Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Nice one though, could have better indeed...
That german Gentlemandriver is on my friendslist is well...P10/11 in your race...

I started Q7 and got P6, hards first while nearly everyone else went on softs first, after my pitstop I came out on 12 and nearly got the 5th place...

First time slot today, but in a very low DR B field...
6th place with 47 points was ok then for me...

Aaaand if you unfortunatly cannot start on Interlagos I might be able to catch you... Interlagos is one of favorites!

Seeya on track! Check my vids! 👋
He actually looked really gentle. We were close to each other multiple times at hard situations and everything went fine.

Go for it!
A race of 'what if' for me. I entered a higher lobby than usual, car #12. Yet the competition was surprisingly underwhelming. An extraordinarily sloppy qualifying lap of 1:45.2 was about a second slower than my fastest practice time, but it put me P3 so who am I to complain?

At the start, I jumped a fellow RSR to move up into P2 (a hard runner judging by the pace in his second stint) who was swallowed up into the soft-shod cars around me and fell back into the midfield. I cut the Bus Stop/Inner Loop on the next two consecutive laps, however, eating up two seconds' worth of penalties to fall back into P4.

Re-passed the Alfa in P3 as a Supra and GTR traded the lead. As my tyres fell away by lap 9, the Alfa passed me back on the penultimate corner before I dived into the pits. Things got so feisty on exit that an evasive maneuver sadly meant I crossed the pit entry, so I was resigned to thinking my podium chances were over thanks to a three-second penalty.

Indeed, I was leapfrogged by a BRZ and was now in P5. The Alfa I battled with in the first stint led the race, extending life on what I assume were softs. Then things really heated up. The Supra and GTR were suddenly in our sights, still trading blows and now making contact after their first pit stops. And the RSR I qualified behind was hot on our heels, cutting his way back through the field.

I found myself swarmed. Squeaky bum time. With five cars occupying the same piece of tarmac, it was only going to end in tears. The BRZ and GTR tangled into Chute, effectively ending both their races, and suddenly I found myself back on the podium. The Alfa finally boxed on lap 13, but to my amazement fell back into P7 and out of contention. I can only assume he lost it as his tyres neared the end of their life or he was hit with penalties.

The RSR waltzed into the lead during the chaos and took a fine win, and I crossed the line in P3 a couple of seconds behind the Supra. 5-6 seconds of penalties convinced me I could've held off the other 911 and won this -- it was a hard-fought race where we were all tripping over each other, not to mention ourselves. But a podium's a podium so I'll take it.
So, went again and regretted it from the start. Way, way, way out of my league. 2 A drivers and a number of 'B; drivers ho have like 600 races done with 300 wins. You know the type. Think the top lobbies of GT3 is of a higher level then a lot of GT2 lobbies?

Anyway, my qualifying lap went okay, got a 1.44.9 and a bit and I made a mistake in my second lap that costed me a few tenths, but still I improved a little bit. But the top did well under 1.44 and i found myself in 10th place. Like I said, out of my league....
You're in GT3 and were pulling GT1 practice times that I saw. You're out of your league! You're really quick with this combo.
@Hodd10 see I told you the McLaren would do okay. Congrats.

After my earlier Ferrari disappointment I find that it helps to have a backup GT2 / DR B account, a bit of luck and a 6.2L V8.

View attachment 1268929

59 points, my best of the season but I don’t think enough to overhaul @OJBrit. I may need to win at Interlagos - bring it on!
That's a good points haul and should bring you close. Will probably come down to Interlagos now.

A pretty Meh race for me. I enjoy the track and can get a good flow but I am always a little off the pace here. Probably due to fear of spinning but the Vette was no trouble at all.

