GT5 Pre-Order Bonuses?

  • Thread starter turbomp301
I'm of the different camp, but maybe it's because I'm older than the average person buying GT5 (or maybe I'm not).

I've toiled through driving the horrid little cars like the Cappuccino et. al. through the lower class races for hours on end in GT1-GT4 when I was younger, and I really have no desire to do all of that over again. That's just me, though. I'm not saying the other way is wrong, but that's just me.

If I can transfer over my credits and cars from Prologue, I'm absolutely going to do it. I spent a lot of time getting those cars, too, and I don't want to have to do it all over again.

Just my thoughts. :cool:
I'm of the different camp, but maybe it's because I'm older than the average person buying GT5 (or maybe I'm not).

I've toiled through driving the horrid little cars like the Cappuccino et. al. through the lower class races for hours on end in GT1-GT4 when I was younger, and I really have no desire to do all of that over again. That's just me, though. I'm not saying the other way is wrong, but that's just me.

If I can transfer over my credits and cars from Prologue, I'm absolutely going to do it. I spent a lot of time getting those cars, too, and I don't want to have to do it all over again.

Just my thoughts. :cool:

My thoughts exactly, though playing through the GT5P events over and over again kinda has me questioning what I'll do. I mean I'll still have to do all the license tests to be able to use the Chromeline and stealth cars so that's a bit of a grind in itself. Whatever money transfers over will be mostly spent on used cars.
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I can't seem to pre-order GT5 from Amazon anymore. It says its only available from third-party sellers, which don't offer the $10 credit or Stealth SLS. Anyone else having this issue? I'm in the US, btw.
How about...
A collectors edition with what you get now and a "Ultimate Edition" where you get a Logitech Driving Wheel with some sort of GT imagery on it
I agree that many people don't get to play the game they payed for. Of my 3 friends that have played previous GT's and will buy GT5, 2 of them have a problem getting licences and end up getting rid of the game. I say a great preorder bonus is to have a few of, or all of the licences automatically bronzed for you. Skilled racers should have no problem getting silver and will try for gold anyway, bad gamers would be able to at least enjoy the game instead of doing the same thing over and over only to get frustrated and not enjoy the different cars.

I really think this is a good idea as Gran Turismo falls into the same catagorey as the Armored Core series in that an average gamer won't be skilled enough to complete it perfectly. That is what I love about it btw.

I only tried for all gold in two GT games and got it, GT2 and GT5P.
i've pre-ordered mine with argos...will i still get a pre-order bonus or is it just amazon?

ok just seen amazon's sls deal...going to go for that i think
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I can't seem to pre-order GT5 from Amazon anymore. It says its only available from third-party sellers, which don't offer the $10 credit or Stealth SLS. Anyone else having this issue? I'm in the US, btw.

Nope, standard version gets the $10 bonus and it's available from amazon just like the CE.
I agree that many people don't get to play the game they payed for. Of my 3 friends that have played previous GT's and will buy GT5, 2 of them have a problem getting licences and end up getting rid of the game.
Doesn't stack up. If they liked the games enough, they would be more than capable of getting the lowest grade to pass each licence, and failing that, cheating on those games with a cheat disc was easy enough to get all golds to progress. Plus, if they got rid of the games because they found them too difficult, why are they buying GT5? Besides, whose fault is it that they don't get to play the game they paid for? SONYs? PDs? No, of course not. It's theirs, and theirs only.
I think it should be possible for almost everyone to reach bronze in the license tests.
Thats enough to compete in all races, you don't need gold to play the game.
I think it should be possible for almost everyone to reach bronze in the license tests.
Thats enough to compete in all races, you don't need gold to play the game.
Try telling that to the trophy whores who will not be happy unless they get gold on all of them!
Try telling that to the trophy whores who will not be happy unless they get gold on all of them!

I'm no trophy whore regarding the usual PS3 trophies as I couldn't care less about those but although golding the licence tests in GT-games is optional I do need to gold them eventually, and you get a nice reward in the form of an otherwise unobtainable car unlike the PS3 trophies which are for bragging rights only it appears.
I'm no trophy whore regarding the usual PS3 trophies as I couldn't care less about those but although golding the licence tests in GT-games is optional I do need to gold them eventually, and you get a nice reward in the form of an otherwise unobtainable car unlike the PS3 trophies which are for bragging rights only it appears.
Trophy whore was maybe the wrong choice of words as I meant it in relation to the licences only. Trophies are indeed for bragging rights only, but then so is getting all gold licences in a way. Any bonus car could be had by cheating, so there is really no need to gold other than for self-satisfaction or the right to boast to friends and people on forums. I'm sure a gold trophy will await those manage such an achievement too.
Trophy whore was maybe the wrong choice of words as I meant it in relation to the licences only. Trophies are indeed for bragging rights only, but then so is getting all gold licences in a way. Any bonus car could be had by cheating, so there is really no need to gold other than for self-satisfaction or the right to boast to friends and people on forums. I'm sure a gold trophy will await those manage such an achievement too.

