GT5 delayed

  • Thread starter Kingdizzi

Sorry, made me laugh. I'm from Belgium, and here is Sinterklaas the 6th. But I really really doubt that Sinterklaas will influence the release date. :)

I doubt it also.
So you Belgiums will get all the left overs from us in Holland haha. He leaves Holland empty the 5th.
Ok, thank you.

I wished Sony or Polyphony would give us some news or details. I don't mind if it's really small like one new car every day or something.
Even close before the release(I think) they still have that secret "Don't let them know we even exist" thing going.

I heard the Polyphony Studio down in tokyo was just a distraction.
Deep in the forrest of Tokyo is where they actually work on this game. Some say they heard really loud engine sounds in the middle of the night.

That makes the whole Studio reminiscent of the STIG.
Some say, it's the best racing simulator ever, and that it brings over 1000 cars! All we know, is it's delayed!!!
Sinterklaas kapoentje, leg wat in mijn schoentje !

:lol:👍 Never thought I would ever read that line on GT-Planet before, translating it seems pointless as it wouldn't make much sense anyway ( it's a harmless line from a children's song ).
Only when both Belgium and the Netherlands combined would have roughly the same population as the US would 'Sinterklaas' become relevant to Sony worldwide I guess.;)
Some say Its just a game, some say it has 200 proper cars, all we know it doesnt have a release date.
Some say i'm an old member that came back, some say i was held back in first grade 12 years in a row because i got stuck behind the fridge,
All we know is i just ruined the bit.
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Gt5 is the killer application for Ps3 and for all the ps3 games themself..:nervous:[/QUOTE]

this is actually a good theory. i can see this being a reason. i didn't plan on buying another game for at least 6 months. NFS is going to be in my inventory but i wasn't going to get it till 6 months or so after gt5 came out. now i will have to get it to take the place of gt5. then it i will put NFS on injured reserve,lol.
Hi guys,
do we know the status of the actual CODE yet? am i right in thinking the code was FINISHED but it was 3 days late to the publishers?

or are they still working on the CODE? (ie still sorting the game out)

if its the former i predict a 2010 launch.

if the latter, then, well i reckon 2011.......

Go read the news articles.

i've read them, and theres conflicting information. hence why im asking....

in the same post as kaz saying it was 3 days late, it then says sony are striving to make the perfect game etc.

other places just say its late...
Some say I have had to give up binge-drinking now that it's gone up to £1.18 a litre and that my voice can only be heard by cats.

All we know is that GT5 is delayed and the release date was ambitious but rubbish.
I went back to GT4 meanwhile and have to say: The physics of GT4 are far better than those of GT5Prologue.

November and I am sure it will be released that day. (Even on 3 platforms ..)

Agree. GT5p was just a taster that didn't have much of what the full package will, physics-wise.
GT4 was a full package. It's physics were the best for it's time, and easily outlcasses GT5p.
When GT5 comes out, it will outclass everything.
i've read them, and theres conflicting information. hence why im asking....

in the same post as kaz saying it was 3 days late, it then says sony are striving to make the perfect game etc.

other places just say its late...

Art and content is done, it was late getting to the production phase (making the discs). If you read more articles, you'll see there's more talk about the firmware compatibility and upgrade that is holding the final stages back.

It's all conflicting info because there is nothing official. When they say they are striving to make the perfect game, it's just a general statement to keep us informed (or waiting because they know we want to hear something).
Hi guys,
do we know the status of the actual CODE yet? am i right in thinking the code was FINISHED but it was 3 days late to the publishers?

or are they still working on the CODE? (ie still sorting the game out)

if its the former i predict a 2010 launch.

if the latter, then, well i reckon 2011.......


I reckon 2011, code or no code.
Art and content is done, it was late getting to the production phase (making the discs). If you read more articles, you'll see there's more talk about the firmware compatibility and upgrade that is holding the final stages back.

It's all conflicting info because there is nothing official. When they say they are striving to make the perfect game, it's just a general statement to keep us informed (or waiting because they know we want to hear something).

Actually, looked at as a whole, it doesn't appear that it's all that contradictory (save, perhaps, some very early speculative "reports"). The timeline appears to have gone something like:

The PS3's SDK/Firmware were hacked.
Sony created a fix.
Sony put in place a requirement that all future releases be built using the fixed SDK.
GT5 was built under the previous SDK and missed making its production run by three days due to rebuilding the code with the new SDK.
Because of previous commitments at duplication factories, the manufacturing of GT5 had to be pushed farther out than the three days that it was late.

I personally think they are talking crap. For starters the audience for kinetic and COD is completely different to those who will purchase GT5. I also feel whoever wrote that article is ignorant to the overall sales of the GT franchise.

I really don't understand the interest in Kinetic. its alright for party games if you have children but doesn't interest a majority of gamers. As for COD and although I was a massive fan of MW/MW2 I wouldn't choose COD over GT5.
I guess the upside of this delay is that I'll have plenty of time to play other games now, while we are waiting for another release date. :lol:
Its all about $.

Thanks Sony! I'm glad I did not expect to see the game on the 2nd of Nov. Seeing is believing my friends. In this situation, I am glass half-empty type of guy. I'm glad I did not pre-order this, I just kept another $100 in my pocket.

See you later, as I loose more interest in this game.
I think Sony might lose more sales by delaying again than they would have by releasing on Nov. 2. I'm not complaining too much though, the delay gives me some time to sort out my finances for the purchase of all the goodies I will want for playing GT5. :)
Man, people need to stop seeing videogames like movies, it's not all about week 1 sales and finding a quiet spot during summer and winter holidays, videogames don't benefit that much from a snowball effect, they cost a lot more and don't target a broad audience like movies. The sales figure of Avatar convince my parents to watch it, the same is not true about Modern Warfare 2, unless one of my friends is interested by the racing genre he is not buying, even with huge numbers they won't, even after playing splitscreen at my place and having a lot of fun, they won't buy it. Casual or hardcore, if you never owned a racing game, chances are you won't buy GT5.
Its all about $.

Thanks Sony! I'm glad I did not expect to see the game on the 2nd of Nov. Seeing is believing my friends. In this situation, I am glass half-empty type of guy. I'm glad I did not pre-order this, I just kept another $100 in my pocket.

See you later, as I loose more interest in this game.

People like you really 🤬 me off. Not pre-ordering or just taking it off pre-order doesn't prove anything besides that you are stupid as hell! People like you are just going to get the game anyway. Pre-ordering now and paying it off means you can go get the game when it comes out, which is better because if you don't have money that day, you can still get it.
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Bah, I was looking forward to the 2nd and taking a couple of days off from work. Having said that, there is nothing I can do about. No worries. It's out when it's out.

BTW, whoever recommend F1 2010 needs to be slapped. ;)
I just hope the pre-orders aren't affected by this because I don't want to go back and have to re-reserve this. I'm disappointed, but at the same time, still eager for the game.