Set a time about .4 of a second ahead of the meagre practice laps I did before the session and only managed P10 on the grid.
That meant a hard start for me. A BRZ was bumped aside in T1 so I was able to get past into T2. The cars ahead bunched up the hill and a Porsche went too narrow into the Bus Stop and was promptly stopped dead by the inside barrier. The other car wobbled a bit slowing me up allowing the BRZ back past. Some behind were obviously on softs as I fell back several places by the end of the lap. I wasn't distracted by the wickets of Head and Green on TMS. Honest!
I caught up as they were fighting and the other Vette had an issue so went side by side up the hill and the Porsche from earlier had caught up too. So it was the 3 of us into the Bus Stop.

As I was on the outside and wanted to give space I probably slowed too much. The other Vette was going cleanly too and in the effort of giving me space clipped the inside barrier causing them to tank slap. Unfortunately I could not avoid them and spun them out in the middle of the chicane. The Porsche rubbed their hands with glee taking 2 places. I was a little shaken and ran wide in the long right and got a .5 penalty. Dirty tyres gave me another .5 penalty into T1. I pitted lap 5 and had some clean air to run into. Perfect. Except the people pitting on lap 6 came out right in front giving me some dirty air. From there I was running in P9. However a Supra came out of the pits behind the car behind me. They were Supra (:D) fast and caught up quick. I wasn't going to bother defending but still made them work for it. They ran wide through the heel allowing me to get side by side and we raced clean as a whistle until the last corner where being on the outside didn't work and they ran away from me after that. So I came home P10 one spot off my lower target. 49 points. 1 off my lowest counted score.
I maximised my performance here I think. Hopefully Interlagos should be better as it is a track I can race better with. The only issue may be the Vette up the hill.

Got this on my first race attempt. Does this mean I got booted or the whole lobby crashed? It started and we had just started our quali lap when it died. I am assuming the whole lobby because of how many users is shows 'left the room.'



Did one at the following slot. Was pretty fun. Qualified P2 with some mistakes, and P1 thru P3 were all within like .020". P1 was in a GTR and started on RH tires. Not sure why, either though he could stave off the pack for a few laps or forgot to switch... likely the latter. Regardless I was all over him through the first lap and made the pass through the tight, uphill right.

Ended up being a blessing in disguise as he then held up the McLaren behind who is a pretty quick driver (I recognized his username). By the time the McLaren driver got passed the GTR I had a nice twoish second lead. For the next nine laps it was basically the same status with my lead fluctuating from ~1.5-2.5 seconds. Pit on lap 11 with the LF full red and I was concerned the McLaren would get the overcut since it's so good on tires, but he pit as well. I was able to increase my lead a bit on the RHs and won by ~4 seconds. Two drivers didn't run RHs.

I do kinda wish the tires were RS only, or RS & RM rather than RS & RH. The undercut/overcut just doesn't really work with the huge performance gap between the RS & RH tires. When I did the last lap on the RS tires the LF was maybe 10% white left, and despite it going full red way before the lap was over, that lap was still faster than on a brand new set of RHs. Oh well, I guess I should just be happy that there was some strat at all.




156 points. Not a ton, but not too bad for a GT2 lobby. And, yes, you're seeing right... those are TIE fighter decals one the fog light covers. :DThe car, with those colors, just reminds me of a Storm Trooper.
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Fair warning in advance, this one's going to be a bit of a rant. I've never done any online races at Watkins Glen before today, and after this round I don't want to go there again in a hurry.

I tried it twice on the 1st and 3rd GT1 slots. This is definitely right up there on my list of tracks that does not gel with me whatsoever. I seemed OK doing offline practice runs, but doing the real thing feels completely horrid. This was probably a bit of a perfect storm considering how Watkins Glen seems to be everywhere right now, especially since Daily Race C is effectively a half distance version of the manufacturer round. (Which I have to admit, I'm not amused by. I know I've only got myself to blame for being completely uninterested in daily races, but talk about a handicap when plenty of others have been gaining actual race experience spamming a near-exact combo for the last few days!)

My biggest problem was a severe lack of confidence. I'd found doing private lobbies with @Stoobert that it can be extremely difficult to see the number boards on the run to the chicane (Inner Loop?) if you're following someone closely in VR. Both races were also very dirty in places.

