Whether it is scientific fact or not does not even have any bearing on it:
Yeah, sure, unless you're using it in an argument.

You guys and your goofy colored fonts...
The majority vote does not make you right. The majority of people enjoying something does not translate to it being objectively superior and it does not strip the minority of their right to dislike whatever it is we are talking about.
THAT is an entirely different matter, and while some have tried to shout down one side or the other, I'm unaware of anyone suddenly taking on mod powers and keeping you from stating your case. I see your purple text kind of all over this thread, non?
But to your point, you might as well drop that line of argument. You, Simon/Samus, Tornado, whoever, for one simple reason.
There is NO scientifically, entymologically or whatever systematic method to ascertain discreetly and universally what is "good." You have nothing more than this, as to how it relates to your argument, courtesy of
good [good] adjective
1. morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; pious: a good man.
2. satisfactory in quality, quantity, or degree: a good teacher; good health.
3. of high quality; excellent.
4. right; proper; fit: It is good that you are here. His credentials are good.
And it runs on for 40-plus more increasingly irrelevant definitions. And this is MY point. It is irrelevant what you think of something in the context of how someone else relates to and enjoys something. Especially when this concerns millions of people. This isn't like discussing whether the Earth is flat or water wet. This is a matter of personal preference, enjoyment, and belief, which has no discreet measurable and definable quantum.
Take any game example. If one million people say a game is good, and you have one hundred who insist it isnt... well, one side is wrong. You may be huffy and offended if you can point out things you don't like as mortally offensive and crimes against nature, but you're on your own if the mob don't care.
Take your McDonald's example. Suppose you went into a Mickie D's and started telling people there that they were nuts for eating there, because the food available anywhere else was better. I can see the scene, and the quaint resulting aftermath.

The reason you would be completely out of line is because people eat McD's fast food for all the reasons you know full well. They want something right now. They want something remotely cheap. Many even like it. NO ONE keeps going to a food joint they think is bad, or bad value. Especially not by the millions.
Take that lovely NFS example. Sure, many of us here consider it a bad series. It's kind of a joke around here. Millions of people don't agree, like it, and keep buying it. Because they don't play it for the same reasons we play whatever racer. It doesn't matter that it's "lame" street racing, or the physics are off, the sounds inaccurate, there are no rules or black flags or whatever. That stuff is irrelevant to those who want to enjoy that kind of experience. We don't like it, and the consensus here is quite a bit different from the "Needers." Well, different strokes, what else can you say?
And of course, this brings us to the lovely, heartwarming, celebration of community and life known as Gran Turismo.
You almost act like your earthshaking proclamations about it have never been heard before. Never discussed here. Well, we have heard it all before. The physics are wrong. The sounds are wrong. The A.I. is the worst in the history of video games. The Standard cars and tracks are crimes against the multiverse. Hello! Old news. Yes, we still debate these matters because that's what humans do in communities, like this one. And we fight sometimes like cats and dogs because in almost every area, we disagree on how good or bad some aspect is. Because "good" and "bad" are perceptual and opinion driven, as the Dictionary.com definition indicates, and humans are not in harmony on the boundaries. Look, almost everyone agrees that the physics in GT5 aren't perfect. Some things are off. The sounds on a multitude of cars aren't accurate. For some, the level of badness is intolerable. For others, the level of goodness is just fine.
Who's right? This is my answer.
You may not like the reality of the situation, but that's the way it is. Have fun griping. Just don't be surprised if not everyone agrees with you. They don't agree with me all the time either, and somehow I still sleep at night.