GT6 News Discussion

  • Thread starter Matty
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Would you like to make a wager on that?:sly: I figure he or they will be along shortly:)

No, there's always one in every crowd.
Or possibly more than one in this case.

Perhaps I should edit that to say, " dispute that with a straight face". :lol:

Whoops, the processor doubled up on me
I have no intention of answering it seriously, but I expect that GT5 being "below standard" in the general perception has more to do with extrapolation than any real objective measure. That humans cannot fathom that the universe is not linear has repeatedly been their downfall in the past.

Still, some areas were better in GT5 than they've ever been (physics, graphics etc.) and many others were not - most things were more or less the same (but extrapolation dictates that things improve consistently!).

I guess it depends on what is important to you.
most things were more or less the same

I don't think you spared the extrapolation in that comment.
Did you play any prior GT games?

(but extrapolation dictates that things improve consistently!).

If that was improvement, I think I may prefer diminishment.

I guess it depends on what is important to you.

Imagine that, we do agree on something.
I don't think you spared the extrapolation in that comment.
Did you play any prior GT games?

If that was improvement, I think I may prefer diminishment.

Imagine that, we do agree on something.

Wait, where did I say there were improvements for that "diminishment" comment of yours? That was sarcasm based on the simple-minded expectation of always "more-more-more". Nothing really to do with games, although it's obviously wrapped up into it.

Anyway. The Standards were the same. The sound samples were the same. The tuning was broadly the same, esp. setups. Etc. What makes these unacceptable is the expectation of improvement. Just an observation.

But I did say I wasn't looking to answer this seriously. ;)
Wait, where did I say there were improvements for that "diminishment" comment of yours?

You didn't, how about this:
Still, some areas were better in GT5 than they've ever been .
Exactly what is better supposed to imply.

That was sarcasm based on the simple-minded expectation of always "more-more-more". Nothing really to do with games, although it's obviously wrapped up into it.

If that expectation is present, PD helped breed and cultivated it with the games as well as comments at times.
Spending almost 6 years in developement, certainly didn't help either.

Anyway. The Standards were the same. The sound samples were the same. The tuning was broadly the same, esp. setups. Etc. What makes these unacceptable is the expectation of improvement. Just an observation.

The sames you mention are secondary to me, although practically no improvement in the sound area was borderline inexcusable.
In the primary areas we got "less-less-less".

But I did say I wasn't looking to answer this seriously. ;)

You didn't, how about this:

Exactly what is better supposed to imply.

If that expectation is present, PD helped breed and cultivated it with the games as well as comments at times.
Spending almost 6 years in developement, certainly didn't help either.

The sames you mention are secondary to me, although practically no improvement in the sound area was borderline inexcusable.
In the primary areas we got "less-less-less".


Honestly, you set a trap, and now you're just going to beat up on anything that wanders into it?

You have absolutely no idea what I was trying to say, and you don't deserve my time to explain it to you.
Honestly, you set a trap, and now you're just going to beat up on anything that wanders into it?

You have absolutely no idea what I was trying to say, and you don't deserve my time to explain it to you.

Just for the record, you set your own trap and then stepped in it.

As to the rest, if thats what you prefer, good day.
Just for the record, you set your own trap and then stepped in it.

As to the rest, if thats what you prefer, good day.

No, I'm pretty sure you were recoiling against what you thought (or hoped, based on your little trap: "nobody could dispute that") I was saying, and not what I was actually saying - which wasn't even serious in the first place.

But you can continue to attempt to retain whatever bravado you think you have all the same. "Good day" indeed... :rolleyes:
I have no intention of answering it seriously, but I expect that GT5 being "below standard" in the general perception has more to do with extrapolation than any real objective measure. That humans cannot fathom that the universe is not linear has repeatedly been their downfall in the past.

Still, some areas were better in GT5 than they've ever been (physics, graphics etc.) and many others were not - most things were more or less the same (but extrapolation dictates that things improve consistently!).

I guess it depends on what is important to you.

Improvement of all consumer goods over time is the norm, not the exception. To virtually stand still for a decade on a core element of your product and be able to survive let alone thrive, while others around you move forward in some areas that you supposedly compete in is bordering unique. The universe is irrelevant in this case, we're talking about consumer goods.
Improvement of all consumer goods over time is the norm, not the exception. To virtually stand still for a decade on a core element of your product and be able to survive let alone thrive, while others around you move forward in some areas that you supposedly compete in is bordering unique. The universe is irrelevant in this case, we're talking about consumer goods.
He actually made a point about that. You're using it for two different cases though.

And he's actually using it to point out that GT5 wasn't thee improvement that was expected. Hence, extrapolation?

I have no intention of answering it seriously, but I expect that GT5 being "below standard" in the general perception has more to do with extrapolation than any real objective measure. That humans cannot fathom that the universe is not linear has repeatedly been their downfall in the past.

