GT5 Latest News & Discussion

  • Thread starter gamelle71
Hey, just think, in GT5, we'll be able to use Fuji for what it was originally intended for: NASCAR! Seriously. Fuji was originally supposed to be a Superspeedway, but NASCAR ran out of funds to complete it and only one turn and the infamous straight were finished.
Why can't I make new threads in the Gran Turismo 5 forum? I'm sorry I'm posting the question here I don't know where else to ask

Probably because too many people are making threads on topics that already exist, or can be discussed in other areas like in this thread.

There is too much crap and whiners in this section of the forum as of late.
Hey, just think, in GT5, we'll be able to use Fuji for what it was originally intended for: NASCAR! Seriously. Fuji was originally supposed to be a Superspeedway, but NASCAR ran out of funds to complete it and only one turn and the infamous straight were finished.

Actually, the Fuji Speedway Corporation ran low on funds to complete it. You are right though, it was originally meant to be a Superspeedway and to hold a Nascar race (which ironically ended up happening with both of Honda's tracks Suzuka and Motegi). Maybe with the Track Editor(assuming its for making tracks), you could recreate it...if there is an original blueprint of it somewhere.

Edit: Here's a pic of the original banking as well as the map:


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Track editor and weather being confirmed are what should be talked about, but instead it's the interiors. That's just sad. I know I'll be trying to make some awesome tracks, see if I can recreate Imola and the old version of Monza.

Good luck with that. Probably take about two years lol.
Be sure to share with others ( for feed back purposes ).
Yep it's confirmed. When GT5 comes out not only will it kick every driving game ever made in the history of games - on console or PC - completely out of the window, it will be a standard setting, genre defining, tour-de-force of a game that may render everything available at the time out of date and I predict that gamers in general - not just driving game fans - will want to switch to a PS3 just for this. Will it be worth the wait? Oh yes, definetely. Forza 3, all those PC driving sims that people keep banging on about, they will curl up, bow to the master, and die a horrible death. The PS3 and GT5 will be a combination that will rule gaming for months after it's release. TAKE THAT 360 FANBOYS!!!!
Been reading in here a whole lot, I'm too shy to post very often *g*
(And to be quite honest, I can't hear about the cockpits anymore, but I don't have to read every post, I know :) )

The last couple of days were simply amazing, and if everything that has been anounced will be for real (and if it is, it will be implemented perfectly, I'm sure) then this game will be so much better then I allowed myself to hope it was!!! Simply GREAT stuff.

I've read about the "Dirt, Scratches, and Dents" that all cars will have (quote from table on official site). I just wanted to ask the real fans in here if it's correct that we haven't seen dirt on cars just yet? (whereas the car wash has been confirmed right?)

I guess this is all made by shaders, which are switched off for the present demos or something? Maybe they are too tightly connected to the weather system? (in the weather thread there are many pictures from other games with simply amazing rain drops, but I have no clue what part shaders play here - guess I don't really have to and want to know?! *gg*)
Anyways, I don't know how these things are done, but I'm really looking forward to some screens with all shaders on, as I think these models will look really photorealistic once the aren't as "clean".

btw, I started my post because I wanted to report that the US Gran Turimso Site was down for maintenance, and I wanted to start a speculation on what updates they might bring (just kidding), but know it's working again and I can't see anything new...
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A little tibit I came across

And as I mentioned in the E3 thread in Gaming, I know a guy whose Dad lent Polyphony his 1968 Lotus Europa for recording and they did all the engine noises in neutral. No wonder they always sound so flat and bland.

They were also busy recording every detail of the Top Gear Reasonably Priced Cars at Dunsfold.
Yep it's confirmed. When GT5 comes out not only will it kick every driving game ever made in the history of games - on console or PC - completely out of the window, it will be a standard setting, genre defining, tour-de-force of a game that may render everything available at the time out of date and I predict that gamers in general - not just driving game fans - will want to switch to a PS3 just for this. Will it be worth the wait? Oh yes, definetely. Forza 3, all those PC driving sims that people keep banging on about, they will curl up, bow to the master, and die a horrible death. The PS3 and GT5 will be a combination that will rule gaming for months after it's release. TAKE THAT 360 FANBOYS!!!!

