Gran Turismo World Series 2024 Thread

  • Thread starter Pfei
Another forgettable run in slot 1 in GT1 Americas last night.

I was pushed off in qualy by someone just exiting the pits and that basically foreshadowed the rest of the event.

Q12 to P10 where I was pushed off 2 more times in the first 3 laps, sustaining damage the second time.

Couldn't be bothered to pit so early, so lost time until my switch to RS on lap 15.

107 meaningless points in the end and that brings a close to this season for me as I'll be at an Iron Maiden concert during round 4.

Really chirpy lobby after the race. Wasn't much fun at all. Lost DR as well.
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I'd be very surprised if this race doesn't have 'random' dynamic weather. That is pretty much what makes this particular combo so great. We also have the 24 hour track as next weeks Daily C, I have this sneaky suspicion it's going to be GR4 cars. Either way, I ran the Nissan GTR on the endurance layout and it felt planted. The first lap will be a bit sketchy (for everyone) due to tire temps but after half a lap, things improve in terms of grip. If there isn't any weather involved, then this round won't have any strategy at all, which would be a shame imo.
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Ferrari doing Ferrari things at RA. Just noticed this on the replay. I knew this was bad when driving but wasn't aware how bad. Apparently when going a bit wide thru the left coming out of the esses you can get airborne. A little extreme, eh Kaz? No pen though. PD did seem to reduce the pens at this track which was nice.


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Did a few laps around N-End and the Ferrari felt pretty good. Not great, but much better than RA where it wanted to kill me at every turn.

But, the GTR felt great. Nissan may be a dark horse pic this Manu. Three laps and a 7:57.5 which I was quite happy with. I've not tried the Porsche or Genny yet (may not even bother with the Genny since I won't be able to use it) for comparison but the GTR is a good drive thus far.
What’s the time of day for this next race? Want to do some custom races to see how my championship-winning 458 and myself, will fare over 5 laps
Never had the best day yesterday at Road Atlanta.

Slot 1 - I went into the first slot with a malfunctioning PS4 controller, since the L2 button likes to cut out randomly for a second or 2, which means when i go into braking zones, the brakes cut out for 1 second, and unfortunately this happened multiple times during qualifying, so i never got to put in a good qualifying lap and i ended up qualifying P16.

The race got off to a good start and during the first 3 laps i gained a couple of positions, but after i had just overtook a Porsche who was serving a penalty, i went into the braking zone and my L2 button done its thing and my brakes cut out for a second and i went into the gravel, which dropped me to 2nd last, and then a couple of corners later at T1, i clipped the grass at the exit which caused me to spin, which dropped me further back from the group ahead.

For the remainder of the race, me and the guy who qualified P1 slowly closed up to P9 and P8 but there wasn't enough time to close up on them further. I finished P11 in the end.

Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta __14.jpeg

Final Slot - My new controller arrived before the final slot, so it was good to not have to worry about my brakes randomly cutting out. I put in a clean qualifying lap this time but it was only good enough for P14. I was going to start on the mediums just like i did in slot 1 but i forgot to change the tyres in the settings, so i started on the softs which turned out to be a good thing because a couple of laps into the race, there was a bit of bumper cars happening at the final chicane, which gave me front and rear aero damage.

I pitted at the end of lap 11 to put on the mediums and fix the damage. The first part of the medium stint i spent chasing down a Lambo, who then eventually pitted and then the 2nd half of the medium stint was rather lonely, since there was a big gap behind me and in front. I finished the race in P10. I was in P11 but Grove Street Racing (Who was on his UK account) crashed towards the end of the race, which gifted me P10.

I really like Road Atlanta, so it's disappointing to come away with a poor result.

Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta __8.jpeg
I'm liking that the Daily Race C is at Nurburgring this week. I'll be missing the final round of the Manu Cup this weekend, so it's nice to get a chance to do some racing there, even if it is on a different track layout.

I've taken the Suzuki out for a couple races so far. As usual, I'm anything but fast. Having fun, though. That's all that matters to me.
Ferrari doing Ferrari things at RA. Just noticed this on the replay. I knew this was bad when driving but wasn't aware how bad. Apparently when going a bit wide thru the left coming out of the esses you can get airborne. A little extreme, eh Kaz? No pen though. PD did seem to reduce the pens at this track which was nice.


