GT4 BMW Series 1 Virtual Drive is OUT!!!

  • Thread starter amar212
And that is some Croatia setup allright - as all of you don't know, and Pedjo is too humble to say you so, he is the first ever national winner of an official Croatian GT3 Tournament held last year in Zagreb (Croatian Capital), under official endorsment of Sony Europe (and its Croatian subsidiary).

Unfortunatelly, I could not compete then (I'm not so humble, so I will say I was among the Organisers Team :)), but in 4 days championship, Pedja won enough races to qualify in final, and then he won in almost all of 5 final races and become the first ever Croatian GT Champion. For the record, we had 500 qualifiers, 144 come into the first round, and after the days 3 of racing, best 6 drivers fought they way into the big final day. All races were driven on 2 mega-hardware-systems of 6 iLink connected PS2's (12 PS2's in total), everybody on its TV (12 TV'S and so on..), playseat, GTDF2 wheel and headphones. It was a really big production of Sony, and I'm so happy we had a chance to do it in Croatia, because not many countries had such an unique opportunity.

PedjoGTno-1, once again, welcome to GTplanet.
And that is some Croatia setup allright - as all of you don't know, and Pedjo is too humble to say you so, he is the first ever national winner of an official Croatian GT3 Tournament held last year in Zagreb (Croatian Capital), under official endorsment of Sony Europe (and its Croatian subsidiary).
Yes, the tournament was fantastic, the organisation and the athmosphare as well. We hope that Sony will organize the same tournament with GT 4. It is very intresting how many people were at the tournament and we all had a feeling that we knew each other for a long time. The rason for this is that we all love the same thing - GT. BTW to be more exact in the finals: 4 time 1st place and once 2nd place. :)
Why wasn't there anything like this in the U.S.?! MLG tried over the past year, but it was too little too latem, and of course not an official Sony event. Not too many people seemed to be interested. =/

How much did you win?

Amar, have you managed to try the wheel with the demo yet? And Have you been able to look at the disc contents to see if there's any other hidden cars & tracks on the disc, like there are in Prologue?
Few hours ago, Fizio and me (Fizio is another member of respecful GT Croatian Crew) did a nice video of Fizio driving the Nurb with the new GT Force Pro wheel. You won't see my driving though, I was busy recording that nice porn:). I should edit video tonight, and I guess you'll be able to see it even before the infamous NY compo video.
Ha,ha,ha, ask Amar 212 about driving after we left Vice's home. :)
Well, you know he's too humble and don't want to show-off with his slick manevourability on wet. It's a raining man, aleluja, it's a raining man, Amen. Thou, I'm glad that you're both O.K. C U champ.
Well, I guess it's time to quit just reading and write my 1st post...
Greetings to you all... 👍

Here are some pics from that great tournament...
Well, I guess it's time to quit just reading and write my 1st post...
Greetings to you all... 👍
Welcome you old chump. Well now we have a real croatian setup here.
Fizio & PedjoGTno-1
GT3 setup
cars go airborn knocking down the speed of sound.

BTW: muchos gracias for the wheel - right behind Pro & Ferrari.
Hey Fizio, nice to have you here man.

And now something on Croatian: za ostale cijenjene kolege sa hrvatskog govornog podrucja, ajde da sad ne radimo od ovog foruma svoju privatnu prcvarnicu - to se prije svega odnosi na nase privatne razgovore, komentare (ukljucujuci i turnir), podjebavanja i slicno jer to nije obicaj i to se radi putem Private Messaginga - da ne bi ispali hrpa idiota koji se privatno dopisuju sto ljudi ovdje bas i ne vole citati - svi za to koriste PMove jer zive na razlicitim kontintima, a mi ipak zivimo na po 500 metara jedan od drugog.

Naravno, to je samo moj savjet s obzirom na kulturnu pojavnost ovog foruma, radite sto hocete, nisam vam ja tata.
Hey Fizio, nice to have you here man.

And now something on Croatian: za ostale cijenjene kolege sa hrvatskog govornog podrucja, ajde da sad ne radimo od ovog foruma svoju privatnu prcvarnicu - to se prije svega odnosi na nase privatne razgovore, komentare (ukljucujuci i turnir), podjebavanja i slicno jer to nije obicaj i to se radi putem Private Messaginga - da ne bi ispali hrpa idiota koji se privatno dopisuju sto ljudi ovdje bas i ne vole citati - svi za to koriste PMove jer zive na razlicitim kontintima, a mi ipak zivimo na po 500 metara jedan od drugog.