I started P13 and was immediately under attack by the Jaguar in P14... because he was one of just three cars that started on Softs. :indiff: Just what I didn't need!

We catch an AMG on lap 2 after he served a penalty and gets involved in a bit of shoving with a Nissan, who proceeds to ram him off at the last turn. Lovely. :rolleyes: Their fight let me move up into P12, but also set me up for some pain on lap 3. An(other) AMG lost the back end on the second-to-last turn and turned into a sideways roadblock that I was too close to avoid. Just glad it didn't give me a penalty.

On lap 6, the Nissan has another major incident at the chicane when a Honda attempts an overtake and they fail going side-by-side on the exit. The Nissan comes off worst and I end up following the Honda pretty closely.

Things get even more dramatic on lap 7 as penalties come together to make a nice roadblock on the run down the Boot to the Heel. I picked up a 0.5s penalty for going wide at turn 1 and the Honda picked up a 1s penalty for cutting the chicane. When we come to serve the penalties, this happens. Am I being dramatic or was that a bit of a shady move from the Honda? The Nissan then joined the fray by ramming the Honda deep into the runoff at Heel and from the replay, it definitely looked deliberate...

From there I (finally!) get to try settle in and find some rhythm before pitting at the end of lap 10 to swap to the Softs.

I catch up with the Jaguar from the start on lap 16 and he goes defensive, but I manage to get past at the left-hander after Heel. The Honda gets the run on me down to Inner Loop on lap 17, so back down to P10. I think I'm going to stay there, but an AMG on fresher tyres who had been gradually catching me went for a crazy divebomb at Heel on lap 20 to make a push-to-pass. I'm now very much not amused, and I finish P11.

The third slot, good grief. Qualifying went a bit better and I started P11, but once again just couldn't settle in. I'd spent time in between slots trying to figure out another landmark I could use to gauge braking for Inner Loop just in case, so I felt a bit more confident. However, my cautiousness at the start of races clearly doesn't cut it here at all. There was all sorts of mayhem through lap 1, but all the positions I gained were lost by the start of lap 2. Looking at my radar, the car behind seemed completely primed to make a move into turn 1 but then didn't, leading me into an awful line trying to avoid contact. That let that car AND the car behind through.

Things sort of settle down a bit as I'm following a group around, but then on lap 4 I compromise myself on the run down to turn 1 after putting my foot down too soon and clipping the wall. The Renault behind gets in front, then completely puts me off by doing one of my ultimate pet peeves. I've never liked it when people make an overtake and then immediately move over for the racing line even though you're literally almost touching bumpers and almost on top of the braking zone. I couldn't stand it on the TV and it's even worse in VR. I almost binned it on the kerb from the awkward line I ended up taking in after having to suddenly move across to see.

Skipping on to lap 14, I end up fighting with a Nissan who I now have no respect for. I tried racing him clean when he caught me at Chute, and I take a defensive inside line into Toe. I fumble a little bit so he gets around the outside and ever so slightly ahead... then moves under braking into Heel. :irked:

The Nissan manages to pull away before getting held up by a Chevrolet on dying tyres towards the end, allowing me to close right back up again. The Nissan picks up a 1s penalty for track limits at turn 1, lap 19 and when it comes to serving it, he decides he wants his position back and will go full divebomb push-to-pass to get it at Heel. I'm completely raging now.

I get alongside on the run down to turn 1 as the Nissan tried going around the outside of the struggling Chevrolet on the final bend. I get alongside and try to box him in behind the Chevrolet, then feel a bump as he tried to shove me right. At this point I've absolutely had it with his nonsense so I forced him left onto the grass. He attempted to retaliate going into turn 1 but failed. I despise racing like that, I truly do, but I refuse to be treated that way.

The Nissan wasn't done either. After checking the replay, he rammed the Chevrolet off at the final turn. Absolute <insert expletive here>. :mad:

Slot 2 in GT1 with the Porsche.

