Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Damn, I had completely forgotten about the invisible wall in Daytona's first turn.

I was thinking about lifting to avoid the chaos, I don't think "I'm the chosen one", but it looked like I could just pass on the inside...

I remember in Daytona people usuallly pit when they have a penalty because it's the way to not carry the lack of speed for all the straight, so I went for the pit although it was too early. I said yesterday I'd change tyres, but I thought my race was already lost, so why don't give it a try to the no-change strategy?

Then my race was just a time trial passing drivers during their stops.

Somehow, everyone rejoined the track behind me. I had absolutely nothing to do against the Supra, but I think I could have kept P2 from the 911, maybe with fresh tyres. They hadn't changed their tyres; I'm just too slow at the bus stop.

So P3 in a race I had no faith in, and after an early crash. Not bad.

GT2, Round 5 - Daytona. Door 14 in a pure A lobby. Let's gooooo

Qualifying was a bit annoying. Gave myself space, but car in front got a penalty at the end of the first flying lap which distracted me, and then he held me up a little in the first sector of the 2nd flyer. He did purposely move out of the way so I'll just say it was probably "nowhere for him to go". Qualified 5th, prob should have been 3rd but I'll take that!


Some very familiar and high quality names in the lobby, including the EMEA number 1. In the race we had ranks 1, 2, 4, 9, 13,14, 23, a joint 31 and me (31).

Race started well for me. Starting 5th, I was totally focused on mailing the first corner whilst avoiding carnage. Got it pretty much spot on....


Safely through in 5th but had an EXCELLENT run and was up into 3rd before the hairpin, where carnage happened just behind me...


I took advantage from then on to drive my own race. Held my own in 3rd for a while, before the EMEA number one at GT2 level (Salad Fingers) was all over me, I didn't fight that too much.

Was down in 4th, losing ground to the top 3 but well clear of those behind. Never sure who had pitted etc so couldn't rest up. Drove a really clean sensible race with decent enough laptimes.

At the pits (end of lap 12) it was a splash and dash, didn't need new tyres. Came out right behind 3rd who must have taken new tyres, but with the extra grip he was able to pull away. Comfortable 4th placed finish for me! Happy with that being door 14 and behind a load of others in the rankings.


But what? No clean race bonus? Only thing I can imagine is that when SaladFingers was bump drafting me (fine by me because it was clean and fair) it counted against me having a clean race? I certainly made no mistakes and never ran wide / got any time penalties.

Oh well, 4th place, new points record for me (157 points). Leaves me on 457 from my best 3 rounds, or 587 if its the best 4 (can never remember).

I'm missing the last round as we're going away for the long weekend so that's my season done with. It's been a great one!


Good luck to all today, and for Sunday, have a great race today!
GT2 B - went only once , one and done

Qualified P2 with 1:46.904 - only missed P1 just .200
Race started good , in lap 2 almost plebbed the whole race because i ran little off with one wheel but thankfully managed to recover , then not much happened , after 10 lap went to pits decided not change tyres and only fuel up , with that strat i managed to jump the leader by 3 seconds ahead then i managed bring it home :dopey:
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❤️C7 💪

Have fun and good luck out there
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Damn, I had completely forgotten about the invisible wall in Daytona's first turn.

I was thinking about lifting to avoid the chaos, I don't think "I'm the chosen one", but it looked like I could just pass on the inside...

I guess it's there to stop you going into the pit lane.
First slot in GT1 Asia. In the 4C. What a great race!

Couldn’t find a groove in qualy and started p9.

Everyone was very well behaved through turn 1 and a nice orderly train emerged by the time we hit the oval.

Someone dropped a wheel in the grass and spun at the bus stop and then another served a 2 second?!? Penalty.

P7 at the start of lap 2.

More running in formation for several more laps as the front 2 gapped 3rd and then we built a big gap to p8.

Pitted lap 10 with the GT and the 911 directly in front of me. After the full cycle of stops I was in p6 with 2 GTS and a Porsche in front of me in the same slip train.

Lap 14 and one of the GTs got a penalty at the bus stop. He sank back by a bit over a second. I started to believe a podium might be possible. But 2 laps later it was my turn to miss the final apex by a pixel and take a pen.

