Some people just can't stand to play GT5 because of the sound quality. I think they're nuts.
Talk about insisting that your standards are universal.
Okay, what are YOU talking about? I have no clue. Let's expand my point out to deal with games in general, of any category.
Some people just can't stand to play (some game) because of (some issue which displeases them).
Hey, it's not our job to love every game on the market. We buy what we like. But taken to its LOGICAL conclusion, what do you end up with? Let's say racing games as a category.
Gamer A has i Race Harder, and no other.
Gamer B has Grand Touring Polyphony 17. Nothing else.
Gamer C has Forizmo 69, just that.
Gamer D has Love Of Speed: Skylines Unleashed. That's all.
Etc. And they all fight like cats and dogs because Gamer A insists that the other racers have too much pink in their liveries, so they are ghay. Gamer B contends that the safety vehicles in the other games aren't accurate, so they blow pot smoke. And so on.
And suppose all the games on the market have something awesome sauce that the picky will never experience because they're too busy being anal about something. I don't care that some people just have THE BEST racer (to them), or THE BEST action-adventure game (to them) etc, but does that even seem... I dunno, sensible? I guess they spend less money than me, but then I'm a gamer. I love games. I love cars. I want cars. Lots of cars. Gimme those cars.
Clear enough, your honor?
I'm very sorry, but you're the Don Quijote of GTPlanet, it seems. Dang it, man, these are windmills you're attacking, not giants!
If you say so boss. Me, I'm just a lawnmower. You can tell me by the way I walk.
Oh yeah, one quick edit I forgot.
I for one think the graphics are fine (for premium cars of course)
Err... I hope you mean "aside from the shadow maps and particle effect jaggies," because those are pretty oogly. I think even objectively, those are something we can all agree need to be fixed in GT6. The shadow maps may be the toughest one, because, as I just learned a few moths ago, shadows are textures. I thought they dropped that technique back in the move to PS2 and XBox, but I see not. And that requires ram, and PS3 has this huge chasm dividing system ram and graphic ram, with some fast but narrow bridges spanning it...
Meh, I'm tired and hungry. Wanna eat 'n race me some GT5 before bed.