Door 3 and qualified 4th with a 44.2. Disappointing as it was a full second off my FP time.

Tossed up whether to start H or M but opted for H in the end. Only Q1 and 2 started on softs.

Yet again the RSR is horrible on hard tyres. I’d lost 2 places by the end of lap 2 to a GTR and an AMG. Ran to the pit stop without major incident and pitted lap 7 behind p5 in a Porsche as well. Back out in p14, set fastest lap on lap 12 and was reeling in everyone on track.

By lap 17 I was p6 with the Porsche in p5 now holding me up a bit but 3 of the front 4 coming back to both of us. A GTR in p7 was also making ground on us.

Lap 19 and I got a run on p5 for nto turn 1. I took the inside line but he stuck with it on the outside. We both have room and got through but now the GTR had a run on both of us in the esses. As we approached the bus stop, I was on the outside, GTR and Porsche just inside me nose to tail. I lift to let them go but the Porsche also lifts and the GTR decides to dive around him. We end up 3 wide with the GTR just taking his normal line as though no-one else exists and cannoning me off track.

I rejoin in p9 behind two Supras. I get by the first Supra at the right hander at the bottom of the hill and tuck in behind the other one. As we start lap 20, P1 takes a second pit stop and sinks like a stone.

I get by the next Supra at the bottom of the hill again and now p6 with p2-5 a couple of seconds ahead.

Into the final left/right and the Porsche from the earlier incident gets sideways in the final turn and I go past to snatch p5 for 220 points.

Not a terrible result, but the final condition of my tyres suggests that without the bump off 2 laps earlier I definitely finish on the podium and the win wasn’t out of the question.

What might have been…
That's what I'm thinking! I was planning on doing it in my first split, but I was so incredibly furious my game glitched in qualy and didn't release me and one other car.....and I forgot to swap the tyres. I'll try again at 10pm. Can't go any worse :lol:
Why did I say that? Qualified 3rd with a 1.44.1, started on hards and had a tidy first lap....was thinking of staying out, but wanted to try the 2 into the pits, onto the softs and ready to bust out 19 qualifying laps in a row. Until I binned it at the chicane on cold tyres, put it into the fence, then spun re-entering the track and got wedged against the wall. Lost about 30 seconds getting back onto the track, then rage quit, pondering life. Ah. Such a trying game at times....

If work was thinking there would be much output from me today, they'd be horribly mistaken. I imagine that episode cost me my A+ I may just camp on race B until I get it back :lol:
For those who don't know, Watkins Glen is my "home" track with it being a 2.5 hour drive away. So, having a GTWS race here is awesome and I still can't believe that this track is in the game. Plus, Sahlen's is a local to Buffalo company, and it also blows my mind that it's advertising all over the track.

Anyway, I did a few practice races and managed to save my soft tires for 10 laps and that was my strategy. 5H/10S was easily obtainable so I went with it. I joined the 7:00pm GT2 Americas slot and was the #5 door/plate. I qualified P6 with the fastest lap I had leading up to the race. I might have done better, but going 3 wide entering the "Heel" corner wasn't going to work so I bailed on the lap. I start on the hard tires as I like to do in mandatory pit stop races and we get underway. But, on lap 1 either I hit someone or they hit me in the "Toe" corner and I fall to P15. I have no motivation to continue but I keep going and hope for the best. Which turns out to only be P10 as I was having a hard time focusing on the rest of the race because of what happened. Still a fun track to have a race at I hope it makes a future appearance in the GTWS.

Here are some clips of the contact we had and I can't tell what really happened. I can provide more if needed. I do make contact but I also thought I left enough room to go side be side entering the corner. Some angles make it look like I squeezed them off the track. But, at the same time some angles make it look like I got ran into and that contact forced them off track. What does everyone think about this incident? I'll admit fault if it was my mistake. I didn't apologize after wards as I thought they dumped me to get by.