For the last few laps the GT towed me along and on the final lap I got a great exit from the bus stop and with the slip managed to catch the GT, but those things are so fast that once I moved out of the draft I couldn’t get past. So p6 and 199 points.

Such a well driven race by everyone that missing p5 by .06s didn’t even faze me. Just great fun all round.

Good luck to all who enter. May all your races be as good as mine.
Well morning session was abysmal! TO say the least.

1st race
at 11am, was terrible, so much chaos bumper cars all round and didnt get good pace finished 13th or something.

2nd race - Even worse. Let me paint a picture, Qualifyied 4th on the grid, ok cool, set off good first lap little argy bargy
on that lap, then enter 1st corner following a German racer, I unintetionially bump him leading into turn 2, and then as we are exiting, he starts pushing me closer to the grass, then blatantly pushes me off, me losing traction, and pits me into the grass area, causing a spinout. I was really annoyed when he did that and tried to recover the race all till the end, even pitting early, I finished 10th overall from 16th lol, best I could.

Then the guy in post race chat states he did nothing wrong, acts oblivious, what a joke, so he gets no penalty, no repromand, and goes onto the win the race, such dirty driving and he knows it. It's not good that drivers are jammy and push to pass, but this bites the biscuit, lowest today. It's really upsetting but I tried my best to suck it up and carry on.

Will try and do one more race to claw back some good points for a terrible Round 5, but we shall see. :grumpy:


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Someone dropped a wheel in the grass and spun at the bus stop and then another served a 2 second?!? Penalty.
I just found out where to get a 2 second penalty, luckily in a practice session. Exiting the infield onto the banking, I gave it a liitle too much welly, slid the back out a bit so I was pointing at a short cut route to the banking. So just went straight across the shortcut onto the banking and voila, 2 second penalty.
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First race I qualified 14th and was backwards with full damage after the chicane on lap 1. Finished 14th but who cares. Highlight was a guy in a McLaren getting called out by four people in the post-race chat which I think is a record for me. Looking at the replay, could have been more.

Second race I qualified 15th and made it to 10th by the end of lap 1 by not dying. A massive group made up the lead before a Ukrainian in an AMG took out three guys into turn 1. I made my way past a Suzuki (yes) on lap 4 to get up to 5th and followed the pack here with no problems until lap 8, where the leader (by about 11 seconds) bottled it into turn 1. I let the group in front of me pit gradually before I went in from the lead at the end of lap 13.

I had no pace... anywhere, and ended up 5th by doing very little.

Daytona Road Course_.jpeg

It's very obvious this car shouldn't be in Gr.3, but as ever it's fun being in a GT-R that leaves people for dead on the straights.
I made my way past a Suzuki (yes)
That's no small feat. Those Suzukis aren't great at a lot of things -- or at least I can't figure out how to get them to be -- but going fast in a straight line is one of the things they really excel at. The older GT500 cars, like that GT-R, tend to have higher top-end speed so I'd expect it to do well against most other cars, but I'm still surprised it could beat the Suzuki. Congrats on the top-5 finish!
Well morning session was abysmal! TO say the least.

2nd race
- Even worse. Let me paint a picture, Qualifyied 4th on the grid, ok cool, set off good first lap little argy bargy
on that lap, then enter 1st corner following a German racer, I unintetionially bump him leading into turn 2, and then as we are exiting, he starts pushing me closer to the grass, then blatantly pushes me off, me losing traction, and pits me into the grass area, causing a spinout. I was really annoyed when he did that and tried to recover the race all till the end, even pitting early, I finished 10th overall from 16th lol, best I could.

Then the guy in post race chat states he did nothing wrong, acts oblivious, what a joke, so he gets no penalty, no repromand, and goes onto the win the race, such dirty driving and he knows it. It's not good that drivers are jammy and push to pass, but this bites the biscuit, lowest today. It's really upsetting but I tried my best to suck it up and carry on.

Will try and do one more race to claw back some good points for a terrible Round 5, but we shall see. :grumpy:
I never have an opportunity to confront someone about their driving.

You must have been really pissed off after that? Did you follow your own advice and watch the replay? I don't suppose you saw anything wrong about spinning a green-purple Honda and not caring.