Agree, although self-satisfaction and feeling smug to have achieved it plus the bonus cars are pretty much all the incentives I need.;)
Part of the enjoyment of any game for me is the fact it's sometimes challenging to achieve something, the other one being relaxed afterwards and able to play the game purely for entertainment.
It might sound sado ( or saddo ) to like that but there you go, although the fact I've golded all licences before ( boasting mode on ) doesn't mean I will in GT5.
Any bonus car could be had by cheating, so there is really no need to gold other than for self-satisfaction or the right to boast to friends and people on forums. I'm sure a gold trophy will await those manage such an achievement too.
Some of us realize that when you cheat you only cheat yourself.

But then I grew up on games like Donkey Kong and Mega Man.
Some of us realize that when you cheat you only cheat yourself.

But then I grew up on games like Donkey Kong and Mega Man.
Some of you are a bit naive then aren't you?

I too grew up with games like Donkey Kong and Mega Man, but I got married, started a family, you know...stuff that means I don't have the time or inclination I did when I was young and living with my parents.

Games for me are now just a bit of fun, not some serious social religion where you have to conform to other peoples ideals. I'll work through the whole career mode over a few weeks/months, and no doubt only get the odd gold, a few silver and mostly bronze medals in the licence tests. However, over the course of the game there will be loads of cars I have not driven, nor can necessarily afford. So, being that it's my game that I paid for with my own money, and I play it the way I choose to, I see absolutely no problem in downloading a game save or opening up the game some other way in order to experience all of the fruits of Kaz's labour.

You might see that as cheating, I just see that as me using common sense to experience as much of the game as I can without needing to dedicate hundreds of hours to it. Those who want to go ahead and get gold on all licences for the bragging rights and rewards, that's great, I'm happy for them. Personally, I don't have the skill or the time to do so. Crucially, nor do I care that I don't have the skill or the time. Like I said, it's my game being played by me in my PS3, so however I choose to play it is right by me. So, how can that be cheating myself?
^ Got a kick out of your post :)

I'm certainly not the same person I was with my PS1 in my bedroom of my parents house lol. Have my own house now, am married, and turned 30 this year :)

I don't get as much play time as I did in the old days, sigh ... but I have much nicer toys now!
I think it should be possible for almost everyone to reach bronze in the license tests.
Thats enough to compete in all races, you don't need gold to play the game.

I totally agree and find it amazing that my two friends can't get bronze. This time around I might just do it for them.

I don't get as much play time as I did in the old days, sigh ... but I have much nicer toys now!
Better toys, less time. Interesting trade we all experience. Personally I'd be happy if my biggest problem was just getting a cookie.

Back on topic: how about a discount on a Driving Force GT seeing it's the official wheel. After you go wheel you don't go back.
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^ Got a kick out of your post :)

I'm certainly not the same person I was with my PS1 in my bedroom of my parents house lol. Have my own house now, am married, and turned 30 this year :)

I don't get as much play time as I did in the old days, sigh ... but I have much nicer toys now!
Exactly! All being well, they will keep on getting better and better for you 👍|25429|25532|87844&N=4044562&Mo=61&pos=3&No=2&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=87844&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&ec=BC-EC11739-Cat25532&topnav=&SessionID=766af9d5-32b2-42ff-9997-9aa1bf0437ca

Hey, this might be old news, but it is new news to me...

I see that Costco in the U.S. is selling GT5 standard version but the preorder does not come with any bonuses. However, according to their website you can get GT5 for $54.99USD shipping and handling included.

And I noticed that they must have made an error on the release date? It says the game is being released on October 27, 2010.

Anyway...I thought this information might be useful for some. I plan to gift a copy of GT5 (standard version) to my friend and I can save a few bucks if I order it through Costco.
I ordered the CE at Gamestop a few weeks ago. I want that F1!! The Gamestop NASCAR race car will be pretty sweet too though. The chromeline cars are alright I guess but that McLaren is what I have my eyes on.
I was wondering if any of you have ordered GT5 off Does anyone know what Stealth cars they are offering?
I've currently ordered from HMV due to NSX Stealth but ShopTo is cheaper.
I was wondering if any of you have ordered GT5 off Does anyone know what Stealth cars they are offering?
I've currently ordered from HMV due to NSX Stealth but ShopTo is cheaper.

If they don't mention any bonuses on the site, they most likely don't have any.
Hello, long time lurker first post.
I am thinking that with the pre order bonus codes that you get emailed too you why not post the codes up here and then it does not matter what pre order bouns you get. We can all get the bonus cars.