- 8,725
Thanks for the detailed explaination. Let me simplify all the other responses I made about chicanes into 2 separate bullet points...
- I don't care why chicanes exist and what their purpose is.
- I hate chicanes and tend to dislike tracks that have chicanes and that will never change.
- I don't care that you hate chicanes and choose to remain ignorant (assuming by "don't care" you mean "don't care to know")
- I think chicane design should be treated the same way as any other (set of) corner(s).
Samus: I hate arbitrary definitions. How quick is "quick"? Ascari probably doesn't count, but it is a chicane in the literal, pop / common-sense definition offered previously (which makes no mention of quickness of succession, because a chicane doesn't strictly have to be a succession of anything, by "definition").
machschnel: Yes, that's the point.