Naravno, to je samo moj savjet s obzirom na kulturnu pojavnost ovog foruma, radite sto hocete, nisam vam ja tata.
Sorry people for Croatian again:
A mogao si i ti ovo poslat na PM bogme.Mislim daj se malo opusti čovječe.......... :)
Sorry people for Croatian again:
A mogao si i ti ovo poslat na PM bogme.Mislim daj se malo opusti čovječe.......... :)

Pa koliko nas ima ovdje? :)
Tacno si rekao Amare,"privatne" diskusie idu preko PMa a ne ovdje!

Back on "topic",
another one of 'ours' that has won an official tournament.It just goes to show that i was always right in the first place.All good things come from Croatia.He is owning the place down there and i'm owning it up in here.Soon Europe will fall hahaha.
Not to brag or anything,it's just reality.hehe.
Bad news guys...

I don´t know where the version from the video is from, but the officially released version
of the virtual drive of the BMW 1 series will in fact have a time limit.
For the Nordschleife this is 180 seconds. Lucky enough i could get hands on two versions,
so if needed i can post a screenshot.

At least this will leave us some excitement until November is here to drive the whole track.
Ido not think so. At least the versions i got are only for the PAL Versions.
Since the 1 series is not planned to be released in NA i guess there will be no
Virtual Drive for you guys.
Bad news guys...

I don´t know where the version from the video is from, but the officially released version
of the virtual drive of the BMW 1 series will in fact have a time limit.
For the Nordschleife this is 180 seconds. Lucky enough i could get hands on two versions,
so if needed i can post a screenshot.

At least this will leave us some excitement until November is here to drive the whole track.

No, i don't believe that. Then it would be totally useless to "release" a demo/preview. And the fact that you are new makes me even doubt me more about your statement.

I don't flame newbees, but i really don't believe that. I will call a friend of me tomorrow, He's in Leipzig, i will ask all the GT4 **** etc etc.
No, i don't believe that. Then it would be totally useless to "release" a demo/preview. And the fact that you are new makes me even doubt me more about your statement.

I don't flame newbees, but i really don't believe that. I will call a friend of me tomorrow, He's in Leipzig, i will ask all the GT4 **** etc etc.

OK, i totally understand that.

But fact is that i got two versions, and there is a time limit. Believe me or not.
Let me just take a sccreenshot later today, i will post that immediately.
Would that be OK for you ?

Still you can match about 6 KM in each direction of the Nordschleife.
And it is fun, even with that stupid time limit.
OK, i totally understand that.

But fact is that i got two versions, and there is a time limit. Believe me or not.
Let me just take a sccreenshot later today, i will post that immediately.
Would that be OK for you ?

Sorry for being rude to you. I'm really am. :)

We saw a previous time limit demo with AI cars. Are they also in your version? If so, is the ai good?
Sorry for being rude to you. I'm really am. :)

We saw a previous time limit demo with AI cars. Are they also in your version? If so, is the ai good?

No. There are no AI cars at all. You are only able
to drive wether the 120i or 120d alone on each of the three tracks.
And all of them have a time limit. At least Costa di Amalfi and New York
can be finished within the limit.

BTW, New York seems to be much more detailled than in Prologue.
Just a subjective impression.

The time limit is understandable, since this version is a free giveaway
from BMW. I don´t think PD wanted to release the whole Nordschleife
to be drivable, even only with one car. The detail level is amazing.
Can I ask a question about NY.......Are the billboards updated? (got new adverts on them)...and is the warner building finished (the one that was under construction in Prologue?)
Can I ask a question about NY.......Are the billboards updated? (got new adverts on them)...and is the warner building finished (the one that was under construction in Prologue?)

It is not finished:).
Yes, my first impression was, that the adverts were updated.

For example there is a really big advert on the left hand side of
the start finish sraight just after the start line, with a big red MINI.
This i did not notice in Prologue.

The Warner building (is that the one in the long left turn just before
going on the straight again?) is still under construction.
Personally I could not really care less about the time limit......I just want the damn disk first!!! :lol: :scared: .....I would rather have the game then moan about a time limit I cannot experience.....UK better have them when they release the 1 series! :grumpy:

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