Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
So I did four of these today; one on each account. Best race PD has ever put on. Bar none. Period.

First race was the last time slot in the A.O. region. Using Lamborghini, qualified P2 behind a BRZ. BRZ driver was struggling in the rain so I was able to get passed and build a decent lead. Wasn’t really sure what to expect in this race so I stayed out on IMs for the third lap just to be safe. That was the wrong call. BRZ pit for RMs and I thought I’d blown it. But, he must’ve gotten stuck in traffic or made some mistakes, because when I pit at the end of lap three I was still ahead. From there, just don’t crash.



Next it was off to the EMEA region. This was probably the most fun of the bunch. Qualified P5. I was a bit too cautious going into T1/2 on lap one of the race and dropped a couple of places, and was also hit in the back going through T2 which gave me damage. Ended up going side-by-side with a Hyundai through the next couple of turns (unbeknown to be, it was @Zorz).

Next couple of laps was pretty close and tight-nit. Fortunately, everyone was being cool, respectful, and driving well so that’s how it stayed for a bit until lap two I went wide on my favorite sector (Brunnchen I guess it's called) which I never do. Lost a place immediately, and with the dirty tires lost another or two shortly thereafter. Yadda yadda yadda, finished P5... right where I started.



The second attempt went much better in a lobby with @Talon16. Apologies for not saying hello, I didn't register your name until after the race had started. 🥴

After binning it coming out of the pits at the 10 lap marathon last season, I was incredibly gentle this time around. Possibly too cautious as some mad McLaren went through me at turn 2 which definitely caught me off guard, but I can live with losing a position if it means staying alive. There was a Supra quite close behind me through the GP circuit, but he started to fall away. I definitely needed that so I could stop looking in the rear view mirror and start focusing on chasing Talon.
Yea, I remember that McLaren. He went by me on the little chicane just before Nord starts. We had just pit for RMs and he was half on the wet part of the track. I remember thinking, "I'll get this place right back when he he goes flying off the track." But, he made it stick. More power to him. He finished P2 and had the purple lap if I recall.
Talon's pace at the N24 is just better than mine and the gap between us slowly got bigger and bigger over the course of the race. Taking the risk and pitting for Mediums at the end of lap 2 also paid off as the Porsche went on to finish 22 seconds behind me.
Na, you were quick in that car. Had you been in something a little more competitive, it would've been a different story I am sure. Good racing with you! :cheers:

Next race on the 2 account, using the Mustang. Qualified P2, behind a BRZ again. And similar to the first race, the BRZ driver was struggling in the rain. I was able to get passed and put some distance between us and kept P1 until the end. The Mustang sucks in the rain, but as soon as the track dries out, it’s super fun.




Lastly, did one on my #1 account in the Porsche. The race I had the highest hopes for ended up being the worst. Every race I had done previously, I got held up in qualifying so this time I decided to go out a little early. I’d rather fight the water than other cars. Wrong call. Lap felt decent but ended up Q14. All of that practice I did in the rain paid off and by the time we pit at the end of lap two, I was P7. But, coming out of the pits, despite being very careful, I spun while trying to get over to the dry line. Then going onto the Nord, a BMW pushed a Merc into the wall who then ricocheted off the wall into me. So less than two minutes into my RM stint, I had front and right-front damage.

From there it was just damage limitation with a super slow car on the straights. Towards the end of lap five I was P8 and going over that pseudo-dangerous crest (like 15 seconds before the second carousel) the car went nose up and I lost it. Like, WTH! Smashed off the barriers a few times. Now in P9 with tons of damage, thankfully P10 was 25 seconds back so I held on for a very depressing P9. I really thought a podium was possible, or at least a top five. Oh well, onward we go...


This race was so much fun. It had everything: weather, strategy, day/night transition, N24 and Gr3! The graphics are beautiful and the attention to detail is insane. If this race was available to do every day of the year, I wouldn't be upset about it!
P2 for 311 points! Did this on my Spider-Punk alt (66.5k DR) because I want to save my main for the official season. It was nice to see my pal @GTWolverine in the lobby after so long.