Still, some areas were better in GT5 than they've ever been (physics, graphics etc.) and many others were not - most things were more or less the same (but extrapolation dictates that things improve consistently!).

I guess it depends on what is important to you.
Improvement of all consumer goods over time is the norm, not the exception. To virtually stand still for a decade on a core element of your product and be able to survive let alone thrive, while others around you move forward in some areas that you supposedly compete in is bordering unique. The universe is irrelevant in this case, we're talking about consumer goods.

Yeah, sure. It was a joke. The universe is not irrelevant; just because most people's universe is consumer goods, does not mean that the broader lessons are unimportant.

I share everyone's frustrations that my own personal ticklist of "necessary" improvements isn't addressed in every game I play. But we are beginning to approach the point where some areas will start to offer diminishing returns. Then what for our linear friends in better faster stronger land? How do we reconcile that things are no longer improving as they once were?

I know that doesn't apply to most of GT5, but I thought it was interesting in and of itself.
Maybe it's the turnaround time between GT5 and GT6 that has me concerned. Maybe what is strange to realize is that GT5 came out in November 2010, and here we are at about August 2013. Is Gran Turismo 6 going to seem like an upgraded GT5 or a completely different GT? And what will GT6 provide to fill the disappointing elements of GT5? Something just tells me that GT6 probably won't be as huge an improvement or as huge of a title to really offset the sting of GT5's misses. I'm skeptical for the most part, but I am still very much interested in GT6 moving forward.

Well said man. I'm right there with you. I'd say I'm very cautiously optimistic.

Cautious, because GT5 had it's shortcomings as we all know and that they seem to be touting the adaptive tesselation a lot. I for one think the graphics are fine (for premium cars of course) but they should instead be focusing on user feedback - and maybe they are?

But I am optimistic in that they may have listened to some of the things we want changed/improved. And now that they've been working with the PS3 so long, there shouldn't be any delay *fingers crossed*.

What happen'd to P4/5 thread? I can't find it anymore. Strange.
I was replying to Samus about GTR3, I post it here temporarily.
Because it's not news, it's just an assumption. Simbin have not confirmed one way or another if GTR3 is cancelled.
They moved ALL the content shown for GTR3 to R3E.
Last news on Virtualr is dated March 11th, 2012. There is no marketing interest by SimBin in officially confirming GTR3 to be cancelled, but at this stage, we can safely assume either it's vaporware or GTR3 just changed name to "Race Room Racing Experience" and it's going to be F2P.
Some people just can't stand to play GT5 because of the sound quality. I think they're nuts.
Talk about insisting that your standards are universal.
Okay, what are YOU talking about? I have no clue. Let's expand my point out to deal with games in general, of any category.

Some people just can't stand to play (some game) because of (some issue which displeases them).
Hey, it's not our job to love every game on the market. We buy what we like. But taken to its LOGICAL conclusion, what do you end up with? Let's say racing games as a category.

Gamer A has i Race Harder, and no other.

Gamer B has Grand Touring Polyphony 17. Nothing else.

Gamer C has Forizmo 69, just that.

Gamer D has Love Of Speed: Skylines Unleashed. That's all.

Etc. And they all fight like cats and dogs because Gamer A insists that the other racers have too much pink in their liveries, so they are ghay. Gamer B contends that the safety vehicles in the other games aren't accurate, so they blow pot smoke. And so on.

And suppose all the games on the market have something awesome sauce that the picky will never experience because they're too busy being anal about something. I don't care that some people just have THE BEST racer (to them), or THE BEST action-adventure game (to them) etc, but does that even seem... I dunno, sensible? I guess they spend less money than me, but then I'm a gamer. I love games. I love cars. I want cars. Lots of cars. Gimme those cars. :D

Clear enough, your honor?

I'm very sorry, but you're the Don Quijote of GTPlanet, it seems. Dang it, man, these are windmills you're attacking, not giants!
If you say so boss. Me, I'm just a lawnmower. You can tell me by the way I walk. ;)

Oh yeah, one quick edit I forgot.

I for one think the graphics are fine (for premium cars of course)
Err... I hope you mean "aside from the shadow maps and particle effect jaggies," because those are pretty oogly. I think even objectively, those are something we can all agree need to be fixed in GT6. The shadow maps may be the toughest one, because, as I just learned a few moths ago, shadows are textures. I thought they dropped that technique back in the move to PS2 and XBox, but I see not. And that requires ram, and PS3 has this huge chasm dividing system ram and graphic ram, with some fast but narrow bridges spanning it...

Meh, I'm tired and hungry. Wanna eat 'n race me some GT5 before bed.
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Well said man. I'm right there with you. I'd say I'm very cautiously optimistic.

I can't think of a better expectative description.
Although admittedly, I seem to waver between that, and outright pessimism.

