GT5 Pre-Order Bonuses?

  • Thread starter turbomp301
Collectors Edition : the game ,Apex ,dynamic theme,chrome line cars, 5 car cards ( where is the Nissan GT-R ????????????pls give anyone a answer becasue after E3 PD said that we get a 1:43 car if we buy the Collectors edition )

E3 annouced the SCEA package for the US/CAN, which is not related to the SCEE package recently announced for Europe/AU/NZ. No there is not a 1:43 scale Nissan GTR in the European collectors edition.
E3 annouced the SCEA package for the US/CAN, which is not related to the SCEE package recently announced for Europe/AU/NZ. No there is not a 1:43 scale Nissan GTR in the European collectors edition.

1.thanks for your informations 👍
2.but this is really unfair because we pay the same price for the collectors edition but we don#t get a 1:43 car
i hate that there are differences between amazon and hmv
iam confused can anyone pls make a list
Normal version : only the game right ?
Collectors Edition : the game ,Apex ,dynamic theme,chrome line cars, 5 car cards ( where is the Nissan GT-R ????????????pls give anyone a answer becasue after E3 PD said that we get a 1:43 car if we buy the Collectors edition )
Signature Edition:all things what we saw :D

if we pre order GT5 we get a Stealth Model car ,is the normal car in gt5 ?
like a normal SLS or Audi V10 ?
It's quite simple really:

- With the Signature Edition, you get everything, all 11 bonus cars etc.
- With the Collectors Edition (in the UK anyway) you only get whatever is in that package, no stealth car pre-order bonuses. The Nissan GT-R is exclusive to the US)
- With the Standard Edition you get two of the six stealth cars depending on where you pre-order from. In the UK, we have Amazon, Play and HMV.

Personally I've pre-ordered the CE from Play, and am considering ordering three standard copies, one each from Amazon, Play and HMV in order to get all six stealth cars as well. I'll just return the three standard copies unopened under the distance selling rules. OK, postage will cost a few quid versus the stealth cars probably being free DLC later on, but at least I'll have them all day one. To answer your question, all of these cars will almost certainly be on every game disc, and simply unlocked with a code. Other than that, they are souped up versions of the standard cars they are based on with better handling, more power etc.,and as such are worth having IMO.

I've contemplated the Signature Edition and have had it in the basket of Gameplay several times now, but I just can't bring myself to drop 150 notes on something were I'm really only bothered about the game itself and DLC.

Hmmm, I suppose I could just order the Signature Edition and sell everything apart from the game and car codes...
i wouldnt worry about what cars you get, im pretty sure they;ll all be available on the ps store at some point
i wouldnt worry about what cars you get, im pretty sure they;ll all be available on the ps store at some point
True, but for a lot of people it's not a matter of what cars they get, it's a matter of when. They will all become paid or free DLC at some point I'm sure, but can people wait? I know I can't! :)
(The signature edition might arrive on release and not before due to it being quite a large package!)

Actually, if you look at the sigedition picture with all the contents laid out, the tin can box that everything fits inside, is maybe 3-4 times bigger than the GT5 game box. Then maybe another 4-5" in depth. It's pretty small actually.
good i hate waiting till the afternoon for the delivery van. my postmans a legend, if he can put it on his bike he will, unlike some others
Gryzor , thanks now i know everything :D
I don't know which version i should buy , CE or SE mhhhh
If i would get a 1:43 car in europe ( CE ) i would buy it but we don't get a 1:43 car :( that is really unfair

after a long time waiting for the realase i don't know which version i should buy hehe :D
I will wait for the prices in Germany (if the CE will be ~80-90 euros i will buy it if not i will buy the Signature editon :D then i have everythign )
Or you could just buy the CE and then go find the same die cast car and buy it separately.
That's probably easier said than done without paying some huge price on Ebay.
That's probably easier said than done without paying some huge price on Ebay.

The orange SLS, I'm assuming, will not be exclusive to just GT5. If it is, the same car with different colors can be ought elsewhere, just like the GT-R from the US CE seems to be available.
LOL, buy yourself a 1:43 shuco SLS, same car as the exclusive, put on your own GT5 paint job and the car is more exclusive than these pumpkins. Problem solved. They will not be collectors items so what difference does it make? Just to be able to say you have a GT5 die cast?
The man said all he wanted is the die cast and it would be silly for him to pay $200 more for just that.
Anybody remember the 90's obsession with Beanie Babies? My little sister had them, would always demand the little things for any possible present, and had some book talking about "estimated worth", in 5, or 10 years. This book was published by the same company producing them, and oh look, many of them had outrageous claims of being worth hundreds of dollars. Some even suggested four-digit returns. How could she not want them, these things could pay for her schooling once she was old enough?!