Tough race to manage, but somehow I survived this wet-to-dry nightmare and had a relatively smooth run from starting in Q3. My pace was decent in wet conditions and I even led most of lap 1, but as soon as the track started to dry, I lost ground to those behind. Got overtaken in the long straight by two cars, then lost one more position by being extra careful on the pit exit. However, two people binned it ahead and I eventually crossed the line P2 with an R8 right behind putting a lot of pressure but not being able to overtake.

My livery is an adaptation from one by @Racerx_34 (thanks!) to make use of those hideous sport mode number plates.
Looking forward to a very very dry Watkins Glen 😂

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Another fellow Manthey livery user in today's race!

Very suprised to see a Viper there, can't remember the last race i saw someone use that car in the GTWS besides myself in this years first Exhibition series.
Wearing door 9 today and like the idea of being middle of the pecking order.

Left the pits late for qualifying and it worked well so I landed on q5 to start the race.

T1 was okay and the field had to sort out while I made it up to p3 by half way mark on lap 1 but while trying to build a gap behind me I went wide onto the shoulder just before the last small carousel. 2 cars passed and then I found myself wide into the grass just before Dottinger but my car didn’t ghost and mayhem ensued. Sucked for me and roughly 6-7 other cars that kept whacking me as they came upon the site.
Finally got moving again with damage to front, rear and all but one wheel 😐
and dropped to p15. Making the turn onto the gp course, my limping 911 wouldn’t turn and then spun just in time for p16 to t-bone me and send me for one more circle before I could continue.

I’m in VR so no idea how many seconds back from the pack at that point. It took digging pretty deep to find a way to salvage anything from the race at that point.

Went to work and caught the tail end of the race with only 1 pass on lap 2. Pitted as p15 and came out not touching the accelerator 😉 and watching cars on ice ballet while I began picking up some places finally.

By the end of lap 3 I was up to p8 and pushing for all I had. Laps 4 and 5 were a three car train and we all three ran flawlessly at our limits for two laps of super intense nighttime nords action. Very rewarding course when it goes right.

Final place was p8 with a tight run to the line. Good for 163 points so very pleased to end this one with that outcome vs not fighting for it.

Definitely would have been great to have twice the laps but still a fun and intense race.
I did slot 3 (on wheel) and went Q5>P4, better than I expected. I was briefly in the lead lap 3, but didn't have the pace in the dry. Although my race also got dark in the middle of lap 3 which... Apparently wasn't normal? Was there something weird going on with the time change? The only time I've seen that before is when a race spent forever in the lobby, but that didn't happen to me.
I did slot 3 (on wheel) and went Q5>P4, better than I expected. I was briefly in the lead lap 3, but didn't have the pace in the dry. Although my race also got dark in the middle of lap 3 which... Apparently wasn't normal? Was there something weird going on with the time change? The only time I've seen that before is when a race spent forever in the lobby, but that didn't happen to me.
My race was dark from mid-lap 3 through the finish.
Couldn't be bothered to do practice races. In fact, I almost never do practice races for Nurburgring Nordschleife or 24-hr course races. Usually a few free practice laps is enough for me to re-learn the track and have decent enough pace, so I didn't turn a single lap until Friday, and did maybe 4 laps total before the first slot.

Slot 1: Found myself in a race with @Spider-Racer for the first time in quite a while, not that I'd be seeing much of him...

I waited 90s to start my qualifying out lap, as I thought that would give the track time to dry out, without forcing me to rush my out lap to make it back around in time to start my flier. As soon as I made it to the Nordschleife portion of the track on my out lap, I stuffed it into the wall, somehow avoiding damage. Because I was one of the last cars to set a time on a continually drying track, I qualified P5.