Theoretically Watkins Glen should have been a good hunting ground for the RX-V, but as I have been all season, I am woeful at tyre management. Nevertheless, I was pretty chilled going into this, regardless of results. Even decided to run an IMSA inspired livery, given it is The Glen :D.


EMEA GT1 DR A, Slot 1:
My pace wasn't feeling great, but that need not of mattered, as my race was a complete shambles anyway

My first qualifying lap was ruined at T1 with a track limit pen, and my 2nd was very messy but gave me 9th. I started on Hards, with early laps being busy, as people jostled for position. I struggled to lap 9 before putting on Softs. After that my race unravelled. I incurred numerous track limit penalties (along with the 3s for my botched pit entry). Was really bored by the end of it, finding myself in a distant P13. 2 people DNF'd and another parked in the pits.

Slot 2:
Second attempt started off more smoothly, again in a lobby worth 233pts. My best lap in qualifying was far cleaner this time, good enough for 7th. Which became P6 after someone disconnected after qualifying.

This time I started on Softs after learning my lesson. The start was hectic, as at least 2 cars ahead seemed to be on Hards, with everyone bunched up. Then on lap 3 at The Bus Stop, a GT-R in P4 lost it and fishtailed left, narrowly missing me and taking the P5 BRZ with them. Another place was gained after someone had a 1.5s penalty, so I was P3. Things stabilised, even briefly got into 2nd as a GT-R pitted ahead on lap 9.

I stopped on lap 10 for Hards and found myself in 4th, with cars looming behind. Seemed to take the Hards 3 laps to warm up and be faster than the 95-100% worn Softs...My pace on said Hards was really lacking, so I was soon caught by an aggressive pack of cars, with some dubiously aggressive overtakes. That left me in P7, before 2 spinners ahead late on gifted me P5. Which I narrowly held come the finish. A result worth 194pts, and one which felt luckier than I deserved really.



As this season's gone better than expected, I go to Interlagos feeling content whatever happens. My stint with Mazda has been great so far, even if the Atenza's struggled in Gr.4. Makes choices for next season difficult 🤔.
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Second race today, An all B lobby but I am wearing 16, so most drivers must be nearly As as I am. Ripped off the time of my daily QT (45.0) to qualify P3 - as high as I think I've ever qualied! Start on softs, go 9S6H. P1 Qd a second faster than everyone and he just pulled away, there was no seeing him again. I got past P2 who was on hards, I found, in turn 2 and started pulling away. Ran 9 laps in a bubble to the pit.

Thankfully, I got past him early because I know from the dailies that hard runners can frustrate the hell out you with good defending. It took someone 5 laps to get past him on hards, but that driver was fast and closed about a 4 second gap on me in 4 laps. Somewhere along the way, another driver ran through the field from the back. I finish in P5 (I knew I had a top 5 in me at this track and car, Gen X!) 111 points, so glad I was able to go again today. Cleaned up my driving from this morning but still had two 0.5 penalties, although they didn't really cost me except a CRB.
Almost tried 2 stop but just couldn’t commit.

Qualified p12 with a time .7 off my best practice laps. Lap 1 saw some carnage as an impatient bimmer dive bombed one of the final turns and took himself and 2 others out with his antics. I benefited from reading it setting up and avoided being a victim myself.
Picked up 3 places and then carried on with uneventful laps then pitted after lap 6 for my softs and came out in p15 of 16.

Gained back positions until about lap 14 when I settled in at p8 and couldn’t quite make any meaningful progress on the 911 in front of me and basically held on unchallenged until the flag. Right after I finished my place changed to p6 because someone ranonly softs. My 6h/14s worked as I hoped for.

Enjoyed the race and my gift positions. No track limits and CRB which was something I had on my mind on every trip through the bus stop.

