really suit the way I drive.
Struggled with the Mustang and could only bring home an 8th as my best result, but for just over 200 points I shall take it.

Really just couldn't make it work at that track, my race pace was decent but my qualifying put me pretty me near the back each time. Fun was still had though!

Just in case you didn't/don't know, the M4 has to be short-shifted a ridiculous amount with BOP. I shift as the rev bar begins to fill but even that's a bit late, I think it's around 6,000rpm iirc. On the FIA race I did it was reaching ~146mph on the back straight (same as the GTRs) and quite easily managed 12 laps on a tank
Thank you very much for the information. The M4 won't be used again this season but if I have to use it again at some point in the future I'll try to remember it. :cheers:
Thank you very much for the information. The M4 won't be used again this season but if I have to use it again at some point in the future I'll try to remember it. :cheers:
I used the M4 in a daily race maybe 6months back or so and I couldn't work why I was so slow. Turns out I wasn't short shifting. Once I short shifted the car I instantly gained about 3 seconds a lap.

I didn't realise this, but I was told you should check the bhp graph in the car settings. This will tell you the optimum rpm you should be shifting up the gears. Someone with better knowledge might have more info on this or they might be a YouTube video explaining it.
My rhythm was a little off for the race and screwed up on my pit entry. I took more fuel so I can run hard for the last few laps and got a little luck on my side during a final lap fiasco to break into the top 5. Always liked Road Atlanta and looking forward to doing more races on this track.

I used the M4 in a daily race maybe 6months back or so and I couldn't work why I was so slow. Turns out I wasn't short shifting. Once I short shifted the car I instantly gained about 3 seconds a lap.

I didn't realise this, but I was told you should check the bhp graph in the car settings. This will tell you the optimum rpm you should be shifting up the gears. Someone with better knowledge might have more info on this or they might be a YouTube video explaining it.
Yeah. But easier said than done when the view I use doesn't have a tacho.