I proceeded to immediately outbrake myself into T1, falling to P9, then had a hard time trying to keep up with the pack, even with "rain boost" in full effect. I dropped a couple more positions over the course of the opening lap before spinning in that fast downhill section between "mini Flugplatz" and Min Karoussel, picking up front and rear damage. Of course I had to pit at the end of the lap just to fix the damage and make sure my car had decent top speed again, so I rejoined over 30s behind the leader after my pit stop, hoping the rain boost would allow me to catch back up. Unfortunately I only made up 10s over the course of Lap 2, and never even caught up to the tail end of the pack before I had to pit again at the end of the lap to put in Mediums. I had absolutely no pace and finished 12th, over a minute behind the winner.

Slot 2: After a bit more practice (mostly on my pedal inputs), I hopped into Slot 2 as Car #1 and qualified 7th. This time I actually managed to keep my spot through T1, but then proceeded to nearly lose it in the Schumacher esses, resulting in me getting rear-ended by an AMG that had carried much more speed, giving me rear aero damage. I didn't really notice the effect until I got to the corner after Flugplatz and lost the back end again, sliding into the wall and picking up front and left side damage and dropping me to last place and making my car even more undriveable. Fortunately the rain boost allowed me to catch up to the pack in spite of how slow I was on the straights and how terrifying it was in the corners. I even managed to pass a BMW down Dottinger before once again I had to pit at the end of Lap 1 to fix the damage. Fortunately this time I was still at the back of the pack when I pitted, so I had much less ground to make up, and I was able to catch back up at the end of Lap 2 before pitting again for Mediums, once again passing a car down Dottinger to move me up to 13th before my 2nd pit stop. I gained 3 spots coming out of the pits from others spinning after leaving the pits, only to throw away all those gains at the hairpin before the Schumacher Esses when I braked too late and slid off the dry line. From there I picked up 6 spots over the course of the lap, mostly from others also running off track, plus 1 serving a penalty and another damaged car that I had to squeeze past (made more difficult than necessary by coincidental lag); so I ended Lap 3 in P7.

On Lap 4 I managed to pick up a penalty for "cutting" the Schumacher Esses, then once again messed up the section between "Mini Flugplatz" and "Mini Karoussell", fortunately not losing a position from either of those stupid errors. On the final lap I was catching an AMG before he made the overtake easy when he binned it at Karoussell. I managed to get in the slipstream of P5 at the end of the lap, but was too late even think about an overtake, so I finished P6 for 244 points after making my race far more difficult than it needed to be. Without all of my unforced errors, I probably could've finished P4, but I knew I didn't have enough talent to risk going again, so I had to take my points and run.
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Hi folks. This was my first GTWS race ever. Only did very few online races so far. Therefore was in a D A lobby for a whooping 11 points. The race was fantastic but the rain was very tough for me.

Qualified 2nd with a 9:33 time.

In the race I just like everyone else lost the car once or twice. I switched from W to RM after lap 2 but that was very tough. I had one huge crash that lap which took forever to get going again and easily cost 20 seconds or even more.

At one point I was over a minute off the lead. Once it got dry I finally got into a groove. My last lap was error free. After a lengthy 3 way battle for second I pulled away massively and caught up with p1 ever faster but he was too far away already.

Finished p2 with the fastest lap.
Ran the first EMEA slot yesterday with only 1 lap of practice. Q14, P12 finish (and a whole 8 points) but overall very few mistakes and enjoyed running the Subaru GT300 in the race. Overcome by household events so never had a chance to run the race on the NA server. I was looking forward to running the AMG but I guess that debut will have to wait until the Gr4 race on Wednesday.
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I did slot 3 (on wheel) and went Q5>P4, better than I expected. I was briefly in the lead lap 3, but didn't have the pace in the dry. Although my race also got dark in the middle of lap 3 which... Apparently wasn't normal? Was there something weird going on with the time change? The only time I've seen that before is when a race spent forever in the lobby, but that didn't happen to me.
I noticed that too, there was definitely a noticeable difference in when it got dark between slots 1 and 2 that I raced and I are tied with points at the moment :D
Wasn’t originally planning on doing next round as I work Wednesday, but a quick check of times and it looks like I’ll be able to make the first oceanic slot at 2am before I shove off to work. At least finding a tire-saving tune for the 458 will be of little use to me, and all I’ll have to do is find a tune that will maximize stability!
I don't know about other cars, but the two Gr.4 Mazdas -- MAZDA3 and Atenza -- can both do the GT2 Watkins Glen race as a no-stop. Just barely. The front tires are shot by the end of the last lap.