GT5 was such a shocker, at least to me, it is difficult to contemplate with any degree of confidence,
that GT6 will be a return to excellence, and that intangible GT magic.
Um, I'm just going to treat GT5 as PD's failure and assume that GT6 will be a far better game, maybe not as good as GT3 or GT4, but still a great game.
Maybe it's the turnaround time between GT5 and GT6 that has me concerned. Maybe what is strange to realize is that GT5 came out in November 2010, and here we are at about August 2013. Is Gran Turismo 6 going to seem like an upgraded GT5 or a completely different GT? And what will GT6 provide to fill the disappointing elements of GT5? Something just tells me that GT6 probably won't be as huge an improvement or as huge of a title to really offset the sting of GT5's misses. I'm skeptical for the most part, but I am still very much interested in GT6 moving forward.
Perfectly reasonable.

Um, I'm just going to treat GT5 as PD's failure and assume that GT6 will be a far better game, maybe not as good as GT3 or GT4, but still a great game.
Reasonable, but I don't think of GT5 nearly as much as their failure as much as I think it was a stepping stone to GT6.

Also, people need to stop bringing up the 6-year-long-development argument when some people can finish (American) high school in two years (yeah, I said it). There's more to it, but why explain it further?

I can't think of a better expectative description.
Although admittedly, I seem to waver between that, and outright pessimism.

GT5 was such a shocker, at least to me, it is difficult to contemplate with any degree of confidence,
that GT6 will be a return to excellence, and that intangible GT magic.

Yes everyone should quit “whining” and just pretend the game is perfect, like a good little brainwashed zombie.

cough cough...

I raise you one "Contentess" chip to your "Whining" chip.
Perfectly reasonable.

Also, people need to stop bringing up the 6-year-long-development argument when some people can finish (American) high school in two years (yeah, I said it). There's more to it, but why explain it further?

I can see why people still bring it up as it's the longest time I've seen a game take to make, but then again; GT5 wasn't the only game PD developed within those 6 years (Tourist Trophy, Gran Turismo PSP, GT5P, & GTHD).

On another note; I'm really looking forward to more news about GT6 at gamescom.
Um, I'm just going to treat GT5 as PD's failure and assume that GT6 will be a far better game, maybe not as good as GT3 or GT4, but still a great game.

This. I'm not going to assume just one game was a failure, the next one will continue in that same path. I'm confident that GT6 will at least be a much better game than GT5, that's for sure.
I've been called that before. Maybe I should be Don Zombixote. :lol:
Damn it :(. I kept re-editing it, I forgot to add the "N" in "ness" so that it would be content"ness". Damn the quotations. I damn them. Damn it...
This might have been posted already but is this the 2011 Megane Renault Sport Trophy that is listed on the Gamestop pre-order list?


That looks like GT to me but the article is from June 14th, 2011
Does that mean I am playing poker with "a good little brainwashed zombie". :lol:

I repeat...
Maybe it's the turnaround time between GT5 and GT6 that has me concerned. Maybe what is strange to realize is that GT5 came out in November 2010, and here we are at about August 2013. Is Gran Turismo 6 going to seem like an upgraded GT5 or a completely different GT? And what will GT6 provide to fill the disappointing elements of GT5? Something just tells me that GT6 probably won't be as huge an improvement or as huge of a title to really offset the sting of GT5's misses. I'm skeptical for the most part, but I am still very much interested in GT6 moving forward.
Perfectly reasonable.

Um, I'm just going to treat GT5 as PD's failure and assume that GT6 will be a far better game, maybe not as good as GT3 or GT4, but still a great game.
Reasonable, but I don't think of GT5 nearly as much as their failure as much as I think it was a stepping stone to GT6.

Also, people need to stop bringing up the 6-year-long-development argument when some people can finish (American) high school in two years (yeah, I said it). There's more to it, but why explain it further?

I can't think of a better expectative description.
Although admittedly, I seem to waver between that, and outright pessimism.

GT5 was such a shocker, at least to me, it is difficult to contemplate with any degree of confidence,
that GT6 will be a return to excellence, and that intangible GT magic.

Yes everyone should quit “whining” and just pretend the game is perfect, like a good little brainwashed zombie.

cough cough...

I raise you one "Contentess" chip to your "Whining" chip.

Does that mean I am playing poker with "a good little brainwashed zombie". :lol:
Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy!
You're not! You're just sassy! Yes you are! Yes you are!

hehe haha ha haaa!

Good luck trying to counteract a good boy puppy dog reply.
Oh how can I ignore that. Dogs can't shuffle cards. What are you, crazy!!! ha haaaaaaaaaa

Excuse me, where are my manners...

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How can anyone think that 6 years should be a "normal" development time for an established and competitive franchise!
Well, I think GT5 took 5-6 years to be made since not only were PD trying to make a decent physics engine, but they also made 2 games during those 6 years between 4 and 5. There was Tourist Trophy and GTPSP as well as a few different GT demos (GTHD, GT5P, GT5TT Demo, GTVision). I just wanted to point that out, sorry.
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