And I stopped counting after the 3rd one you "punished".

Was that German guy not nice too you? Certainly, but he retailiated against you, from what I could tell.

Takes one to know one.
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I'm watching some races this evening, and this race is driving home my personal biggest dislike about GT7's physics, which is that no matter what car you're using, bump-drafting works and has no downsides to doing so. It just doesn't look "right" for lack of a better word, it's immersion-breaking.
That's no small feat. Those Suzukis aren't great at a lot of things -- or at least I can't figure out how to get them to be -- but going fast in a straight line is one of the things they really excel at. The older GT500 cars, like that GT-R, tend to have higher top-end speed so I'd expect it to do well against most other cars, but I'm still surprised it could beat the Suzuki. Congrats on the top-5 finish!
tbf I did pass it after he ran wide at turn 1. He was getting a tow from an Aston prior to that. I was more surprised anyone had picked it at all, I don't think I've seen a Suzuki in any of the Manu races I've done this season.
God I wish I'd have WFH today to do the early races. Less points for sure but that's ok.

Start p14 but was door number 2, up to p5 before the bus stop, natural attrition but then oh my god the thirst from the cars behind was crazy.

This is a 40 min race peeps be cool be cool.

They weren't and now I have to go again. Joy.
This is actually why I am not doing Daytona today. I'm not WFH (Work from home if no one knows what the acronym means). I'm in GT1 so by the time I get home I'll miss the first race, and I have to go back in tomorrow so not only will I miss the 3rd slot at 11PM. I have to start winding down and get ready for work around 9 PM, which is the 2nd slot lol.

I'm just going to do Fuji to just "get some points" for my 3rd counted race and call it what it is.
I am so done with GTWS and GT7.
GT1 league has shown the ugly side of GT7 for me, and people just simply do not care!

1st slot uk, 158 points, car number 14

Qualifying I got myself into P5, could have gone faster but got stuck behind a slow car. They tried to make a gap at the bus stop chicane when your gap needs to be sorted before that,

Race….well joke! The 4 car ahead set the tone really. They door banging through T1, T2, & T3. Then at T4 I get rear ended and damage to rear bumper and get shunted into the car ahead. Now have front and rear. Then on the banked curve, a Spanish driver behind pit manoeuvred me! That’s me out of the race! Front & rear bumper damage and wheel damage too. This Spanish driver had nothing to say for themselves after the race. They were obviously happy with there P4 result!
I carried on finished P13.

I’m honestly fuming right. GT1 league is just a disaster with heavy damage and especially when people don’t even drive to the conditions of the track. I might go again at the 8pm slot as I know I have the pace round here, but I think that me done and dusted with GT7 (online at least). Game has very stale, daily races are just boring, no new tracks, no new single player missions etc… PDs lack of reporting system has to be top of the list of reason why I don’t play this game, and the big one, PD have no interest in updating the race cars, but they will give me 20 different Subura Imprezas, because we all want to collect those and drive them!

My live stream for anyone interested, incident happens on lap 1 and I have the replay in chase cam at the end of the stream so you can see the incident.

P.S if anyone knows how to report these players for dirty driving I’d love to know! Seems like the top 2/3 splits has stewarding but the rest of us has to make do! Also I’ve been told to contact a driver about reporting drivers but I don’t actually even know if that works….?
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GT2, low B/S, 87pts for the win, door 10

Quali was ok and very close, only managed 1 valid lap.

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Race started bad as always in the last couple of races. Got punted from a Porsche out of the infield and pushed into 2 cars infront. From P6 to P10 and because of the damage to the front and rear I could not get over 230km/h on the straight.

Back to P12 after 1 lap and that's were I met a spaniard in a Lambo. This guy was the absolute worst kind of driver you can meet in a race. Over a couple of laps i passed him and he retook the place with pushing and shoving. After watching the replay I saw that I was not the only one who got hit from him.

Pitted early to get some clean air and after all had pitted I was back in P6. Behind the spaniard -_-

In the last lap after the bus stop i was closing with sliptream, I was on the outside but the drove right so I got to the inside and of course he did what I thought he would do.