I had some time to do some tuning on the MAZDA3 earlier today. FWIW, here's a rough tune that I've found improves my lap times by a few tenths:

Anti-Roll Bar75
Damping Ratio (Compression)4035
Damping Ratio (Expansion)5035
Natural Frequency2.502.70

Most of the changes are in the front suspension settings. Fiddling with the back settings mostly just made things worse.
Here's my last lap/fastest lap for P1 in the cinematic replay. Can really see how much light was left at the start of lap 5 in this race. Only really made one obvious error on the lap and really increased the gap on the second half of the lap. Was in VR so my only gap info was seeing the headlights rounding the corners in my rearview.

Game looks incredible, this was an incredible race in VR.

Was my first race back in my wheel/seat/VR since 11/18 and my first time driving the McLaren. Only really practiced the GP section and specifically practicing T1 & T2 for the start. Will upload the full VR race 50 min video later.

e: jesus christ, forgot my TV remote worked on my PS5 and was checking the file transfer to USB and it was at 95% and accidentally hit "back" instead of "input" to go back to watching football, fml. i was so confused like "i'm not even holding the ps5 controller what happened..."
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Since I didn't have time to really get into photo mode yesterday, some more pictures from the four races. After going through some of the replays, I am remembering things I had forgotten yesterday (as they all started to blend together in my peasized brain).

Race1 (AO):

Lambo was excellent in the wet. This was in honor of Randell Haywood and that pass on the BRZ during the WS event. When I saw how well team Lambo did in that race (despite being punted), had to give it a go here too.


Race 2 (EMEA):

I took the most shots of the second race. This was the best one. Hats off to everyone in this lobby... that I encountered anyway. So much very close racing in poor conditions (rain and the dark of night). Starting P5 ending P5 doesn't seem like there'd be a lot of action but there was. At one point I was on the bumper of P2 and quicker, but went off and lost some spots, gained some back and a whole bunch of close racing in between.




Lap 1 was basically this the whole time:




Then lap two was... well the exact same:


I mean, how did we all survive this? Great stuff going onto Dottenger, the ensuing front straight, and through T1 & T2 with racing room left, proper braking points, and just respectful driving. Purposely left everyone's name on the video because hats off to all of y'all! Races like this are what GT7 is all about.

Then there was this Hyundai that wouldn't leave me alone! @Zorz I am looking at you! You were quick in that car, mate. I remember thinking I was slowing you down and if I didn't get some distance on your by Dottenger I was going to let you go by. :cheers: But at least you were giving my car some great lighting for some pictures!



Not sure if cool exhaust or my car is on fire...


Race 3 (Americas):

I am glad this McLaren went off here; he was a liability, braking too late (as you can see) and divebombing. I was not particularly happy he was behind me, but none-the-matter as he took care of himself.



The details in this game are just amazing. Look at the mud and grass flying in the air as the car's tires kick them up. Those track will be there for the rest of the race, too. All the small details really add up.


Race 4 (Americas):

A lot of really close, clean driving here as well.

Not a lot of pictures as it's sad what could've been and what was. One driver in a BMW (not the driver pictured below, he was super clean) who was driving much too aggressively running into a car that then ran into me was all it took to ruin my race, unfortunately. All it takes is one. I think the heavy damage is a bit harsh, but won't get into that here.


Similar to the EMEA race, most of this one was spent nose to tail with other cars, which is always fun.


The start of the Nord on lap two. I am in there somewhere I swear (hint: the circular headlight smack in the middle)!:lol:



What an amazing race and combo. Literally had everything. I miss it already.
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Bored on NYE so decided to do a few laps at Watkins. A few laps turned into about 2 hours 🤣

Supra Gr4 for me. I did a baseline run and got 1.54.4. Made a few adjustments to my setup but nothing worked. Went back to base setup and went quicker 1.53.8. So turns out the base is very good for me. I've slightly made the damper softer by 2 clicks and managed a 1.53.4 and currently P48.

