Kolyana*cough* care to share? I'm wondering if I'm doing this right.
MR8Damn, do I have beg for a clean lap?? I haven't touched that many walls since high school!
T1: 24.680
T2: 1'06.045
standard235*Smacks TLR* There. Now quit being a girl and go race!
Wait, no. Not even Natalya is that bad!
Kolyana*cough* care to share? I'm wondering if I'm doing this right.
KolyanaRegarding that last right into the tunnel ... you're taking this in third? I have been heading to the outside of the track here, using the extra width provided, tapping the brake, dropping into second and lining up on the late apex before gunning her in ... I may be doing this wrong, me thinks.
TeamLosiRacerAlright. So I relaxed Regrouped deep breathes. I simply cleared my mind of all of the BS that happened at work today. I just ran laps and let my talent and skill guide me. It was refreshing and fun once again.
so here are my new sectors:
T1: 0'24.992
T2: 1.05.909
Not the fastest sectors around but there is ground for improval. I think this week I can be competative.
TimBradI've been running 4/4 and fiding it too heavy on braking, i'll try 1/2 later, too
KolyanaWhat the heck did I do now?
There must be something about the way I write ... but I try and generalize, I typically include myself in on the fold, and yet I still manage to offend someone with the most unoffensive of remarks.
I speak mainly for the "newbies" who know NOTHING of setups (and there are a few), who can't "set up the car to what suits them and then run with it" because they - and here's the kicker - DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT SETTING UP A CAR.
I speak also for the people who don't know the track, or they don't know the car, and - typically - they don't know BOTH. To setup a car - when you don't know squat about setting up anything - and then run on a track you've never seen before, doesn't tell anyone anything aboutt he setup changes you are making.
My advice was simply to get used to the car and track first ... wait until you're running as fast as you can ... because only then can you possibly know if something you're altering in your car's setup is having a good or negative affect.
Is this the best way? HELL NO ... but not all of us know our camber angles from our spring rates, not all of us can jump onto a strange track and run our best lap within 6 circuits and then know instinctively what to alter.
I felt that my advice - to the outright newbie - was accurate and fair. I don't feel like I singled anyone out or even said anything to be taken poorly.
TimBrad/agree there made total sense to me when you told me to do that as i was able to ween myself into it building up the power as i go, i'm no great/good racer, i'm no tuner, and i'm ****ing VERY grateful for all the help nat has given me and anyone who offers me any advice, i feel grateful for and am glad that ppl will take the time out to help me. I'm sad that some ppl take what ppl say wrong out here, sure it will ALWAYS happen, but i for one, am so thankful for the "ppl who will help the noobs" cause compared to you guys, i am one and i will do whatever i can to learn & improve! (Short of using BOTH my hands on my DS2, thats just silly...)
TimBrad*whips head around* get out of my bed rob!!
ZeroCFM - could you let me know what division I am in please sir, thanks.
CasioAlso, how much of an advantage is in the ride height? I've left all my settings stock apart from gears and brakes. I don't have access to my PS2 right now, but I find the car quite well suited to my driving style at the moment. Will the ride height help? Or will it just make the car less stable with my aparently extreme rear brake bias?
ZeratulSGI'm still undecided about gearing, default settings vs. auto 4 (or thereabouts), the accerelation benefit is marginal with shorter gears and you have to shift more...but the car turns better at higher revs...what is everyone else using?