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You're in GT3 and were pulling GT1 practice times that I saw. You're out of your league! You're really quick with this combo.
practice, schmactice. I start with doing a number of laps chasing a ghost and usually i get a good top time but my avarage times do not correspond with that top time. After setting a fast time using a ghost I then try to get close to it or improve it without the use of a ghost. Usually i fail, only at Spa recently I managed to get faster times without the use of the ghost. And usually in the actual race I am slower off course compared to practice.
I am GT2 level and likely midd GT2 at best. Good thing is that next season I am GT2 and can compete with you guys there. Looking forward to that!
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First GT1 slot started good enough....Q'd in 6th, worked up to 5th, pit for RH at the end of the 9th lap and tried to hold on for the remaining 11 laps. Failed miserably and faded back to 12th as all the RS drivers walked by.

Slot 3 started better.....Q'd in 2nd, this time started on RH. Stayed fairly steady in 2nd for a while, 1st took off on RS. They made a mistake and yellow flag came out, me and the guy in 3rd moved by him. Stayed there for a bit but got passed by a couple others on RS and fell back to 5th I think. Went into the pits after 11 lap, fresh RS and came out in 8th or 9th I think. Worked back up to 4th by the end. Happy enough with that.
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Slot 1: Entered the room as Door #3 in a mixed DR A/A+ lobby, despite being at roughly 63k DR, with the win worth "only" 261 points, which meant I'd need no worse than a podium to call it a night. I set an OK first qualifying lap, then completely bottle it on my 2nd one by spinning at The Toe, so I started P6. I eventually got up to P5 and was barely holding on to it when I decided to pit on Lap 8 for Softs - well, I tried to; I braked at what I thought was my usual point for the pits, but I ended up running wide across the pit line, so I aborted my pit attempt and went around again to avoid a 3s penalty, but losing 2s anyway because I'd already slowed down to try to make the pits. Unsurprisingly, when I actually did make it into the pits on Lap 9, I was undercut by the GT-R that had been behind me after he pitted on the lap I SHOULD'VE pitted. I proceeded to bottle my race even more by running wide at The Toe and picking up a track limits penalty. I actually closed in on the GT-R, and a Ford GT as well, but couldn't do anything - although I did try a move up the inside of the GT-R at the final corner, but couldn't put the power down without forcing him into the wall, so he was able to out-drag me to the line and I finished P7 for 197 points, when it should've been P5 without my stupid errors. It still wouldn't have been good points either way, so I guess it didn't really matter in the end...

Slot 2: Placed back in the split I "should've" been in, with the win worth over 320 points. To my surprise, I qualified 7th, despite not being able to improve on my 2nd lap. I moved up to 6th at the exit of the chicane when the AMG in front of me lost the back end on the curbs and I almost spun him as a result. Moments later, another AMG that started near the front spun out fighting with another car in the out loop, and I was up to P5. Then the Supra directly ahead of me nearly lost it exiting The Toe and I moved briefly up to P4, before the Supra took it back at the next corner. On Lap 2, headed into the chicane again, the AMG that lost it there the previous lap punted me through the chicane, giving me a track limits penalty and demoting me back to P7 again when both he and a Porsche got by me when I served my penalty. The following lap, once again at the chicane, I put a move up the inside of the Porsche to take P6 back. For the rest of the stint, P5-P8 were more or less nose-to-tail. P8, another AMG, pitted on Lap 7 for their Softs, followed by me and the AMG in 5th on Lap 8. The AMG that pitted first almost managed to undercut me, but elected to bump-draft me through the esses when I came out of the pits rather than go side by side. On Lap 9, the Porsche that had been on my bumper pitted, giving me and the AMG behind me a massive undercut on him.

Things settled down for most of the rest of our Softs stint while the AMG in 5th pulled away from me, and I pulled away from the AMG in 7th, with the Porsche now several spots further back from having pitted so late. P6 then became P5 for me when 3rd place disconnected on Lap 13, but other than that everything stayed status quo near me. Then, with 3 laps to go, my tires started dying, and the AMG behind me began to reel me in from 2s back. At the same time, the Porsche on younger tires had gotten through traffic and was hunting that AMG down as well. No positions changed in the end, and I was able to bring it home in P5, 3s behind the AMG in P4, less than 1s ahead of the AMG in P6, who was only 0.5s ahead of the Porsche. 267 makes this the best result of the season for me.
Had to have two goes at this last night, wasn't happy with the first run at all.