If anyone can recommend a Supra setup or if they know what the Gr4 setup glitch is then I'd appreciate any advice.
Then there was this Hyundai that wouldn't leave me alone! @Zorz I am looking at you! You were quick in that car, mate. I remember thinking I was slowing you down and if I didn't get some distance on your by Dottenger I was going to let you go by. :cheers: But at least you were giving my car some great lighting for some pictures!

I appreciate the sentiment, but you really weren't holding me up at all. :P I was giving it everything just trying to stay on your rear bumper. As soon as I slipped out of the tow, there was no way I was coming back unless you made a mistake.
Here's the full race VR replay.

The start was pretty funny because you see me notice something in the VR video while checking my mirror twice before the first corner and seeing the side of the AMG, then seeing how far back everyone was. P2 was on RMs, every other person was on IM or W (i checked) and he ping ponged like 4 different people and slowed the entire start pack enough that I was on time trial lines immediately (aside from my garbage T1 execution on almost every lap except 5 which was perfect).

I'm not sure how everyone managed to hit quali correct with the IM/W tires and every single person except the guy who was second fastest did the same for the race. The Supras won out big on the start and were unsurprisingly P2 and P3 at the end. Alfa Romeo P4 due to going a lap long on the IMs, and then the madman who no stopped the IMs in P5.

Was promoted to DR B after this race, no thanks to the two nations cup oval races having no DR effect and I P1ed both. At 46 sport mode races total now with 27 top 5 and 5 P1 finishes.
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Well that was rough. Still fun, but rough. I really struggle to get clean laps string together at Nords even in the dry, so wet-dry, day-night was not likely to go well, lol.

2pm PST slot, my second “cup” season and my first in GT1, 164 points for first (low A lobby). Racing the AMG again. Qualified 5th, had pace for 3rd but messed up the last few turns shuffling me back. Like others, I definitely noticed being further back helped. I was 8th across the line and easily had provisional pole, only losing it to a few of the last few on course.

Start the race, first turn clean then immediately get hit from behind into T2. Seemed like I slight tap, but it’s apparently enough for rear aero and suspension damage. In spite of that, o was able to break away in the top 3 split after an NSX lost it heading into the GP chicane.

Even with the damage, the wet was enough of an equalizer for me to stay with the leaders, and I had better pace than both. That was until I threw it away on lap two at Schwedenkreuz. Damage everywhere dropped back into the pack. From there I couldn’t get it together and fell to 10th. 5 had quit so that was last on track.

Was dark at 2.5 laps. I Pitted for RMs and damage repair and started making up time. Got back to 8th and was getting close to 7th but couldn’t quite get there nearly set fast lap in the dark but pulled my signature move messing up the last few corners after the Dottenger and lost Just enough to miss it.

116 points for 8th place. I had a nasty cold this weekend, no way I was doing another round, so that’s that. Could’ve been worse, but could’ve been better for sure with the pace I had.

As for Watkins Glen, I ran some practice today, AMG has about 95% tire wear in two separate AI races, so my primary strategy is a no stopper. That was on stock set up, I’ll try some tuning tomorrow and see how it’s affected.
I've done two runs of GT1 Watkins Glen, and this one is going to be rough for cars that don't excel on tyre life.

Run 1 was a 7/8 1-stop, run 2 was a no-stop. The no-stop ended up being a few seconds faster even though my front-left tyre hit 0% during lap 11 and my lap times went off a cliff. The front-right was almost gone by the end as well, and the rear-left wasn't looking healthy either.

I'm predicting this is going to get messy between no-stoppers losing all pace about 2/3-3/4 of the way through followed by a wave of 1-stoppers pushing their way through rolling roadblocks on fresher tyres...

And if you've got access to a car that can actually make the tyres last, GG.