I'm so sick of this kind of crap. In the whole race he did not get one penalty for this behavior. What a joke.





Finished with 69pts but should have been more.

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P.S if anyone knows how to report these players for dirty driving I’d love to know!
You can select their name in the lobby and pick "Report". I don't recall if you can still pick "Interfering With Race" as a reason in GT7 (as you could in Sport), but anything will do.
Also I’ve been told to contact Mikail Hizal about reporting drivers but I don’t actually even know if that works….?
I wouldn't be using the poor guy as a primary conduit...
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You can select their name in the lobby and pick "Report". I don't recall if you can still pick "Interfering With Race" as a reason in GT7 (as you could in Sport), but anything will do.
This wasn’t an option unfortunately. You can chose every other option to report some but not for racing.
I wouldn't be using the poor guy as a primary conduit...
I don’t even want to be contacting him myself, as I don’t feel like it’s his job (unless that is his job?) as PD should have a system in place. I’ll remove his name from original post
Don't report anyone, unless it's meme level behaviour.

We are all raging and I say that hand on heart. But and I mean this, the win and the points matter but not that much. You might be in the cusp of the points actually mean something and if they do for you and this is your chance report it.

If it's not realistically in that place then I'm not sure anyone other than you care. Same with my races.

We all are empathetic here and a bit of points kudos etc but in the grand scheme of things I don't think a lot of us are really knocking on the door
B/S GT2.

No time to practice, other than a couple of laps. Not done any Daily Races this week so rusty with the old muscle memory (it doesn't take long).

Useless QT sees me P.14

No idea what was going on up the road but ended up finishing P.8. Looked like spins mostly but there were some choice words in the chat at the end. Must have been some filth cos' I was two seconds off the pace.

Dull race to be honest. Daytona is better at night.

That's me for this season, away for the weekend and to be honest, like others, I feel a break from this game coming on.

Hope it improves for those doing Fuji on Saturday. I doubt it though.
I just had a good time at Daytona, but from what I see everyone saying here and upon looking at my replay, it sounds like I got lucky. There was also someone in my race from GTPlanet going by the lobby entry chats, but I didn't know who in the moment. After looking around here, I think it might have been @Yard_Sale? Someone driving a brown Ferrari that looked like this at least.

I started P4 and had a scruffy race start. I lost a position at turn 1 as I'd gone a bit deep, with the Porsche behind being both more confident and accurate on hitting the apex. I then lost a couple more at the first hairpin after hugging the kerb a bit too much and sticking a wheel on the grass. :dunce:

The positions came back over time after a trio of Porsches collided at the second hairpin on lap 3. One got pushed off, one got damage from causing the collision and a third was collateral damage.

The race was mostly just putting in laps from that point. I scuffed the bus stop on lap 8 and picked up a penalty, so I decided to try mitigate it by diving into the pits to do an 8/12. I was a bit concerned about possibly emerging in traffic but found myself in a massive 30s gap.

End result P4 for 214 points, season best so far. 🥳 Also happy with that since that's the first online Group 3 race I've ever done at Daytona.

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2 runs and worlds apart.

6pm slot (after the afternoon tea breaks for us Brits)
Managed to overtake @Seth_Logan on my leaderboard again.
Qualified P6 despite both laps being ruined by the same 0.5 penalty.
Race starts and the Ferrari from 2nd is running slow like they forgot the race started. Still a free position. Merc ahead goes wide in T1 allowing me up the inside. I give them room in the chicane but they don't return the favour. We touch and this causes my car to tank slap coming out of the chicane and I am sent into the barrier. I rejoin last. I catch back up to the pack by lap 5 and I decided to try an undercut. I press the button to not change tyres but thinking the screen did not change I pressed it again. My team look on in disbelief and shrug as they decided not to fuel and with my screams echoing around the flat I have to drive on. Looking at my fuel I see that I am only a lap down so perhaps I could save my way. I try to keep speed on the straights and save in the infield but in the end it is both not working and leaving me vulnerable to dives. By lap 12 I decide to do a splash and dash and hope for some incidents ahead. Nope and a P14 finish is my reward.