...a quick look on eBay shows me how that panned out.

It's the same with these "exclusive" items. I'm getting the NTSC CE, sure; because I collect a few diecast car models anyways. But I'm not fooling myself into believing these things are going to be worth any more than what I'm paying for them down the line. There will always be a few fanatics who insist they're worth their weight in gold, and will pay that (as so many have proven on here with their rush to pay for the SE), just like my quick search on eBay did show a handful of stuffed animals hovering near $100.

I don't imagine there will be a lot of orange SLS or stealth GT-R's flooding eBay upon release, for stupidly high prices; people who want them will pre-order, so there won't be much of a market for resellers. PD are smart business people though; charge a ridiculous markup for this "exclusive" SE package, and rake in the profits. That prize SLS is probably paid for just through the SE price of entry alone.
LOL, buy yourself a 1:43 shuco SLS, same car as the exclusive, put on your own GT5 paint job and the car is more exclusive than these pumpkins. Problem solved.
You are right. Let me just run down to Walmart and pick up a professional quality painting machine and I can have a whole paddock of GT themed die cast cars.

Wow, anyone who is a big fan of Gran Turismo and would like a GT themed die cast model car would be an idiot to buy one of these editions when they can just paint one themselves.

They will not be collectors items so what difference does it make? Just to be able to say you have a GT5 die cast?
You know, some people don't collect die cast but want this one just because it is a GT5 die cast. Just like my friend has a replica Lancer from Gears of War, or some people have Force FX Lightsabers, or the original theater quality posters of their favorite movies, or replica jerseys from their favorite sports teams. People often collect things that represent the items of culture that reflect their personality, but have no value outside their home. and 99% of the time it will sit on a shelf, hang on a wall or whatever, and they never mention it unless someone notices it and asks.

The man said all he wanted is the die cast and it would be silly for him to pay $200 more for just that.
I never said it wouldn't be.
I noticed that gamestop has a minnor detail that is incorrect about its pre order cars, which is that the #20 gamestop Nascar isnt a Nationwide series car, and that it's actually a sprint cup series car...
Gryzor , thanks now i know everything :D
I don't know which version i should buy , CE or SE mhhhh
If i would get a 1:43 car in europe ( CE ) i would buy it but we don't get a 1:43 car :( that is really unfair

after a long time waiting for the realase i don't know which version i should buy hehe :D
I will wait for the prices in Germany (if the CE will be ~80-90 euros i will buy it if not i will buy the Signature editon :D then i have everythign )
The SE version will be more than twice the price of the CE version regardless of where you are in Europe. So, you have a decision to make!

Is it worth all that money just to get all six stealth cars in one go? Do you really want that model car?

I suppose you could always buy the SE version, take from it the pieces you want and then sell the rest on eBay.
Just pre ordered the collectors edition from amazon in the uk. It didn't say what cars will be included, is it the mclaren f1/787b? Also, never pre ordered online before, will they take payment when it's despatched? Have I pre ordered from the best place? If there are any better deals with the cars etc, or a better online shop to buy from based on experience, please let me know!!
i have pre ordered CE edition from play. i want the GTR and thye SLS

i would like the NSX GT500 but ah well, not this time.

can anyone confirm that u get stealth cars with the Collectors Ed. pre order? play and amazon cannot confirm this, i called them to ask.
i have pre ordered CE edition from play. i want the GTR and thye SLS

i would like the NSX GT500 but ah well, not this time.

can anyone confirm that u get stealth cars with the Collectors Ed. pre order? play and amazon cannot confirm this, i called them to ask.
No, you do not get any stealth cars with pre-orders of the Collectors Edition from either Amazon or Play.
Do I get stealth cars with the pre-order of the CE? The UK GT site says I should, but no word from the US GT site.
Do I get stealth cars with the pre-order of the CE? The UK GT site says I should, but no word from the US GT site.

The GT site has no say in it as far as I'm aware. Go to whichever retailer you're getting the game from and they'll tell you. As far as I have see, you get the bonus car with both versions.
Do I get stealth cars with the pre-order of the CE? The UK GT site says I should, but no word from the US GT site.

For the U.S. you get the five chromeline cars. Plus who ever you pre-order from gives you one or two of the black cars.
Do I get stealth cars with the pre-order of the CE? The UK GT site says I should, but no word from the US GT site.
In the US it would seem that you do get bonus cars with the pre-order of the CE. Not so in the UK, or so it would seem at the moment.