And then call of duty will come out a week later and sell another 20M copies and GT5 will be forgotten by most.
Could it be possible those interiors will be optional DLC ( since DLC is more or less confirmed ) as it appears they made the decision to release the core of the game on an already fully filled BluRay disc?

I mean if a track editor is included amongst all other new features the core of the game would be a similar experience to all from the beginning leaving only optional features ( interiors, driving suits, liveries, etc. ) or upgrades to be added by choosing or buying DLC.

Don't get me wrong, I was really hoping all cars were shipped with interiors from the start ( and this is much more than just a graphical discussion as interior view is a feature, imagine all previous GT's being only playable from 3th person view and Prologue offering bumpercam for the first time, all those bumpercam-junkies would cry outrage if it was only available on 20% of the cars in GT5.....).

My point is that it may be ( hypothetically ) possible they've already included those features destined to be future DLC and decided ( by choice or forced by circumstances ) the interiors, etc. could be percieved as optional and would be added later leaving them with more space on the disc to fill with those new features which all of us are going to use and giving them time to further model all those interiors for future DLC for those ( including me ) who care ( and perhaps willing to pay unfortunately for this optional but relevant feature ).
For those who only use other views, the game as it is would probably suffice.
Graphical distinction between Premium/Standard isn't the thing really bothering me, it's the lack of similar features, read interiors ( affecting the gameplay for me ).:)
This might have deserved a new thread, but in the latest demo for F1 2010 , the Mercedes cars wern't in the game, one of the comments said that they havent allowed them yet, maybe they will be in Gran Turismo 5 , along with Red Bull ?
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Could it be possible those interiors will be optional DLC ( since DLC is more or less confirmed ) as it appears they made the decision to release the core of the game on an already fully filled BluRay disc?

I mean if a track editor is included amongst all other new features the core of the game would be a similar experience to all from the beginning leaving only optional features ( interiors, driving suits, liveries, etc. ) or upgrades to be added by choosing or buying DLC.

Don't get me wrong, I was really hoping all cars were shipped with interiors from the start ( and this is much more than just a graphical discussion as interior view is a feature, imagine all previous GT's being only playable from 3th person view and Prologue offering bumpercam for the first time, all those bumpercam-junkies would cry outrage if it was only available on 20% of the cars in GT5.....).

My point is that it may be ( hypothetically ) possible they've already included those features destined to be future DLC and decided ( by choice or forced by circumstances ) the interiors, etc. could be percieved as optional and would be added later leaving them with more space on the disc to fill with those new features which all of us are going to use and giving them time to further model all those interiors for future DLC for those ( including me ) who care ( and perhaps willing to pay unfortunately for this optional but relevant feature ).
For those who only use other views, the game as it is would probably suffice.
Graphical distinction between Premium/Standard isn't the thing really bothering me, it's the lack of similar features, read interiors ( affecting the gameplay for me ).:)

When they say "almost filled blu-ray disc" I believe they mean a single-layered one. I bet they have another layer to fill, but yeah, I'm just speculating.

And I don't know how can DLC be "more or less confirmed" when the only DLC that was brought up were a few different paintings on some cars depending on who you pre-order the game from. Exactly what happened with the GTPSP, which to this day has neither DLC nor planed DLC (aside from the pre-order one, that is now free by the way).
Could it be possible those interiors will be optional DLC ( since DLC is more or less confirmed ) as it appears they made the decision to release the core of the game on an already fully filled BluRay disc?

DLC cockpits - I doubt, rather than that they can create more premiums, witch are more important.

No.It's impossible because they can use more than one layer on blu-ray or just make one "install" blu-ray.It's not a problem AT ALL (on PS3)

(but as far as I know - ANYTHING can happen.It's PD, Japanese genius)
Could it be possible those interiors will be optional DLC ( since DLC is more or less confirmed ) as it appears they made the decision to release the core of the game on an already fully filled BluRay disc?

I mean if a track editor is included amongst all other new features the core of the game would be a similar experience to all from the beginning leaving only optional features ( interiors, driving suits, liveries, etc. ) or upgrades to be added by choosing or buying DLC.