7pm slot.
Priority 1 is to be a bit more patient in the pit stop.
Qualified P6 again with a lap that beat by FP time. (Not sure where that came from?)
Race start was quite eventful. Lambo ahead brakes a bit too early into T1 and I glance them. They hold it and I also drift wide. I am P8 into the chicane and get dived by 2 NSX's into the Horseshoe. It's a bit of a mess again into the next hairpin with 8 cars in close proximity. A few cars go spinning in the next double left and find myself 3 wide on the run to the Bus Stop. A Merc nudges me in the braking zone which drifts me into the Lambo causing them to spin out. Some more chaos ahead in the 2nd part means I am now up to P8. One of the NSX's purposely moves to get a bump off me which allows a Ferrari to blaze past.
There are still so many of us occupying the same space.

This close racing last for the next couple of laps. On lap 4 a Jag knocks a WRX wide. I then get the Jag into the Bus Stop. I am now P6 with 3 cars right behind. I decide now is the time to pit to a) avoid any incidents and b) to get some clean air. YES! I remember to fuel this time. I come out last and begin to set some decent laps. By lap 10 I work out that I am in a net P2 but have some fast cars right behind me. But I am close to the GT500 Supra in net 1. However lap 11 and I gaze too long at the timing tower and miss my braking for the Bus Stop. I'm slowed by the grass but thankfully keep it pointed the right way. I move out of the way of the Ferrari and set about keeping up, though I have the pole sitter on my chuff. Knowing they are faster and could keep the cars ahead occupied I give them space to over take which they finally do on the first straight. I bump them for a few laps. P1 and P2 are slowing as the very fast Ferrari (when did that become a rocket!?) battled. However the Lancer ahead just could not close enough.
Last lap and they go wide into T1 and I decided I might as well mover earlier than I wanted to. We go side by side through the chicane showing the guy in the first race how to do it. They go wide into the Horseshoe and I switcheroo them.
I manage to get a half second gap and remove their threat.
In the meantime the Ferrari has gotten into the lead, but they loose it into the Bus Stop. I pass them and finish P2!
The Lancer compliments me after with my first ever. 'You're Fast!'. More likely the car was making up for it on the straights, but I'll take it. A new high score in my local battle so again I come out of a bad track for me with a good result.

Honestly what is the point??? Spend all week practicing for the race I was excited about and someone decides to end it after 1 minute. What’s wrong with people?? Waste of time. Done with this game.

Pugs are driving like they do on the road then. Sorry to see that.
My DR-B self in Alfa Romeo running 2nd, chasing 1st placed A+ guy @Talon16's Corvette on the 13th lap. How?!

I think this was the first GTWS event for me where I scored triple digit points. And I scored a whopping 124! What's more, it was incredibly easy race for me. I chilled so hard throughout the race. It is also not my usual lobby as I raced 3 hours later than my usual gaming time.

Despite never getting any track cutting penalty in practice and in the race, I managed to pick up 0.5 sec track cutting penalty at the bus stop on my first qualifying lap, which also ruined my second qualifying lap.

But once the race started, I just kept driving and chilling. My lobby was very clean as like my usual lobbies but I did see a bit of incidents here and there but they were too far up ahead of me to tell if it was dirty or just race incidents. As a result, in no time, I found myself running effectively 6th (I was running 5th but a guy had pit early to nullify a penalty and I knew that he was fast enough to come out ahead of me after I pit). I quickly realized that I am never getting ahead of top 3 so I kept chilling behind a slow Nissan'18, bumping him on the straights, kept braking way earlier due to his massively inconsistent braking points. There was just no point overtaking him because he was way faster than me in the infields and I did not want to risk a race-ruining mistake when there was clearly no positions to gain for me.

Everyone pit by lap 12 but I did not due to all the fuel saving by chilling behind another guy. I was surprised to see Talon so far up ahead that he came out ahead of me. A+ folks, I tell you. I pit on lap 13 and came out behind the slow Nissan to my disappointment (my mind had wandered away and I had braked a whole marker earlier at the bus stop) but the Nissan made a mistake in the infield and I easily went ahead. But something was not mathing. There was still one more guy ahead of me when my calculation said it should not be possible. Ah, he got hit by 1 minute penalty. It is my first time seeing someone getting 1 minute penalty in this year's GTWS.
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