Maybe you lost a decent chunk of time? I know if you give a good lift after you’ve gone beyond track limits you can quite often get away without a penalty.
Maybe you lost a decent chunk of time? I know if you give a good lift after you’ve gone beyond track limits you can quite often get away without a penalty.
Could be. I feel like the track limit pens are much more reasonable on tracks like RBR and RA than they used to be. I can't prove anything, but just feels that way.

And I definitely lost time there. Jets are faster in the air... cars, not so much.
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Daily C has been absolutely stacked with very fast drivers and also some reckless awful ones, who feel they are entitled because they know, (insert popular streamers name) Yesterday I raced against Hizal, Kylian Drumont, Gallo, Antonio Santos and a bunch of other world tour level drivers. I started 3rd and finished 10th and but I still gained DR, which tells you how stacked the lobby was. Agaisnt Kylian Drumont, I finished 5th, only 20 sec behind him. When you race against those WT drivers, it almost feels like they're hacking the game. Their pace is otherworldly. Even though I got my ass handed to me, it was a great experience and I feel I'm a better driver for it. So far, it's been a great start to the week but dynamic weather certainly would have slowed the Supra and BMW drivers down, to make things a bit more equal. The Renault RS.01 (which im using) is absolutely cooking around Nurb 24 but just lacks top end, to keep up with the faster cars on the straights.
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I've done some more TTs for Manu on Saturday, three laps in the Porsche (7:56.9) and Genny (7:55.5). Need to do some more laps in the GTR (57.X) and the Ferrari which is quite off the pace (8:02.X) but I think I just need some more time in it.

I feel like Daily C and Manu track/weather conditions are different. Again, can't quantify it just a feeling. Daily C the ambient temps are very low (44*F (7*C)) but according to GT-Engine the weather for Saturday's race is 57*F (14*C).

Hoping for the Manu race we see a lot more different cars than the Supras and BMWs that are taking over Daily C.

I do wish there was some dynamic time-of-day, though. Like, we see rain a lot when Nord comes up so I am not even bummed there is no rain. But a day-to-night transition (or vice versa) would've made this race so much cooler.
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I've done some more TTs for Manu on Saturday, three laps in the Porsche (7:56.9) and Genny (7:55.5). Need to do some more laps in the GTR (57.X) and the Ferrari which is quite off the pace (8:02.X) but I think I just need some more time in it.

I feel like Daily C and Manu track/weather conditions are different. Again, can't quantify it just a feeling. Daily C the ambient temps are very low (44*F (7*C)) but according to GT-Engine the weather for Saturday's race is 57*F (14*C).

Hoping for the Manu race we see a lot more different cars than the Supras and BMWs that are taking over Daily C.

I do wish there was some dynamic time-of-day, though. Like, we see rain a lot when Nord comes up so I am not even bummed there is no rain. But a day-to-night transition (or vice versa) would've made this race so much cooler.
I would love to see live track temps displayed on the hud, so we have a better idea of how the tyres are doing temp wise. You're right about the 2 different feelings in terms of grip though. Daily C almost feels like the track is slightly damp, but at 7C on an early morning, that's exactly how it would feel IRL. Over 5 laps for manu, I'd expect more consistency in car behaviour.
I would love to see live track temps displayed on the hud, so we have a better idea of how the tyres are doing temp wise. You're right about the 2 different feelings in terms of grip though. Daily C almost feels like the track is slightly damp, but at 7C on an early morning, that's exactly how it would feel IRL. Over 5 laps for manu, I'd expect more consistency in car behaviour.

The only place to see the temp is before the actual race. Thus, when doing TT times you don't see it at all. Another head scratcher from PD as the track map and wind are available when driving... so why not the ambient temp and tire temps? Thanks, Kaz.
I do wish there was some dynamic time-of-day, though. Like, we see rain a lot when Nord comes up so I am not even bummed there is no rain. But a day-to-night transition (or vice versa) would've made this race so much cooler.
this has become one of my biggest gripes about the state of play currently (among others). Do you recall when they introduced grand valley and they were showing off with a sunset/night drive there? My goodness! Since then.... I think they once had a sunset drive at bathurst, a morning nord once. Can't think of many others in 2+ years. They just ran 24laps at spa but couldn't be bothered with any night transitions. We know they can do it, why aren't they? Is it taxing on the servers in sport mode?
this has become one of my biggest gripes about the state of play currently (among others). Do you recall when they introduced grand valley and they were showing off with a sunset/night drive there? My goodness! Since then.... I think they once had a sunset drive at bathurst, a morning nord once. Can't think of many others in 2+ years. They just ran 24laps at spa but couldn't be bothered with any night transitions. We know they can do it, why aren't they? Is it taxing on the servers in sport mode?
Indeed I do! Phenomenal visuals and really added to the race feel. To see that sun starting to set, the lights coming on in the cars, the cars' lights projecting onto the track and surrounding object as they go around corners, etc. was amazing. I spent every free moment of my week doing those races!