Don't get me wrong, I was really hoping all cars were shipped with interiors from the start ( and this is much more than just a graphical discussion as interior view is a feature, imagine all previous GT's being only playable from 3th person view and Prologue offering bumpercam for the first time, all those bumpercam-junkies would cry outrage if it was only available on 20% of the cars in GT5.....).

My point is that it may be ( hypothetically ) possible they've already included those features destined to be future DLC and decided ( by choice or forced by circumstances ) the interiors, etc. could be percieved as optional and would be added later leaving them with more space on the disc to fill with those new features which all of us are going to use and giving them time to further model all those interiors for future DLC for those ( including me ) who care ( and perhaps willing to pay unfortunately for this optional but relevant feature ).
For those who only use other views, the game as it is would probably suffice.
Graphical distinction between Premium/Standard isn't the thing really bothering me, it's the lack of similar features, read interiors ( affecting the gameplay for me ).:)

I don't think so. If they couldn't fit the interiors on the disk, it would have to mean they are all pretty large files. I don't think they would make us download hundreds of MB if not GB of data as DLC.
Where was the "fully filled blu-ray disk" mentioned?

When they say "almost filled blu-ray disc" I believe they mean a single-layered one. I bet they have another layer to fill, but yeah, I'm just speculating.

And I don't know how can DLC be "more or less confirmed" when the only DLC that was brought up were a few different paintings on some cars depending on who you pre-order the game from. Exactly what happened with the GTPSP, which to this day has neither DLC nor planed DLC (aside from the pre-order one, that is now free by the way).
The game will definitely be dual layer.
I could care less about CoD. Bring on GT5!

I didn't say everyone cares about COD. GT5 will sell 10m+ copies over years, cod will do it in a couple of months.
I'm just hoping Medal of Honor doesn't keep me from GT5. PLaying the beta made me very excited for the game, even with the constant freezing.
And I don't know how can DLC be "more or less confirmed" when the only DLC that was brought up were a few different paintings on some cars depending on who you pre-order the game from. Exactly what happened with the GTPSP, which to this day has neither DLC nor planed DLC (aside from the pre-order one, that is now free by the way).

The "only DLC that was brought up" more or less confirmes DLC doesn't it?
Besides, Prologue was already updated by DLC, so they're not allergic to it.

My point was they could choose a different strategy than most driving games by not offering carpacks ( aside perhaps from newly released models or cars just finished modelling by PD ) but offering upgrades for cars already in GT5.

With Yamauchi's recently admitting those Premium models were in hindsight better suited for the PS4 it might ( again hypothetically ) be that GT5 is the only full game on the PS3 and they will support it by continuously upgrading it by offering DLC.
I don't think so. If they couldn't fit the interiors on the disk, it would have to mean they are all pretty large files. I don't think they would make us download hundreds of MB if not GB of data as DLC.
Where was the "fully filled blu-ray disk" mentioned?

Was just thinking out loud and you may be right, I've read somewhere on these pages the disc was crammed full with data already.
Might be it isn't just about space but more to do with time constriction or like I said they chose a different strategy by offering optional DLC for those who want it.
The "only DLC that was brought up" more or less confirmes DLC doesn't it?
Besides, Prologue was already updated by DLC, so they're not allergic to it.

My point was they could choose a different strategy than most driving games by not offering carpacks ( aside perhaps from newly released models or cars just finished modelling by PD ) but offering upgrades for cars already in GT5.

With Yamauchi's recently admitting those Premium models were in hindsight better suited for the PS4 it might ( again hypothetically ) be that GT5 is the only full game on the PS3 and they will support it by continuously upgrading it by offering DLC.

Yes, it confirms GTPSP-like DLC (a.k.a about 5 cars in new liveries that will likely be made free after a few months). Hardly a major DLC like the one you describe. Kaz has already shown his aversion to that kind of DLC. I don't think it's gonna happen.

Me? It's the 2D version of the game and the 3d version of the game, on the same disk. Do you think it will fit on one layer?

What ironically proves my point. Your assumptions are hardly a reliable source. The "3D version of the game" is just a bit different rendering engine. Not a whole other version of the game.