I've dropped back to DR C (again! I will manage stay in B for a whole week soon 😁) so it was a full lobby of C. I qualified 8th and managed to hold on to it for most of the race despite some nice battles, and some rougher ones too. But then I think I must have clipped a kerb on the penultimate turn and it ran me wide and it snapped on me and dumped me into the run-off just behind the pit entrance. Came home in 11th and not feeling like I had done a decent job.

So second run, again all DR C, in fact several of the same drivers. This time I managed to qualify in 2nd, not quite sure how though! 😆 It's tight between me and first for the first few corners, but I decide not to try anything and hope we can make a gap. We do and the first lap is clean but I'm dropping a bit to first. Third is picking up the pace and overtakes and on lap 5 I mess up the bus stop to drop to 4th as a McLaren takes advantage.

By lap 8 the left rear is not looking happy, and knowing how quick the Ferrari can snap I decide to play it safe and get on the hards. I run a bit wide on the out lap and pick up a 0.5 penalty. The others start to pit and by the next lap I'm up to 7th and then 4th again after that. 2nd place then dives into the pits, for what I find out later is the second time after putting softs on again first time. That leaves me in third with gaps all around and I manage to not bin it and keep that to the end.

I turned out that the McLaren that passed me for 3rd earlier managed to take his softs to lap 13 and hold on to second. I wish the Ferrari could make them last that long! 😁

Oh man I threw so hard in my race, final slot only had one chance tonight.

I qualified 3rd, T1 P1 got bumped a bit and lost control, so I essentially started second. I made a couple of mistakes but held second easily, I think most of the field started RH. Because of those mistakes, first had a large gap, but he pit early, around after lap 8. I went with the strategy of stretching my RS as long as possible, stayed out 12 laps because I was still faster or around my RH times lap 11. My strategy worked, the gap was much closer as I was leaving pit, except I accidentally took RS again and had to pit the final lap. I would have potentially had a shot for P1, but double pit put me P4.

Not bad considering I was likely the only one who double pitted, but man what a dumb mistake. Kind of laughing about the mistake now, but yeah.


“Rewards will now be awarded at the end of a season based on the player's final ranking. Once the final ranking has been confirmed, eligible players may access their rewards by entering Sport mode. This reward will start with the Gran Turismo World Series 2023 - Manufacturers Cup.”
...except I accidentally took RS again and had to pit the final lap. I would have potentially had a shot for P1, but double pit put me P4.
How did you make that mistake? In the daily at Watkins Glen this morning I just managed to pit without changing tyres! Was sure I selected hards, must be down to the fiddly little joystick on my new wheel, sometimes when you press to click it also knocks it to the side a bit.
How did you make that mistake? In the daily at Watkins Glen this morning I just managed to pit without changing tyres! Was sure I selected hards, must be down to the fiddly little joystick on my new wheel, sometimes when you press to click it also knocks it to the side a bit.
I just quick selected it accidentally, I had done a few of race C earlier this week for practice on the alternate strat of starting RH mostly because I wasn't qualifying in the top positions, but yeah guess just an unfortunate slip of the mind. I realized right when my car was leaving the box.
Pointless for me to continue in Manufacturers with Mitsubishi.

Outside on Daily races, I go well. In Manufacturers conditions, Mitsubishi is just weak everywhere for some reason.

Time to move on to another Manufacturer next time, maybe
Was thinking about Mitsi for the next one, remembering I had a bunch of fun with it in a Bathurst daily a while back.

I guess current BoP has knacked it though. Thanks for the heads up.
No Bop change in the update for Gr.3 it seems
Wouldn't be fair if they had, with one round and the finals still to come.

EDIT - Think I read that the finals uses custom BoP, so only really applies to the rd 7 Gr3 race at Interlagos.
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