They have done a few at Daytona and Nord but only during WS events if I recall. Daytona is one of those tracks that looks better at night than during the day. I mean, look at this... amazing!




7899686da0e5459ac4edd38be9d87eee_photo.webp well as a dusk at Road Atlanta, but it too was a GTWS race.


So much potential; so much lack of execution. KAZ, C'MON MAN!!!
I have a theory about PD/Sony withholding information in game. Some may call it a cynical conspiracy theory and it's not what you might call very "fleshed out" and, also has the benefit of absolutely no empirical evidence to support it. Be that as it may, here it is.

The third party software builders, whether that software is P2P or F2P doesn't matter, are, if not directly employed by Sony/PD, at least, directly or indirectly connected to someone(s) at Sony/PD. If all the data those third party applications display was displayed in game, those apps would become, for all intents and purposes, useless. Withholding certain displayed data drives many/some to acquiring those third party apps and, in some cases, secondary hardware devices to run/display that content. It's all about who's in cahoots with whom and/or how much moolah is flowing between those in cahoots. I reckon those cahoots gotta eat too.
I have a theory about PD/Sony withholding information in game. Some may call it a cynical conspiracy theory and it's not what you might call very "fleshed out" and, also has the benefit of absolutely no empirical evidence to support it. Be that as it may, here it is.

The third party software builders, whether that software is P2P or F2P doesn't matter, are, if not directly employed by Sony/PD, at least, directly or indirectly connected to someone(s) at Sony/PD. If all the data those third party applications display was displayed in game, those apps would become, for all intents and purposes, useless. Withholding certain displayed data drives many/some to acquiring those third party apps and, in some cases, secondary hardware devices to run/display that content. It's all about who's in cahoots with whom and/or how much moolah is flowing between those in cahoots. I reckon those cahoots gotta eat too.
I'm more of an Occam's razor type guy and whilst that is plausible I think the more likely scenario is that

1: it's proprietary info they want to keep hidden

2: the way it works behind the scenes isn't as granular as say ACC or other sims

3: it doesn't make as much difference in the grand scheme of things compared to what we think it does.

There is a whole bunch of telemetry the game outputs but I would bet quite heavily that to almost every player track traces (brake and acceleration, lateral g etc) would be useless. GT just isn't a title that focuses on that sort of personal performance gains.

My gut feel is it was actually a styling choice. If you look at all the different driving UIs they have very few moving numbers and even the barely imperceptible tire outlines (unless you are spinning 🤣) is what they landed on.

If you watch the way the tires change temp in one of the apps in a restarted lap they cool/warm to the starting temperature they pre set but it always hits the starting temp by the time you cross the line. This in and of itself points to a way the system works which is artificially.
I'm more of an Occam's razor type guy and whilst that is plausible I think the more likely scenario is that

1: it's proprietary info they want to keep hidden

2: the way it works behind the scenes isn't as granular as say ACC or other sims

3: it doesn't make as much difference in the grand scheme of things compared to what we think it does.

There is a whole bunch of telemetry the game outputs but I would bet quite heavily that to almost every player track traces (brake and acceleration, lateral g etc) would be useless. GT just isn't a title that focuses on that sort of personal performance gains.

My gut feel is it was actually a styling choice. If you look at all the different driving UIs they have very few moving numbers and even the barely imperceptible tire outlines (unless you are spinning 🤣) is what they landed on.

If you watch the way the tires change temp in one of the apps in a restarted lap they cool/warm to the starting temperature they pre set but it always hits the starting temp by the time you cross the line. This in and of itself points to a way the system works which is artificially.
That is certainly as plausible, if not more so, than my theory. Still, havenots don't spend anything to become haves if there are no havenots. Follow the money, therein lies the answer, when it's not 42.